"Wuh-WAIT, mai darling!" Antoine cried as he struggled to escape Bunnie's hard grip (from both her robot arm AND regular arm). "You cannot be zeriously considering turning your one and only true love into a ROBOT!"

"Can it!" Bunnie shouted as she shoved the coyote into the room with the robotisizer.

Thorndyke and his Pawn Guards were close behind. "Orbot, status report."

"System checks out, sir," the red-orbed robot replied, "No indications of any malfunctions."

"Then please explain WHY it stopped halfway with this rabbit?"

"I wish I could say, boss, but I can't unless I was here to explain it," Orbot glared at Cubot, who simply shrugged in response.

"I wish I could say too, boss," Cubot replied, "But my memory processor is apparently acting up, remember?"

"Of course," Thorndyke grumbled, "I'm the one with a natural memory processor, unlike you…"

"That is," Orbot spoke up, "If we're to assume she is in fact telling the truth…"

Bunnie stared hard, trying to hide her gulp. Fortunately, Thorndyke was none the wiser. "Of COURSE she is!" he snapped, "Look at her! She's HALF robot! How else could that have happened?"

"You may have invented the robotisizer," Orbot explained, "But in this technological world, there may be other means to gaining robotic limbs."

"But of course," said Antoine, "Bunnie- YEOW!" He was silenced as Bunnie squeezed his arm tightly.

Thorndyke twitched his nose. "Well, there's only one way to find out," he murmured, glaring at Bunnie, "You recall my orders. Robotisize him!"

Bunnie gave a hard nod, and shoved her husband into the robotisizer. It slammed shut as he raced to the side, unable to escape. "Bunniieeee!" he cried, "Don't do zees! I am your husband! I love you!"

The rabbot shook slightly as she walked to the console. She was trying to play it off as long as she could, but things were not going very well after all…

Orbot stepped to the side, giving her a cold glare. "Press the big red button, then pull down the lever on your left," he instructed.

'Lady Luck, Ah could really use you about now..!' Bunnie thought to herself, as she pressed the red button. Her hand shook harder as she placed it on the lever…


Red lights flashed around the room and halls. "What's going on?!" Thorndyke shouted.

"It's a red alert, sir!" Cubot replied.

"I know THAT, you dolt!" Thorndyke replied harshly, "WHAT'S causing it?! Display monitor screens!"

From the ceiling, a screen dropped down, and displayed an image of a blue bi-plane coming closer. Thorndyke narrowed his eyes. "That looks like one of those Tornado planes… Sonic the Hedgehog is on his way?"

"He usually rides on top of the wing," Orbot reported, "But I don't see any sign of him."

"Either way, that plane is coming to attack us," Thorndyke growled, "All pawns, hands on deck! Shoot everything we've got at it! I want that plane out of the sky!"

Thorndyke turned and was about to run out of the room, when Orbot called to him. "Master, what about his half robot, half rabbit?"

"Yeah, this… rabbot!" Cubot called.

"Stay with her, and see to it that she IS indeed loyal," Thorndyke replied, "If she tries anything, sic the the Pawn Guards on her!" Thorndyke replied before taking off once more.

Cubot turned back to Bunnie at the console. "Well, you heard the man!" he ordered, "Robotisize him!"

Bunnie smirked. "Finally… Ah thought he'd nevah leave!" She grabbed the lever…

… and YANKED it clean out of the console.

"What are you doing?!" Orbot cried.

"Puttin' an end to yoah evil scheme!" Bunnie replied, slamming her robot fist into the console. Sparks flew everywhere, as the robotisizer was now inoperable.

"I knew your free will was still intact!" Orbot shouted, "Pawn Guards, attack her!"

The guards turned and came for Bunnie. Fortunately for her, she was ready, and blasted them with her arm cannon.

"Rogue rabbot! Rogue rabbot!" Cubot ducked for cover behind the broken console with Orbot.

