Story title: The Prince Pro-tempore
Chapter 1; entitled: the curtain slowly opens … the stage is set
Author: billybobcsgun36 - - id# 641050
** I am by nature a HUGE Ron fan, so naturally, this tale will be Ron Weasley-centric. In a nod to J.K.R. 'do over wish' this tale is also a Harmione ship.
Time period: SEVEN years after the battle of Hogwarts_ where the epilogue is no longer applicable…it can also be seen as a 'sequel' to my story: The disadvantages of telling the truth
Category: AU - Alternate Universe; (of course) as it relates to the Billybob created multi-verse of my own design.
Definition of Billybob AU - Wherein Hp characters don't follow 'cannon' in their behavior or actions.
Rating: M - just to be safeguarded from the prudish criticism of the overly sensitive. And lord knows it is childishly simple to offend people these days. The rating is what it is for adult language and banter, some UK profanity / slang and heavily implied sexual innuendo. I do not write blow-by-blow smut.
Be aware: Unbridled butchery of the King's English is a common facet of this writer's_ modis operendi _and I have also been rightfully accused of: - gross punctuation and grammar errors, obscene ramblings on tangents that distract from the main plot and repeating already stated facts and plot points over and over. (I warned them, 'BuckNC' – what more can you ask)
Basically - -I write the way I speak, as if it was script written for a stage play – inserting pauses in dialog for emphasis. It's not proper I know, but it is a-lot better English than what is seen now in 'text messages - on – Facebook or in a blog'. My writing style (such as it is) is done in a 'series of scenes' in 'dialog format' between two or more characters. It's admittedly not the way a good writer would do it, but then-again I'm a story teller and not a writer.
Warning # 1; I will pick and chose items from JKR last three books as it suits my fancy, and disregard other bits of cannon just as easily.
Warning # 2; I hate stereotypes, so don't expect my twisted version of the Harry Potter story-line to behave like prefect little Heroes. Also the bulk of this story takes place seven years after book seven, the characters are therefore ADULTS. In 2005, Neville Longbottom, Harry and Ron would be twenty-four with Hermione barely twenty-five.
* Warning # 3; _Herein begins the traditional Billybob opening 'Rant', be warned I tend to ramble a-bit concerning my justification for the Billybob multi-verse theory of AU stories. - *There are numerous stories in fan-fiction that contain what's called: 'RON BASHING' to justify Hermione dumping Ron for someone else… And I'm sure that a 'good-part' behind the reason that I have so few followers is because I see Hermione to be a 'perfect copy'… (Doppelganger) of the feminist-activist/ Humanist actor: Emma Watson. My dislike of hard-core, radical Feminist's and self-admitted (men-haters) is well known from my other stories.
*Again I say Radical Feminists, the extreme of that movement. I have no problem with gender-equality in pay and benefits for equal work (so my knuckles only drag on the ground 'part of the time' as a half-Neanderthal … okay)
**This tale therefore contains 'GRANGER the feminist – BASHING' for not even the kind of 'around-the-clock marriage counseling', that JKR once suggested could save a marriage between Ron and a inflexible witch that is never wrong about anything … (in cannon) like Granger.
**Yeah…Yeah - I'm one of those that think that Ron can do better than a: politically correct, workaholic witch; a progressive leftist, whose ultimate career goal is to be a … 'Politician' and you all know how self-serving/untrustworthy, those lot … are.
** It's not too late: For those uninterested, can still scroll down to a clearly identifiable safer-spot.
**I am a huge Ron fan (just saying ... yet again) and use to heavily support the RBW/HJG ship. But when JK Rowling threw that relationship under the bus, like most friends in any divorce; I found my-self picking one of the sides … the Ron side. –
There are literally; hundreds of 'FanFic' authors' supporting the 'practically perfect in every way' (think Mary Poppins on steroids) that is: H.J.G. - - in this Genre of tales the Goddess Hermione is granted her lifelong career happiness with more parings with different guys/gals, than there are stars in the sky. - In this story however; I give JK her_ "if I could do it over wish" _I gave Hermione to Harry (poor sod) thus making Mr. Potter an even more 'tragic' literary figure.
