Kakashi had a dream.

Despite being spacious, the dark underground cave still felt suffocating. He was lying on a seemingly ancient bed. Three candles with varying lengths stood on the bedside crate, their flickering flames were the only light source.

A bare-backed, white haired man sat at the foot of the bed. He was facing away from Kakashi, half of his body an unnatural, waxy white. Despite the different hair colour, Kakashi recognised the man in an instant; eyes snapping open, he struggled to sit up, but not a single muscle would listen to his command, as if he was bound by a seal.

"It's been a long time." The adult Uchiha Obito rasped in a hoarse and unfamiliar voice. He didn't turn around. "Though you probably don't want to see me, I still thought it'd be best if I met with you just this once. Sorry for choosing a place like this, it's just..."

It's just I have no right to appear in Konoha again, to be under the sun and breeze of the Third Training Ground. It was the sentence left unsaid.

Kakashi gazed at Obito's back. Icy water of grief and sorrow seeping at the bottom of his heart began to fill his chest, threatening to drown him under, strangling his senses. When there was no body to be found under the rubbles of that cave, he had countless times fantasised that Obito was alive and would one day, one day appear in the village in front of him; then, he would use his detestable logic to cruelly rip apart the delusion. Although, even in his most preposterous fantasies, Kakashi had never expected that it was under such circumstances they would meet again.

In the dream, time was displaced, they were two worlds apart, identities were subverted, and all was beyond recognition.

What insane joy would it be, if it was simply knowing Obito hadn't died at Kannabi Bridge. But Obito killed Minato and Kushina, committed so many irreversible crimes. He couldn't utter elated words, but reprimands also choked in his throat. Not a single letter would come out.

Clashing waves of love and hate finally merged into helpless anger—

"Why didn't you seek revenge from me?!" He shouted at the Obito from twenty years later. "It was obviously all because of me! If I turned back to help you earlier, maybe nothing would have happened, and you wouldn't he been crushed under that rock! It was me that caused it all, you should take it out on me... why kill Minato-sensei?"

"You still don't know yet, do you? I just killed Rin, just before coming to this world!" He uttered the nightmare that would haunt the rest of his life as if in a wave of masochism. "Her blood is on my hands, I destroyed my promise to you! Now you have even more reasons to take revenge on me!"

Obito just stayed silent.

"...You already know. You knew." It dawned on Kakashi, "That's why you... but if like that isn't it all the more reason you should take it out on me! You gave me my life, you can take it back any time! But why did you... you were... you were..."

You were a hero.

He couldn't bring himself to continue, closing his eyes as he choked on the words. A tear slid from the corner of his left eye, disappearing into strands of silver-white hair.

"I'm already dead." Obito finally began, "There's no point in trying to seek out a motivation for what I've already done, there's no point. I've committed too many crimes, I'm not planning on justifying that; after you return to your world, it's your right to choose how you deal with that Obito."

"So even if I kill him, you wouldn't care?" Eyes still closed, Kakashi replied coldly.

Obito gave a quiet laugh. "Actually, I very much want to say you should just kill him... but I guess, the Kakashi from here, that idiot would definitely want to save him. Of course, after you both return, you can still kill him."


"I'm so glad we could correct the mistake before anything happened." Obito sighed. Kakashi remained silent.

The candles danced in a gust of wind, blowing from seemingly nowhere. "I should go." Obito straightened his back, "I can't hope for you to forgive me... but this one thing, you have to promise me."

Kakashi snapped open his eyes. He stared helplessly as Obito's body shrunk and his hair morphed from white to black, becoming overgrown and tumbling down his back.

His heart gave a painful shudder as he suddenly realised where they were.

The wind grew stronger. One, and then two candles went out. Kakashi saw thirteen-year-old Obito finally turn around in the dimming light, half his face marred with scars, gazing at him with his single remaining right eye, red orbs brimming with grief.

