Endymion and Usagi walked into an open conference room, but it was just the two of them as the guards had to regulate the issue of the two humans. The both sat down at the table before Endymion started.

"So, 'Endy,' huh?" He smirked. Usagi blushed and rolled her eyes.

"Oh lay off...It's just a bad habit from years ago..." She mumbled before clearing her throat. "So, killing them is very obviously not an option here, so we will just have to send them home. Teleportation is a good option in the fact that it is quick and painless for all involved."

It was quite obvious that he wasn't getting a say in that matter.

"Then what about their vehicle that got them here? It would be better that they don't have a means of access to my castle."

"Duh it goes back with them inside of it." The King rolled his eyes.

"And you're the one to make these decisions...?"

"In all actuality, I am the Queen, so I have my rights to tell them what should happen, maybe even more so than you in certain circumstances." She smiled, figuring she was getting under his skin.

"No, you don't. Quite frankly. It is a matter of power in the castle." His eyes sparkled a bit. "You hardly have any here. Like I said, dearest, this is my castle. My powers overwhelm yours significantly."

"And why is that? Aren't I your equal?" She inquired.

"In terms of title, yes, the Queen is just as powerful as the King, but your Silver Crystal is not useful to you here. Well, aside from small things..." He thought of how she'd changed things to return the castle to it's older form. She has a way of sneaking and is very good at it.

"Only because you're scared I'll turn you back to how you used to be. You really seem to have taken a liking as an evil being..." She looked away, remembering Mamoru.

"I'm insulted at being called evil when I've hardly done anything bad." He even sounded offended.

"Uh, you've sent and guided Youma to attack my home town, to attack innocents, and you're saying you're not 'evil.'" She asked, her gaze still on the table. "Not to mention, you did practically abduct me from my home in the middle of the night."


"Just say yes. You can't really deny it. Just know that I know that it's not really your fault. It's wrong, but it's not what you really want." She leaned her head on her hand and she'd now noticed how he'd moved next to her.

"What I want is not your business, but," He grabbed her hand, but not as roughly like times before. "What I really do want is the Silver Crystal. You just have yet to had it over, princess."

"King, Queen." Zoicite walked in and noticed their closeness.

"Yes, Zoicite?" Endymion released her and looked to the general.

"There has been a surge of energy nearby, but we are not sure about it. Along with that, the Youma are intent on getting in the room of the men to drain their energies."

"Hm. I'll go check out the area. Serenity," Endymion turned to her. "Go to the men in the room. I know you're dying to protect the 'innocent.'"

"I could hear those air quotes, jerk." She frowned for a second before nodding, getting up and quickly making her way out of the room and down the halls.

"Wait... I have no idea how to handle the Youma!" She froze at the thought for a bit before shaking her head and continuing to make her way to the room with a lot of Youma outside the door.

"Pray to whoever they listen to me..."

"This looks to be the right place..." Mercury pointed to the dark castle before them.

"I would certainly hope so. Now let's hurry and find Usagi. I hate to think of what Endymion is putting her through." Jupiter cracked her knuckles, ready for a fight if the occasion arose.

"We better hurry and find a place to hide! A dark energy is working it's way to us." Mercury was looking at her computer.

The girls all quickly made their way to the castle and into one of the fancy rooms that exists for no real reason other than to expand the castle area.

The could hear Endymion outside.

"You sure they were here?"

"Yes, my King. That's what appeared on the radar, but it seemed to have moved quickly."

"It may have just been some Youma messing around and fighting, but do a perimeter check just in case. We need to be careful considering we have the Princess." The girls exchanged looks of worry.

"Of course, Endymion. I'll alert the other generals to be on their guard. Meanwhile, you ought to go see the... Youma situation. I do not think you instructed her on how to control them. That, and, they may not listen to her."

"...I'll go check. If you find anyone, make sure they can't leave. Now go, Zoicite."

The girls all waited for a moment before Venus looked out to see that both men were now gone.

"Whew... That was close..." She sighed.

