
Before I begin with authors notes, I want to say something quickly. I am SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR BEING ABSENT FOR THE PAST 2 MONTHS! So much stuff happened that I forgot or couldn't write anything down. I had tests, classes, personal stuff, video games (Including a full 2nd play-through of Persona 5), writers block, and more all mix up into one giant ball of procrastination. I deeply truly am sorry from the bottom of my heart.

Now for something completely different.

This story is hard to write. Really hard to write. It's not the lack of ideas that's difficult, it's execution. I don't know how I'm going to put everything done on the story. That, and my other stories demand my attention as well. It's hard to focus on one thing at a time. So for now, I'm going to do the following with all of my stories. I'm going to write more than 2000 words - hopefully 5000 or so - each chapter. That way I have more content on my chapters than before, which means that I can focus on one thing at a time. So after this chapter I shall focus on either Waking Worlds Worth, Avatar: A Star Wars Story, A MHA Story, A western story inspired by Red Dead Redemption (Don't know what fandom) or a new Miraculous Ladybug Story starring an OC that's inspired by fictional Thieves such as Arsene Lupin and more. One of these four. Either way, I hate myself.

If you'd like to give suggestions for what happens next chapter(s), please let me know in your reviews! I'd love to hear what you guy's think should happen!

I gave Arwan and his family the last name of Jayu. It's Korean for Freedom. It's the closest language to both Aangs and Katara's nationalities I could find, and I felt it fitting it would be freedom as their last name. For ironic and story potentialities.

Now, Onto the 2 Reviews.

VGBlackwing: No, he is the eldest son of Tenzin and Pema and a non-bender. He doesn't have a criminal record (yet). The inspiration from Persona 5 is with story and characters, but there are also a lot of elements from the other games, mainly 3 and 4. I will add stuff from the first two games however, but they aren't as relevant as the big 3.

radomeperson: Thanks.

I'd like to thank Avatar Conner for proof-reading this. If you'd like superhero stories, go to him. Actually, just go to him for any form of good story. He's really good. Just do it.

I want to thank you all, my fabulous readers, for sticking with me in my silence. Once again, I'm so sorry for being gone.

Let's do this!

6 months ago

April, Year of the Horse, 170 AG

Arwan groaned as his eyes fluttered open. He rubbed his eyes to get rid of the blur in them, then gasped as he saw his arm...in a fancy sleeve? He then got off of...the cot he was lying on? He was now in a fancy suit one would wear at a trial and he stood in front of a defendants podium. He looked around, and he once again gasped. He now stood in a courtroom, adorned in blue coloring and light. There where no windows, instead there where blue velvet drapes hung in front. The walls were padded with blue, and blue carpet adorned the floors. Music played in the background, vivid enough to know it was currently being played live. As Arwan continued to observe his surroundings, a voice came from in front.

"Ah...it seems we have a new guest in our midst." Arwan turned to the origin of the voice, and nearly shrieked. Sitting where a judge would was a...frankly bizarre looking man. A bizarre old man with a long nose, pointed ears and bulging, bloodshot eyes. He was adorned with a fancy black suit and white gloves. Next to him, sitting in the court clerk desk sat a young woman about his age. She had short, almost shaved, platinum blonde hair, a rarity in Republic City, with a bow on top and yellow eyes. She wore an elegant kimono, and appeared to be writing in a large book. The man chuckled to himself as he raised his hand in a casual manner. "My name is Igor...I am pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Yeah...uh...hi there. Mind telling me where the heck I am?"

"This place is known as the Velvet Room. It exists between dream and reality, mind and matter. It is a place those only bound by a contract can enter. It may be that such a fate await's you in the coming future. Now, why don't you introduce yourself?"

"Uhm...Arwan. Arwan Jayu."

"Hm...I see. Very Interesting indeed." Before Arwan could ask why, Igor continued. "Now, I believe you are wondering how you are here? Like I said before, the Velvet Room exists between Dream's and Reality. You, in the waking world, are still asleep. I have brought you here to assist you in the prevention of total Armageddon."

