"Launch the missile!" Kent ordered.

"Are you mad, Mansley?" Rogard refuses to give the order. In fact, after having been convinced by Dean that the giant robot isn't a threat by having seen it carry Hogarth safely, he refuses to attack this being any longer. He proceeded to order all units to stand down, and called Nautilus to do the same thing.

However, Kent still thinks the Giant is a threat. All it takes is one look at it, it immediately glares at him in return. Normally, he shouldn't do anything in a rash since the Giant is just 50 feet away from him. Besides, he shouldn't do anything that would endanger everyone's lives, including his own.

Well, paranoia beats reason.

"LAUNCH THE MISSILE NOW!" Kent immediately grabbed Rogard's radio and yelled the order.

"I am sorry, but who is this?" the Nautilus captain asked.

"Wha... Don't you know who I am, soldier? I am Kent Mansley from the Bureau of the Unexplained Phenomena, and I order you to launch the missile now!"

"Right, but not on your authority, so launch averted."


"That's enough, Kent," Rogard grabs his radio back. "Judging by what you're trying to do right now, you're willing to doom everyone just to stop the Giant. I can't let that happen, now can I? Men, arrest him."

Two soldiers nearby came to restrain Kent.

"Wha... You can't do this to me!" he yelled while being dragged away. "You can't arrest me!"

"So long, Kent. Hope you get a fine sentence in prison, and all that that implies," Rogard said his goodbye, especially in using one of Kent's catch-phrase's against him with satisfaction on his face.

The people of Rockwell continued to stare at the Giant in awe. At least now they know it's not going to hurt them, just as Hogarth reassured them. Anyway, it puts him down, and he hugs his mother.

Even Rogard approached him, and he smiled at him. It's good to know that not all life from outer space is hostile.

"What do we do now about him?" Annie asked about the Giant.

"Well, I'll think of something," Hogarth smiled.

Two days later, everyone is seen at the river where Hogarth is taking for a swim with the Giant accompanying him like the last time. Once again, it made high dive that made everyone around the river wet, especially Annie but she and the others didn't mind it.

Rogard felt the same way while he's watching what's going on from the binoculars.

"Men, let's go home," he said with a smile, and the soldiers followed his command to go back to Washington.