The last candle went out with a puff. In the dark, he heard Obito's last words, spoken with his familiar teenage voice: "Stop carrying on your shoulders responsibilities that don't belong to you, Kakashi."

"Please... You have to learn to forgive yourself."

It was Sakura's outraged roar that pulled Kakashi from his dream and back into reality.

"What couldn't have waited until we got back?! You just had to upset him at the Memorial Stone! Look at it yourselves, how weak was his heartbeat just then!"

"Sa-Sakura-chan, it was Sasuke who said those things, I didn't even say a sentence—" Naruto refuted weakly.

"No quibbling! You didn't stop him! That makes you an accomplice!"

Kakashi discreetly glanced around. He was back in his older-self's home, lying on the bed he woke up in. Before he could take in the layout and furnishing, Sakura whipped her head around as if she had eyes on the back of her head. A finger nearly poked his forehead: "And you! You're the most troublesome! Did you know how worried we were when we couldn't find you! No wonder you never look after yourself, turns out the bad habit stems from childhood!"

Kakashi couldn't help but be reminded of Tsunade by her fierce scowl. When he was small, he had secretly practiced an A-rank jutsu behind his father's back and collapsed from chakra exhaustion; back then Tsunade was still in the village, sporting the same fierce and irritated face as she berated his reckless showing off.

"S...sorry." Kakashi apologised quietly to his future student, involuntarily shrinking back into the covers.

Seeing the pitiable form of their teenage teacher, no matter how much anger would have been quelled. Sakura's expression eased, sighing as she put a hand to her forehead. "I'm not saying we should blindly keep the truth from you... Sasuke-kun's intentions, your own wishes, I understand. I just wish that at the same time, you would care a little more about your own health.

She walked to the writing desk, picking up a thick stack of Hokage stamped documents before returning to the bedside. "This is everything – all the reports about Obito – we sorted out after the war. All the things he's done over the years are recorded here in detail. I managed to get a copy out of the document on while those two idiots went looking for you."

She handed the stack to Kakashi, who forced himself into a sitting position. "You'll find all the answers to your questions here."

Due to a critical operation in half an hour, Sakura couldn't stay much longer, leaving right after she made sure Kakashi was alright. Sasuke left too not long after, saying he had to keep an eye on the Hokage tower— someone had to keep the sudden disappearance of Konoha's Rokudaime under wraps. Naruto stayed, keeping Kakashi company as he read through the reports.

Just as Sakura had said, the record was truly detailed. From when Obito fell into Madara's cave at Kannabi Bridge— this part was pieced from Obito's memories, which Team 7 saw on the battlefield — to his first appearances as Tobi then to Kaguya being sealed, eighteen years of the Fourth Shinobi War's instigators life was fully documented in hundreds of pages from the report he held. The stance was quite neutral too, neither attempting to whitewash Obito's crimes, nor erasing his contribution.

And included in the report, was the scene from twenty years ago at the border of Kiri.

It was due to the immense disappointment Obito had felt witnessing him kill Rin that he had decided to change the world using the Eye of the Moon plan— during the collation of the report, Kakashi had specifically asked Sakura to point out that detail. Regarding their teacher's decision Sakura and Naruto both thought it was unnecessary; the dead's family wouldn't think Obito pardonable just because of that, and bringing it up would just be reopening their teacher's old wounds. But Kakashi had insisted, and they had no choice.

When the hour hand pointed at three, Kakashi had finished reading the entire report. The young Jonin sat on the bet, staring at the cover, right at the name of his deceased friend. Beneath the mask, His lips were pressed into a thin line.

"Ah... it's already the afternoon, huh." Naruto's voice broke the silence. The blonde youth stretched as he stood up, giving in to a long yawn. Then he turned around, stretching his hand out for Kakashi.

"If you're feeling better... before you go back, do you want to go for a walk outside?"

The wandered along the streets of Konoha. Since no one outside could see Kakashi, Naruto turned up his collar to hide his mouth, quietly detailing changes in the village since the Rokudaime's inauguration.

