Love the reviews people! Love them all so much!
Hiro marched into the shared lab with Baymax right behind him "Hiro? Your heart rate is increasing might I suggest a massage or relaxation therapy." Baymax said but Hiro was barely listening he was so angry.
He saw Mercury working on the large generator, when he saw Hiro he gave a small grin. He lowered his welding torch and screwdriver "Hey Hiro! So listen I think I found an element that we can..." he started but Hiro refused to listen.
"What did you do?!" Hiro demanded and Mercury frowned before he climbed down the ladder and set his tools down. He wiped some sweat from his forehead and smeared oil across his face in the process, on any other occasion Hiro might have felt nervous about how cute he looked but not now!
"What are you talking about?" Mercury asked but Hiro saw how he was darting his eyes. Mercury knew exactly what he was talking about but didn't want to say it.
"I wanted to help with your burns but Baymax has no record of you asking about them! Also I had some papers printed out and they were missing, then when I tried to print them out again Baymax short circuited! Care to explain?!" Hiro growled.
Mercury lifted an eyebrow "Listen Hiro I don't know what you think you know but it's wrong. You should be smart enough to know that." he said rolling his eyes and turning around.
He started for his tools again but Hiro ran in front of him and cut him off "No! You don't get to avoid this! I'm a caring and forgiving guy but tampering with Baymax?! That crosses a line Tetch! Where are the papers and what did you do to Baymax?!" Hiro shouted.
Mercury glared at him "I didn't take any papers and I didn't do anything to Baymax! You're just being a bratty little kid! Odds are you misplaced them and don't want to admit it!" he shouted back.
Hiros glare deepened and so did Mercurys, they stared at each other in silence for a few minutes and the only sound was Baymax looking between them. Finally Mercury looked away "Look Hiro you need to just let it go. I didn't do anything and I think you know it!" he said.
"No! No I don't know that! I hardly know anything about you! The only thing I know about you is your disgusting burns and pathetic self esteem!" he shouted and then threw his hand over his mouth at his words. He hadn't meant to say that, it had just slipped out. Mercury looked stunned, his mouth opened and closed but no words came out, "Mercury...that was just...I didn't..."
"You know what? Finish this thing yourself." he said quietly and walked out without another word. Hiro groaned in annoyance, he never meant to say that he was just so mad. It was a heat of the moment thing, just some ammo he had but he didn't know how devastating the results would be.
"Hiro, my files have been restored...I apologize for the inconvenience. I had contracted a small virus when uploading the files from the police station. It corrupted my memory, your papers were on your desk but I was deactivated until Mr. Tetch arrived asking about his burns." Baymax stated.
"Wait...Mercury was actually asking about his burns?" Hiro asked feeling worse and worse by the second about what he had said.
"Correct, his exact words were 'I want to be a better friend to Hiro, how can I fix my burns so we can do stuff together?' I then advised him that icing the burns and seeking immediate medical attention was the best course of action for him." Baymax said.
Hiro had never felt worse! That's why Mercury had lied! He was embarrassed because he was terrible at making friends and he wanted to be closer to Hiro...and now he had ruined it!
Baymax cocked his head "Your heart rate has elevated drastically Hiro. Are you stressed?" he asked.
"Yes I'm stressed! I just ruined a friendship because I accused Mercury of something he didn't do!" Hiro said before running out of the lab and down the hall. He saw Mercurys room and the door was open a bit, He slowed down and peered into the room.
Mercury was at his desk writing something down, he was hunched over and Hiro swore he could hear sniffling. He knocked lightly "Mercury? Hey can we talk for a second?" he asked. Mercury turned and he had tears in his eyes, they looked ready to break. Hiro gave a small smile and wave and Mercury got up and walked over to him.
Then Mercury slammed the door in Hiros face.
Hiro sighed heavily and hung his head, he walked back to the lab and Baymax was still there examining all of the tools. Hiro felt like he wanted to cry as he sat down at his desk and looked at Mercurys desk. Stacks and stacks of ideas and schematics littered it, they had been working hard together and in less than five minutes Hiro had destroyed all he had worked for.
He heard the door open and he figured it was Mercury probably coming to get he notebooks. Hiro didn't blame him, it was such a low blow and cruel thing he said to him. He wouldn't be surprised if Mercury never spoke to him again.
"Hello, I am Baymax. Your personal healthcare companion." Baymax said waving his hand, Hiro frowned why did Baymax say that he only says that people.
Hiro turned around to find a woman standing there, she had long black hair and dark brown eyes. She gave a small but sinister smile "Hello Hiro Hamada." she said coldly. Hiro noticed something on her shoulder, it was a small patch. A triangle with a sword through it! This woman was part of the Syndicate!
"I'd like to talk to you about Big Hero Six."