Dipper and Mabel Pines sat in the transportation bus, taking them to their beloved Gravity Falls.
They hadn't been there in two years, because of Dipper's summer science program and the move of their house.
Mabel's hair was pulled up in two space buns, her normal pink headband resting on her hair. She wore a shirt with all of the Disney princesses displayed and hiking shorts with her usual sweater tighten around her waist. She had gotten taller and her body had become more mature and older. She was now a part of many fan clubs at school and still maintained her silliness. Waddles slept on her lap, now bigger and even pinker.
Dipper wore Wendy's hat, an old token of Gravity Falls. His ripped jeans and plaid shirt made him look like a total hipster. The summer after he left he hit a major growth spurt, he was tall with a deeper, more natural voice. Working hard, he took more advanced classes but promised he would stay with Mabel for graduation. He was still interested in the paranormal and had been talking to publishers about making a book about Gravity Falls.
They were very excited to be going back. Soos and Melody was running the Mystery Shack while raising their baby, Stanley or Lee. Grunkle Stan and Ford were also going to be there, taking a break from their search for mystical creatures in the sea. Mabel planned on seeing Grenda and Candy, who had only been contacting each them through messages and calling. Dipper wondered what Wendy was doing, since she was going to be going to college. Secretly he wanted to meet Pacifica but was too embarrassed to admit it to Mabel.
The bus screeched to a halt right outside the Mystery Shack.
"Finally!" Mabel said, planting her feet on the dirt road. She laid her suitcase down next to her, Waddles licking the stickers plastered on the bag.
"It feels so good to be back," Dipper said and stretched his legs.
They walked into the Mystery Shack, the bell ringing them in. It all looked the same, the rundown counter, the postcard holder with cheesy lines, a display case showing all the cheap souvenirs. Melody stood behind the counter her caramel hair in a messy bun. She looked surprised to see them and called, "Soos! Honey!"
"Coming!" Soos's familiar voice said. He appeared around the corner, wearing a tuxedo and the maroon mystery hat with the 8 ball cane in hand. "Guys!" he said, walking over to Mabel and Dipper, wrapping them in a huge hug.
"Soos!" They both said, then Dipper breathed, "You're suffocating me!"
"Oops sorry dudes," Soos chuckled, and fixed his hat.
"Where's Ford and Stan?" Mabel asked, her eyes scanning the room for her grunkles. "Are they hiding?" she giggled.
"Uh..." Soos looked uncomfortable. "They aren't here and they won't be coming until a few weeks from now."
"What?" Dipper said, heartbroken.
"Yeah something, er, came up. But they want you to know that they love you and are thinking of you," Soos said, pulling out a envelope from his pocket and handing it to Mabel.
"Dear Dipper and Mabel," Mabel read aloud. "We are receiving some complications with our mission out here and won't be there with you in Gravity Falls. We love you two very much and can't wait to see you. Love, Ford and Stan." she sighed and handed it to Dipper. "I was really looking forward to seeing them."
"Yeah, but I have something to show you dudes. I mean it isn't Ford or Stan, but it's pretty dope." Soos said and led them up the old rickety stairs to their old attic room. He opened the doors and the twins gasped in surprise.
In the middle, in front of the triangle window there was Polaroid pictures of Mabel, Dipper, Wendy, Pacifica, Waddles, and all of their friends from Gravity Falls. The side that belonged to Mabel had a desk with an art kit already set on top of it. The bedcover was a huge picture of Waddles and above the headboard was the words Everything's better with Sparkles! On Dipper's side was another desk with a maroon book that looked like the journals that Ford had made that were burned during Weirdmageddon, but instead of a gold 6 fingered hand with a number there was a Pine tree with the number one. Above the desk was a cork board with push pins for Dipper's conspiracies to be seen clearly. His covers were a picture of the big dipper.
"Soos this is awesome!" Dipper said, holding up the Pine Tree Journal.
"Yeah there's even a bed for Waddles!" Mabel squealed pointing to a small dog bed at the end of her bed. "Thank you so much!"
"Sure thing dudes! You should unpack and then we can have dinner!" Soos said, grinning and left them to get out all their things.
Mabel began pulling out clothes, zooming all around the room, making it more Mabelier.
"This is so cool, Mabel," Dipper said, flipping through the pages of his new notebook. "Think of all the new thing we can discover here."
"Yeah, but you know we can't be solving mysteries all summer," Mabel said, hanging up a miniature sweater for Waddles in the closet.
"What?" Dipper said, jokingly. "That's crazy talk."
"Shut up," she laughed. "Come on, let's go downstairs."
They walked down together, turning the corner into the living room.
"Pacifica?!" Mabel and Dipper said at the same time.
Pacifica laughed. Her blonde hair cascaded down to her waist. She wore a white t-shirt with a purple skirt and tan combat boots. She had a key with a chain necklace looped through it. She looked older, more comfortable in her body and seemed much more at ease. "Dipper! Mabel!" she hugged them, "I'm so happy to see you guys again!"
Mabel laughed, "You have braces!"
Dipper smiled, "Uh, nice to see you too, I guess." he tried not to think about how Pacifica smelled like fresh melon. Or that her cheek was right next to his.
She released them, "Yeah, apparently I have bit of an overbite."
"Why are you here?" Dipper asked. It came out a little harsher than he wanted.
"Oh I work here." she smiled, nervously.
"Hey dudes, dinner's ready! We're having hot dogs!" Soos said, coming out of the kitchen.
"Soos!" Dipper hissed.
"Can we um, talk to you for a second?" Mabel asked.
She, Dipper, and Soos huddled together.
"Why did you hire her Soos?" Dipper whined. The prospect of seeing Pacifica everyday was both exciting and terrifying for Dipper. What if she thought he was weird? Ugh... why was he thinking about what she thought?
"We needed the help, plus she's changed you guys," Soos said.
"Are you sure?" Mabel said, she wanted to believe it, but she had all too many bad experiences with Pacifica.
"Totally bros," Soos promised.
"Well, at least she won't be with us all the time," Dipper said.
"Yeah about that," Soos laughed nervously.
"What?" Dipper groaned.
"She's um going to be here all summer."