Emma kissed the stretch marks on her body with practiced ease, her mouth hot on Regina's skin.

She swallowed thickly when Emma's hot breath ghosted over her core, and her body reacted. Her core throbbed with need and she arched her back, but Emma held her down and smiled up as she moved back up Regina's body.

"These dreams only seem to come when we're not having sex," she murmured between kisses and if Regina was a better person, she'd worry about it more than she did.

She wanted more. "Emma," she breathed, a plea in her voice. She wanted so much more.

Emma kissed her then, deep and passionately. Regina responded in kind, enjoying everything that Emma wanted her to feel and loving every minute of it.

Emma pulled back, both breathing heavily and she looked up, listening for something. "I don't hear anything."

"There's nothing to hear," Regina replied before she pulled Emma to the bed and reversed the roles, as she pressed hot kisses down Emma's body.

She focused on the old stretch marks on Emma's body and smirked when Emma arched her back, like she had done earlier.

Emma's dick pressed against her, hard and hit and she could feel her clit throb in response.

Her hand moved, her fingers wrapping around Emma's cock, moving in a slow but steady way as she stimulated her.

Emma bucked in her hand and Regina glanced up, her eyes dark with need and desire. When Emma looked down, Regina saw the same in her eyes.

She moved back up Emma's body and pressed herself against Emma. "We should try this someday, without the kids at home."

Emma hummed but then pulled Regina up, kissing her hard. She pulled back only to say, "I want to you to ride me and forget about the kids for just tonight."

Regina straddled Emma's hips, rolling her own as Emma's dick throbbed against her folds.

"I think I can do that," she murmured breathlessly. She moved a little more and both shuddered when Emma's tip slipped through her folds and pushed against her clit.

"God, Regina," Emma breathed and bucked her hips again, before she shuddered again. "I need you."

Regina lifted her hips and Emma positioned herself so that Regina could take her in, and when she did both moaned out in pleasure.

Neither moved for a moment, just enjoying the fact that they were connected. When Regina's magic reached out, she started and clenched around Emma.

Emma made a sound, and then her own magic reached out and laced with Regina's—a soft yellow with lilac—and she chuckled.

"You're magic is so used to reaching out, it even does it with me now," Emma murmured and Regina narrowed her eyes. "What?"

"There's more to this," she replied softly before she rolled her hips, and Emma cried out. "I'll have to look it up when we wake."

She found a steady rhythm, and Emma's hips bucked up to meet her in her thrusts soon after. There was something to say about the sex like this—it was more than perfect.

Regina loved the fact that they could join each other in their dreams, even though she still wondered the reason.

But as she moved, and she could feel the heat building in her belly, she didn't think about dreams and the why of it.

"So close," Emma huffed out as she grabbed Regina's hip with one hand and moved her other down to her clit. When she started her own rhythm, Regina could hardly keep her own.

It didn't take long for Regina to clench around Emma, her back arched as her orgasm slammed into her and she cried out. Emma pounded her hips up, but as Regina came down, she rolled them over.

"Emma," Regina exclaimed in surprise before Emma slammed her hips forward and started pounding into her relentlessly.

She brought Regina to a second orgasm, blinding and harsh as she worked herself up to her own orgasm. Regina could feel it coming—there was a tightening in her own belly again as Emma's orgasm built.

And built.

And suddenly it washed over them both, their magic lacing even tighter together and around them. It was intense, it was mind blowing and Regina was sure that Emma felt the same way as she blinked, unable to see as her vision was spotted with stars in the dark.

When Emma collapsed, she did her best not to smother Regina.

For a while, there was only breathing, and Emma jerked when Regina waved her hand and undid the spell. She wasn't even sure when she cast it, but that really didn't matter.

She felt boneless, sated in a way she wasn't sure she'd ever felt before.

"That was interesting."

Regina huffed breathlessly. "Indeed it was."

When she woke up, Emma was pressed into her back and she smiled. She bit her lip when she realized how sated she was, as fluids dripped out of her.

Emma hummed, and then cleared her throat.

"Did that really happen?" She asked, and then moaned as she moved her legs. "Oh, that really happened."

"It did indeed," Regina replied as she rolled on her back. She waved her hand over their thighs and cleaned them both up with a little bit of her magic.

It was only then that she noticed that the magic that had been lacing together in their dream, was doing the same in their waking world. Regina took a moment to watch it, and then Emma followed her gaze and joined her in staring at their magic.

"What do you think it means? This happens between Ava and you too right?"

Regina hummed, her heart jumping at the mention of their daughter.

Ava was six weeks old, and they had been having some trouble adjusting to taking care of a baby with magic. While Regina could always feel Ava, sometimes Ava seemed to be playing games with her magic.

Rattles disappeared.

"I think it's—I have the feeling this has to do with the connection—the love." It was then that Ava started crying. Emma moved, but Regina stopped her. "I'll go. It's time for a feeding anyway."

And within moments she had gotten out of bed, moved toward Ava's room, and had her in her arms. Ava quieted down for a moment, their magic interlacing and twisting around each other, and Regina hummed.

