Being Quirkless gave Izuku Midoriya one thing. It gave him time. Enough time for him to learn English to a passable extent, as well as read a fair amount of english literature. In doing so his mind keeps coming to the same quote, from one of his favorite stories outside the Japanese language, "The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think about stopping herself before she found herself falling down a very deep well.". Izuku couldn't help but draw parallels between himself and Alice, as few and far between they were. But he could definitely say he was falling down his own rabbit hole of sorts.



And unlike Alice, an eight year old Izuku didn't fall slowly or gracefully, if fact he hadn't even been falling that long, as he could still see the hole he came through, with the water cascading down from the riverbed it was in. As he focused through the pain of a broken arm, he could make out the form of Katsuki Bakugou's head, but due to the light, he couldn't see the emotion it displayed, if it displayed any at all.

"Kacchan! Help! I-I think my arm is broken!"

Izuku had heard something coming from above as he writhed on the ground in pain. But after a minute or so, nothing.

"Kacchan! Are you there?! Please, I need help!"

By this point Izuku was crying, coming to a conclusion that he never wanted to reach.

He laid there, waiting for someone to come help him.

5 minutes

Izuku knew somebody was coming for him…. 'Kacchan wouldn't ditch me like that, sure he can be mean, but he wouldn't just leave me here...'

30 minutes

By now to pain in Izuku's arm was really starting to hurt him. Before the adrenaline of falling in the hole had kept it pretty numb, but coming down from that high came with a lot of pain….'It's okay, Kacchan is coming, i just have to be patient.'

3 hours

Izuku's worst fears were confirmed. He knew it wouldn't take long for the police, or fire department to find him, as they had been playing at the border of the woods when he fell. It also didn't help that the entire time he was drenched in freezing water from the river. From the hole above, he could see it was getting dark. If nobody was coming to find him, he needed to get home. Not for his sake, but his mother's…. He didn't believe she would last long into the night before freaking out about him not coming home yet.

Izuku thickened his resolve and began to stand on shaking feet. If he didn't know his arm was broken before, he did now, because when he was going to stand up he made the mistake of moving his broken arm from the cradle position it had held for 3 hours. Finally reaching his feet, izuku surveyed what he could of the area, and realized he couldn't see much. Now, Izuku is a smart kid, and saw he had three exits, or ways to escape this scenario:

He could climb the roots along the walls of his personal rabbit hole. But that would require the usage of both his arms. He saw that the passage goes deeper than where he was, although he couldn't see where, so it was a serious gamble. He could scream his voice raw in a vain hope that someone would hear him and come searching for where he was.

Izuku crossed out the first and third plan due to him not being able to use his arms, and the fact that a running river above him would more than likely drown out any noise he made trying to call for help. That left Izuku to look behind himself into the darkness.

"Down, down, down, into the rabbit hole she went…" Izuku mumbled to himself as he tried to strengthen his resolve and continue forward.

As Izuku was walking down this path of random roots and uneven footing, his eyes became adjusted more to the dark. He may not have been able to see, but he could make sense of the shape in front of him. He began to notice the path wasn't actually straight, but ran in a spiral. A wide spiral. He used the roots in the wall to his advantage as handholds. He had to use his left hand since his right arm is pretty much useless. As he goes deeper, it hits him just how much danger he could possibly be in.

Before Izuku could go into a full panic attack, the ground leveled out.


"AGHHH!" The loud noise caused izuku to jump in the air like a cat. Unfortunately for him he hadn't completely adjusted to the dark so he fell to the ground and hurt his arm even more. Which along with the previous events started the cataclysm that is his emotions to overload is senses.

"MOMMY! Mom i wanna come home! It hurts! Why can't i just co-" As izuku is bawling his eyes out, breaking down, a bright green light starts emanating from the end of the room. It starts changing colors from green to red, yellow, indigo, violet, blue, and orange. For some reason the amalgamation of colors converge to create a spectrum he can't look away from. It isn't that he didn't want to, he physically couldn't. He felt he had lost control of his body as he slowly moves toward the colors to find they are projecting from a box.