"Excuse me, total Armageddon? Your going to assist me? I don't know what your talking about right now."

"Do not be alarmed my dear guest, all shall be revealed soon. Ah, but before I forget, allow me to introduce my assistant Isabelle." Igor gestured to the girl below him, who then stood up and bowed to Arwan regally. "I am Isabelle, my master's assistant. I shall aid you in your forthcoming journey, Trickster."


"I'm afraid that's all the time we have for now, my guest. Before you leave, I bestow upon you the title of Trickster. Your role will be soon revealed to you, but now we must wait. After all, morning is upon you now and you have a busy day today." Arwan began to open his mouth, but couldn't speak, or rather, didn't want to. He was so so tired. As he laid down onto the seat behind him, he heard Igor chuckle to himself before speaking. "Untill we meet again, Trickster...


"...rwan! You'll be late for school! Arwan!" Pema's voice woke him up immediately. He jolted upright, panting as he checked his surroundings. Sure enough, it was his actual room. His clothing was his own. His bed the same.

"So it was just a dream? But it felt so real..." Arwan thought to himself. He then shook himself out of it. Of course it was just a dream. Weird old people and yellow eyed girls in a blue courtroom was something only lunatics claim to be real. It was just a dream, leave it at that.

"Arwan, for the last time, you need to get up!" His mother's yell alerted him even further. First day of school. That was today! Leaping out of bed, Arwan rushed to put on his new school uniform. A black buttoned grey blazer. The insignia of Four Element High, the symbols of all the nations in a square, was printed on the top left pocket. Underneath he had a white shirt, plain and simple He also wore a pair of grey plaid trousers. His shoes were brown. He quickly reached for his glasses and put them on, as without them he was kinda sorta completely blind. He then rushed out of his room, his bag on his shoulder (already full of everything he needed for school) and headed through the kitchen. "There you are! I was wondering when you would get up." His mother commented as she stirred a pot full of food, most likely some type of porridge.

"MorningMomIOversleptBecauseOfSomeWeirdDreamAndIHaveToGoLikeRightAboutNowSorryForLeavingSoSoonLoveYouSeeYouLaterTodayBye!" And with that...example of communication, Arwan was out the door and running to the docks. The small speed boat that would take him to and from the mainland was there, as expected. Arwan leaped into the boat and told the flabbergasted monk driver "STEP ON IT!"

The monk did so. As soon as they reached the mainland, Arwan quickly said his thanks and rushed for the nearby train station. The "trip" (AKA full sprint) was quick, allowing him to make the train and have enough time to spare before school would start. He knew the schedule for today, since it was the first day of class for the school after all. He'd have to go to the principals office before school started and then...something. Probably a tour of the school and then get introduced to his class. What mattered is that he'd get to school early.

Arwan held onto one of the few remaining railway's on the train as it sped along. He periodically check the map now and then, to make sure he was close to his stop. This down time allowed him to think back on his unique circumstances. He had never been to school before, he wanted to all of his life, so why was he dreading it? Don't mistake his nervousness for loathing, he was genially excited to go to school for the first time. But there was something there...it was like a mix of europhia and panic, if that made any sense at all.

Soon however, the train stopped and on the speakerphones a voice came out. "Ocean and Sky. This is Ocean and Sky." His stop. School was two blocks from here. He quickly got off the train and headed onto the street corner. The walk to school was quick, as expected, and soon enough he stood in front of a large building. Adorned with numerous flags of the four nations, among other decor. This was Four Element High.

He quickly climbed up the stairs and entered the building, through the extravagantly large door, and headed through the halls. His main focus was the principal's office, as was requested when he applied. It was a short trip, and soon he entered the room.

"Yes?" Asked the principal, a Mr. Lee. He was a...well...large man to say the least. He has a receding hairline and a large nose. His eyes were half closed, and his facial hair was, simply put, out of control. He wore a very expensive suit on top of a white shirt. "And who might you be?"

"Uh...I'm Arwan Jayu, the new transfer student."

