Chapter 5

As Mia and Clarisse rushed out towards the Throne room, where Charlotte was waiting for them; Andrew was finishing up his food.

"Actually, my boy, "Joe started the conversation as he placed his hand on Andrew's shoulder, which caused him to catch his attention and look up and Joe.

"Yes, Jose- I mean Joe?" Andrew replied as he remembered that Joe asked him to call him Joe instead of Joseph.

"Pardon me for being in you and the Queen's business, but as the head of security and as her grandfather, I have the right to be overprotective. What are your intentions and feelings towards my granddaughter?" Joe asked, wanting to interview Andrew, even though he trusted him more than Mia's previous love interest.

Andrew nodded in understanding.

"Well, for one. I am very much in love with your granddaughter, sir. She makes me the luckiest and happiest man in the world. Truth to be said, I've loved her ever since I laid eyes on her when I arrived here the first time when we were to be engaged. I was in truth, just I guess afraid because she didn't like the rule of needing to marry to get the throne and she did it because of the duty to her country. I mean, when you love someone, you would want what makes them happy; even though that may not be with you. I gave her up because I knew that Mia would want to find love by herself, not forced into it. I never stopped loving her, but just hid my feelings because I knew she loved someone else and if he could treat her right, love her and make her the happiest girl in the world, I was fine by that. She's a special girl and I am extremely grateful to be able to have her as my best friend and now, girlfriend. I can promise you that I'll protect her with my life and I'll never let anything hurt her or upset her; and I'll love her with all my life forever and ever; till death do we part. I hope one day, perhaps when our relationship has grown to its fullest, to ask for her hand in marriage and start a family with her, "Andrew explained to Joe.

As Joe was listening, he was processing everything Andrew was explaining to him while nodding slowly. Finally, when Andrew had finished; Joe smiled and looked at him.

"I'm glad to hear that from you, my boy. In fact, I'm glad it's you that Mia is with right now; I didn't really trust that other boy, but I didn't say anything because it's really not my place to say who Mia should date and who she shouldn't. I trust you, my boy but please don't ever hurt her and break my trust or you'll be answering to me," Joe paused looking at Andrew into his eyes to show that he was serious.

"Remember, I have diplomatic immunity in 46 countries, including Puerto Rico, "Joe finished.

Andrew nodded and smiled.

"Of course, sir. I would never do anything to hurt her, I'd rather hang myself than hurt her, I promise, "Andrew replied.

Joe's serious face then changed into a cheerful one. He smiled and chuckled softly.

"I'm glad to hear that, my boy. Now, actually are you planning on moving here permanently? "Joe asked him as Andrew nodded.

"Yes, I've actually moved most of my things into my penthouse, "Andrew replied.

"Well, if that's the case; I actually have a permanently job offer for you if you're looking for one, "Joe offered.

"I'm listening, "Andrew replied, turning his attention to Joe.

"One of my good friends, the head of the air force is looking to retire soon, would you be interested in taking his place, since you were the head of the air force back in England?" Joe offered as Andrew's eyes immediately lit up the moment he mentioned 'air force'.

"I'd be honoured to, sir. When do I start?" Andrew asked enthusiastically which caused Joe to chuckle softly to himself.

"In due time my boy. Let's say about 2-3 weeks from now?" Joe laughed softly as he patted Andrew on the back.

"Then I shall look forward to starting soon, sir," Andrew as he saluted.

Joe chuckled softly as he watched Andrew's reaction.

"Thought you would have wanted some sort of resemblance to home. Now, would you care for a glass of wine with me in the parlour?" Joe offered.

Andrew smiles.

"I would love to," He replied as the both of them made their way to the Parlour.

Meanwhile, with Mia, Clarisse and Charlotte…

Mia and Clarisse were escorted into the throne room, where Charlotte was, waiting for them.

"Good morning, Your Majesties, "Charlotte greeting, bowing of which Mia as well Clarisse interjected.

"Charlotte, please. You've been in this line of field and with our family for years, there really isn't any need for formalities. Please call me Mia, "Mia advised her, kindly of which Charlotte replied with a smile and a nod.

"Of course, Mia. Now, today's schedule isn't too hectic. You have to sign the papers for the approval of the opening of the new children's shelter home, then you have a few hearings in the afternoon as well as tea with the Duke and Duchess of Bedworth. Finally, you just have to attend a Parliament meeting at 6, "Charlotte explained as she listed the itinerary for the day.

Mia nods as she listened to the things she had to do for the day by Charlotte.

"Thank you, Charlotte. The papers are on my desk, I'm assuming?" Mia asks as she was about to head to her office.

"Yes, Mia. "Charlotte replied, looking up from her clipboard.