Izuku hadn't noticed it, but as he got within 10 feet of the box, his broken arm snapped into place and mended itself. The colors then reverted back to their rotating forms. The box itself was nothing to particular, it just looked like a shiny white box. The Intense glow from the rings lessened to the point where he could see what it was coming from, just to be shocked.

Inside the box was a foam like padding with nine different colored rings within it. Seven of the rings matched the colors he had seen be projected. There was also a shiny silver ring, and a black ring. He reached forward to touch the box, to pick it up, or to do literally anything with it as it had enchanted him to a point that even the fear he felt over what he had dealt with this day couldn't stop him.

Izuku grabbed the box fully with both hands, and instantly regretted it. Searing pain was thrust into his nerves starting at his hands and intensifying towards his head.


Izuku sees a shade of red cover his memories as they play in his head….

Izuku had been 5 years old, he watched as katsuke cornered one of his classmates the one with big, leathery wings the color of his skin. Izuku watched as katsuke pushed him to the ground and started kicking him. He felt disgusted as Katsuke got to more students to join in, and was utterly horrified when they activated their quirks. The lackey to the left of katsuke had rocks emerge from his arms that were jagged in places and ha started to beat on the winged student, while the one to the right of katsuke had used his inherent ability to bind the wings together so he couldn't escape. They did this as katsuke stood back, deciding to watch. This made Izuku beyond enraged, when e saw katsuke get ready to join in on the beating with explosions coming from his palms, he acted. Izuku ran forward and pushed the one to the right of katsuke down, making him lose concentration and freeing the winged student, who in turn ran away crying. Seeing this katsuke decided to change the object of his bullying to Izuku as he slapped him across the face with an explosion, sending him directly into a wall.

"QUIRKLESS, FUCKING, DEKU!" Katsuke yelled as he beat on Izuku, hitting him with the occasional explosion, "YOU JUST HAD TO PLAY HERO!"

The lackey t Katsuke's left started beating on Izuku until Katsuke stopped him, "NO! This little bastard is all mine", he then proceeded the beating until izuku was beaten badly all over the body, intentionally avoiding his face.

"You will never be anything, but a fucking deku, got that." Katsuke was making sure that Izuku knew his place in the world. "If you even think about acting like a hero again, I'm gonna kick your ass..."

Izuku watched from the ground as they all left, and began to cry. Not tears of sadness, but tears of rage . He was angry that he wasn't strong, he was angry that he wasn't born with a quirk, he was angry at his once best friend for becoming such a cruel being, but mostly he was angry with himself as he was useless to do anything about it. He was a true Deku.


The covering changes to a cool indigo color….

"Hey, where a goin' little buddy?" said a six year old Izuku as he chased a small bunny through the woods. "Wait! Lemme catch up mr. rabbit!"

Izuku heard a yelp from up ahead and started to chase after the rabbit even faster. When he caught up, he found the rabbit caught in a snare, along with several others in the area.

"Why would someone do this? You're just a tiny bunny?" Izuku asked himself this as he searched for a way to get them down.

Izuku eventually found the root of the traps, and started to undo them and release the rabbits with a show of compassion . When he got to the one he was chasing he said, "Now normally I would b happy I caught you, but this is unfair, so you get a five second head start!" After he said this the rabbit cocked its head at him, wiggled it's nose, and ran off. Izuku proceeded to count to three before becoming impatient and running after the rabbit while laughing joyously.


A haze of yellow overcomes the cool indigo as his next memory plays….

"I'm sorry, but it appears you are quirkless"

As soon as these words left the mouth of the quirk assessment doctor, Izuku started to silently cry. The one thing he feared most had come to be. There was nothing he could do as his mother started begging the doctor to rerun the tests for his sake, only for him to explain that since Izuku had two joints in his pinky toe instead of one, there is no way he could form a quirk of his own. Izuku stayed silent for the rest of the day with a maelstrom of thoughts swarming his head. Things such as, "What will Kacchan think?", or , "How can I become a hero to protect others now?", began to cloud his thoughts until before he realised it he was sitting in front of his computer, watching All Might's most famous feat. He heard his mother open the door, and with teary eyes he turned around to see her, only to shock her by asking, "Mommy, can I be a hero without a quirk?"