Furthermore; I see nothing in cannon that supports the notion of Hermione giving up on her career ambitions to take on the zero fame, never ending, seven day a week thankless struggle of being a stay at home mother (even pro-tempore). - Her attitude on the House-elves slavery issue alone …would 'automatically' eliminate the remote possibility of an elf_ 'nanny' _to help raise any children she might have with Harry during her all consuming pursuit of her career goals. So … either Harry stays home with the nippers or I could easily foresee a childless marriage with any 'non-masculine toxic' male that Hermione 'might' co-inhabit with… after-all, marriage is out of the question, as it is a form of reproductive slavery for women … isn't it?
Still reading … well that's a surprise
That was just one of my problems with the Ron/Hermione ship, for there is no doubt in my mind, that the 'political activist' within Granger (think SPEW) would not have the time for the distraction of raising children and she and Ron would endure sever marital problems (as JKR predicted) over the very idea of bringing offspring into what Hermione would most likely call a grossly sexiest … 'patriarch tyrannical' society - - doomed to imminent destruction within the next ten to twelve years due to global warming (debunked)… and the replacement hoax of – 'climate change'. - which I fully acknowledge the earth undergoes - four times a year.
I love JKR to death, for she created very popular characters and a magical world that I adore…but I believe that Rowling's wanted Hermione to be 'the first' in many things – One) as the first ever Muggleborn Minister of Magic – 'Pottermore' even predicts she will succeed Shacklebolt in that position … assumedly sooner rather than later. –
Politics being a time eating trade: fund raisers and speeches and similar time consuming events, would thus leave only very rare moments for a 'waste of valuable-time' domestic bliss - for it is often said: that you cannot serve (properly) two different masters. - And secondly) I feel that JKR always envisioned HJG from the get-go, as being an openly feminist/humanist (just like her-self).
I really despise politicians (just saying)
No one ever claimed that Rowling was a talented romance author …and in that particular category - let's just say, I feel that she fumbled the Quaffle. - If in her 'do over' wish to connect Granger with Potter: that pairing would then mean that the Ginny/Harry hook-up ship is doomed and equally undoable as the Ron/Hermione ship. Finally I also feel that Rowling's notion that teenagers of seventeen and eighteen have no interest in having sex …is just laughable
So in this JKR 'wished for' story: with Hermione married to Harry (I feel sorry for him … actually) the elephant in the room becomes …what happens to the dumped Ron and Ginny? - In all of Rowling's post book comments concerning her – 'If I could do it over' – scenario, what happens to Ron's spunky (fearless) little sister isn't even mentioned. - - And I wonder if JK has fully realized that by dumping Ginny in favor of Hermione she creates a new scenario that would radical change Harry's life through profoundly negative effects on his postwar life.
It is only logic to believe that the Weasley's in picking which side to support (as I have), aren't likely to throw both of their children under the Bus … just to support the Granger/Potter relationship … especially, at the detriment to their own family. - In my view … Hooking up Harry and Hermione would have marginalized the entire Weasley family in the story-line. - Following that line of thought with both Weasley's out of the picture, Harry's dating Hermione would necessitate bringing another family into the lime light.
The Granger family was deliberately down played (in cannon) by JKR (the first time around) to the point where we don't even know their first names. All we know about them is their; 'in hiding aliases' of: Wendell and Monica Wilkins. If Harry hooks-up with Hermione after fifth year (just assuming here) with both Weasley's rejected – Harry would have to fall back on his brilliant girlfriends 'family' for a place to stay during the summer-holiday to escape from the Dursley's.
This is all pure conjecture on my part (the ripple effect of giving JKR her do over wish). - On the plus side if Harry hooks-up with Hermione … we get: (1) to see the inside of the Granger Home, character devolvement of the parents 'galore' and (2) we get to see the stark differences between the working-class poor (Weasley's) and financially 'well off' (upper middle class) dentist Grangers.
JK in wishing for a do-over must have realized that by pairing Hermione with Harry… such a combination would most likely ended the trio permanently; thus leaving the two classic 'heroes' (boring) feeling both abandoned and thus very – very; isolated, as the NEW couple 'sallied forth' into a sixth year at Hogwarts romance (assuming) the break-up with Ron and Ginny, takes place right after the 'Department of Mysteries battle' instead of after Dumbledore's Murder
Bottom line here is – in this tale … JK gets her 'do over' wish and all the collateral damage that such a (new) pairing would cause without having to 'Kill' Ron (which JKR considered doing at one point). - Meaning: Hermione and her workaholic family becomes Harry's problem (so sad … hee, hee)
Warning # 4; I formally object to the barmaid/Pub-owner, that Rowling burdened Neville with post book seven. I sure she was pressured by fan-mail with high hopes of a 'Luna/Neville' hook-up which she was equally determined to NOT happen. - I believe that the Abbott/Longbottom long distance marriage was even a worst choice and totally undoable. - This tale (mine) will give Neville a very different romantic relationship and in my view; a far more acceptable life mate.