"Um, didn't he just say that they sent Usagi to deal with a group of Youma...?" Mars had a horrified look on her face as the other all also shared the expression before quickly, but quietly moving to get out of the room.

The castle was quite big, as they soon learned, but it had a lot of places for an agile senshi to hide. Mercury worked fast to locate their princess in the castle before the youma had a chance to kill her.

Usagi watched in worry as the group of Youma at the door slowly grew with all of them sniffing at the door. They could sense the human energy and being creations of Metalia, they were to steal that energy.

Yet, the room was secured with a spell. Or so she was told by Kunzite, but she wasn't sure if she could believe it.

"This would be only a little less scary if I could transform." She sighed before straightening herself out and making her way over. They noticed her smell and began hissing in annoyance and anger.

They were not very happy to see her since she had a reputation as a youma murderer. Not that she considered it murder, but that's how they saw it and she was well aware of it.

"Um... hello there... I need to ask you to stand away from the room... Please." Her shaky tone was evident and they all liked seeing her fear.

"Why should we? We're just trying to accomplish a goal." One youma in the back spoke up.

"I... I know you were made to steal energy from them, but you guys tend to... go too far." People haven't died, as far as she knew, but they were damn well close and those were the cases that usually pissed her off the most.

"We just wish to send them back with no life threatening complications..." She tried, although knowing they had no sense of sympathy for the beings of Earth.

"Fortunately for your sake, they had a barrier placed around it so we could not even get into the room if we really wanted." One sneered in her face

"That's good." She mentally sighed in relief since doing it physically would probably make them even more angry and, without any means of defense, that's the last thing she wanted to do.

"Be glad, girly..." A few moved to surround her, the auras of anger radiating in large waves.

"We could just pounce on you right now, in fact... It's not like you can defend yourself." Many Youma circled and laughed. Usagi, however, stood her ground.

"I'm not here for any trouble..." The blonde tried to reason peacefully.

"We are." One said getting threateningly close to Usagi's face.

"And it would be best that you step back." Endymion called out, making many of the Youmas jump and scurry off out of the area, some just staying, but backing away inc by inch.

Endymion had quite the dark aura radiating off of him as he looked very angry.

"You all have things to separately attend to and I would suggest getting on that." He eyed the monsters who still refused to move.

"Back away!"

The scouts jumped out and began throwing flames, chains, ice and lightning at anything and everything.

Youmas that remained hissed and moved, the attacks doing significant damage. They ran and hid into the shadows of the castle quickly to recover.

Endymion moved to grab Usagi, but was beaten by Jupiter and Mars.

"Back off, prick!" Mars threw down some of her flaming spiritual papers, bringing up a wall of flames as they pulled Usagi away.

"Come on, Usagi!" Venus and Mercury also took a hold of her.

"Girls, where-?" Usagi tried

They focused their engery to teleport out as fast as possible.

Endymion immediately put the flames out and watched the split second of a bright flash. She was gone again and he grew annoyed.

"Damn those Sailor Scouts..." He growled as the other generals appeared.

"My King..." Kunzite started, but he refused to continue.

"Head out into Tokyo soon. You are to use the Youmas to find her and bring her back to the castle. I will work on a sheild to keep those meddlesome Scouts out if they wver get a chance try this again." He was stern and his countenance was of anger.

They all exchanged looks of concern.

"Some need time to heal after the attack from the Guardians, My King..." Nephrite stated, but Endymion turned sharply towards them, causing them all to flinch.

"That doesn't matter. Just do as I say and hurry. I will not be pleased if it takes you more than a week. Even then, that's a very generous amount of time." His venomous tone was burned into their memories as they bowed and walked away to grab some Youmas to drag with them into the town.

"I hope that Serenity can bring him to his senses soon..." Zoicite muttered to Jadeite, who simply shook his head.

"Who knows? Lord knows what's going on in his mind." He responded with doubt. The others just nodded in agreement before they all split uo to search the castle.

Wack. Okay I'm working on these for no reason. Well, other than to finish these stories. In a school club, I'll be working to improve my writing. I hope it comes through on here lol. Anywho, hope y'all enjoyed!