During the Fourth War the Juubi had thrown several Tailed Beast Bombs in all directions, and one crashed into the unfortunate south-west section of Konoha. While there were no casualties for civilians left behind had already begun transferring underground for refuge as soon as the war started, it was still a heavy blow to the village that had just started to recover from Pain's attack only half a year prior. After the households previously living there returned after the reconstruction, Kakashi decided to sell the rest of the houses under- priced to shinobi injured or killed in the war or their families as a part of the consolation and compensation programme.

After the war, the Five Great Nations took the lead in founding the Shinobi alliance. Even so, it's still a strenuous task for previously opposed villages that's been holding their guards up against each other for so long to put down all previous grievances and cooperate. The second month of taking office as Hokage, accompanied by Naruto and Shikamaru, Kakashi personally visited Iwagakure— the main village they fought against during the Kannabi Bridge conflict in the Third War. It was the icebreaker they needed for communication between the nations to finally start flowing (Naruto paused here, turning a careful glance at Kakashi even though the silver haired teen still had his head down, not giving any reactions).

Until now, Konoha has already established a specialised branch for diplomacy. Now envoys from the other four nations and other small countries would stay for extended periods, and seeing people in foreign ninja attire has become something common in Konoha streets.

Konoha hospital also got expanded during the past few years. A three-storey building was constructed beside the original hospital, and the walls were painted a warm orange. It was for shinobi counselling services, established by Sakura and Ino's suggestion and Kakashi's support. It served to monitor the mental wellbeing of thousands of shinobi both in service and retired, ready to provide mental and material support at any moment. Naruto didn't say much about the place, but he knew Kakashi would understand its significance.

Often people greeted Naruto as they walked, and Naruto responded to each person, sometimes stopping to have a chat. Each time he subtly directed the conversation towards the Rokudaime, and after every conversation he would throw Kakashi a victorious glance: see, everyone is praising sensei.

The walk ended on top of the Hokage mountain.

"See?" The pair stood above the sculpted head of Namikaze Minato, looking down on the village. "Everyone in the village loves, they believe you can lead us to a much brighter future. You're the Hokage everyone respects and trusts, not trash that's accomplished nothing— not in the past, not now, and definitely not in the future.

He looked at Kakashi. "Even though I'm not sure how you see Obito after hearing all that's happened, but no matter what, there's no reason for you to see it as your responsibility. And that girl called Rin, I think she wouldn't like to see you torturing yourself each day with guilt and blame, either."


Then a mass of blonde and orange blocked his view. Kakashi lifted his head, just in time to stare straight into Naruto's eyes. "If you're troubled, how bout talking to me about it?"

In a dazed moment, he thought he saw Minato sensei again.

"I want to know," After a moment of hesitation, Kakashi finally picked up his voice again. "What's your thoughts about Obito? You..."

Have you forgiven him?

He couldn't ask that question. After all, Obito killed Naruto's mother and father, leaving him with a lonely and unfortunate childhood. But every time Obito has been brought up thus far, the blond teen hadn't shown any deep-seated hatred for the Uchiha. It made Kakashi want to know what Naruto really thought about this entire thing.

He instinctively believes that Naruto's attitude would work as his own reference.

Kakashi was explicit, but Naruto could hear what he wanted to ask. "I will never forgive him for the crimes he committed." The young messiah responded without hesitation, "Although, I still thank him for the help he gave us and sacrifice he made in the last moments. Those two things are separate, I wouldn't turn a blind eye to his contributions because of his crimes, and vice versa."

"I..." Kakashi began, then lowered his head again.

So many people had lost their lives because of Obito. If he pretended these things never happened, it would be unfair to Minato-sensei, Kushina and everyone else that had died in this world. Yet, these things weren't done by the thirteen-years-old Obito. If he treated the teenage Obito like a criminal, that's also unreasonable.

But at the same time, he couldn't deceive himself. At the bottom of his heart he still wished to act as if nothing has happened when he returned, treating Obito as he's always had. The biased and selfishness, the desperate seeking of reasons to justify his feelings made Kakashi ashamed— it wasn't right. He shouldn't be like this.

