Disclaimer: Do not own The Legend of Zelda, Nintendo, or any of its characters.

A Minor Test of Strength

"This reckless behavior has got to stop! You need to remain from acting like a child and start acting like the princess you are! You have gone through nine different bodyguards in the past two months—nine! Do you realize that by running away you are endangering not only yourself, but the whole of Hyrule is being put in jeopardy, and all because you—ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?!"

Zelda jolted awake with a start. She blinked away her sudden fatigue. "Sorry," she mumbled. "Standing idle for too long. Tend to nod off."

The King of Hyrule's cheek twitched. He glared at his daughter. "I have tried being patient with you. I give you the benefit of the doubt, yet you continue to mock our family's royal name. I have tolerated your childish antics for the last time, Zelda, and I won't stand for it any long—"

"Father, if I may cut into your monologuing for a quick moment?" Not waiting for a reply she said, "Those guards you assigned to me just can't keep up. It makes me wonder, are they even really Royal Guard material? I mean, if they can't even keep track one little girl what makes you think they're qualified for battle, or war, or protecting you, your people, and your lands?"

The whole room went silent. The king stared at his daughter. She stared straight back. Under their helmets, guards threw nervous glances at each other around the throne room. One could be heard shaking slightly, armor quietly rattled.

Finally, after a beat, King Rhoam said, "You will have a new guard assigned to you by tomorrow morning."

"How about this?" She rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet, hands clasped behind her back. "Assign me whoever—however many guards you want. Two, eight, twenty. But—" she stopped moving, eyes shining with determination as the sun's rays cascaded in through a window, bathing her in a majestic glow. She continued, voice considerably more firm, "if I can evade them, if I manage to slip free from their care, then you have to drop this notion that I can't take care of myself without your men's protection and let me be." She paused before adding, "And you should really get better-trained soldiers because if I can get passed them, Goddess knows Hyrule is doomed."

Again, silence blanketed the room. The rattling grew louder. Zelda took the opportunity to smile sweetly up at her father who was seated on his mighty throne high upon a pedestal, waiting for him to pass judgment. Not that she had anything to worry about. She knew exactly how this would play out. It always did.

At last Zelda heard him growl, "Just go to your chambers and stay there."

The princess stared up at him for a moment longer. Her smile grew before bowing, a bit too exaggeratedly, and spun on her heel to leave the throne room, her skirts twirling around her as she did so.

Once the doors had closed with a resounding boom, King Rhoam Bosphoramus turned to the nearest soldier who happened to be the captain and muttered, "Bring me the best man you have, nothing short of excellence, Captain." He frowned before growling. "And for Hylia's sake, man, whip these soldiers into better shape!"

The princess stared at her reflection while she ran a brush through her hair. The action caused a sigh to expel her lips in contentment. She had been awake for hours, excited to get the day's adventures started. Where would she go today, she wondered, braiding a section of hair slowly. Perhaps to the scorching depths of Death Mountain? Or to the frigid icy waters of Zora's Domain? Why not a casual stroll through Faron Woods? Or even Lost Woods? After all, she did know the way. Shame she couldn't say the same about her new guard.

A giddy laugh escaped past her lips. Today was the day Zelda would show her father once and for all she was not a child and refused to be treated as such. Her 'childish antics', as her father had put it, were only to prove her point: she could look after herself without the need of escorts, bodyguards, or anything else her father tried forcing on her. And while it did make her feel slightly guilty always running away, disappearing, abandoning, traumatizing her protection detail, she had to admit, it was pretty damn funny to see the look on their faces knowing they had been outsmarted, bested, defeated by someone much younger than them.

It was a small price to pay, of course, to know soon, very soon, she would be free to roam on her own. To go wherever she wanted without needing to rely on anyone besides herself. Freedom was something she always felt was unobtainable, a far fetched dream. Although she supposed, it came with the curse of being royalty, and more so when one was the sole heir to the throne.

Not that Zelda wished to run away from her duties. But her father was in good health. There was no need for her to take up her duties as future queen just yet, not when the king was still around. All hail King Bosphoramus.

But simply being able to traverse the lands in search of adventure, unsupervised like many young adults her age, to be normal...

Normal. Now there was a word she would never associate with. She was far from it. Still. A girl could dream. And in the meantime, she could also take up a seemingly 'normal' stroll through Lost Woods.

Clipping her braid in place and smiling at herself in the vanity mirror, Zelda stood. Slipping on her boots, she made sure she had all that she needed before heading for the door—

—and stopping immediately. Standing just on the other side of the threshold stood a boy, about her age she guessed, with shaggy blond hair and blue sapphire eyes, his hand balled in a fist and hovering mere inches from her face.