"Oh yes, could you please also request the kitchen to prepare lunch for two, my grandma and I? "Mia asks politely.

"Right away, Mia. "Charlotte replies as she passes on the request to the kitchen crew.

"Thank you so much, Charlotte, "Mia smiles as Clarisse and her head towards her office.

Mia sees the huge pile of documents and paperwork that require her signature and reading through. She sighs and sits at her desk as she starts reading through all the terms and conditions as well as open up some letters.

"Hmmm… Grandma?" Mia called out to Clarisse who was on the leather couch reading a book with her reading glasses on.

"Yes, dear?" Clarisse responded, looking up from her book.

"Do you prefer royal red or royal blue?" Mia asks as she was planning Clarisse's 50th birthday ball, which would be coming up very soon.

"Well, any colour is fine, my dear. But I do prefer royal red over royal blue, "Clarisse replied as she continued to burry herself back into her book.

Mia nodded as she noted it down on her 'notes' application on her iPhone.

"Alright. Thanks, grandma, "Mia smiled as she then continued to chop on her signature onto the multiple papers.

Finally, after around 2 hours or so, Mia had finished the whole huge pile of paperwork. She then placed them in the box on the ground next to her desk, which is allocated for all signed paperwork and where there's someone who will regularly check it and take it to the places that they need to go.

"Ready for lunch, grandma?" Mia asked as she got up and smoothened out her dress.

Clarisse smiled as she put her book away and took off her glasses.

"Yes, dear. You deserve a break after going through that many paperwork in a few hours. I'm in awe of how quickly you went through them, without taking a single break. I don't think I had ever gone through everything in a single day, "Clarisse chuckled softly as she stood up.

Mia grinned.

"Thanks, grandma. It wasn't much, honestly. I used to take law back in school and they made us read through multiple cases which were roughly around the same thickness as those within a day," Mia chuckled softly as they both of them headed to the dinning area.

To their surprise, they both saw their lovers there waiting for them. Mia's expression immediately changed to a large smile upon her face. She sat across from Andrew and his eyes immediately lit up when he laid his gaze upon her.

"Hello, my love. How have you been?" Andrew breathed out as he placed his hand on her dainty and delicate hands and brushed his thumb gently against her hand.

Mia looked at Andrew, full of fondness as she broke into a smile.

"I've been busy, but great thanks, Andrew. What have you been up to?" Mia replied as she started cutting her grilled salmon on her plate.

Andrew smiled as he heard her talk about her day.

"Well… I actually found a job, well soon I mean," Andrew replied as he too started cutting into his grilled salmon.

Mia's gaze moved from her plate towards him as she raised her brows in surprise.

"Really? That's amazing news, Drew. What job did you get?" Mia asked, excited for him.

Joe smiled as he heard the excitement Mia had.

"Actually, Princess, it was I who offered it and proposed it to him, since as you know, my good friend of mine is retiring from the air force soon, so I thought Andrew would be the perfect match to take up his place since he is familiar with this line of work, "Joe explained.

"Oh, Joseph, you're such a sweet little softie, "Clarisse chuckled as she punched him playfully.

"That's just splendid news, Joseph, "

"I agree. You really didn't have to Joe, thank you so much, "Mia grinned as she showed him her gratitude.

"Of course, Princess. Like I said, I saw Andrew as a perfect fit and since I'm guessing that he'll be here for a while, he would be great as the replacement for my old friend, "Joe chuckled softly.

As Clarisse and Joe continued to talk to each other, Mia moved her gaze towards Andrew and smiled ecstatically.

"Hey, love, "Andrew whispered into her ear as Mia blushed and kissed him gently on the cheek.

"I missed you, save me a date tonight?" Mia asked as their fingers intertwined with each other under the table.

Andrew's face immediately lit up as he grinned and nodded.

"Of course, Mia, I wouldn't ask for anything otherwise," Andrew chuckled softly.

"Clarisse, my love," Joseph greeted the former queen as a small smile was seen on his face which earned a playful punch.

"Well hello Joseph, I missed you," Clarisse whispered as she picked up her cutlery and gently sawed through her piece of chicken meat before her on her porcelain plate.

"Likewise, I assume you've been busy?" Joseph chuckled to himself as he took a bite from his meat.

Clarisse nodded. She swallowed and digested whatever was in her mouth before continuing.

"It was quite a hectic day, if I do say so myself. We had a few hearings, read and signed through a number of documents, and we have afternoon tea with the Duke and Duchess of Bedworth and a parliament meeting in the evening later," Clarisse replied as Joseph nodded in acknowledgement.