Naruto saw his struggle.

A hand lowered gently onto Kakashi's shoulder. "Even though I'm in no position to request of you how you treat the Obito in your world, but I think you should give him a chance." The pair of eyes so painfully similar to Minato-sensei's gazed at him. It was a look of honestly, acceptance and full of encouragement. "I think you do want to give him a chance, but you can't convince yourself. But don't worry; since Kakashi sensei went to that world, he would definitely pull Obito back to the right path. He'll definitely be able to.

"So, if all the tragedies haven't already happened... you don't have to let Obito carry the sins that aren't his."

Kakashi stared at him for a while before shifting his gaze away. "You're pretty confident in the me twenty years later."

"Of course." Naruto laughed, "he's Kakashi sensei!"

No further description, as if that single sentence was enough.

Kakashi's eyes crinkled in a small smile. "Thank you, Naruto. You didn't have to take the trouble to talk it out with me... I'm not your sensei, and if fate has been changed, I don't know if you will be my students in the future."

"But you're still Hatake Kakashi." Naruto replied as if it was only natural, "and..."

He scratched the back of his head, a little embarrassed. "It's rare, that I get to be the one who helps out in a conversation with Kakashi-sensei. It's always been sensei that's supporting me, helping me and leading the way for me. Having the chance to do some of the same things for him, I'm really happy."

Light illuminates the road for people, leading the way while remaining in the darkness itself, silently being consumed by the shadows. So when the haze is too thick, when the haze blocks out light— it is then light needs the people it has illuminated to disperse it and allow it to shine again.

The conversation came to a temporary close. Neither spoke as they stood together, gazing quietly at the village below. A while later, Kakashi lifted his wrist, looking at the clock imprint.

"It's about time." He said, looking towards Naruto, "Before leaving... I think I want to go to the Memorial Stone again."

"Ready to face it this time?" Naruto wasn't surprised.

"Didn't you have a lot of confidence in your sensei?" Kakashi lifted his eyebrows, asking in reply.

Naruto froze for a moment before giving him a dazzling smile. "Of course!"

When Naruto and Kakashi returned to the Third Training Ground, the other members of Team 7 were already waiting, as if they already guessed he would choose to leave from there. Kakashi nodded at Sakura and Sasuke before leaving Naruto, walking towards the Memorial.

He stopped before the stone.

"That time, it was you that I heard, right?" Lowering his eyes to where Obito's name once was, Kakashi began softly. "Since this is the future, that means even if this space-time jutsu didn't happen I would've lived anyways."

"You saved me again. Counting the one seventeen years later, that's three in total."

"The you that saw Rin die by my hand but still didn't kill me... what were you thinking in that moment?"


"The things you've done truly are wrong and I'm in no place to forgive you in place of anyone else. But after all, it's because you saw me kill Rin that you decided to walk down this path. After all, it was because I couldn't protect Rin that she was forced to make that decision. No matter what other people say, it's responsibility I cannot shirk."

"So... I'm the only person in the world without the right to blame you."


"After I go back, I'll talk to the Obito over there. You guys all believe the me twenty years later would be able to stop him before it's too late, and I guess I hope that's true. Just in case he wasn't able to... Then I'll take over the mission."

"No matter how hard, no matter what price I have to pay... I'll definitely bring him back to Konoha."

"Obito." Kakashi reached out, stroking the shallow yet so deeply carved markings. "I know perhaps I shouldn't think like this now, but... no matter what other people say, the you that turned back in the last moments and fought with us, saved Naruto and Sasuke, the you that said goodbye to me as a friend..."

"Are still a hero in my heart."

A soft breeze caressed the surrounding forest, rustling the leaves. It was as if a low and gentle sigh could be heard beside his ear, gone before the listener could focus.

After a while, Kakashi turned around, staring at the trio of Team 7. "I should be going."

