N/A: Hello to all! My name is Mr. Sensei, my real name will remain confidential in case the alien churros of another dimension are listening in *Looks from right to left suspiciously*. I have decided to expand two fandoms that are not as used as I would like into this story. My inspiration for this story came from reading The incredible muffin's `Ben 10: Unlimited´, since Ben 10 is by far my favorite cartoon character and aside from the popular opinion I really liked the Omniverse series. Yeah, that's right, I said it. It made me laugh, had new interesting characters and delivered a great plot line, expanding on the original one. If you have a problem with Omniverse, then you better get the heck out of my story this instant, `cause it will be based on that.

The cover image was provided by LEXLOTHOR.

Zero's Ben

Chapter 1:

It was a calm day in the life of Benjamin Kirby Tennyson, for a change. There had been none emergencies for eight days, the crime in Undertown was at its lowest and Ben and his partner Rook Blonko were taking it easy on the monitor duty that they had asked for.

Normally monitor duty was hell on earth for the young Omnitrix wilder, but after the whole Anur Transyl incident even he needed to take it slow for a while.

"Anything on you screen Rook?" Asked Ben taking a sip of his smoothie

"Yes, I found something highly interesting" Answered Rook with great seriousness.

"What is it? A robbery, an invasion, illegal black market sale?" Speculated Ben.

"I had no idea... that kietens could play the piano" Said Rook as he turned his holographic screen over to show a white and orange kitten playing chopsticks with chopsticks.

Ben stared at his partner for a moment "Weren't you checking the security cameras on the east of undertown?"

"Yes, but I finished that 4 minutes ago and I am currently taking my break"

Ben growled and leaned back into his chair "This taking it easy thing is good and all, but I kind of wish some world changing event would happen"

Ding… Ding… Ding

Ben pulled out his phone and checked on the new message "It's from Ester, she needs to see me now, apparently is urgent, like leave now urgent"

Rook closed off his cat screen and opened the same one that Ben was watching "Go see to what she is on need of, I will take care of your work while you are gone"

Ben left to see what his girlfriend wanted, but not before finishing his grape smoothie and murdering about it not tasting the same. Little did he knew that that would be the last smoothie he would have for a long time.




Parking the Tenn-Speed outside of The hot spot, where the Kraaho lived, Ben made his way inside of the village.

The Kraaho had always been very similar to the Inuit, they dress similar, they behaved similar and they even had similar houses and tribes. Ben wasn't thinking about any of that, he was thinking about how all the kraaho were carrying metal boxes inside of a spaceship that looked just like a oversized tipi with rockets strapped on the side.


Hearing his name, Ben turned around and saw Ester running towards him and then gave him a Kraaho hug, which was basically her arms wrapping around the two of them many times and a pick in the check "I'm so glad you came Ben"

"You said that it was urgent"

Ester nodded and pulled way "We got news from homeworld, there have been major natural disasters, meteorites, volcanoes, earthquakes and they need all colonies to go back and help with the reconstruction"

"Oh" Sure, Ben was bombed out about not been able to see his girlfriend for a while but duty was always first "That explains why you are taking everything but the sink"

"Coming through!" Yelled someone who instead of carrying a metal box was carrying a toilet.

"Doesn't count" Said Benn pointing at the toilet.

Ester giggled.

"How long would you bee gone?"

Ester looked away and got an uncomfortable look on her face "The message said from two to four months-"

"That is not that long" Interrupted Ben.

Ester shook her head fondly at her silly boyfriend "But those are the number for them, in earth time it would be over three years"

Ben's jaw dropped to the floor, that was definitely a long time "I-I could visit you, Bluka and Driva have been making blueprint for a teletransportador, once it's ready I could pop right over or you here"

Ester shook her head "Non-Kahoor are not allowed there, the only reason why I'm allowed is because I'm the tribe leader and since that is what I am, then I will be busy non stop"

Ben sighed "There is no way around this?"

"No, I'm sorry"

Robbing the back of his head Ben asked "If we are still single, I mean when you come back in three years, want to try again?"

Ester kiss him on the cheek again "Fine" She pointed a threatening finger at his face "But actually try dating someone, don't just sit in a corner waiting for me" She went back to been sweet "I'm gonna miss you"

"Yeah, me too"




"-And then I left" Ben said finishing his story.

The two partners were talking in their earpieces, Ben while driving in his Tenn-speed through Undertown and Rook still in Plumbers HQ.

"That is quiet a tale"

Ben snort "You're telling me, you know what, I'm just going to-"

Mon serviteur qui existait quelque part dans le vaste univers

"What did you said?" Asked Ben.

"I did not said anything" Answered a confused Rook.

Ben shook his head "I must have heard someone from the street, as I was saying, I'm gonna try to move on and-"

Mon divin, beau, sage, puissant serviteur

Tenir compte de mon appel

"There it's again!" Shouted Ben.

"I am not hearing anything unusual" Said Rook "Let me verify that no one else is on this communication line"

Ben tightened his hands around the handlebars of the bike and kept an ear open for anything weird.

Je souhaite du fond du coeur et ajouter à mes conseils et apparaître!

Ben did not had to tell Rook this time, because a bright green, purple and blue portal open in front of him, he was going so fast in the Tenn-speed that when he hit the brakes the only thing he managed was to leave scotch marks before disappearing in the portal.


Not bad for a prologue, am I right or am I right?

Just wanted to make you notice that the average chapter will be much, muuuuuuch longer than this tiny four page thingy.

And for those of you that were wondering what the French was in English, then look no further:

My servant that existed somewhere in the vast universe = Mon serviteur qui existait quelque part dans le vaste univers

my divine, beautiful, wise, powerful servant = mon divin, beau, sage, puissant serviteur

heed my call = tenir compte de mon appel

I wish from very bottom of my heart and add to my guidance and appear! = Je souhaite du fond du coeur et ajouter à mes conseils et apparaître!

Peace out suckers.