"Can I...help you?" Zelda arched a brow.

The boy blinked. Zelda blinked. No one said anything for a heartbeat.

Suddenly aware that his hand was still in the air, the young man quickly pulled back his arm. A blush spread across his youthful face, riding it all the way up to his pointed ears. "I'm sorry, Your Highness," he mumbled, head bowed. "I didn't mean to catch you off guard. His Majesty said I would find you here still."

She frowned at this. Odd. Why would her father send a boy to her—Zelda's whole body stiffened. The air around her stilled. There was only one reason she could think of but... It couldn't be, could it? Had her father actually send her a kid to...

The princess bust out laughing, startling the boy so much his head snapped up with eyes wide as saucers. This made Zelda laugh harder, doubling over as if in pain, her arms wrapped around her middle. Her whole body shook from her efforts. A tear escaped her eye.

The boy was looking frantically around the hall, sure that at any moment, a guard would walk upon the scene: a doubled-over princess struggling to breathe, red in the face, wailing at the top of her lungs... Oh, it would not look good for him. He would be held accountable and would surely get in trouble. He might even be accused of harming the princess. He would go to jail. Or worse.

The very thought panicked him into action. No guards had shown up yet but the boy wasn't going to risk it. He needed to get her attention and to get the situation under control. Dropping to one knee, the boy peered up at the girl's face. Yes, she was still laughing, and her face was still red. For some reason he couldn't understand, something appeared to be funny. He frowned. Had he said something wrong?

Sensing eyes on her, Zelda willed herself to calm down. It wasn't easy, but when she was able to breathe without feeling like her sides would split at the seams, she straightened and opened her eyes...only to be met with nothing. She looked down. "What are you doing down there?" She asked with a smirk gracing her features, her good mood still clearly evident.

He stared up at her, unsure if he should speak for fear she would laugh at him again. Her smile was a good indicator she wasn't upset, at least. The boy rose slowly, not wanting to make any sudden moves.

Zelda stared at the boy for a fraction of a minute. In that time, she noticed his clothes were sensible yet durable. Traveler's attire. Complete with worn leather boots and a belt containing small pockets for storage. A second leather belt was strapped across his chest, holding the sword and shield he carried in place at his back. His hair was long and tied at the nape. A pair of blue earrings matching his eyes were the last thing she noticed before she said, "So. My father sent you." It wasn't a question yet the boy still nodded his head in affirmation. "And you are...?"

He blushed again. "Forgive me. My name is Link, Your Highness."

"Link..." She repeated, testing out the new name and committing it to memory.

"Your Highness?"

"Call me Princess or Princess Zelda. No need to be so formal."

"Y-yes, Your—I mean, Princess."

A pause.

"How old are you, Link?" The princess questioned, going back to her earlier thoughts.

"Fifteen, Princess."

An awkward hush fell over the two. Unsure what he should be doing, Link looked away to stare at something on the carpet, giving Zelda enough time to process the situation.

The boy was no older than Zelda herself! What was her father thinking, really? Usually, he would saddle Zelda up with big, strong, older fighters who had years—nay, decades of experience in the ways of training, putting their life on the line for her. Out of all the formidable soldiers she knew her father had at his arsenal, and he chose this boy to be her next knight? This, Link?

What's he up to? Zelda couldn't help but ponder. Surely he's up to something. But perhaps Father has given up?

Hope blossomed in her chest. That must be it! He must want this whole display of my antics over with so he's given me an easy victory! Father is finally recognizing my ability to handle myself all on my own. Zelda smiled wide now, watching the boy with sympathy. She hoped her father would go easy on Link and keep him around after he failed in his mission. Perhaps as a stable boy, or ranch hand. Maybe cleaning the bathrooms.

She sighed, drawing Link's eyes back to hers. It seemed she wouldn't need to go through all the trouble to lose her companion, after all. She would end this simply and quickly. No problem.

"How about we go for a nice ride, eh, Link?"

Or, so she thought.

Four days.

That was how long Link had been around now.

Four days too long, the princess inwardly thought as she ground her teeth in frustration. She didn't want to think how childish she looked at that moment, like a sullen brat who had been denied desserts before dinner. Staring out at nothing in particular on her private balcony, the sound of her curtains fluttered behind her but aside from that, it was just the sounds of nightlife. Zelda should be asleep, late as it was, but she just couldn't seem to turn her mind off. It was one of those nights.