"Ah Yes, Arwan! I completely forgot you were coming early, forgive me. Welcome, Welcome!" He reached forward and shook Arwan's hand. If Arwan could describe it somehow, it would not be "greasy". Because it was beyond grease, completely beyond that feeling of grease and muck. Ew.

"It's...fine. I understand completely." As the Principal receded his hand, Arwan secretly wiped his own on the man's desk.

"Now, I'll call in your student tour guide. Wait one moment please." With that, he leaned over to the intercoms. Pressing a button, he spoke into it. "Sakura Beifong, please come to the principal's office. Sakura Beifong, please come to the principal's office."

Silence lasted for about a minute, with Arwan silently sitting down in a small chair. Soon, the door opened and Arwan stood up immediately, as to not be rude. A girl about his age stepped into the room, and Arwan was positive his jaw just hit the floor.

The girl was...well...beautiful. She wore the standard student uniform (a female version, obviously) but she had no blazer. Instead, she had a black halter vest over a long sleeve white shirt with a turtleneck). She had a grey and blue pleated plaid skirt, black pantyhose and black-brown ankle boots. Her black hair was short, let down to her shoulders. She appeared to be water tribe descended, but her shining green eyes indicated earth kingdom. She also had finger-less gloves on. "Yes Mr. Lee?" Her voice was formal.

"This is Arwan Jayu, he's a new student here at Four Element High. I'm trusting you to give him a full tour of the facilities before he heads to his first class." His demand made her eyes widen for a bit, and she began to make a protest, but suppressed it before she even said anything. "Yes sir."

"Good. You make your mother proud." He then turned to Arwan." This is our Class President Sakura Beifong. She'll give you a full tour of our school facilities." Arwan, realizing he was being spoken to, quickly closed his aghast mouth and nodded quickly. "If you'd follow me please?" Sakura spoke as she left the office. Arwan quickly began to follow her through the building. The tour lasted for around 30 minutes, in which Sakura showed him such lavish and exciting locations like the cafeteria, the gym, the auditorium, and much more. Exciting stuff, really.

"This concludes the tour. Do you have anymore questions?" She asked as they stopped in front of one of the classrooms. Arwan shook his head no. "Good. This is your homeroom for now on. I hope you have a good day." With that, she walked off, muttering to herself "Why me...on the first day too..."

Luckily for her, Arwan didn't notice. He was busy mentally preparing himself for entering the room. This was his first day of class, he needed to get into the zone! Into the perfect student mindset! Into the-

"What the hell are you doin'?" A voice spoke from behind. Arwan, being the brave and sensible teenager he was, did not let out a Yeep of fear. No he did not, totally didn't. He quickly turned around, only to be met with a 40ish woman with a cigarette. She wore a red jacket over a grey shirt and had similar colored skirt. She had golden eyes. "You the new transfer student?"

"Y-Yeah! I'm Arwan."

"Save it for later kid, I already know who you are." She waved him off before stepping past and opening the door. He followed her inside the room. The classroom was already full of students in their seats, talking to one another. The teacher cleared her throat however, and the room went silent. "Right, I'm Futaba Kasumi, your homeroom teacher. Just because it's spring time doesn't mean you'll have a chance of slacking off or doing whatever crap you want. We're here to learn, alright?" The room agreed, some reluctantly, and a few not even speaking up at all.

"Now, I don't want to waste any more time so I'll get this over with. We have a new transfer student joining us this year. Please introduce yourself of whatever." She muttered the last two words as Arwan perked up. "Hi, I'm Arwan Jayu." As he said his name, whispers began to envelop the classroom.

"He's the new transfer student?"

"He's kinda cute."

"Pretty Sure I've heard that last name before..."

"Looks like a total kiss-ass."

"Alright Alright enough blabbering. Take a seat kid." Arwan looked at Ms. Kasumi, as if asking where. "I don't care where, just sit where it's open." She then sat down at her desk, flipped open a gossip magazine, and began to read. Clearly, the role model students should look up to. Arwan then nervously walked down the room, looking to see if any seats where available. There was only one, in the middle of the third row, right next to another boy, who somehow had blue hair. "Is this seat taken."

