Blue Ambition: "Tails' Adventure"

Written by: Toni the Mink

Commissioned by: Cross_Serene

Inspired by Archie's "Sonic Universe: The Tails Adventure" arc

All Sonic characters (c) SEGA

Chopper the Chipmunk (c) Toni the Mink

"Bue Ambition" is a fanseries by Cross_Serene.

I personally like to take credit for the "Dr. Thorndyke" idea...

Can we PLEASE start the story now?

It was Graduation Day. Every seat in the auditorium was filled. Granted, it was filled with robots… bot for the graduate, this was the best he could ever hope for.

He walked across the stage, up to his mentor, who had his diploma ready. He gave his teacher a respectable bow.

"You have succeeded in all your lessons, and have surpassed your initial potential," the teacher smiled, "I admit, I was worried at first. I didn't think I would ever meet someone whose intelligence just about matches mine… but one who is flesh and blood at that! Oh course, I've already told you how I felt about past subordinates who were not machines… But you are certainly different from them!"

The student raised a fist over his chest. "You know I am utmost loyal to only you, Dr. Robotnik."

"Oh Ovi, come now!" the doctor waved his hand, "We're practically colleagues now! Call me Eggman."

He proudly handed over a sealed diploma. "And with this doctorate, from this point on, you shall be known as Doctor…"

"Thorndyke," Ovi Robotnik replied, "I prefer to keep under cover."

Eggman nodded. "Dr. Thorndyke it is. Congratulations!"

The crowd of Badniks and EggPawns burst into applause. Thorndyke turned to bow at them, then turned back to Eggman. "I look forward to assisting you in your world conquest, Master."

"I'm glad to hear that," said Eggman, "You may be a graduate, but there's still one last test for you…"

"Yes, sir?"

"To truly consider yourself my heir, let's see how well you can take control of, oh say, one tiny little island…"

"Yeee-HAW!" Bunnie chimed as she, Antoine, and Tails sped through the ocean in Tails' Sea Fox ship, "Just feel that ocean wind hit ya like no one's business! Now THIS is the way to travel!"

Tails glanced over at his second passenger, sitting on his right. Antoine was not enjoying the ride as much as his new wife. In fact, he look downright petrified. "Y'know, Antoine," he called over, "You CAN put up the windshield dome if you need to."

"No, no," Antoine answered quickly, "'Zis eez fine! I am… ulp… enjoying myself…"

"Okay, if you say so," said Tails, just as they suddenly flew over a large wave underneath. Antoine yelped loudly and clutched the side of his passenger cockpit tightly.

Bunnie chuckled. "My poor boy," she said, "Just some things that won't change so easily." She looked over to Tails, "Now y'sure ya don't mind us crashin' in on your favorite vacation spot, sugah?"

"Not at all!" Tails smiled, "I may go here alone a lot, but it won't hurt to have company for once. Besides, we've all went through some tough times lately. You guys definitely deserve a break. In fact…" He glanced over with a shy smile, "You two haven't even had a honeymoon yet, have you?"

Bunnie shook her head. "Just ain't had the time. Ol' Egghead's always up t'no good…"

"In that case, welcome aboard, and have a good time!" Tails grinned as he accelerated the ship. They hopped another wave, causing Antoine to freak.

After a while, Tails finally reached land, and coasted up to the sandy beachside. He used some added mechanics to "walk" the ship a little further onto land so they were out of the water. Tails and Bunnie got out with their luggage in hand. Antoine, however, was frozen solid with fear, and still stuck in his seat.

"Come on out, Sugah-Twan," Bunnie coaxed, "We just ain't gonna have a good time if'n yer still in the ship."

"Yeah," Tails smiled, "No more crazy waves."

Antoine seemed slightly relaxed, and slowly crawled out of the Sea Fox.

"You just need to worry about the crazy natives."

"WAIGH!" Antoine hopped back into the ship.

Bunnie eyed Tails. "Crazy natives..?"

Tails chuckled. "I'm just kidding," he said, "The natives are pretty chill, actually… Well, I mean, they don't bother me whenever I come visit. They tend to keep to themselves. But since they're not vicious or anything, I say that's pretty chill."

Bunnie nodded. "All right hon, if y'all say so."

Tails hoisted his backpack over his shoulder and started heading uphill. "My workshop is just above this hill," he told his friends, "Now you guys sure you want to stay here? You're welcome to bunk with me."

"That's mighty sweet of you, sugah," Bunnie replied, "But Antoine and I want to experience the outdoors and camping life. Right, hon?" She looked to her husband, who was still cowered in the Sea Fox. "Erm… We'll hit you up if'n we need ya."

"You sure you won't be too bored here?" Tails asked.

"We'll be fine," Bunnie waved her hands in a 'shooing' motion. "G'won, now. Scat."

"All right," Tails turned around and headed off, "Well, have fun!"

"You too!"

As Tails disappeared over the hill, Bunnie came over to Antoine, took him by the arms, and lifted him out of the Sea Fox. "Will we be bored, he asks," she chuckled out loud.

