Hey guys thanks for your reviews. It helps me understand what I need to improve on.

This one is a bit shorter than I would have liked because my computer crashed and some of what I wrote was not saved. But still, tell me what you liked and what you didn't.

It must have been an odd sight, seeing a girl and this creature locked in a staring contest. Louise didn't know what it was, this creature looked both familiar and foreign at the same time. The creature just appeared in front of her when she had called it, but it had yet to make a move after that. It simply stared at Louise as if expecting something from her.

The past few days have been overwhelmingly bizarre. To begin with, She had summoned a founder-forsaken weapon during the ritual, then on the very same night, she was attacked by that arrow. Then she had woken up from a drug-induced nightmare and just a few moments ago she had seen a girl stabbing herself with a fork. Suddenly, Louise's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates and looked at the creature with shock.

'Did it do that?!' Louise thought in worry, her eyes still wide as she thought of the terrible first-year student who had been sent to the nurse's office covered in tears and blood. Had it indeed performed such a terrible thing? Sure the first-year girl had infuriated her, but she didn't deserve to have a fork going right through her cheek. Now while the girl was being treated for her injuries she was busy staring at the culprit.

And it had used her own fork in the attack. It somehow used her fork, while she was still using it, and switched it with a pastry in that girl's hand. How could it have done that?

'I need a glass of wine' Louise had thought absently. This creature was undoubtedly giving her a major headache. The only thing she knew about it was its name, its purpose was unknown to her. Should she ask -

「Pink Floyd」 blurred and in an instant, it was gripping something. In its gray hand was a bottle of wine, already uncorked and it's contents being poured into an empty glass. It then moved right in front of her offering the glass of wine. All while having the same expression on its face. The stern but soft look on its face had never changed. It was only after it had poured the wine into a glass did she wonder where it had gotten the wine from. Then, it dawned on her that the wine bottle the creature holding looked exactly like one her sister had sent to her a few months back. She had kept it in the wooden cabinet for a special occasion like her performing a spell flawlessly.

Her eyes moved towards the cabinet and as she had thought it was completely open. The wine this creature was pouring was the same as the wine she had stashed in the wooden cabinet on the other side of the room. 'It's Fast' thought Louise as she hesitantly accepted the wine the creature had brought her. In mere moments, it had gone across the room found her stashed wine and poured it in a glass in all but a blink of her eye.

'Is this a spirit?' Louise thought nervously. They were known as powerful beings who could defy all known knowledge of magic, they were also known as beings that should never be trifled with. A few of the stories her parents told her were of how somewhere powerful enough to flood an entire village in moments. The moment she drank the wine her body finally began to relax. It was obvious that this spirit was capable of reading her mind. But what troubled her was why it was trying to please her. Why was she being served by a spirit? What had she done that invoked a spirit's attention? What had made the spirit -

'THE ARROW' Louise thought in sudden anger and realization. She didn't know how, but she knew that this spirit was somehow connected to that blasted arrow. All of these bizarre situations occurred only after she had summoned that thing. Did the arrow belong to it? if that was the case, then she must have angered this spirit for accidentally taking it.

'If I returned the arrow would this thing go away?' she doubted it. It was fast enough to get a bottle of wine stashed in her cabinet. It could have easily taken it if that was its only reason being here. No, it must want something if it is continuing to stay here. Thinking back to that arrow, Louise had realized that the arrow was not laced with some ordinary drug.

What was that blasted arrow? Louise wanted to know this from the bottom of her heart. Had she summoned an elf cursed weapon? What was the connection between the arrow and the spirit? Louise wanted answers and she had no idea where she would be able to find them.

With one final gulp of the wine, she began to ask questions to this spirt. Only to be given silence as an answer for each of the questions she had asked.

After the eventful morning, many of the students and staff slowly went back into their daily routine. The girl's wound had healed a little thanks to the intervention of a third-year-student much to the first-year girl's pleasure. The academy nurse had to escort the third-year-student out of her infirmary because the girl would not stop blushing when he was near her. She then managed to heal the wound completely, to the point were the only evidence of the wound was the blood on the girls uniform.

When questioned on the incident, the girl vehemently denied she purposefully stabbed herself. She had claimed that while she was eating she noticed a shimmer out of the corner of her eye and the next thing she knew her pastry had transformed into a fork. Most of the staff were skeptical of the girl at first only to receive the same story from the people sitting close to the girl. A shimmer appearing right next to the girl and then her pastry turned into a fork.

The maids who were serving the students said that they did not notice anything. Due to the nature of this incident, many of the servants were questioned with the Head chef being heavily questioned for this accident.

To Kirche, it was intriguing, to say the least. It had been several hours since the incident but she still could not shake it out of her head. She wasn't the only one who felt this way. Tabitha was equally intrigued by these events especially since she had also seen the shimmer right before the fork had stabbed her cheek.

"Do you believe her" Kirche asked while stroking her familiar. Since the second-year-students had the day off she and Tabitha were getting to know their new familiars. Flame the lizard was purring as she was stroking its back, much like a cat while Tabitha sat near her dragon simply reading her book.

"Yes." Tabitha still engrossed by her book had simply responded. The shimmer had done something but what and how was lost on them. Before Kirche could respond Tabitha whispered in a quiet tone.

"But Louise knows" Tabitha whispered. She saw Louise nearly run to the dorms the moment the girl had stabbed her self. What's more, she also noticed that out of everyone's plates, Louise's was the only one missing a fork. The girl was gossiping with her friends when the 'accident' took place. It didn't take a genius to know what or rather who they were gossiping about.