"Nah, go ahead." The other boy spoke, not even looking at Arwan, only glancing. Shrugging to himself, Arwan sat down next to the boy, ignoring the whispers of the other students as the teacher finally spoke. "Now if you'd all turn to page 15 on your new history textbooks we can get started.



With that, the final bell had rung and the day had ended. As students got out of their seats and headed out the class, Arwan did the same, only at a much slower pace. As he was busy putting his biology book in his satchel, the blue haired guy from before walked towards him. He had a hunch. "Yo, Arwan right?"

"Y-Yeah." Arwan responded to the man. Holy crap was this guy tall, even with his hunch. "Why'd you sit next to me today huh? Wanted to see the school failure all for yourself?"

"Huh? I don't know what you mean."

"Sure ya don't, like how you didn't know that I'm the only person who gives two shits about the messed up crap at this place." That got Arwan to raise his eyebrows in confusion. "Messed up? I'm not sure I'm following you." The other boy then looked flabbergasted. "Wait a minute, your telling me you haven't heard anything about me?"

"Well you just said it yourself." The other boy frowned for a bit, then grinned wildly. "Well, how about that. You just sat next to me because the seat was open, right?"

"Well, what did you expect me to do, sit on the floor?" The other boy laughed at that, and stuck out his hand. "I'm Resel Sarutoga."

"Arwan Jayu." They shook hands, and Resel helped him put everything back into his bag. "So...why'd you transfer to this shithole of a school, huh?" Resel asked, his arms stretched upwards. "Well...it's not much of a story, and why'd you call it a shithole? It doesn't seem that bad to me."

"You kidding me? This place is the worst! Teachers don't care, piss poor food, hardly anyone know's what's going on, and that's not even considering that piece of shit-"

"What are you doing after hour's Sarutoga? Going to ruin another school bathroom with your slanderous deeds?" Someone yelled from behind. Resel growled as he turned around, so did Arwan. Facing them was one of the school security guards, a bald man about the same height as Resel, if not a bit taller. He had a lecherous face to him and a huge gut on him. He wore the school security uniform, a blue uniform with the symbol of the school emboldened on the back of the shirt, along with a badge that showed the same emblem. He wore a tight pair of pants and brown boots. His face seemed to have a permanent scowl on it which was accented by the sunglasses he wore.

"What's it to you, Maryesota?"

"That's Mr. Maryesota to you, delinquent. Remember that!" The now named Maryesota then turned to Arwan, an eyebrow raised. "Who'd you rope into your schemes delinquent?"

"No one! He's just a new kid." Resel glared at the security officer, who returned it in kind. Maryesota then looked at Arwan, who flinched at his harsh tone. "Now you listen here Transfer, you'd do well to stay away from this delinquent. He's nothing but trouble for this school and this city." Without giving Arwan a chance to walk away, the guard walked away, his steps echoing throughout the hall. Resel looked down at the floor, muttering to himself, "Punk ass overlord...think's he's the spiritdamn boss of this school."

"What's his problem with you? He'd seamed a bit...hostile to you."

"Gee, ya think?" Arwan backed away a bit from Resels tone, but the blue haired kid calmed down. "Sorry, you don't know. Maryesota's a complete and total dickhead. Looks down at everyone and hates people who have a sense of free will like me." The teen delinquent explained to Arwan as they left the building down the street. "Not to mention he's a total scumbag pervert. Investigates whatever whenever and tries to grab himself a piece."


"Ok dude, where the hell are you from? Y'know, a 'piece'."


"He gropes girls." Arwan's eyes widened at this revelation. "What? How's the school letting this happen! That's completely unacceptable."

"School can't do nothing bout it, they ain't got any proof." Resel then took a look around, they were in the middle of a street. "Dangit, went the wrong way. You heading to the station, right?" Arwan nodded in agreement. "I know a shortcut, follow me." With that, Resel then went through a nearby alleyway. Arwan glanced around to the sides, should he really follow this person he just met? But then again, he was lost. He'd never really been out into the city before, this seemed like his only option. With that moral conundrum out of the way, he followed the other boy into the alleyway. They walked through the cramped halls of the alley, careful not to step into puddles or trash. As they journeyed, Arwan grasped his head in pain, he felt like crap. "Yo dude, you ok?"