But what I would like most is for my few readers to help me with a bigger romantic puzzle in regards to who (in cannon) to hook Ron up with … send me s review give me a name and reasons for your choice. If it helps _ 'all' _other relationships as outlined in the Epilog in book seven or in JKR interviews are hereby_ Null and Void …unless I say otherwise.
Could there be sexual innuendo in this tale? - - - 'Yeah; Duh'
Warning # 5: This is my 'first go' at writing a sequel to: 'Disadvantages of telling the Truth' you don't have read disadvantages for this tale to make sense; my hope is that both tales can stand on their own.
Standardized disclaimer: is there anyone on this planet that doesn't know who has all legal copy rights to Harry Potter, with us in fan fiction just burrowing it for our own amusement and that of our few readers.
Time-frame reminder: begins some 'seven years' after the last the last battle of Hogwarts during the early hours of May 2 1998 – on the seventh anniversary year of the final battle (2005)
Roll film
Sitting on the east bank of the_ Rhine River, there is a tiny little Principality tucked in valley wedged into the mountains that borders three European countries, France – Germany and Switzerland. - - It is barely accessible from the river's edge - by a one lane (narrow) road – (more of a goat path actually) that on occasion contracts to no more than an extra wide foot trail. From the river's edge another foot-path/road connected this often overlooked, weeds overgrown 'concrete' unloading dock (not used since the Franco-Prussian of 1870-to-1871) to an tiny little suburban village on the far outskirts of 'Basel' Switzerland –
As the road transport is mostly a lost cause, the more practical way into and out of this valley is on a narrow gage 3ft 6 inch wide (1000mm) mountain hugging railroad, that starts in the same tiny Swiss village, I don't remember the name …sorry (if I knew the name I would have told already…for Merlin's sake) that interconnects with a more modern gauge of 4ft 8.5 inch wide (1435mm) of the far more efficiently rail line run by Switzerland … the narrow gauge train going into the valley, doesn't really run anymore, due to years of financial and mechanical neglect.
As the commuter train was not running at all that day; (surprise-surprise) the only remaining access to the tiny village at the far end of this 'wine bottle' shaped box cannon Principality, was to take off-road vehicles (like a jeep or land rover) over the 'obstacle course' like … goat path road. The passengers of the three SUV's could easily see the non-working (narrow gauge) rail-line from the *so-called* road (ha ha) that they traveling on (with great difficulty), as it sat on the opposite side of the valley, half way up a sheer cliff – it was overgrown at spots; but still appeared for the most part, somewhat functional … except for the four rock slides, and two fully collapsed railroad trestle bridges that gaped the largest of the otherwise impassable mountain-side gorges.
There appeared to be a 'incomplete' wooden framework replacement in place at both gaps … indicating abandoned repairs that could make the rail line usable again in perhaps a month or so, 'if'- the money could be found to complete the repairs and get the old steam locomotive fueled and working again - To the average outsider however, the valley appeared totally isolated and 'self sustaining' with little or no contact needed with the outside world.
With no other option, the three bulletproof SUV's traversed the road/goat-path slowly and cautiously, because there was no available space in the entire valley that would give permission for a private helicopter to land. - This unpleasant truth did not please the single passenger sitting in the backseat of the middle SUV …no - not at all. Three and a-half hours of being bounced around on narrow semi-nonexistent roads had not improved her mood any. - That she had lost all phone and Wi-Fi service two hours back – made her even angrier about being talked into coming here in person.
The small SUV convoy had made a few wrong turns and gotten totally lost at least three times. - This had been rumored to be the result of (get this) a deliberate by-product of a magical spell cast way-back during the - 'Napoleonic Wars'. (Utter nonsense, of course –Judith growled) – whatever the cause, the lack of a proper road system had for the most part kept most people from acknowledging on any level the existence of a tiny table top country that Europe had for the most part ignored, since the three neighboring countries had formed it in the late thirteenth century.
