Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto and this English translation, although the original Chinese fan fiction is mine.

Here comes the last part of this series, a fourshot story! Thank my lovely kanoven for translation, and hope you all enjoy!

Lightning ripped through her chest and two hearts stopped in the same instant.

The raiton dissipated around fingers that continued to convulse involuntarily. Despite the warmth of flesh and blood around his forearm spearing her chest, it was a bone chilling coldness that unfurled from there and spread to every part of his being. In that moment, he was submerged in ice.


"Kakashi…" Rin looked at him, tears mixing with the pouring rain on her cheeks. Her mouth moved without producing sound, but he could read her lips loud and clear.


Lips were bitten bloody under the mask. One hand on Rin's shoulder, he tensed, pulling his right arm out of the gaping hole in her chest.

"H-ack...ck…ghluh…" Rin coughed up a spurt of blood, the painful expression on her face seeping away along with her life. He watched, helpless, as her body staggered once and fell back. Her sleeves swayed in the wind, gently grazing his outreached fingertips; finally, falling down heavily, unmoving.

Rin died.

He killed her.

He destroyed the promise to Obito with his own hands.

What the Kiri-nin were shouting about around him, he could no longer hear. All his remaining chakra surged towards the left eye like a tsunami and he staggered, falling onto his knees. The Sharingan scorched him like fierce flames and everything he could see was twisting into bizarre and grotesque shapes.

This world is hell.

The Chidori was perfected under the aid of Obito's eye, but he had used the same jutsu to pierce Rin's chest.

If the person who died at Kannabi Bridge was me, maybe none of this would have happened.

Vision blurring, he fell forward limply.

Rules, comrades, promises. I wasn't able to protect anything.

I'm the trash that's accomplished nothing.

Before falling into the darkness, Hatake Kakashi heard a the echo of a primal roar, full of rage and despair.

It was supposed to be a peaceful, harmonious and pleasant afternoon—in which everything started because of a single, boring D-rank.

"So, shouldn't we be at Ichiraku's right now, eating delicious tonkotsu ramen and listening to Sasuke recount his travels?" Inside the Hokage office, Naruto was squatting down next to the file cabinet and removing its dusty old contents, muttering under his breath. "And not breaking our backs doing chores!"

"About that… quite rare we've got everybody together so you know, an occasional reminiscing of your genin days isn't that bad either, right?" Their teacher was sitting behind the office desk, leisurely holding up that infamous orange book, albeit embellished with a serious cover. After all, publicly reading indecent material in the Hokage office— it wouldn't be pretty if thatnews got around.

"Yeah." Naruto turned his head, spearing the Rokudaime with a look of resentment. "This scene, us doing all the hard work and sensei chilling at the side is quite familiar too!"

"Ah, just drop it, Naruto." Sakura cut in. She was sorting the files Naruto had taken out and placing them into neat piles. "Kakashi-sensei was always like this— can you hand me the green notebook, Sasuke-kun? Thank you— it's not like today's the first day you met him. The earlier we finish, earlier we get food. So concentrate on your job!"

"I am concentrating, dattebayo…" Naruto grumbled, reaching into the cabinet again. "Eh? What's this?" He perked up suddenly, retracting his arm. The other two members of Team 7 glanced over to see in his hand a medium sized scroll, red in colour and labelled with a large kanji for 'forbidden'.

"Forbidden scroll, huh… that's so nostalgic." Naruto rubbed his nose. He laughed mischievously, looking at the kanji. "You know back then, I learnt my Kagebunshin no Jutsu from the forbidden scroll that I stole." He continued and before anyone could react, undid the ribbon, "Let's see what awesome jutsu is recorded on this one!"

"Wait, Naruto, don't be careless… Ah!" The last half of Sakura's sentence was swallowed by the sudden burst of white light. As if it was a hurricane, the previously sorted files flew into a sudden and violent flurry, dancing in the air around the scroll, still radiating blinding light.

"Eh-ehhh? Oh shit!" Holding the scroll with both hands, the young saviour and hero of the Fourth War widened his eyes. "It's pulling me in— "

"Give it to me, Naruto!"

There was a flash of white and the next moment Kakashi had Hiraishin-ed to his students. He snatched the scroll out of Naruto's hands and in nearly the same moment, the already blinding light flared, enveloping the silver haired man.

Feeling the sudden sting in their eyeballs, all three youths involuntarily closed their eyes. When the light haded faded and they looked back at the scroll, their sensei was nowhere to be seen.

A dead silence.

"Narutooooo!" Sakura let out a hysterical scream, "Look at what you've done!"

"I-I-I I…" Naruto clutched his head, fallen completely into a frenzy, "It wasn't on purpose! I'll go find Kakashi-sensei immediately—"

"Quiet, you two." Being the only one who still retained a semblance of calm, Sasuke commanded quietly and frowned, "The air's rippling… something's coming out!"