"I'm fine...just a headache." Resel raised an eyebrow at that, before he clasped his head to. "Agh...crap me too. Th' hell?"

As the two boy's held their head in agony, they heard the meow of a cat. They turned to see said cat, only to be shocked at the strangeness of it. The cat was the most vibrant blue they had ever seen. It's eyes were a golden shade, and it had a tuft of platinum colored hair on it's neck. It meowed once again at them and turned away, jogging into a corner of the alley. "Uhm...did you just see a blue cat their dude?" Resel asked, confounded.

"No, I saw a small dragon." Arwan responded, sarcasm was alway's one of his strong suits, must've gotten it from granduncle Sokka. The cat, from the darkness of the alley, meowed again in a more commanding tone. "I think it want's us to follow it."

"Dude, no way! That cat ain't normal."

"You have any other ideas?" Resel didn't. With that, they walked further down the alley in the direction of the cat. As they walked down the alley, the cat's cries grew quieter and more echo like. The alley became more and more cramped, and their heads felt more and more like they were on fire. But they felt compelled to keep going, to find the light at the end of tunnel in a sense.

After what seemed like hours, the walls began to expand. They sped up, desperate to find the cat. They came to an opening, but their was no cat. Instead, their was something else. A massive building, structured like a prison. With high walls made out of black metal, it was almost like the prison ships the fire nation used during the 100 year war - with the obvious difference it being on land.
"The Hell is this place?' Resel gaped in shock. Arwan said nothing, he was too busy staring at it in shock.

"Yo dude, look over there." The blue haired boy then pointed to a bridge near them. It seemed to lead them inside. "We gotta figure out where we are, let's go!" Ignoring Arwan's objections, Resel sprinted to the bridge, with the other boy reluctantly following him.

The room they arrived in was large, almost like a lobby one would fine in a correctional facility. As Resel looked around in awe, Arwan spoke up. "You sure you've never seen this before?"

"Dude, Hell no! Where did that cat take us, the spirit world?"

"Hey, Who are you?" A voice from behind. They turned, and stepped back in shock from the large humanoid figure. It seemed to be made from black mass, and wore a guards outfit, similar to the metal bending police force. It wore a large plain mask, with a V shape in front and two slits for the eyes and nose. "Holy shit dude, you scared the crap out of us."

"Identify yourselves intruders!" The guard commanded, which caused the two of them to back off even further. "Calm down man we're just lost. Could you tell us where we are and we'll be outta your hair." The guard did not respond, instead he drew a billy club. He was joined by another, similar looking guard. "What're you guy's doing? Is this a prank?"

"You'll be coming with us prisoners!" The guards yelled, which shocked the two. "What? Dude, you can't be serious!" Resel's plea went ignored. As the two guards advanced, the two went back to back. "So...run?" Arwan politely and not at all panickedly asked.

"Yeah, move!" The two then began to make a break for it, but more guards then showed up from where they entered, surrounding them. One hit Resel in the back of the head. Arwan made a movement to grab him and run, but then he felt a sharp pain in the back of the head, and saw blackness.


"...ey...yo...ake...Dude!" Arwan groaned as he heard the familiar voice. "Yes, I totally didn't get smacked across the head."

"Quit sassin' me! We got bigger thing's to worry about." Resel helped pull Arwan up from the prison cot he was laying upon. The cell the two of them where in was compact, clean and straight edged. "This ain't no dream..."

"What gave it away?" Resel glared at Arwan, who shrugged in response. Resel growled to himself before charging straight at the bars, ramming into them at full force! No budge, but Resel did fall onto the ground with a heavy thud, so that may count. "Agh, shit that hurt!" The blue haired kid grunted as he stood up, before trying again - this time without charging straight at it. "Nothing. This really is real..."

"Maybe there's something in the room, a loose brick or maybe a fake wall."