"Take care, Kakashi-sensei." Sakura gazed at him with concern, "I put some medical equipment from this time in your first aid pack, there's not a lot, but I hope they'll be of use some day. And learn to look after yourself!"

"Have a safe trip." Sasuke nodded briefly. "I hope this time tragedy won't happen again."

"It won't." Kakashi gave him a solemn nod, "I won't let all this happen again."

"Remember to say hello to Mum and Dad for me— just in your head is okay!" Naruto gave him a thumbs up, "And, even though we're parting now, when we meet again in a few years, don't forget us!"

Kakashi gazed at the students of his older-self. In the future of his own world, he would still meet them. But when he does, they wouldn't be as they are now; no discriminated against childhood, no parents killed by a brother, no friends that betrayed the village and a team that's falling apart.

But that's the future they're all looking forward to.

The clock hand pointed to twelve. Body suddenly lighter, Kakashi looked down, taking in the grass through his translucent hands.

It's time to leave.

He looked up at Team 7 once again, eyes curving into a familiar crescent forming from a sincere smile. "Goodbye, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura. I won't ever forget everything that's happened here."

"And... thank you so much."

Along with the murmur, the young jonin's figure began dispersing into countless spots of light, swirling upwards with the wind and finally disappearing into the sky. Team 7 gazed at the receding light, until—

"Ah... sure enough, it ended up here."

A familiar voice rang from behind the trio. Naruto stiffened, looking back in pleasant surprise: "Kakashi-sensei!"

Standing not far behind them was the Rokudaime who vanished yesterday from his office. The white Hokage haori was nowhere to be seen, and a frighteningly large patch of blood stained his Jonin uniform. Though pale, the silver haired man-s expression was gentle, eyes telling of a deep satisfaction that came from fulfilling a long desired wish.

"Sensei you're hurt!" Sakura exclaimed. She and Naruto leapt forward, one at each side, supporting their teacher as if scared that he would fall down any minute.

"Well that... I already treated it." Kakashi felt overwhelmed by all the sudden enthusiasm from his students. He waved his hand, signalling that he was alright and they could let go. "It just looks serious, it's nothing big. Anyways... small me was difficult to deal with, right? Sorry for giving you guys so much trouble."

"Eh, the big one has always been troublesome anyways, we're used to it!" Sakura rolled her eyes at him, still checking his injuries. "You're calling this nothing? It's gone right through! Kakashi-sensei, you better behave and stay in the hospital tonight!"

"Ah... is that so. I keep feeling like my authority as a sensei is dwindling. Haha, haha." Kakashi gave a dried laugh, blinking awkwardly.

"Is everything solved?" Sasuke walked over.

"Yeah." Kakashi's gaze grew gentle, "they should have no problems over there." He looked beyond Sasuke and at the Memorial Stone, "They will be fine from now."

"Kakashi-sensei." Naruto said abruptly.

"Hm?" Kakashi turned, "What's the matter—oof!"

His sentence screeched to a halt when he was pulled into a suffocating hug.

"Thank goodness you came back, Kakashi sensei..." His student, already as tall as him, mumbled as he buried his face into Kakashi's uninjured shoulder, arms still squeezing him in the hug. "I thought you would try to stay over there... my mum, dad and Obito are all there after all. All the people you've been missing and holding dear and... thank goodness, it's so great that you came back."

"Naruto..." The surprise gradually receded from Kakashi's eyes. He looked at Sakura and Sasuke. They were gazing back at him; even though both stayed silent, it was clear from their eyes that they felt the same as Naruto.

The silver haired Hokage lowered his eyes, erasing the guilt that rose deep within them.

"Sorry." After a moment of silence, Kakashi lifted his hand, gently encircling Naruto's back. "Sensei will never leave again. I'll be staying right here, right here in Konoha, looking out for you guys. Always."

Because you guys too, are my most precious, most important 'family'.


A/N:That's it! Thank my dear Kanoven for translating it and thank you guys for R&R!