The day passed by rather quickly for Mia as she got through tea with the Duke and Duchess of Bedworth and discussed regarding a potential alliance with the country sometime in the near future of which Mia said she would highly consider. Other than that, the afternoon tea session was largely pleasant and the three of them got on rather well and enjoyed the delicious delicacies prepared by the royal chefs. Once Mia had bid the Duke and Duchess farewell and sent them to the door, it was almost time for the parliament meeting. Mia then quickly with a strode of her heel, headed towards the meeting room where all the Ministers were waiting for her.

Thankfully, after Mia's coronation Viscount Mabrey was charged with treason and therefore stripped of his position and for Nicholas, well, after the unpleasant cheating scandal, he was banned from being a member of parliament and hence not seen ever since that fine day. Mia strode into the room and the Ministers present got up in respect of her and she motioned for them to take their seats as she nodded. The meeting went by quite quickly as they only had to discuss regarding the updates on the new Children's Home that is to open soon as well as plans for the former Queen's birthday ball. Once the meeting had concluded and Mia dismissed them, she headed towards the royal gardens where she was told to meet Andrew. It was slightly after 8pm and therefore the sky was midnight blue and you could see the twinkling stars in the night sky. Mia smiled as she admired the scenery and folded arms as she could feel the cool breeze against her and shivered slightly, she stopped at her tracks when she saw what Andrew had prepared for her.

Before her, in the centre of the gardens was a table lit dinner for two with a vase full of beautiful roses surrounded by candles. On the floor were rose petals forming the shape of a heart and the whole garden was filled with sakura scent, which was Mia's favourite scent. Andrew was standing before her in the middle of the place, with a beautifully wrapped gift in his hand.

"A-Andrew…What's all of this for?" Mia finally managed to get out.

Andrew smiled and passed the gift to Mia.

"Open it and I will explain, love," He whispered as Mia nodded and began tearing open the package.

The wrapping then revealed a scrapbook, with pictures of her and Andrew they took together since he arrived in Genovia for the first time as well as places they've been together with small descriptions under each photo in ballpoint ink.

"Andrew…It's beautiful, but what's the occasion?" Mia asked, confused while admiring the scrapbook Andrew had gifted her.

"Mia. The night you called me while distressed over what happened with Nicholas had gotten me thinking of what I really felt about you. The truth is, ever since I came to Genovia, I always admired and looked up to you because of the amount of sacrifice you were willing to give for your country. You were and still are a remarkable lady, with confidence, integrity, quality, poise and empathy which are all the qualities a leader should have. The truth is, I realised I fell madly and crazily in love with you the day I saw you with Nicholas during your coronation but I didn't say anything because I thought you were happy and as long as you were, that would be enough for me. I documented my journey since the day I arrived here as well as my feelings and I thought that you deserved to know because I loved you since Day 1 but was just too afraid to admit it. I love you Mia Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldi. You've stolen my heart since day 1 and I promise you I won't ever hurt you and I'll protect and love you with my whole life," Andrew admitted as his cheeks grew a shade of red.

Mia was in shock as she heard these words from Andrew, her heart felt warm and a smile appeared on her face. She took a step forward, closing the distance between her and Andrew, looking straight at him in the eyes.

"I love you too, Andrew. You've stolen my heart forever and I don't think I ever want it back; I've always loved you ever since I laid my eyes on you, but Nicholas kept distracting me and getting in the way. Honestly, I can't describe this feeling I have because you make my heart race every time, I'm with you or think about you. Kiss me, Jaccoby. That is all that's been on my mind the day you climbed into my window. It's you, it's always been you that I want to spend the rest of my life with and I promise you nothing will ever change that now that the devil exposed his true intentions,"Mia exclaimed as her cheeks blushed.

Andrew chuckle softly as he put his hands on her neck and slowly brought his head to her's as their noses touched; he leaned in and placed his lips on hers of which she allowed entrance to and their tongues intertwined. The both of them felt the utter passion and spark as their kiss deepened and making them want more and more as moans escaped from their lips and they could feel the place getting rather hot and steamy. Andrew them moved his hands from her neck and they traced down to her waist as he hoisted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he sat down. Once they broke off the kiss, Mia laid her head on his shoulder while still on his lap as he brushed his thumb against her cheek.

The two of them then enjoyed their dinner together while having a heartfelt conversation with each other and when they had finished, they walked hand in hand towards Mia's bedroom where Andrew bid her goodnight before heading off to his bedroom for the night.

A/N: OKAY. I KNOW I haven't updated in ages but I swear I really wanted to, school just kept getting in the way but now because of the whole covid-19 pandemic, school is online so I have more time to update and I hope you liked this chapter! I promise the next chapter won't be like a year apart! I hope all of you are staying safe in your homes and practicing social distancing! I made a twitter for my fanfic updates so follow EthelCBG on twitter if you wanna talk or something