A/N: Hey peeps!! This is my first try at an Inuyasha fanfic, so go easy, kay? Anyway, I rated this R because some....heh heh....STUFF is going to happen later on, so better safe than sorry, right? (Probably be more fluff than anything. ANGST!) I know Chapters 1 and 2 are short, but that's only because I want to make a quick point. The rest are long, as you've noticed. Thank you for picking my story to read, and I would be EXTREMELY happy if you *clears throat* review *cough*. (Nah, for real though, tell me what you think, questions and comments are welcomed and encouraged, and I will try to answer them at the bottom of the next page.) Don't be afraid to email me. Trust me; I keep all my viruses securely locked up. :} Oh, and I don't own Inuyasha.....duh. I'm only going to say this once because it IS rather irrelevant. A two year old knows that I don't own the show. Shouldn't the lawyers?

And something else. I know that I now have 6 Chapters, going on strong, and I know that people are more prone to read a story that hasn't progressed so far. I ask of you, only read up to Chapter 3. If you don't like it, then you don't have to continue reading, although I have to say, you might be surprised. *wink*



Chapter 1: Unknown Journey

It was a dark and cloudy night as Sesshoumaru stalked through the forest. Jaken was faithfully by his side as always, and neither of them spoke. The only sound was the heavy breaths coming from Rin. Sesshoumaru shifted her from his left shoulder to his right and then looked up at the pale moon. It was struggling to be seen through the thick clouds.

Jaken glanced up at his lord with concern. He could tell that something was bothering him. He's been exceptionally quite for the last few days, not even speaking to Rin. But he knew better than to ask. He's had enough lives taken off of him already, thank you very much.

Sesshoumaru sighed inwardly. "I'm going to stop for the night," he said to Jaken. "She won't get a good night's rest on my shoulder." He glanced around trying to find a soft spot to place Rin. He finally decided on a pile of leaves under a large willow tree.

As he gently lay her down, she opened her eyes slightly.

"Rin loves Sesshoumaru-sama," she whispered delicately.

Sesshoumaru smiled at her and smoothed her hair. He knew that many had questioned the reasons why he chose to keep her as a companion. He often wondered that himself. But lately he has been experiencing emotions that weren't natural for him. He once again glanced at the struggling moon and thought about Rin. Why did he keep her around? Why did he risk his life for her? Why DID he strive to keep her by his side? And as the moon finally won its battle, coming through the clouds in all of its wondrous glory, he realized why.

It was because he was lonely.

He realized that he had no real friends, only allies. He had never experienced love, not even from his mother and father. Jaken was his only companion through all of his journeys, and that was because he had nowhere else to go.

Yes, at one point in time he had considered to look for a mate. But all of the females that he encountered were all the same. The demon females were cold hearted and uncaring, using Sesshoumaru for their own personal wants and needs. He has yet to find one that actually cared for and loved him. Humans were out of the question. He would be DAMNED before he had a bastard hanyou like his waste of a brother, Inuyasha. So what was he to do? Find a demon and put up with her greediness, or lower his standards and mate with a human?

"Bah," he said to himself. "Foolishness. Stop thinking these thoughts. I am Sesshoumaru-sama! Lord of the Western Lands! And I do not need companionship or love!"

He turned to leave, and Jaken began to putter after him perplexed.

"Stay and watch over Rin," Sesshoumaru commanded. He was starting off, but changed his mind. "You know where our allies, the Cahns, are located, correct?"

Jaken nodded his head quickly. "Ten miles to the north if I'm not mistaken, me lord."

"Right. Take Rin to them and keep her safe."

He reached inside of his kimono and pulled out a large ruby ring. "This was my father's before he died. Show this to them and they will except you."

"But....my lord! I don't understand! Please explain!" Jaken gasped. He had to run to catch up with Sesshoumaru.

"I wish for time to think. I have been experiencing emotions that vex me, and I need to sort them out. I don't want Rin around me, for I fear that I may make a decision that I will regret later. So take her to the Cahns and watch over her." He then knelt beside Rin and traced his fingers down her cheek. He hesitantly rose and began to walk away once more.

Jaken was flabbergasted. "Where are you going, my lord? And when shall you return?"

"I don't know how long this journey shall last, and my destination is unknown," Sesshoumaru said while he continued walking. "I will return as soon as I can, though. Take good care of Rin for me." He stopped and half turned, questioning himself for what he was about to say. "And one more thing, Jaken."

"Yes..my lord?"

"Thank you....for everything."

Sesshoumaru then started off on his journey, leaving a very confused Jaken behind.


A/N: As I said before, questions and comments are very welcome. Questions will be answered at the bottom of the next chapter. PEACE PEOPLE!! ^__~