Hi, everyone! I have been in a writing mood recently so here is another story. I hope you like it and feel free to give any feed back, comments, or let me know if I had made any mistakes.

For anyone new, if you are looking for more miraculous ladybug, I have more stories on my page. Feel free to check them out.



Ladybug was always the first to arrive for patrol. She leaned against the railing that looked over the whole of Paris. There early, on the highest platform of the Eiffel tower taking in the view, with a rhythm of impatient tapping from her finger on the rail as background sound. One of these days she would start patrol without him from how long he made her wait, but she has to admit, the brief time she had waiting for him all these times wasn't such a drag. She felt the light breeze brush through her hair and graze amongst her soft plush skin.

She closed her eyes and titled her head towards the wind to take it all in. A deep, raspy voice snuck up behind her and whispered into her ear that left her feeling chills down her spine from the closeness and intimacy of his breath.

"Enjoying the view without me, Bugaboo?", he whispered seductively from behind her as he leaned close to her ear placing a hand that trailed from her shoulder, to her middle back, to her indent of curves amongst her side as he moved beside her. She tensed, not moving, not opening her eyes, to take in the sweet rigidness and touch of her partners voice.

Slowly she opened her eyes peacefully to be met with evergreen eyes that pierced her heart and made it flutter. Not wanting to show these feelings of course, she kept a straight face throughout the transactions. Once her eyes met his, she trailed his arm with her eyes to see it still laid against her curves. She turned towards him and cocked her hips, with her arms still crossed, while shooting him a discerning glare.

He loved when she was like this. When she didn't care about his approaches and was comfortable to be sassy around him. He knew their words and actions were never harmful and she felt that way too. Her constant denying him, for some reason, reeled him in more.

"Ahem", Ladybug coughed, still shooting him a 'Really?' glare.

He only chuckled in response and trailed his hand back up to her elbow to slide down to the palm of her hand so he could kiss the back of her hand, "My Lady, good evening. Did you miss me?", he questioned as he finished his affection to her hand and gave her a cat like grin from his leaning position.

Her heart fluttered once again as she stood there with her lips slightly parted from his breath-taking looks. They have grown a lot over the years, him especially. While yes, she was blessed with her stunning looks and deeper, defined curves that always caught Chat Noir in a trance whenever he was able to sit back and watch her, he definitely grew more. His face was more chiseled, his height grew. While he was taller than her, always, the top of Ladybug's head reached the bottom of Chat's chin. He hovered over her, which made him more seductive and mysterious with every action he made. His voice was deeper as well, which didn't help with Ladybug trying to deny his passes at her. Every evening they spent together, she found it harder and harder to cover up her feelings and he caught onto it too.

She simply snapped herself out of the reeling gaze he trapped her in, and poked her finger to his nose to push him away. "Chaton", she said in a stern voice and turning away so she didn't have to face his handsome features, "You're Late."

"Aw did you miss me that much my Lady?", he said with a giggle as he wrapped himself around back to her view only to land inches away from her position. He caught her in a deepened blush once he stepped one more inch closer and drug out his big green eyes to be more amplified along with a slight pout.

"No, I did not. I can assure you that.", she snarled back, "We have a job to do and you're late!", This time she took a step forward with an angrily pointed finger causing him to take a step back with a surprised look.

Only for him to wit back with a, "Well, Bugaboo, you're not the only fan I have that I have to attend to.", he said with a laugh and a shrug as he placed his hands relaxingly behind his head and his back to lean against the railing behind him.

Her eye's narrowed, as she stood up straight, crossed her arms, and huffed, "And I thought I was the only special one. I thought you only had feelings for me, remember?", she said with her eyes closed now and a nose in the air.

"Is that jealousy I hear?", Chat got excited and his ears perked up. He trailed back around her to face her again with a huge leaning smirk.

Ladybug's eyes grew wide and she dropped her fist to her sides in defense, "I have nothing to be jealous of, Chat."