"I don't think so," said Kirche in a soft voice. She knew Louise had a temper and she knew Louise was not above getting violent when she was angry enough. But she couldn't see Louise doing such a thing to that girl. Louise was a proud girl from a proud family she would not resort to tricks to hurt a person, No she would confront the person directly and demand an apology. She would know.

What's more, the girl had no magical talent wats so ever so even if she were the type to use tricks to hurt a person she would never be able to use magic for it. No matter how hard she tried she could not see Louise being able to trick a girl into stabbing her self.

Suddenly Tabitha had closed her book. Before Kirche could ask what happened she saw Tabitha pointing towards something. It was Louise, moving angerly out of the dorms and into the court yeard.

A maid's life was never easy. Work would start as early as before daybreak to as late as midnight. The times when they would have to work hardest was during lunchtime. As a maid they were under constant scrutiny; one mistake would wash away a hundred hours of good work. If a maid became sick, they had no job security. They could be turned out by the school at any given notice or worse their contract given to a noble to become their 'personal' maid.

Despite this many would do their activities without complaints. This was the nature between the Noble mages and the commoners. Nobles had wealth, political power and magic while commoners had nothing. Noble's even called the commoners "plebeians" to further show their superiority to the commoners.

This was all known to Siesta. She came to this academy to work to send money back to her family. She was a scullery maid, she would usually serve sweets and pastries to the many students and teachers.

Today was no different. "You there, maid!" A student spoke snapping his fingers. The student was a young man with blonde hair and blue eyes. He spoke in an annoying and demanding voice(though she would never say that out loud) "Bring me and my dear Montmorency something to eat and drink and make it quick!". He was sitting in a chair stoking a giant rat-like creature while talking to a blond-haired girl.

Siesta simply smiled and made her way to the young nobles. She had gotten used to these demanding tones, she would simply make her way to the nobles with a small cake in hand. At least that is what would have happened if she didn't trip on something. Everything on the tray flew into the air about to collide with another noble.

And in an instant, she was standing straight with her plate in hand, somehow still carrying the sweets and drinks not a few moments ago. Siesta in confusion looked towards the person who the food and drinks would have collided with. She had long, curly, pink hair and pink eyes. She wore a white long-sleeved blouse and a long black cloak, indicating that she was a student. She was holding a wine glass in her hand.

"Th-thank you, Miss" Siesta said. The girl must have used some form of magic to prevent the food from falling. The girl had a wide-eyed expression on her face. She looked at Siesta then at an empty space towards her side and then at everyone at the courtyard as if expecting something.

"Di-didn't you see it?" she asked. Siesta blinked as she said that question. 'See what?' Siesta thought in dismay. She hated it when nobles had asked her these questions. It was always nerve-wracking to think of what minuscule thing she had done to annoy them. Then Siesta's eyes widened in realization, she must have meant did Siesta see the had tripped her.

"Sorry Miss, I should have been more careful" Siesta said while bowing her head to the noble girl. Siesta then turned back to look at what tripped her, It was a small bottle filled with a strange liquid. Before the noble girl could speak she had heard the voice of the young blonde noble who had ordered her to bring some drinks and food had gotten impatient and had again called out to the maid.

"Maid, How much longer are you going to make me wait?!" the young man said shaking Siesta out of her conversation with the pink haired student. The noble was twirling a rose in his had as he approached them. The young girl with him had also decided to accompany him.

Before she could excuse herself the pink haired noble had already begun to move away from her. Siesta sighed and continued her day as normal.

Louise was worried she had gone insane. When she left her room in frustration at the spirits apparent refusal to answer any of her questions she expected someone to notice the spirit. Especially when she met the maid in the courtyard.

The maid apparently tripped and the contents she was carrying was about to collide Louise. That was until the spirit acting on its own caught the falling tray, its contents and the maid herself. In moments the maid was standing still holding the tray and its contents looking at Louise with a wide-eyed expression. She expected the maid to scream and run at the sight of this creature. But not only did she not scream she didn't even acknowledge it's a presence.

The maid just walked right passed it spouting some nonsense about not being able to see what had tripped her. She just continued to serve the nobles as if nothing was wrong. Guiche herself was oblivious to the spirit hovering as he made his way over to the maid.

Not even the other students had seen it, they just continued to do what they were doing. As if the spirit could not even be seen by them. The spirit was still there hovering just a few meters near her and it was getting on her nerves. No matter how many times he asked it a question it did not respond. It just floated there looking at her.

'Fine!' She thought. If this thing did not want to give her an answer, then she was going to find the answers by herself. She thought this as she entered the library never noticing two people looking right at her as she entered.

Hey, so this originally wasn't the end of this chapter. It was originally going to follow cannon more closely but after thinking about it I realized it would be dumb for Louise and Guiche to have a duel. Not only is it not allowed for students to do so it also makes no sense for Guiche to challenge her. Sorry if any character is OOC

And now for the stand stats

Stand Name: 「Pink Floyd」

Stand Power: Location Substitution

Power - B

Speed - A

Range - E

Durability - C

Precision - A

Potential - B

Pink Floyd can switch the locations of two objects instantaneously but the objects must be touched by Pink Floyd first.

This is nowhere near its limit but that won't be revealed until later. Please tell me anything you find good and bad. I would like to know how to improve. Also congrats to those who guessed its ability correctly.

If anyone wants to read a good Louise centric Fanfic I recommend 'The Fall' by Jeggetts. It's a Fallout New Vegas and Familiar of Zero fanfic with Louise being transported to the Fallout universe. It's one of the better reverse summoning fics I have read.

Next update would probably come next month.