At long last; the small convoy pulled to the edge of a tiny village of no more than seven hundred souls, with the rest of the 'citizenry' scattered on farms and 'sheep crofts' across the valley. - The SUV's could proceed no further as the village streets (cobble stones) were not wide enough. This picturesque village was apparently the capital of… Bergen-Steiner … one of the tiniest self-ruling countries in Europe and as beautiful as the surroundings were, this fairy-tale like kingdom … did not delight in the slightest, the ultra-rich passenger seated in the spacious backseat of the most heavily armored of the SUV's. She was surrounded by a two-person staff and half-dozen bodyguards. For the extremely rich Canadian heiress – Judith Ruth Jakubowicz had endured this hell-hole of a goat path to get to this table top kingdom … to finalize a deal.
"The things one does for one's baby sister", Judith growled under her breath not really surprised, when none of her SUV's; could enter the narrow streets of the throw-back medieval ages village/town _ with overhanging second floors just like in a_ three musketeer's movie, in fact she half expected to see chickens and pigs roaming free in _ feces covered _streets.
Already in a deeply foul mood; Judith climbed out of her personal SUV and reluctantly began to make her way toward the center of these this picturesque village (and that very thought once again irritated her) … coming at last to a 'tourist idea of heaven' … classically medieval town square. –
Dressed in the height of Parisian fashion and surrounded by four … body-builder types, all of them dressed in a jet-black business suits… as if; their overall physique and sober attire were not enough in itself to broadcast their obvious profession. The sunglass wearing men; with ear-pug wires coming out of their suits, which bulged slightly with holstered hand-guns … firearms which became briefly visible as the bodyguard's moved; as they scanned their surroundings looking for threats to their primary.
The locals of course took note of these most unusual strangers, as the 'all but' anorexically thin woman in her late-thirties entered the tiny deli that sat at one corner of the town square. As it was nearing mid-day; the tiny shop was crowded with loud locals. Judith stood in the back flanked by two linebacker sized bodyguards while a third, stood by the doorway; scanned the street looking for threats with his right hand stuffed into a 'Uzi' bag, that rested on his right hip.
In no time at all the woman became increasing frustrated at not being severed, primarily due to not speaking the 'correct' language. For example; if she asked a question in German the answer came back in French…if she asked again in French; the answer was irately done in German. She felt insulted beyond belief, by being repeated ignored while others were served. –
With her temper about to snap; she heard a voice nearby softly chuckling at her discomfort, looking sharply to her right she beheld a mid-twenties, 5'10 or 5'11'' in height; 'long and lanky', impeccably dressed young man (in a dark brown conservative cut business suit with matching waistcoat) the smiling man had 'short' flaming red hair along with a narrow closed trimmed beard the ran across the bottom of his face at the jaw line…like the frame of a picture, that drew the eyes to his face and onto a pair of green eyes that seemed to sparkle with the joy of living … a young man who then ask politely, for a sub-sandwich in German that received irritatingly … prompt service.
"What the hell do I have to do to get a coffee around here?" she asked her-self rhetorically in English.
"It takes time and patience to get service in the shops here". The red head replied in (middle class) British English … with a casual lopsided grin. "I personally had to carry with me a letter of introduction from my Great-uncle who is native born and highly respected citizen of_ 'Bergen-Steiner' _before I could get fish and chips for lunch. May I ask how you like your coffee?" The red-head asked with a soft smile.
"Black with a touch of cream and two sugars", She replied automatically.
"Hey … Hans, one coffee with cream and two sugars: please…for my guest", he said in passable German with a slight bow, before switching back to English. "My name is Rupert by-the-way and can I get anything for your … friends?" The red-head asked politely indicating her bodyguards.
"They're fine; thanks." She replied curtly without asking her guards. "Why are people so rude here?"
"In my experience the French are always impolite to anyone who doesn't speak flawless French… especially Americans …" he managed to say before being interrupted.
"… I am not an American, I'm Canadian; actually", She said coldly.
"Well … fancy that … Come to think on it; I've been told that you Canuck's can be equally intolerant of anyone in Québec that don't speak proper French. The people of_ 'Bergen-Steiner'_ are normally a warm and friendly bunch…among them-selves; the hostile knee-jerk reaction only kicks-in in the presence of obvious tourists … like your-self".