He drew closer to her and she stepped back, it was a continuous loop of movements until ladybugs back hit the wall of the platform they were on. Once Chat had her cornered he propped both his arms up against the wall on both sides of her head. She shrunk a little at the proximity of the two of them and looked up with her big, luminous, blue-bell eyes that made him melt and want to kiss her with intensity, but he couldn't falter now, he had her right where he wanted her.

"Why do you have nothing to be jealous of, bug?", he said as he moved his face a little closer to hers, slowly closing the space, waiting for her response.

Once she could feel his breath lightly graze her skin, her breath hitched, her breathing was unsteady and hard to calm. Chat noticed and continued with his pushing.

"i-", she looked down at his lips and licked her own, she then met his gaze again and watched as a grin grew big on his face. She hated when he would get her like this. She cleared her throat abruptly and stated, "I have nothing to be jealous of because there is nothing between us, Chat."

He didn't like that answer. It was not what he was looking for, "I don't buy it.", he drew his body to be closer to hers as his legs pinned her with little space to move against the walls and his arms bent so he could rest on his forearms against the wall to lean closer into her.

She was stuck. How did she get like this? He was so mesmerizing. Back in the day she would have denied him quickly and been out of this spell within seconds, why wasn't it working now?

"You don't have to buy it, kitty, but it is still how I feel.", she said roughly but stern, trying to hold her ground.

He took this chance to trail his right hand away from the wall to her neck. He then ran his hand against the line of her neck up to her cheek to push the hair dangling by her face behind her ear as she watched his eyes fill with love as he followed the trace of his fingers, taking her in. She was uneasy. He had her exactly where he wanted her and she fell for it, and she wasn't necessarily… completely against it.

He trailed his fingers down to her chin, running his thumb lightly against her soft, pink lips that he deeply yearned for. Her heart couldn't help but to beat at a rapid pace and her hands started to get clammy. She was nervous, was Chat going to kiss her?

He deepened his stair into her lips and licked his own, he looked up to meet her eyes with a serious face of intimacy. He looked back to her lips and slowly moved in closer. Her eyes slowly were drooping closed the closer he got. She tilted her head up a little, unconsciously, to give him a better angle and right when his lips barely grazed hers he whispered, "I don't buy it", with a click of his tongue on the 'it' that she felt with the breath against her lips. He then pushed himself off the wall and flung back with moment to reach the rail that over looked the city that was lit up. He propped himself to stand on top of the railing and looked back for a glance at the girl that was glued to the wall dumbstruck on what just happened and said, "Ready for patrol?", in a peppy voice like nothing had just happened.

Ladybug stood against the cold wall that she was plastered against and slowly peeled her body away from it trying to recollect what just happened. Yes, Chat flirted with her, like always, but she was going to let him kiss her. She wasn't denying it. She was even leaning into it! What was happening with her. She shook her head to clear her thots and swayed her body towards the man standing gracefully, like a super hero towering over his city to protect.

She swung her yoyo out for it to latch on to something and pulled it tight, she looked at her partner and he had an all-knowing grin splashed on his face.

"What?", she said with a little irritation to her tone.

"I still don't buy it", he said in a deep, teasing tone.

She frowned at her feet, knowing she most likely didn't buy that there wasn't something between them either, but she couldn't let him know that.

She let a smile fall upon her face easily and she looked up with a twinkle in her eye. She flicked his bell and said, "Believe what you want Chaton.", and swung off for patrol.

He stood on the railing a little longer with a flutter in his heart and breathed, "I will", to himself as he watched his, now filled out, lady swing off while her body moved like it was a whole new one. Her new hips, her new curves, her new everything. Her hair was even longer and instead of her two pigtails like when they were teens, she had her hair in a high ponytail with a red ribbon. Even then, her hair reached to her mid back. He loved his old Ladybug, but he was loving this new Ladybug even more.

…Especially since he could tell he was getting her to slowly cave in to his advances…