"Good idea!" The two boy's then got straight to work, investigating the room for anything they could use to escape. A loose bar in the window, a shifty brick, a weak wall, a vent they could fit into. Nothing. The two boy's then conversed again. "Dammit, we can't find anything!"

"Well, what do you think we should do?"

"I don't know!"

"Silence in front of the warden!" A guard from before shouted as they opened the cell door. In walked two guards, and another man. No way...it couldn't be!


"That's Warden Maryesota to you whelp!" Well, it definitely was the security guard. Except his clothing, tone of voice, and general disposition was different. Instead of him being chubby and large, he was now slim and muscular. Instead of a guards outfit, he wore something akin to a warden. He now had a hat suitable for an officer. "So...not only are you a delinquent Sarutoga, but also a thief? I should have expected this from you."

"What the hell is this man? I don't know what your talking about, all we did was get lost!"

"Hah, a likely story! Your crime is trespassing into my prison, undoubtedly to steal or release prisoners! The only acceptable punishment is death. Guards, hold the prisoners!" The two guards complied, physically grappling the two boy's to the wall, forcing them to grunt in pain. "Let us out! We didn't do nothing!" Maryesota ignored him, as made his way to Resel. Resel groaned as he struggled, before letting out a yell as he broke free and shoved the guard holding Arwan. "Get out of here, go!" That was futile, as the guard he shoved kicked him to the ground and another guard grabbed Arwan and forced him onto the wall again. "How brave of you, helping your friend."

"He's...not my friend."

"Ha! Hold him up!." The guards complied, allowing Maryesota to begin beating down onto the boy. Arwan watched helplessly as Maryesota tortured Resel until he, collapsed barely able to breath. "Useless pest! Your hardly worth my time." He then signaled to one of his guards. "Take him to the gallows, he'll die quickly."

"Let him go!" Arwan cried out, interjecting the Wardens thoughts. Maryesota turned to Arwan, surprised. "Don't you dare tell me what I can or can't do!" Maryesota then got right into Arwans face, eyes met eyes. Arwan glared back, unyielding. "Your eyes...they irritate me!" Maryesota then swiftly kicked him in the gut, knocking him onto the ground. "You'll have to wait your turn after all, the delinquent dies now.

That made him snap. Arwan charged at the douchebag, or at least tried to. He was caught by one of the guards and forced onto the wall. He was forced to watch as Resel began to panic, pleading that he didn't want to die. He was forced to watch that asshole laugh in his face. He hated it. He hated how this dick saw him as nothing, he hated how he underestimated him. He hated his personality, his actions, his look, he HATED this man.

No...he won't allow this. He didn't come this far, he didn't finally get to begin his life only to die here. He didn't get the chance to find who he really was only to end up here. He was going to get. Out. of Here.

What's the matter? Are you just going to let his happen?

Where did that voice come from? His vision seemed to blur, his head hurt.

Are you going to let him die? Are you going to let this happen to you? Are you not going to find yourself, prove who you are?

No...he won't.

Was your decision wrong then? Did you not want your own freedom from your repression?

He did. He choose right.

Resel was held up by one of the guards, a knife held to his throat.

Very Well...I have heeded your resolve.

Pain. Pain in his everything enveloped him. He gasped. Sweat ran down his face. He screamed.

Vow to me. I am Thou, Thou art I.....Thou who art willing to perform all sacrilegious acts for thine own rage! Call upon my name, and release thy fury!

He screamed again. So much pain...it was agonizing. But he...was wanting it. He knew...it was...doing something...he felt like he was awakening.

Show the strength of thy will to ascertain all on thine own, though thou be chained to Hell itself"

"Execute him!"

"Let him go!" Maryesota looked at him again, confused. "What?" The guards then let Resel down, who gasped for breath. The warden then sneered. "Fine." The guards then clutched Arwan's throat and began to squeeze. He felt the pain...then he felt the fire.