"How do you know I'm a tourist?" she asked without intending to. She wasn't able to restrain herself from getting into a most unusual conversation with this outgoing and disarmingly friendly red-head. Her two bodyguards exchanged looks of surprise at their boss uncharacteristic behavior, but wisely remained silent.
"Designer clothing, bodyguards and finally the three SUVs parked at the edge of the village, although how you got them here … over that goat track we comically call the 'royal road', is frankly … beyond me", he replied with another lopsided grin of amusement that Judith found infectious. Fighting down a smile she kept her lips in a disapproving line as she asked.
"Doesn't … 'Bergen-Steiner' _ encourage tourism?" she asked unable to bring her-self to cut-off the conversation.
"Nope, the people here generally hate all outsiders. I've been here almost three years and the locals only tolerate me because … I was born here during a family holiday to celebrate my Great Aunt's wedding anniversary to my Great Uncle … who is one of the Eleven".
"The eleven", she asked and then remembered? - "This country isn't very big and at times I still find it surprising; that it has even eleven noble families".
"It's more than eleven actually, but many of them are title rich and cash poor. The total number though came as a surprise to me too" The red-head replied.
"I take it that you're part of the nobility here?" – She asked, unable to stop her-self.
"Not by direct-blood decent, the twin sister of my great aunt Muriel, married into a noble family over here", Rupert candidly admitted as he turned over the coffee.
Suddenly two men entered the deli; one with military bearing, who marched with obvious purpose one step behind a clearly a pencil thin civilian, directly over to the too thin lady in black. "Madame, we found the town Hall" her chief of staff declared and hearing this and without so much as a by your leave, the extremely rich woman spun about and stormed back out (with her unpaid-for coffee in hand)
"Well …nice meeting you too …whoever you are", Rupert said softly to her retreating back as he turned and paid for her coffee.
Twenty minutes later; Rupert was back at his desk in the tiny office of the_ Exchequer, chewing on his corn-beef on rye. He was looking over the worsening national numbers and it wasn't a pretty picture. The more he looked into what the current monarch had done to his own people…the more he felt outraged.
As Rupert looked-over the papers on his co-workers desk and frowned… he was sitting in the extra tiny room that he shared with the Exchequer/finance minister; whose desk was literally butted up against his own …which was (Naturally) free of any signs of paperwork which would indicate that the desk was even occupied. Rupert was officially in charge of the Great Charter which was the document that had originally created the Principality. - He was also in charge of the one man department (him) that covered the history of the tiny country as well as the heraldry of all the Noble Families in the valley with particular empathizes placed on the eleven members of Royal council; their aristocratic bloodlines, coats of arms and family history (genealogy).
To be honest the only thing that Rupert studied with madding regularity was the Great Charter itself, for it paralleled the constitution of the limited monarchy of the UK back home … concerning what the Prince could or could not do, the order of succession … procedural things that for some odd reason fascinated Rupert … otherwise there was not much to do actually when your job is history.
Thinking about his situation, Rupert smiled at the irony… that he of all people… was now working for a quasi-combination of a magical/Muggle …royal government on the mainland of Western Europe. He recalled with amusement; how vehemently he had been about avoiding doing any kind of government work. - Percy's war-time betrayal of his father had almost permanently tainted for Ron/Rupert the idea of working for people like Fudge.
'Funny thing fate … the hopes and dreams of his youth had been abruptly crushed by circumstances beyond his control' - he said to himself as he thought back to that time _ and this line of thought led him to think about_ HER _again and instinctively he chuckled. - He…hadn't thought about his unrequited school-boy crush in a couple of years now. - He had always known on some level, that they would *get together* in the end (his former best friends) …that is. After all, she had been fully obsessed with the_ 'boy who lived' _since she had first caught sight of Harry on that first train ride (as firsties) and it's extra hard for a normal bloke to compete with a_ 'child of destiny'.
His little sister had taken her defeat at the hands of Hermione for the affections of the 'Great Potter' … loads harder than he had, but then again she hadn't suspected on any level that it was coming. - Now some seven years after the war, the golden *trio* was all but forgotten; for the 'mob' back home was simply unable to wrap its head around the concept of more than one gendered hero each (a boy and girl in the classical style of all fairy-tales).