The chilly evening air was a welcoming feeling as it helped cool down the irritation that had settled in every corner of her body like an ache. Twinkling lights illuminated the night sky like tiny diamonds dancing against a velvet background and for once, Zelda wished to put off the day, to hold it at bay. Come sunrise, it would signal a new day. The fifth day.

Nothing had worked thus far. No matter how hard she tried, it seemed he was always one step ahead of her. How was that possible? Zelda had no clue. He looked like an ordinary boy, nothing stood out as 'special' to her. Yet for every plan she had been able to execute he had thwarted it with ease.

Losing him on horseback. Fail.

Hiding out at Hyrule Forest Park. Fail.

Disappearing in a huge crowd. Fail.

Traversing through heat, snow, rain, wind, thunder. Fail, fail, fail, fail, FAIL.

Even in the Castle, her home, which she knew like the back of her hand, he had managed to find her. She just couldn't shake him!

Not for the first time, Zelda wondered if Link was a warlock or a wizard using magic to seek her out. A tracker? A spell? It wouldn't be out of the realm of possibilities, however, something told Zelda that wasn't the case. Perhaps he was just…lucky.

She blinked at this. Then snorted at the stupidity of it. Luck had to run out sometime. And clearly, Link's luck didn't seem to be about to fail him anytime soon.

So then what in Hylia's name was it?!

Blowing away angrily at strands of hair that invaded her vision, she adjusting her weight from one leg to the other. Aside from how tired she would be come morning, not sleeping wasn't that bad, and really the only time she ever had to herself nowadays. With every passing day, Zelda felt herself getting sloppy with each attempt to escape her bodyguard. It was a feeling she'd never felt before and didn't even know what it was until recently: desperation, like a cornered animal unable to flee from a predator.

What happens when I'm finally cornered? When I'm no longer able to run? No escape… What then?

One look at her father's eyes one previous evening at supper had told her what. He had worn a smug look, like a man who had just won the most impossible of bets, all throughout their meal. He hadn't said anything. He hadn't needed to. While King Rhoam sat in delight, his mood the equivalent of a radiating beam of sun, his daughter's was the complete opposite. All through she had sat with a scowl on her face, not really tasting the food she put in her mouth, until she had finally excused herself through tight lips and proceeded to storm off to her chambers. Link had trailed after her, but the moment she had entered her room she had slammed the door in his face and had, quite simply, forgotten all about him, preferring instead to stew in her own rage alone.

Imagine her surprise, then, when she had opened her door hours later to take a calming walk through the gardens at night, to find Link sitting cross-legged with his sword and shield lying across his lap. Zelda remembered her words to him.

"Have you been sitting here this whole time?"


"...Have you even slept?"

"I'm not tired."

That was when her bouts of sleepless nights and endless questions started to surface through her weary mind. What was Link sacrificing, she had wondered, in this futile task her father had appointed for him? What did he gain from all this? Is this even something he enjoyed doing or was he roped into doing this? Why the dedication? Not even her former handlers put this much devotion into their jobs so why was Link any different?

So many questions… Her mind would not stop churning them out, like a waterwheel.

Zelda sighed and glanced back inside her room and then to the door, knowing that he was either sitting there outside of it (he did that whenever she tried more than once to escape in a day) or in the room directly across from hers.

Enough. I need rest. Her head was throbbing. Her longest-running bodyguard lasted a week and a half, yet just four days in with Link and already she was falling apart. But the difference between Link and her past bodyguards, Zelda realized, as she crossed over to her room and into bed, was that Link—apart from being very young, was also the only one who never talked her out of doing what he knew she was doing. Unlike the others who prattled on nonstop. But the young man barely spoke, at all, and never had he uttered a word of defiance against her. Why? Why wouldn't he try to stop her but instead let her play out whatever scheme came to mind?

Was he scared of her authority? Probably. Did he fear her father? Most likely. Yet from the little Zelda had seen of her father and Link together she knew the king absolutely approved of Link. She even would go as far as to say Link could do no wrong in her father's eyes. Whether that was because Link had been the only one so far to throw big Deku nuts in her plans she didn't know, although Zelda had a feeling there was more to it than that.

She yawned into her pillow, the wonderful sensation of the soft mattress underneath her and the warm embrace of her covers were already lulling her fast into sleep. The sun would be up in a few hours and if she had any chance of trying to formulate a decent plan she needed to rest.

One last thought floated to the top of her consciousness though, before she was completely pulled under. It was the hope he at least was in a bed of his own for once.

My second favorite idle animation (the first being when he's showing off his muscles while shirtless) is Link nodding off while standing haha. So I had to get Zelda doing it.

Also, I realize Deku nuts do not exist in BoTW. It just sounded better than Chickaloo nut.