Bunnie rushed over to the robotisizer, and punched the glass, freeing Antoine. He leapt out, embracing her tightly. "Mai cherie!" he swooned, "I 'ave known all along zat you were just faking!"

"Shoah ya did, hon," Bunnie snarked, "Sorreh fo' worryin' ya."

"No matter," said Antoine, "Clearly you z'aw Tails on ze monitors. 'Ee ez on 'iz way here, and ze Eggman's apprentice plans to attack! We must help 'im at all costs!"

"Attention! All available bots and pawns!" Orbot's voice rang through the intercoms, "Priorty One Freedom Fighters in the robotisizer room! Assistance needed on Deck B! STAT!"

"Dag nabbit!" Bunnie snarled, jumping over and grabbing Orbot by his thin neck. Cubot rushed over to help him, only to get whacked hard when Bunnie threw his orb-shaped companion at him, knocking them both out of commission.

"Well done, mai dearest," said Antoine, "But come! It will not be long before we are rushed by robots of all sorts!"

"Let's get a move on then!" said Bunnie as they both raced out of the room and down the halls.

Tails felt a bit of déjà vu as he flew the Tornado II across the island and spotted a red, metallic air ship floating in the sky in the distance. It was like chasing the Egg Carrier back when the big doctor was trying to utilize the God the Destruction, Chaos.

"Up ahead!" he announced back to Chopper and T-Pup, "This reeks of Eggman! I have no doubt that's where the source of all this trouble's at!"

"Then let's go!" Chopper chimed.

Unfortunately, just as he said that, there were some bogies spotted up ahead. Tails spotted three robots in the sky: An Eagle-bot, a Jaybird-Bot, and a Bee-Bot. "These guys again?"

The Eagle-bot, massive in size, twirled up into the air, then dive bombed towards the Tornado.

"Do a barrel roll!" Chopper cried. Tails did just that, rolling the plane to the side, and narrowly missing the robot. The Eagle-bot twisted around and came back for the plane. T-Pup was the first to notice it, and began yapping, which warned the others.

Chopper narrowed his eyes. "Only got one shot… better make it count!"

Just before the eagle could strike, Chopper leaned forward as far as he could, biting the side of the robot. It lost altitude and dropped to the ground. T-Pup grabbed Chopper by his stubby tail and yanked him backwards back into the cockpit.

"Keep your seatbelt fastened, Chopper!" Tails ordered, "We've got more where that came from!"

The beebot flew towards the Tornado II, pointing its stinger tail at them, and blasting fireballs. Tails, being the skilled pilot he was, evaded each blast with ease, and shot his gun at the bee, taking it down.

Finally, there was the Jaybird-bot, doing no more than a mere fly-by. Chopper wasn't about to let it get away, however, and LEPT into the air, spinning for all he was worth, and managing to knock it off course.

The path to the flying fortress was now clear…

… until they got a little too close.

Egg Pawns from every level shot guns and missiles from all angles. Tails did all he could to try and evade every blast, while managing to shoot some bullets and a few missiles. But the closer they got, the more dangerous it was becoming.

"We're gonna get shot down!" Chopper cried.

"Hang in there, kiddo!" Tails called back, "And keep your head down! I know just what to do!"

On the console, Tails hit a button, flipped a switch, and then pulled a level. The wings of the blue bi-plane flipped sideways and moved into an "X" position. The front propellers retracted into the front, as the nose cone protruded out more. And finally, the back of the plane elevated slightly.

"Wow!" Chopper chimed, "That was sooo cool!"

"Thanks!" Tails grinned, "I designed the plane to do it myself!"

"Really? That's really neat! You're so cool, Tails!"

Despite being smack-dab in the middle of the danger zone, Tails couldn't help but grin at the compliment from the younger child. He swerved and flew through the gunfire and attacks like a pro.

Things weren't as easy for Antoine and Bunnie, however. Since the Egg Pawns were called in, every group imaginable would meet them around every corner. However, Sonic wasn't the only one who could take out an army of Badniks in a single rush. Bunnie held her own very exceptionally, while Antoine wasn't too bad himself, given the circumstances.