Ron was proud of the fact that he had moved on romantically and had been in several relationships which regretfully - had NOT ended in marriage. - In fact he was currently deeply engaged in a *friends with benefits relationship* that he couldn't really tell his mother about, because his *lover* was a married woman and twelve years older than him-self. - Howlers would burn up the airwaves if Ron's current bedmate became known to his family back home. Even though the lady in question (named: redacted) husband, knew all about and approved of; his wife's ongoing sexual dalliance with a far younger and very minor …government employee.
Ron/Rupert's family back in England was blissfully ignorant of his unconventional love life and for a very good reason, for Ronald had not been the first of Molly's brood to become involved with an already married bunk-mate. Who could forget the firestorm that erupted, when his mum had discovered that Percy had engaged in a long term (multi-year) passionate affair with the much younger wife of the former M.O.M. (Minster of Magic) Cornelius Oswald Fudge (a wizard born in 1902 – and who had been murdered, by the Death Eaters in October 1997). –
How Percy avoided a public scandal and kept his (nine year older) lover a secret from their mother until after the war is beyond amazing. - Even presenting his mother with a truly adorable grandchild, named after her: Molly Maria Ginerva Weasley; born in April 1997 (called Maria by the family) didn't dampen all that much, his mothers fury over the fact that one of Ron's favorite nieces was conceived while_ *Audrey-Maria, Conchita-Alonso, Bustillo-Fudge* (born 04-11-67) was still married to Cornelius.
There is a long back-story behind the how and why that Cornelius had *actively procured* Percy for his hot blooded Hispanic wife's bed-chamber … and it boiled down to saving old *Pinhead Percy* from a possible long prison term for the crime of illegally impersonating a M.O.M. department head (Bartemius Crouch Snr.). Yes Rupert knew all the sordid details behind how much hell Percy had undergone for Audrey sake, which naturally made him highly motivated; from what he had learned from Percy *life lesson* to keep his own love-life a_ top drawer secret.
8888 – Meanwhile - 8888
Coffee in hand, the lady in black crossed the lane and entered the picturesque town hall. Three floors up (no elevator) she went and sat down in the High Chancellor's stuffy-office where a very unpleasant conversation took place.
"Are you telling me that I 'wasted' four hundred and seventy million (Canadian Dollars) on this project?"
"Not wasted exactly … consider it an investment in the smallest country in Europe", - the chancellor replied weakly.
"And if I was to foreclose on the debts I acquired, which you_ all _now owe me", she said in a semi-growl.
"You would ruin the lives of every man, woman and child here - and render them all instantly homeless".
"As if I care … I can easily tear down every single private home in this valley and make a ski lodge out of this town, - for how else can I recoup even a portion of what I spent on this project". She snarled
"I might have a way", the Chancellor politely interrupted. - "One of the people working for this Principality, is a 'part time' employee in our Heraldry office. - - Well to tell the truth he is our entire Heraldry office – as the government of a country as small such ours is dangerously underfunded and staffed. He is also coincidentally, our primary historian and expert on the- 'Great Charter' – which is the document that first established this tiny country".
"Boring … How can he help me?"
"He knew … as we all did, that Prince Philippe wasn't happy with the deal we made with you, to buy your way into royalty …"
"… He didn't like having to marry a Canadian Jew, to get you out of the massive debt that he got you all into … more like", she said.
"Regretfully I fear you are right. Philippe is a rabid anti Semitic, that's true enough …, but he comes from that idiocy biologically, as he had a great uncle in France who strongly supported the Nazis and died defending Berlin as a member of an all French 'SS' unit. Philippe is by-far the worse bigot and hedonists Royal in our six hundred year history", the chancellor added softly - before leaning over and pressing the intercom button. "Junell; could you asked Rupert to come to my office",
"Yes … milord Chancellor", came the replied on the intercom.
"Oh I agree" –she said – "My people did a background check on your Philippe before I agreed to this deal and he is not only a Jew hater but also the ultimate narcissist. - He ascends to the throne just last year and he abruptly empties the royal treasury. - Then he does the same thing to the pension funds of all public employees and then converted all the royal art and jewels … into cash - before spending every last dime, on a lifestyle of all kinds of debauchery; involving drugs and extreme shopping sprees, while living way beyond his means in the city-state of Monaco."
"Yes - we know all this", the chancellor replied unhappily.
"Oh this gets even better. - Your precious Prince Philippe has literally- tripped mortgaged -all royal lands in this valley (as the crown owns all but a few parcel's of the land here). Almost everyone here is a renter, and then he draws you in, to the point of financial ruin … by forcing all of your nobility into impossibly huge debt to sustain his excessive lifestyle. With the eleven noble families (including his own) that composes the governing council of this tiny country, reduced to living hand to mouth. Selling you royal Bonds in one of the worst pyramid schemes I have ever seen".