What followed next fractured his soul and filled it with fear , as Inko Midoriya was unable to say anything as she opened and closed her mouth, only for her to close the door in shame and walk away.


All the fear he was feeling begins to disappear as a green light takes over his vision….

The day after the quirk test, Izuku is looking out over the city of Musutafu, Japan from his room. This is his home, and he wants to protect it from any and everything that wishes to harm it. He then looks at the notebook on his desk, the same one he uses to write about heros and all the cool things they can do. He picks it up, and opens to the first empty page he can find, and continues to write. Because he may not have a quirk, but he will be damned before he gives up the will to help people.


Izuku sees a mirage of blue waft over his senses as he recalls something else….

Izuku at three years old, is sitting in front of the T.V. watching as All Might goes back in the fire to save the last few people. Five minutes later he sees him climb over the flaming wreckage of cars holding 7 people in his massive arms. Izuku starts jumping around the apartment with joy and amazement as he had just witnessed a grand feat of heroism. Inko is watching from the doorway with a smile on her face as she watches her little boy bounce around with uncontained happiness. Suddenly Izuku runs up to his mother and asks, "Can I be as strong as All Might one day mom?!", upon which Inko take a second to consider it before she says, "of course you can sweetie, you just have to put in all the hard work to make sure you can save the world!" When Izuku hears this his smile grows to a size neither of the midoriya thought were possible as he launches himself into her arms, because he is so happy at the prospect of hoping to become a hero.


Izuku feels a deep need to have it all when his vision is clouded in orange….

Izuku is looking over the first five notebooks of his hero analysis journals, and he can't help but want every single one of the powers he has observed. They all are just great, from Katsuke's explosions to 13's black hole. Izuku is fantasizing about all of these abilities when a knock at his door knocks him out of his stupor.

"Yes?" he responds knowing who is at the door.

"Sweetie, it's time for lunch so come on out" replies Inko Midoriya as she opens the door for him to hear her.

Izuku says he will be out soon as he takes one last look at his notebooks before realizing how silly he is for wanting all those powers. He says to himself that he just needs to wait, and his own will appear and he will be able to become a great hero, just like All Might.


Izuku's eyes glaze over with a light purple haze when he sees something….

"Are you okay" a voice from above Izuku asks.

Izuku is afraid to look up but does so anyway. When he does he sees a girl his age, maybe a little older, with beautiful cerulean hair that goes to her shoulders with a slight curl to it.

"So are you?" The girl asks again, as she now is kneeling in front of Izuku trying to get his attention."You know, you really shouldn't be on the ground. You could get sick!"

Izuku is about to respond when, "Wait! Is that your quirk? Can you not get sick? Are you always clean? Why is your hair so green? Why are you out here by yourself? What school do you go to? Do you wanna be friends?!"

To say Izuku was shocked would be an understatement, this seemingly random and scatterbrained girl is sitting in front of him, and asking endless question about him. He can't respond, and is worried he'll say the wrong thing and she'll leave him like everyone else does.

"So, do you wanna be m-" "YES!" Izuku exclaimed, shocking himself

He then looks up to see her smiling really big, "Well come on then, let's go play!" she says as she uses her quirk to lift him off the ground to his feet, when she finally notices, "Oh, you're hurt…. We need to go find you some help!"

Izuku is then dragged off by this girl, whom he still doesn't know the name of, as she takes him to her house, which was conveniently close by.

"Mom!Dad! I'm home! And I brought a friend, he is hurt and needs help!" The strange girl then turns to him like she realized something, "I forgot to ask your name. Mine is Nejire Hadou. What about you?"

Izuku proceeded to mumble something she couldn't hear.

"What is it?" she innocently asks

"I-Izuku Midoriya…" He says as he speaks up


Izuku is looking at the sky as he falls onto his back. He somehow just went dawn a path of memory lane, with memories he doesn't even remember. He looks at his hands to see the box is there and closed. He opens it and sees all nine rings there without their luster. He decides to close the box and look at his surroundings. He notices that he is at the side of the river, right where the hole was that he fell into, only to see there is no hole in the river, and that it is dark out. At that, Izuku becomes a little scared knowing he shouldn't be out at night when it is really late, and starts to bolt his way home.