As if to prove his claim, as soon as he finished speaking the white light flared again where Kakashi had vanished; under the incredulous stares of Team 7, a silver haired teen clad in shinobi attire and drenched in blood materialised half a meter in mid-air. The figure fell onto the mess of a floor with a loud thump as the light disappeared.

The office fell into an even longer silence. All three Jonin stared at the unexpected guest that came from kami knows where, sporting messy silver hair, a scarred left eye, a mask covering half his face…

"…dattebayo," Naruto swallowed thickly, "this kid, could it be…"

"Shh, he's waking up!" Sakura held up a finger, halting the blonde.

A soft groan drifted up from beneath the mask. Eyelashes fluttered, the silver haired teen's eyes slowly cracking open. Just as Team 7 caught a glimpse of that red left eye, his eyes snapped wide open. Clutching his right wrist in a death grip with his left hand, the teen released a wretched howl that could have froze the blood in anyone's veins: "Ahhhhhhhhhh—!"

"Kakash-sensei, calm down!" Her medic-nin instinct making Sakura rush up first, "You're off the battlefield now, it is very safe here… please calm down!"

Reaching out with both hands, palms glowing a gentle green, she attempted to soothe her horrified teenage sensei, though to no avail. Kakashi continued that miserable screaming, painfully curling his body into a ball. From the red Sharingan eye, blood began to seep out as the three tomoes spun wildly, silently morphing into pinwheels—


Came Sasuke's abrupt warning. The next moment, under the Rinnegan'sAme no Tejikara, Sakura had swapped places with a nearby chair. The air twisted and squeaked, in an instant, the chair had been wrung into countless splinters, wood shavings flew and twirled in the air.

"He's completely out of chakra, if this continues he's dead." Right eye already spinning scarlet, Sasuke yelled, "Naruto!"

"Got it!" Years of teamwork and mutual understanding allowed Naruto to know immediately what his best friend meant. Cloaked in his golden bijuu mode, he navigated to behind Kakashi in a flash to help him sit upright, the hand resting on the teen's back channeling chakra without stop. Sasuke had already half knelt in front of Kakashi, one hand on the back of his head and pressing their foreheads together.

The two Mangekyou stared into each other, only centimetres apart. Very quickly, Kakashi's sharingan was suppressed by Sasuke's, the pinwheel fading back to three tomoes; his gaze also began to lose focus, body relaxing and slacking in the crook of Naruto's arm.

Right eye fading back to black, a peculiar look flitted behind Sasuke's eyes that quickly disappeared. He dropped his hand and stood up, taking a step back. "He's out of danger now."

"…Thank you, Sasuke-kun." Sakura said quietly, fear still lingering in her eyes. If Sasuke hadn't react quickly, it would have been her hands that was ripped to shreds. She let out a deep breath and walked up again, checking over the unconscious wounded.

"Sa-say, exactly… what exactly is happening?" Naruto stammered hesitantly. The teen in his arms was pale and fragile. He half held his teacher as if he was a piece of delicate glassware capable of shattering any second, completely at a loss what to do. "Where did Kakashi-sensei… I mean, our Kakashi-sensei go?"

"Don't we have to ask you?" Sakura rewarded him with a glare. She wrapped up the examination, expression easing up a little. "Not too bad, apart from chakra exhaustion, his injuries aren't serious. The problem now is… what point in the timeline did he come from? And just what had happened before he got here?"

"I know." Sasuke interjected.

Naruto and Sakura immediately turned to their teammate.

"Due to the drastic difference in eye power, when I was hypnotising him, I accidentally intruded into his recent memories." The raven-haired youth averted his gaze, clearly uncomfortable to have invaded someone's privacy. Though, this awkwardness quickly dissipated from his face, expression growing serious.

"Before coming here, he had just killed the Sanbi jinchuuriki."

One single sentence froze the air. Having been there during the fight with the Obito turned Juubi and witnessing his memories, Naruto and Sakura both understood that the Sanbi Sasuke had mentioned was not the Yondaime Mizukage, but somebody else.

The only kunoichi in Team Minato, Obito and Kakashi's teammate, Nohara Rin.

"…Sasuke." Naruto began softly, watching remnants of his painful expression still lingering on the silver teen's face, despite the loss of consciousness. "Seeing that scene from sensei's perspective… what kind of feeling is that?"

"I can only say, it's a miracle he could still use the Chidori afterwards." Was Sasuke's curt reply.

For some time, nobody spoke. Then Naruto stood up, Kakashi steadily cradled in his arms.

"Let's go, to sensei's place." He said, looking at his teammates, "The S-rank mission that belongs to Team 7 is going to start."

A/N: Kakashi knowing Hiraishin is a non-canon concept from Light in the Hell.

Here is the translator's ao3 page: /works/17821802 (the first part of the URL is block by FF, but I bet you all know what it is)

Thank you for R&R!