Shadow:This is gonna be my first yaoi!

Kage:And first rated R fic.


Kage:And first lemon.

Shadow:I get it!

Kage:Where's Light?

Shadow:She hates yaoi so I thought I should keep her outta this fic.

Kage:Light's gonna kill you!

Shadow:I know!I know!We always have to talk to eachother about what kinda fic we are gonna make before starting one. Kage:And Malik's gay in this!

Shadow:I know,she'll kill me if she finds out!

Kage:Well lets start now anyway.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Normal POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~


The gang all turned their heads towards Ryou's house.They all stared at the house with wide eyes and in silence. It was Joey who broke the silence, "Did you guys here that, or am I just losing it?" "Not unless we are all going insane.",Tea replied. "Should we check it out?",Yugi asked as he turned to his friends. Malik smiled at Yugi, "Trust me!You don't wanna." "How bad could it be?",asked Tristen. Marik wrapped his arm around Malik's waist and looked up at Tristen, "Depends on what you think is bad." "Well I'm gonna go see what's wrong!",said Yugi. He turned around and dashed towards the front door.


When Yugi entered the house he quickly slipped his shoes off and dashed up the stairs. He headed towards Ryou's room, positive he was there. To bad he was right. When Yugi entered the room he froze instantly at the sight. The others followed him but stopped outside Ryou's room, after seeing Yugi go into shock.

Joey stared at the smaller one akwardly, "Hey Yug!What's the matter with you?"

Joey entered the room and also went into shock. All the others pilled in and went into the same state as Yugi and Joey, except for Malik and Marik. Ryou and Bakura's heads were sticking out from under the covers of the bed, and their clothes were all over the room most likely meaning they were naked underneath the covers.

Malik smirked, "I warned you guys so don't blame me."

"You don't wanna is not a warning!", Yami said as quietly as possible but in a annoyed tone.

"May I suggest we leave?", asked Tristen who was really disgusted with the sight beacause he's not gay.

Everyone left quietly except for Marik who quickly joted something on a piece of paper and placed it on the bed sheet before leaving with the others.


They were all silent for the rest of the walk. They were all still in shock from what they saw, ofcourse except for Malik and Marik. But they decided to talk to eachother mentally.

Ha! I knew they would get together soon!

How would you know that yami?,asked Marik's curious hikari.

Well my is a rule between yamis and hikaris.

What rule?

A yami and his hikari are destined to love eachother.

You mean like us?!Malik grabbed Marik's arm and purred into his ear, making Marik shiver.

Don't do that or I'll be forced to fuck you on the spot!

Nothing would make me happier!Malik purred into Marik's ear again sending more shivers down his spine.

Do you really want your friends to see me fucking you silly on the sidewalk?

I don't care.

Okay then!Marik picked up his hikari and began to kiss,lick, and bite at his hikari's neck.

Yami slowed his pace until he got beside the horny couple.

"We have already seen enough today, and everyone is a little shocked at the moment. You guys are not helping either.",Yami stated in a rude tone.

"Well why don't you go screw your hikari? It will make you feel alot better about the situation.", Marik replied with a grin.

"My hikari is straight!",Yami said before walking back up to Yugi.

Yugi can't be straight. Is he staright hikari?Marik stopped stopped tasting Malik and looked into his eyes for an answer.

Yugi told me he doesn't know what sex he prefers.

If prefer it when your on the bottom, screaming!

You know what I mean.

Yaa, yaa, whatever.

And the Pharaoh is afarid to tell Yugi he loves him.

Well lets help them out!

You mean play match maker?

Why not?

Can we also get Joey and Seto together?

Those two?Why?

Joey has a crush on Seto. Anding knowing Seto he will never figure it out.

I already have a plan for those two.

Tell me!

We are all going to the movies together. We'll just get them to sit beside eachother and we'll make it happen with a bit of tricks I've got planned.

I knew I could count on you!

The group finally arrived at Seto's mansion, where Seto was waiting outside beside his limo.

Seto looked at everyone with cold eyes,"Lucky I told you guys to come early, you're 15 minutes late! What took you guys? And where is Ryou and Bakura?"

Yami looked at Seto with equally cold eyes and replied, "Ryou said they couldn't come and something occurred on our walk here."

"Why don't you tell him the whole truth?",said Marik, "Ryou told us that Bakura and himself were busy doing something else, and when we were walking by their house we heard a scream. So we went inside and found the two sleeping in the same bed naked."

Seto stared at Marik with his jaw slightly dropped until he finished talking. He cleared his troat and said, "The movie's about to start.We better get going."

They all got into the limo and drove towards the theatre. Marik told Malik everything that he had planned for the first soon to be couple mentally, during the drive.


Kage: O.O

Shadow:Is something wrong?

Kage:I never knew you could write stuff like that!I'm so proud of you aibou!*huggs Shadow*

Shadow:Thanx but your squishing me.

Hikari:Hey guys!

S&K:*gulp*Is Light with you?

Light:Are you writing a fic without me?!And a yaoi with Malik?!

Shadow:I can explain!

Light:DIE!*chases Shadow*

Shadow:Yikees!*runs away*


Kage:Uh..........plez don't flame. It is my hikari's first yaoi/lemon/Rated R.