After clearing another hallway, Bunnie noticed some commotion from the floor above.

"Y'hear that, Sugah-Twan?" she said, holding out a long ear, "That sounds like gun fire!"

"Oui!" Antoine confirmed, staring out the window, "'Zere is a battale right outside! Ze pawns are aftair ze Tornado Duex!"

"Then we'd best lend a hand!" said Bunnie, "Come on! There's gotta be somethin' we can do t'help!"

"Bunnie, take a look see!" Antoine scavenged one of the many pawns they had destroyed. He picked up a massive arm cannon. "Zis has not been used too much, no?"

"No it hasn't!" Bunnie grinned, "You thinkin' what Ah'm thinkin'?"

"'Zat we bring down ze house, yes?"

"Yes!" Bunnie nodded, "Let's do it to it!"

They raced down the halls once more, finally finding an elevator and boarding. The moment they reached the level they wanted, the honeymooners had themselves a shooting spree, striking down every Egg Pawn in sight with ease. Bunnie had her own arm cannon, but Antoine lent a hand with the one he took from the earlier pawn. He was just as good with a gun as he was with a sword, apparently.

Even in Battle Mode, Tails noticed the herd was thinning. There weren't as many attacks from the decks. He chanced a quick fly by near the upper level, and saw Antoine and Bunnie making all sorts of commotions, taking out every Pawn and Gun in sight.

"Way to go, guys!" he called down.

The two looked up, spotted the plane, and waved. "All cleah, sugah!" Bunnie shouted over.

The Tornado II spun around and headed down for a landing…


Bunnie and Antoine cringed as the Tornado II smashed and skidded into the deck. Once it stopped, Tails groaned to himself. "Oh yeah… I've STILL hadn't installed landing gear yet… Yep, this definitely reminds me of the Egg Carrier adventure…"

He climbed out of the wreckage, helping Chopper and T-Pup out as well, as Bunnie and Antoine came running over. "You all right?"

"We're good," Tails responded, all having gotten out safely, "Just me in my dumber moments…"

"Well, we'd bettah hurreh then," said Bunnie, "Sooner we find a way to help these poah crittahs, the bettah!"

"It's 'critters', not 'crittahs!"

Everyone turned at the sound of the voice. From the other side of the deck, a panel opened on the floor, and on the lift, a massive-looking robot appeared.

Only, it wasn't really a robot. Upon closer look, everyone saw it was actually Thorndyke, piloting a giant Mech Armor suit.

"Do you like it?" he grinned, "I call it the 'Egg-O-Skeletal' suit. Named it after my beloved master, Eggman!"

"It ain't gonna matter much, hon, cuz we're gonna bust you apart!"

"We'll see about that, rodents!" Thorndyke shouted, as he leaned the walker forward, exposing its chest. The front hatch opened and two missiles shot out, aimed for the heroes. Tails quickly grabbed Chopper and T-Pup, as Bunnie grabbed Antoine, and both blasted in different directions as the missiles quickly followed. The two quickly flew behind the Egg-O-Skeletal battle suit, and both missiles struck.

The battle suit staggered and nearly fell over, but Thorndyke remained upright, and turned to face the heroes threateningly.

"Somethin' tells me it's gunna be a while b'fore we manage to take this creep down," Bunnie growled.

"Oui," Antoine nodded, looking determined himself. He knew when to set aside his cowardice and be brave, especially when it came to helping his friends.

The Egg-O-Skeletal took to the air, carefully aiming for the group, and slammed down on the ground in an attempt to squash them. Fortunately, they just managed to get out of the way.

"Tails, the level down b'low is clear," Bunnie said, "We made sure o' that! You g'wan ahead t'find a way to stop all these mechanics! If anyone can do it, it's you!"

"Okay! Be careful!" Tails called, grabbing Chopper by the wrist and yanking him away towards the elevators.

