I did enjoy writing this, and I'm thinking about maybe a sequel, Happy Wife, Happy Life. More of the exploits of Yehuda and Maya in the form of Emmett and Bella and their new little addition. But don't hold me to it. You know I have so many other stories to complete. Thank you for all the reviews favs and this story is even in a community. I love you guys and until next time, Here's the final chapter.
Well, it's been five years since that first playdate. And as Rosalyn said, Bella and I did figure it out on our own. But the hint from the kids got us kick started in the right direction.
Hmmm, where should I start?
Well, maybe I should tell y'all about our newest little addition to our family, Jazmyn. It was a lot of hard work getting her here, but we'll get into that a little later.
There were a lot of changes in our family dynamic when we let the rest of our extended family in on the fact that Bella and I were now dating.
While Roger, Rosie's dad was happy I was able to move on, Lillian was fit to be tied. She accused me of never really loving her daughter, if I could move on from her so suddenly. She even threatened to fight me for custody of Rosalyn.
I shut that down quick. I told her she could try. I wasn't exactly that poor man anymore who first met her daughter all those years ago in college. The years I played pro ball, I'd done well for myself and I had quite a few nice investments. Not to mention the five million dollars I received from Rosalie's life insurance policy. I also reminded her that I split the actual ten million dollar policy with them, something I didn't have to do. And if she continued with this, when they lost, not only would they never see Rosalyn again, but I would sue her for deformation of character in the exact amount of five million dollars and leave them penniless. Let's just say that shut her up, and slowly but surely she warmed up to Bella. She also took quite a liking to Little Jazz and now boasts about her three grandchildren.
Bella's brother and sister-in-law, Peter and Charlotte Whitlock, along with her dad Chief Swan were all for the relationship. Peter and Charlie were in awe of the fact that Bella was now dating a former Heisman trophy winner, a first-round draft pick and former tackle for the Tennessee Titans. Bella wasn't into sports so all of that flew right over her head. But she tried.
She begged me to stay home with her when I wanted to go to a super bowl party. She got all the snacks and stuff ready for the game. She was even dressed in the cutest little cheerleader outfit and had her hair done up in pigtails. It was too cute when she asked me to tell her when to cheer for the right team. Let's just say I couldn't tell ya who won that game.
Other things changed in our lives too. When Bella asked if I enjoyed teaching, I told her not really. While I liked it, and it gave me a way to stay in football, my real passion was in computer graphic, web design, and the likes. Really, I was a big computer geek and was really into video games.
I even showed her the video game I designed that was more of a learning game for Rosalyn. She told me how awesome it was and Little Jazz even got into the game. He and Ros would play at it for hours. She told me I should market the game to some of the big-name gaming companies.
After thinking about it, I thought, why the hell not. So during summer break from school, we took a trip to California, the Silicone Valley area and I marketed the game to Google as an app. They loved it and wanted to hire me inhouse to work on graphic design. When I told them I wasn't interested in moving to California, they still offered me the job saying that this was something that could be done from home.
So now, I'm a work at home dad for one of the biggest tech companies in the world. I still coach football, but now, I'm a pop-warner league coach, and Little Jazz is my star player.
And who knew, Bella was a fantastic artist? So now, we work as a team. She does the artwork, and I take her art and bring it to life with my computer graphics.
During that little trip to California, Edward and Tanya, and their little beanie babies came with us. We traded off times with each other's kids to have alone time with our partners.
Our first night alone, Bella thought it would be fun to take a bubble bath and unwind with a bottle of wine. Can I just say, that hotel wasn't the right place for this? We weren't staying at one of those hotels with the huge garden tubs, so while Bella lounged in luxurious bubbles, my six foot seven ass was crammed tight as a sardine in a can in that tiny bathtub, holding what must have been the smallest glass of wine ever.
I didn't even get any that night. Who knew Bella was such a lightweight when it came to alcohol. I ended up hauling her drunk butt out of the tub and putting her to bed.
"How in the world did you get so drunk? You only had one glass," I asked her as I fireman's carried her wet ass to the bedroom.
"Well, it was a goooood one," she giggled and then slurred.
So back to life at home. To say things have taken a lot of getting used to would be an understatement. Let's start with Bella's hair. My God, the woman has a lot of it, and she brushes it to death. It's long, down to her waist and thick and I find it everywhere. I swear, I'm picking up strands of hair off everything The minute I think I've gotten everything clean, I'm picking up another strand of hair. And we're not going to even talk about the creature I found growing in our shower drain, that I swear attacked my feet and was crawling up my leg.
When I suggested getting a haircut, she went along with it at first. But then I came home from little league practice with Jazz and we found her laying on the floor in the fetal position with her head in Ros's lap bawling like a baby.
"What's wrong with her?" Jazz asked me. I just hunched my shoulders, went over to her, picked her up and sat with her curled in my lap.
"What's wrong, babe? Your hair looks great by the way?" That sent a fresh flow of tears and more wailing.