She moved toward the rocking chair, and settled in before she settled Ava.

"You just need to eat, don't you?" Regina murmured and Ava opened her eyes again, her eyes bright.

Her eyes were the same green that Emma's eyes were, and Regina hoped that they wouldn't change too much. Ava would be a heartbreaker.

Just like Henry.

Regina grinned as she settled Ava and she started suckling without any trouble. It had been different—in the beginning. Ava had had trouble latching on, and Regina had been near crying when a nurse walked in and showed her the way to go.

A sound pulled her out of her thoughts and she looked up just in time to see Henry move past the room.

And then Emma appeared, a soft smile on her face. "I'll go fix us some breakfast."

"That would be great," Regina replied when her stomach rumbled. "I never expected breastfeeding could make me feel like a bottomless pit."

Emma laughed softly, moving closer for a moment, and pressing a gentle kiss to Ava's hair.

"I'm enjoying every stage of this," she murmured as she glanced up at Regina. "I love watching you with her."

Regina smiled, her chest tightening with all the love that surrounded them. "I love watching you with her too."

Emma smiled and then stood to her feet again. "Come join us for breakfast when you're ready, okay? I'll make sure there's enough for you."

"Thank you." Regina returned the smile and Emma left them again, her magic reluctant to leave as it laced with theirs.

When Ava was done nursing, Regina changed her diaper and made her way downstairs, smiling as she heard Emma and Henry talk in the kitchen.

She was still in awe at her own happiness most of the time. She loved her life and she never expected that to happen after Daniel had been so cruely taken from her.

Everything seemed to have fallen into place.

"Good morning," she greeted two of her favorite people. "Sweetheart." She kissed Henry's cheek and handed him Ava. "Take your sister for a moment."

"Anytime," he grinned and started dancing around the kitchen with his sister. Regina breathed in deeply as love threatened to overwhelm her again.

She was still hormonal and according to everyone around her, that wouldn't change anytime soon.

Henry had gotten comfortable carrying around Ava. He enjoyed spending time with her and talking to her about what had happened in his life.

"I'm famished." Regina rubbed her stomach and smiled when Emma handed her a plate filled with breakfast foods. "Thank you, darling."

Emma joined her at the breakfast bar and while Regina ate, they watched Henry move around the kitchen.

"I never expected him to be this comfortable with her. I always thought he'd be as clumsy as I am," Emma said as Henry lifted Ava onto his other arm.

"You're great with her—you're not clumsy at all." Regina took another bite before she continued. "I have to admit that I didn't know how he'd be with her. Not until he first held her and promised to protect her and keep her happy." Her throat tightened at the memory.

"That was awesome," Emma replied with a nod and then turned to look at Regina. "We have an awesome family, Regina."

"We belong," Regina added and Emma smiled. There was a softness that she'd never had before—an acceptance of her life.

"We belong," Emma echoed. "We'll always have each other. You won't ever be alone again, and neither will I."

"Are you happy?"

Emma sobered. "I am happy. I—sometimes I feel like my heart is going to burst with happiness and love."

Regina hummed. "Me too. Today is one of those days—it just seems to be a perfect one."

"Ma—I think Ava pooped." Henry grimaced as he moved closer and Emma jumped up. They moved as if they'd done this more than once and Regina watched, amused, as Henry lifted Ava so that Emma could sniff.

They probably had done it enough times for it to seem normal.

"Yep, she pooped," Emma made a face and then took Ava from Henry. "I'll be right back."

Regina turned back to her breakfast and Henry joined her, leaning his shoulder against hers.

"There hasn't been a moment that I don't regret forcing you to stop using magic," Henry murmured and Regina started, surprise rushing through her body. "I'm sorry for making you feel like you had to stop magic to make me love you."

Regina glanced down at her empty plate before she swallowed her last bite, and then she turned toward Henry.

"I love you, Henry. I will never stop loving you, and I know you still don't like magic, but I also know you'd do anything for Ava." Regina took his hand. "I never doubted you had stopped loving me, sweetheart."

"Good," he breathed. "Good, because I love you. And I know I don't say it enough, but I never want you to doubt it."

"And I won't. We moved passed this—what brought this up?" She asked him, still frowning in confusion.

"I don't know," he shrugged. "Ava's magic, maybe? I love her just the same as I would if she wouldn't have magic, and it got me thinking. I really did treat you badly."

"Let's—let's forget about that and just move on, okay? I know—I know we've been through a lot with the curse and everything, and I just want you to be a happy boy, I want you to grow up happy."

"Okay," Henry said as he leaned his head against hers. "We'll all be happy."

"We'll all be happy."

Regina pulled him into her arms, and her magic wrapped around them. She still didn't know why, all of a sudden, it felt like doing that even after all her years using it.

But she didn't need to know the true reason.

She had love in her life now, and her magic had changed from dark to a grey tone. There was no way that it was reaching out because of a dark reason.

Emma moved into the kitchen with a freshly cleaned Ava, and Regina smiled as she closed her eyes against the overwhelming love she felt.

She was happy.