Thorndyke took notice of his trying to escape. He opened the suit's chest compartment to fire more missiles, but Antoine shot his arm cannon at him. The shot hit the missiles, causing an explosion inside the suit itself.

Thorndyke was thrown back, but somehow the suit was still standing, despite the gasping hole in the front.

"I will not be taken down so easily!" he shouted, his face filled with anger and anxiety.

Bunnie and Antoine looked determined themselves. This was going to be tougher than they imagined…

Thanks to the married duo, Tails and Chopper easily made their way through the 3rd level without interruption. They made it to the robotisizer room, where they found a giant machine with busted glass, a completely smashed console, and two robots out of commission.

"Welp, nothin' here!" Chopper stupidly commended.

Tails rolled his eyes and then made his way to the giant machine. "This looks like the robotisizer that Thorndyke used to turn everyone into robots."

"Okay," said Chopper, "What about it?"

"It's no good to us now, but maybe we should get the schematics for it."


"T-Pup! Here boy!" Tails whistled to the robot-fox robot, who scampered over like a puppy. "Scan the robotisizer, boy. C'mon now," he ordered.

T-Pup looked over at the robotisizer, and his eyes suddenly developed a sort of X-Ray. Curiously, Chopper held out his hand to touch, but Tails grabbed it and pulled back. "Not a good idea," he said, "You might accidently develop something…"

Chopper blinked, confused, but then shrugged.

"Arf arf!" T-Pup's X-Ray vision went away, and he wagged his tail happily at his master.

"Good boy!" Tails pat his head, and then motioned the two to follow. "Come on! Let's see if we can find a computer room." He chuckled at what he just said, "Where's Vector when you need him?"


"Oh, never mind. Just a friend of mine. This way!"

The group raced their way through the air ship with minimal trouble. There was a stray pawn or robot animal, which the duo made quick work of.

Finally, at the end of the ship, they approached a set of steel-plated double doors. "How much you want to bet Thorndyke's got something we could use to defeat him behind those doors?"

Chopper scratched his head. "Uhhh….. Five mobiums?"

"I'll have to teach you how to gamble when we get older," Tails snorted, "… First I have to learn myself. But for now…"

He came over to a control panel planted on the wall next to the doors, and messed with the controls a bit.

"Accessed denied."

Tails twitched his nose and tried another code.

"Access denied."

"This would be much easier if this was Eggman's ship," Tails grunted, trying another code.

"Access denied."

"Darn it!" Tails banged his fist against the wall, "This guy can really rival me in smarts!" He crossed his arms and tapped his foot. "How am I going to get through this…"

"Can I try?" Chopper asked.

The fox shrugged. "Okay, but… what can you do?"

Chopper approached the center of the doors, and gnawed through the slit with his big teeth. Tails raised an eyebrow. "Chopper, what are you doing..?"

The chipmunk didn't reply, but rather kept trying to chew through.

Tails sighed. "Thanks for trying, but I really don't think that's going to do any –"

The doors suddenly slid open. "Access Granted."

Tails stared, bewildered. "… -good."

Chopper grinned proudly, and Tails patted his back. "Good job, lil' buddy!"

"Thanks!" Chopper grinned, excited about the compliment, while Tails was excited about actually having his OWN little buddy.

The group entered the dark room, which automatically lit up brightly as they stepped deeper inside. There were computers lined up against the wall, and at the end of the room stood a giant satellite on a circular lift.

"What's that for..?" Chopper asked.

Tails narrowed his eyes. "If it's anything like the robotisizer, then it's no good at all."

"Then we gotta destroy it then!" Chopper lunged forward, teeth bared, but Tails quickly pulled him back.

"Hold it!" he cried, "We don't know what it is yet. And besides…" He looked down at T-Pup and grinned, "It might actually be useful."

Finding a nearby cable, he hooked T-Pup's memory system into one of the computers. On the screen, all sorts of files began popping up. Tails skimmed through.

"Hey Tails, this is cool an' all," said Chopper, "But should we really be lookin' at all these files when yer friends might be gettin' their butts kicked?"