"I'm BALLLLLLLLLLLD!" I just rolled my eyes, though I didn't let her see that.
"Honey, I hardly think you're bald. Besides baby, the cut looks great, and it's only hair. It will grow back." I could only hope slowly and with less shedding. Honestly, is she a woman or an Alaskan Huskey.
"You—you really think it looks good?" she said through sniffles.
"I told mama it looks good, but she didn't believe me," Ros told me, hunching her shoulders as she passed by us.
"I know sweetpea. It's just gonna take her some time to get used to it," I told my little angel. I just sat there with Bella cuddled up in my lap until she calmed down, continuing to tell her how beautiful she looked.
Oh, let's see. There was the time I decided I was going to join my hot wife in the shower for a little shower sex. And when I say hot—let's just say the woman's skin must be made out of Teflon. The moment I stepped under our new rain shower head, I swear my head caught fire, and I had third degree burns to my shoulder.
Then there was the time that each of us had a round of the flu that was going through our town. Bella is a work-a-holic if not anything else. I had to literally carry her away from our studio with her clutching used tissues, one stuck up her nose and snotty ones stuck to me.
"Put me down, I can work," Bella wheezed as I carried her off to bed. I just chuckled.
"Sure you can, babe. But not today," I told her as I kissed her feverish forehead.
Of course, when I came down with the flu a few days later, I was the biggest baby you've ever seen.
"The fever is only one hundred and one. Walk it off," Bella told me as she sat cradling me on the sofa.
But we got through all of that. For a while, we were still shuffling back and forth between our two places. Until I finally got up the nerve, with the help of our two meddling busybodies, to pop the big question.
"YEEESSSS!" came from Bella, before I could even get out 'Will you'. We then decided it was the right time to move in together. Or I should say, I moved the remainder of Bella's things into my home. Even though we weren't officially living together, more of her and Little Jazz's things were at my house than their own apartment. Just now, it was public knowledge.
We had a not so big wedding, given this was both of our second marriage. Peter and Charlotte and Edward and Tanya were in our wedding. Alice was a junior bridesmaid, Little Jazz the ring bearer and Rosalyn was our flower girl. I finally met her mother, Renée and her husband Phil. Phil and I had a lot in common, him being a former pro baseball player and me a former football player. He was a pretty cool dude.
It was about a year later, I finally begin to hear Bella's biological clock ticking. I swear, even though Bella won't admit it, she was cradling my arm like a baby. I could see that longing in her eyes every time she saw someone holding a little baby.
It was a lot of hard work. There were times I thought it would never happen. We went to a fertility specialist. Bella had to practically drag me kicking and screaming. I hate needles. And all the blood draws and sperm testing was a bit much.
"Make it stop!" I yelled as Bella practically had to carry me to get the tests done.
Then there were the non-stop drills, that Bella aptly named, 'Operation Ovulation'. The ovulation test that was promptly followed by the non-stop sexual exploits in every position Bella and I could think up and even a few she found in a Kama Sutra book.
There were the battles with the 'period monster' that sent Bella into fits of crying. Not to mention the hormone injections. Plus there was the time she got into juicing and everything in our fridge was replaced with fruit and vegetable. Then what I called the 'baby potions', smoothies loaded with all kinds of stuff, supposedly to help conception.
Finally, we did it. When she showed me that pee stick with that plus sign, we both bawled like babies.
This wasn't our first rodeo, we both knew what to expect. Well, I sorta did. I wasn't around for a lot of Rosie's pregnancy as I was still in my football career. But Bella was much different. Rosie was all about fitness as she was adamant about maintaining her MMA body after the baby was born.
Bella, on the other hand, stuffed any and everything in her face. And salt. I'd have to wrestle the salt shaker away from her.
Of course, there were the other fun time and not so fun times. Like when Bella would be sitting on a mountain of clothes and swear she had nothing to wear. The car Karaoke. The mountain of gifts I'd buy for her birthday and she'd seduce me, show me her tits and I was good as gold for mine.
Bella's ever-changing body was, of course, the sexiest thing I'd ever seen. We were in the middle of moving into our new bigger house, when Bella's water broke.
Jazz and Rosalyn both were hoping for a new little brother. Jazz was finally learning it wasn't all fun and games living in a house full of women. And Rosalyn I think just wanted to be the baby girl of the family.
But after sixteen hours of labor. Little Jazmyn Rosalie McCarty came into this world. We thought it only appropriate to pay tribute to the two people, who in their own way, brought our family together. While Little Jasper was nearly the spitting image of his father and Rosalyn was so much like her mom it was scary; Jazmyn was a perfect mixture of both of us. Her heart-shaped face and my dark curly hair. Bella bow-shaped lips, and my chubby cheeks, Jazmyn was God's perfect blend of us.
While to others, it may seem like just 'one of those days', to us it was our happy life and showed us, you never know what will come from the mouths of babes.
The End.
This one was for you, Mommy. I hope you enjoyed it