Selina opens her eyes, and smiles at Bruce, watching as he slowly pulls away from their kiss. Her heart is fluttering all kinds in her chest, and she's thankful for the dark lighting in the room as she feels her face heat up. Bruce is still so close and blinking lazily up at her.
"You're welcome," She says, trying to seem unaffected by his kiss, "Why do you think he's so obsessed with you?"
"Jeremiah said all it takes is one bad day to drive a person insane," Bruce sits up, staring down at his lap looking defeated, "I wonder if my parents dying made me a little insane. Maybe he sensed that. Maybe he wanted to bring it out."
Selina studies him, wanting to bring him back to the mood when they kissed, and tells him with pride, "Well you proved him wrong."
Bruce turns towards her, a smile twitching at the corner of his lips, "Ya. With your help."
Selina doesn't argue with him. They sit there for a moment staring at each other, and she catches his eyes darting down at her lips, which only widens her smile. "We'll get him, Bruce," She whispers softly, her fingers playing with the ends of his hair at the nape of his neck. She watches him visibly relax, the way he leans back into the couch and presses her fingers further into his hair. His hands have been resting on her knees and his fingers start to play with the loose threads of her ripped jeans. This has been the closest they've ever been, she muses, not just physically but their connection. She's always pulled away whenever they got even remotely as close they are now. She's always been afraid to open herself fully to someone. Bruce was different though. Even when she felt like she needed to put walls up around herself, Bruce always found a way to tear them down, every time.
Bruce's eyes had been closed while she played with his hair, but he opens them suddenly and turns to look behind her, his eyes wide. Selina freezes for a second before she whips her head around to look behind her. There's no one there. Looking back at Bruce she sees that he looks confused. "Bruce? What is it?" She asks urgently, feeling tense. What just happened?
Selina lifts her legs off him and tucks them beneath her so she could shift closer. He's still glancing over her shoulder like he expects someone to be there, and she can't help but look over her shoulder as well, picking up on his paranoia. Focusing back on Bruce she lifts her hands slowly to not startle him and cups his cheeks gently, pulling his attention on her, just like she did back at that warehouse.
"Bruce, look at me," She waits for him to lock eyes with her before continuing, "There's no one there, it's just you and me. You're safe here." She brushes her thumbs over his cheek soothingly. Selina watches as his eyes clear, there must be still trace amounts of Scarecrow's poison in his system, she realizes. "Should I get Alfred?" She asks him quietly.
"No. It's fine, I thought I saw-" Again he glances behind her as if making sure he wasn't wrong before his eyes flick back at her, "I thought I saw someone," He mumbles. Selina can only guess who he hallucinated. Jeremiah. Her heart sinks for him, he's really had a terrible day. Threading her fingers through his hair she brings him forward to rest her forehead against his. "I won't let him hurt you." She whispers to him and she feels the tension release from him. On impulse she leans closer and presses her lips against his, softly and briefly before pulling away. But what she meant to be only a sweet chaste kiss, Bruce decides he wants more and follows her lips, at first as softly as she had but then more firmly. She knows she should probably encourage him to rest, have some dinner, and then get some sleep, but his lips are insistent against hers and she can't help but give in. She kisses him back just as enthusiastically and feels his hands slide up her thighs to her hips, pulling her onto him so that she's sitting on his lap, one leg on either side of him. This is definitely is the closest they've ever been now, she can't help but think, but then Bruce deepens the kiss and she can't help but moan in response.
They must have lost track of time, completely lost in each other, because the next thing she knows there's a loud growl in the otherwise quiet room and they both break apart from each other. Selina blinks her heavy lids and Bruce has wide eyes, but the next second she bursts out laughing, falling forward into him.
"Was that your stomach?!" She laughs into his neck, her voice a bit muffled.
"I thought it was your stomach," Bruce chuckles as her whole body is still shaking with laughter.
"No! That was definitely not my stomach," Selina sits up breathless from laughing so hard and pokes him in his tummy, "Come on B, let's get you some food, I bet you haven't eaten all day." Selina flushes only a little bit when she realizes she's still sitting on his lap and quickly stands up, pulling Bruce to his feet at the same time. They hold hands as they walk down to the kitchen.
"I'm glad you're here, Selina."
"I'll always be here, whenever you need me."