A shock-wave sent the guards and Maryesota were sent flying back into the other wall. Wind howled, a demonic shriek came from seemingly nowhere. Maryesota quickly recovered, then gazed as Arwan noticed the mask now on his face. A black mask bent slightly forward with grey and red highlights. Arwan reached for it, confused. It felt attached to him, he needed to rip it off! He struggled as he began to peel it off, he felt his skin tear and blood begin to seep out and he heard himself scream in agony. But he didn't stop. He howled in pain as it finally ripped violently off, leaving his face a bloody mess. He then smiled. He felt...amazing.

Maryesota watched, completely overcome with fear, as Arwan grinned at him sadistically, his eyes now pure yellow, and blue flames overtook his flesh. The blue fire surrounded the boy's eyes and body, before a pair of yellow lights shot out of it. The fire grew into a shape, and the shape began to gain substance. A laugh cried out from the flames. The flames then floated off of Arwan, and twisted and turned into a figure. It had a long-horned mask for its face with 2 sinister yellow lights acting as eyes. A smooth black eighteenth century-esque suit worn open with the collar tucked, stitched heart designs on the shoulders, a white ruffle tie, a red, tailed corset running down its torso. In it's hands he held a sharp looking cane with a ravens head on top. It had grey coverings on its legs resembling pants that went with the coat and heeled shoes with blade-like heels. It leaned casually against the cane, as if he was looking down on the guards and Maryesota.

Arwan too had changed, he now wore a long black tailcoat, with numerous pockets and holsters. He also had a high-necked waistcoat with red and purple accents, black pants, and a pair of red gloves. His head was now adorned with a long black hood covering his head, besides his face that was. As blue flames continued to burn off of them, Arwan snapped his fingers and another powerful shockwave was sent forth, knocking back the guards. As Resel and Maryesota stared in awe, Arwan kept grinning.

"Let's show them who we really are...Raffles!

Done and Done! 2nd chapter is complete! How'd you guy's like it? Good? Bad? Mediocre?

Let's talk for a bit before I say goodbye. For instance, Arwan's Persona, Raffles. There's actually a small story behind this. Initially, I was going to go with Robin Hood, albeit a heavily modified version of Robin Hood and not the one we see in Persona 5. But I quickly realized I wanted to be a bit more original than that, so I scoured the internet for different gentleman thieves in reality and fiction. Like I said very early on, I want to keep the spirit of Persona 5 intact, that's the main focus of this fic after all, put the feeling of Persona 5 into a new world. I then found A.J. Raffles, a fictional thief who is considered one of the early archetypes for the Gentleman Thief, like Arsene Lupin as well! Fun fact, Raffles was created by E. W. Hornung, the brother in law to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who created Sherlock Holmes!

Raffles appearance is heavily based off of Arsene, but I do make heavy modifications. For instance, he's not standing. Rather, he's leaning on his side with his cane in a more casual manner, relating to his source inspirations carefree nature. I have the fancanon head (I know, a fancanon of a fanfiction, oh what has the world come to) that the persona's are brothers, and share many similarities.

Now, like I said, this story is HEAVILY inspired by Persona 5. There is original stuff, but most of what you see is based off of stuff from the game. Characters, places they go visit, events, stuff like that. Not everything will happen in the story that happens in the game, but a lot will. I will also try to incorporate stuff from the other games, such as Persona 4, 3, 2, 1, etc. Eventually I'll try more original stuff later on when I get more comfortable with this story and know how to write it.

No character bio this chapter, I want to have bios for each character when their confidant/social link is begun.

I have a little game for us to play as well. Well it's not a game but more of a question...or 3. 1. What is you favorite Persona game? 2. What is your favorite confidant/social link/best boy or best girl? 3. Favorite Persona?

For me, 5 is my fav (I played it first. Halfway through 4 and just started 3. I have time now.) Makoto is Best Girl, Ryuji Best Boy, Sojiro best Dad. Futaba best Sister. My favorite persona is a 3 way tie between OG Arsene, Satanael and Sarasvati, though I do have a fondness for Black Frost and Sandalphon.

Thank you all for reading this story! I hope you have a fantastic day! Next time I see you, I'll either be updating one of my stories or making a new one...god do I hate myself sometimes/all the time.