"What do you want me to say?" - Henley asked.
"Nothing … beyond acknowledging that this 'colossal idiot'; is the same lousy Prince that you wanted to 'sell' to me … for my little sister: Ashira, (as her husband) a self-indulgent 'narcissist' that spends other people's money ten times faster than my sister does _ and that takes some doing – believe me".
"Then why agree to all this", the Chancellor asked out of genuine curiosity.
"Your Principality is way beyond broke, with zero income to service your debts", Judith said harshly. "I bought-up your debt for pennies on the dollar while knowing (deep down) that putting my sister with your Prince together would end badly … because Ashira is a spoiled brat and Philippe is a self-serving, hedonistic bastard, whose latest stunt has most likely forever ruined your tiny Principality".
"We did not approve of Philippe latest stunt, in fact we are as outraged as you are", the chancellor mumbled under his breath, a comment totally ignored by Judith.
"As for the reason behind why I tried to do this – it boils down to a promised I made", Judith continued, "a promise that put me between a rock and a hard place… a promise that I made to my father when he was on his death bed. I promised him to make my sister's longtime dream of being a real princess – come true".
"But, your family isn't a-part of … Canada has no nobility", the chancellor interjected.
"I am aware of that … thank-you", Judith snarled. "My efforts for an arranged marriage between the Jakubowicz family and the remaining Royal houses of Europe have been repeated rebuffed, with the number of available Prince's declining every day. I was at a lost - I couldn't think of a practical way to fulfill my promise - until your little money problem came to my attention. -."
"But why us", the chancellor again asked. "Surely there is surviving royalty to be found in Eastern Europe. A cadet branch of the formerly imperial family the _ 'Romanoff' _ still exists and they were at one time … Tsar's. We are far-far smaller in total land area than your Prince Edward Island … only 18 square miles (20.72 square kilometers) our main export is wine and sheep's wool – we have no army – we are not a world power"… the Chancellor asked
"I wanted the fairy tale quality of an absolute monarchy - a legally acknowledged, by the three huge countries surrounding it … as a working Principality. I was offered (to buy) the title of queen by Moldova, but the republic government does not acknowledge (in any way) its former royalty… so it would be a never heard of - empty title".
"Your Prince on the other hand … has actual power over his subjects and that was too juicy a prize to pass up. Honestly – I sincerely doubt that my Ashira will ever agree to actually live in this primitive …hole in the wall (country) - - but then again she doesn't have to; especially now - - as your Philippe just broken our deal - by marring his long term_ 'partner', Jean-Claude".
"But you knew Philippe was homosexual before you agreed to …"
"… Yes I did – In fact I'm a lesbian/homosexual myself … but we aren't talking about me", Judith declared in a sour tone. "It is my little sister that would have to marry this narcissist putz. But not a real marriage you understand; instead it would be a_ 'shvindi' (a fake) in name only union to that idiotic schmuck. – – She was going to give-up some of her eggs which would be mixed with Philippe's sperm – which would be planted into surrogates and brought to term – creating the next generation of Royals - - without brothering my little sister self-indulgent lifestyle back home in Vancouver … at all".
"But we can't do that now … can we? - As your precious Philippe married Jean-Claude in the principality (city-state) of Monaco; where he adopted a baby boy and named it his sole heir. - I want my money back … all of it, NOW … with interest - - or I foreclose first thing tomorrow".
To be continued
Maybe …
I am testing the waters here, trying to judge if their is any interest in a Ron W centric story.
I should warn you again that this tale will not be popular with those that worship Granger as the living Goddess of 'role model' perfection; or by those that consider themselves to be radical Feminists. – To those FEW that want to think outside the box of 'JKR cannon', those brave enough to follow a bad story-teller (me) and go down a path unexplored, read on… to everyone else go back to 'Harmione or Dramoine' with my blessings
As for me: I'm a RON fan (just saying)
Review or ignore
I primarily wrote this tale as there are so few 'Ron centric' tales out there that 'don't take place' during the Hogwarts years. If I can't find the kinds of tales I want to read (like a pair of famous English authors I read) I feel compelled to write them (poorly) my-self.