"These are essential files, Chopper," said Tails, "I'm working as quickly as I can, but we need to understand what we're dealing with. Antoine and Bunnie are pretty strong. They can handle Thorndyke for now."

After skimming through more, Tails grinned. "I get it now!" he cried, "Thorndyke's just using this island to test run his robotisizer. But he really plans to turn the entire world into Eggman Bots! And he's planning to use this satellite dish to relay the signal!"

"So we DO hafta destroy it then!" Chopper shouted.

"Not yet," Tails said, "We're not going to let this satellite be used for evil, that's for sure. But now that I know the schematics for the robotisizer, I've got a better use for it!"

Bunnie and Antoine were indeed strong… but unfortunately so was Thorndyke's walker. And unlike organic matter, it wasn't tiring out like the two heroes.

Even with Bunnie's robotic arm and Antoine's Pawn Cannon, the Egg-O-Skeletal battle suit managed to stay intact, and Thorndyke kept delivering blow after blow.

Luckily, Thorndyke had run out of missiles, and he was too involved in the battle to run off and stock up on more. However, he settled for chasing the honeymooners down and trying to stomp them. The two kept shooting their arm cannons, but it simply wasn't enough, and the two were losing their steam.


Thorndyke had managed to stomp the ground a little too close to them. The vibration of the landing hit them hard, and dazed them hard. They fell over on the ground on top of each other.

"Finally..!" Thorndyke breathed, a sadistic grin creeping across his face. He came over to the two, still on the ground in befuddlement, raised the suit's giant steel foot, and-


The entire air fortress shook violently, as did the battle suit. Thorndyke pushed and pulled at the controls wildly, but nothing appeared to want to work. "What's going on?"

Bunnie and Antoine glanced up, then quickly scrambled out of the way as the Egg-O-Skeletal suit shorted out and toppled forward, crashing to the floor.

"Noo!" Thorndyke screamed, "Why? What just happened? I almost won!"

"You almost got lucky, but luck only counts in horseshoes!"

Bunnie and Antoine looked over to see Tails, Chopper, and T-Pup racing over.

"YOU?!" Thorndyke screamed, "But how-?!" He got the answer as he climbed out of his now wrecked suit, and caught sight of a giant satellite that was risen in the back of the ship. "My satellite!" he screamed, "How did you even find it? AND work it?!"

Tails crossed his arms confidently. "It really wasn't that hard," he grinned, "I'm just that darn smart."

Thorndyke seethed viciously, and in a fit of rage, raced towards Tails as if to attack.


Once he got too close, his arm was clamped down by the strong teeth of the little chipmunk. "YEOW!" he screamed, waving his arm around to throw him off. He finally was able to pluck him off as he grabbed the collar of his scruff. "You little brat!" he hissed as he tossed him to the ground, "I oughta-!"

"You oughta do nuttin!" Bunnie shouted as she ran in, "Leave mah boys alone!"


She socked him hard with her fist, sending him flying to the side of the ship. Lucky for him, it was her normal fist. Had she punched with her robot fist, he'd surely be dead…

The air ship rattled some more. "Come on, you guys!" Tails cried, "This ship's going down! We need to vacate, ASAP!"

"I swear… I'll have my revenge!" Thorndyke screamed as he jumped to his feet and ran off to the elevators.

"'Ee ez getting away!" Antoine shouted.

"Nevah mind him!" Bunnie said, scooping her husband into her arms, "Y'heard Tails! We gotta go!"

Tails rushed to the Tornado II, hit a button, and it transformed back into a TV item box. He pocketed it, lifted up Chopper, and proceeded to fly off the air fortress as T-Pup helicoptered after. Bunnie wasn't far behind, using her robot feet to rocket herself and Antoine (in her arms) into the air.

"What about ze student of Eggman?" Antoine called over, "Sure 'ee weel be back to attack once more!"

"Nothing we can do about it," Tails called back, "He's not about to escape that ship anyway."

"Why d'you say that, sugah?" asked Bunnie.

"Because that satellite did more than deactivate his ship AND his battle suit," Tails replied, "It sent out a signal to derobotisize all the animals on the island, AND whoever was left on that ship. Those guys then took all the remaining escape pods to get back on the island."

The group looked behind themselves, as the air fortress descended quickly and crashed into the ocean.

"What a shame…" Bunnie sighed, "Ah almost feel sorry for that young man… Almost."

Later that night, Thorndyke regained consciousness, and found himself floating on a piece of his now wrecked air fortress. Everything around him was destroyed. He was done for…

There was only one thing he could do…

He tapped a communicator watch strapped to his wrist. Fortunately, that was still operational. "F… Father..?" he mewed.

No answer.

"Father…" he tried again, "… Come get me… Please?"

It was a long bout of silence. Thorndyke dropped his head in defeat.

"… Your first assignment, and you blew it… MISERABLY!"

Thorndyke raised his head up suddenly. "Father?"

"That's MASTER to you, you worthless excuse for an heir!" Eggman's voice hissed through the communicator, "I have every bit of mind to leave your pathetic self floating in the middle of the ocean! Lucky for you, you're still have some use to me…"

"Please Fath- I mean, Master! Give me a second chance! I promise I'll prove myself!"

"We'll see about that…"

"So are you coming to rescue me..?"


Thorndyke blinked, shocked. "Eventually?"

"You heard me! I may use you again in my next scheme… but I just have to think about what it'll be, first. Until then, just float there and think of a way to make yourself a better protégé. I don't want a pathetic wreck coming back right now… Eggman out!"

"Master, wait!" Thorndyke cried, but Eggman had already shut off the transmission.

"So tell us a 'lil 'bout yoahself, Choppah," Bunnie said, after she, Antoine, and Tails had pretty much told the younger chipmunk their life stories.

Chopper looked up to the sky, trying to think. "Weelll…." He mumbled, "I… uh…" He shrugged. "I dunno."

The three blinked, confused. "You do not know..?" Antoine questioned, "What of your fathair, or mothair? Any brothairs or sistairs?"

Chopper shook his head. "Nope," he replied simply, "I'm all alone out here."

"Oh mah..!" Bunnie said sadly, "Poah lil' ol' thing. Not even someone to take care of ya. Y'all shouldn't be all by yerself on this big island."

"It's okay," Chopper sighed, "I'm kinda used to it. I've been by myself for… well, a long while."

Bunnie looked over to Antoine. "Sugah-Twan," she said, "Y'all agree with me, don'cha? This lil' guy needs a home!"

The coyote nodded. "Oui," he replied, "Ee needs proper guardianship and parental figures."

"So then ya wanna take 'im home with us?"

Chopper gasped delightly at the idea. Antoine gasped in horror. "NO!" he cried, "Not yet! Not 'zis early in our marriage! Kids will only damper our love life, mon cherie!"

"Antoine D'Coolette!" Bunnie yelped, "How can ya be so selfish and cold-hearted?!"

Antoine wrung his hands. "I do not mean to be cold, my love," he replied, "But I want to enjoy you as much as I can while I can. It is too soon to be having children, even if we adopt… Could we not wait a little while longer..?"

"It's fine," Chopper moaned, "Like I said, I'm used to bein' by myself…"

Antoine sighed. "Oy, guilt me hard, why don't you..?"

"It's okay, Antoine," Tails smiled, putting a hand on Chopper's shoulder, "He can come stay with me and my folks." He looked down at the little chipmunk and smiled. "I always wanted a little brother of my own, after all."

"Really?!" Chopper chimed, appearing to like this idea even more, "I get ta' live with you?"

"If it's okay with my parents," Tails replied, "But I'm sure they won't mind."

"Horray!" Chopper gleamed, jumping up and hugging Tails tightly around the neck, "I'm getting a family! And the coolest big brother in the entire world!"

Tails laughed and hugged him back.

Bunnie and Antoine smiled and leaned into each other. "Welcome to the family."