"Who 'az time to be bored when zere are hidden dangers to come attack us?" Antoine shuddered.

"Now you stop that nonsense," said Bunnie, "Y'all know me. I'll protect you, sweetie."

At that, Antoine shook his senses clear and stood straight. "No no no," he said, "I am your husband, and eet ez I who shall be protecting you! Now, stand back az I survey ze area!" He unseathed his sword and swung it forward, and it pointed to a nearby bush.


"Waiigh!" Antoine dropped the sword and fell on his bottom as the bush rustled and a young, black-furred chipmunk suddenly popped out.

"Oh mah!" Bunnie blinked, "Now who in blazes would you be?" She stepped a little closer to the child, only to have him scoot backwards and run away off the beach.

The rabbot scratched her head as Antoine slowly climbed back to his feet. "Huh… Must be one of 'em natives Tails was talkin' 'bout. But he looked so young… Ah hope there was someone watchin' 'im…"

"'Ee ez just a wild child," Antoine grumbled, hoisting his luggage out of the Sea Fox and pulling it to the land. "Best to leave 'im be. We don't bozaire 'im, 'ee will not be bozairing us."

Bunnie sighed. "All right. Ah hope yer right."

"Please, mon cherie!" Antoine took a hold of her hand and caressed it, "I am always right! Now…" He motioned to the camping gear, "Let us set camp."

Tails soared across the sky via his double appendages, up the hill until he reached his small workshop. He built it when he first lived here on his own, and would come back to stay here whenever he needed a vacation.

The little chipmunk had run from Antoine and Bunnie's camp and made his way uphill, coming across the little shack. He had often walked by here before, but the shack was always locked. But after looking in the windows, nothing looked interesting in there anyway…

However, as he came by, he noticed the swish of not one, but TWO tails entering the shack, and closing the door afterwards. Hey! Someone was home for once! The chipmunk was always alone on this island, so he liked to see what was going one with others.

Curious of these strangers, he pushed a crate near the window and stepped up to take a peek inside. He found the owners of the two tails… it was ONE fox… with TWO tails!

'Whoa… Freaky!'

Then again, he had an abnormally large overbite that was strong enough to cut through anything, so who was he to say 'Freaky'?

The fox had placed an orb on his work table, took out a tool box, and began fiddling inside. The chipmunk squinted for a better look, and saw it looked like a little robot… Those were things he only saw in magazines. Not read though… he can't read very well…

'This guy seems interesting..!' the chipmunk grinned to himself, '… I think I like him!'



The crate suddenly broke, and the chipmunk came crashing down. He KNEW that was going to draw attention from the fox. Panicked, he jumped to his feet and ran away as fast as his little legs could carry him.

Tails peaked outside at the sound of something crashing. He looked around, but saw nothing. He noticed the broken crate under the window. But he had never used it for anything. He figured it must have fallen over, and broke in the process. He stepped back inside and closed the door, then went back to work on his latest project: the T-Pup.

The little chipmunk decided to return to the beach, where the coyote and rabbit couple were. He cautiously peered through the bushes, being careful not to make too much noise this time around.

He watched as the coyote man tried to set a tent up, only to constantly have the poles swing back and smack him in the face. The chipmunk giggled at this, but quickly clamped his mouth shut. He didn't want to draw attention to himself…

The rabbit came over to help, and extended her robot arm to hold the poles still as the coyote was finally able to hammer in the pins.

'Why do they wanna make tents for? There's nuttin' wrong with sleepin' under trees…'

The two then dragged over a few big rocks and set them in a circle. The rabbit left for a moment, and returned with some sticks and twigs. The coyote constantly tried to spark a flame by striking two rocks together, but it was a no go… The rabbit then pointed her robot arm at the center, and shot a small blast, which set the wood in the camp on fire.

The chipmunk sighed. 'I wish I could make a fire… It'd be nice to be warm at night for once… but I'm not a'sposed to play with fire…'

The two then sat together, curling up against the campfire. The held hands, rolled their heads into each others' shoulders, and pressed their lips together.

The chipmunk squinted in disgust. 'Eeeewww…! Okay, show's over. I'm outta here!'

He scampered off, leaving the lovers to their peace.

Meanwhile, on the south side of Cocoa Island, a smaller version of the Egg Carrier began to float in. The quiet and reclusive natives took notice, and knew this wasn't a good thing. They rightfully began panicking.

Meanwhile, Dr. Thorndyke eyed the monitors at the island below. "Hm… Pretty small," he muttered, "I suppose Dr. Eggman wants me to take baby steps before I move up to the entire world. I guess this little island will make for good practice…"

He gave a nod. "Send down the pawns. Have them capture as many island go-ers as they can. Bring them up here for our little 'experiment."

One of Thorndyke's cohorts, Orbot, nodded and turned to the console, pressing a button and then speaking into the mic. "All Egg Pawns stationed in the cargo… Move out!"

After an evening of passionate love making by the ocean, Antoine and Bunnie curled up in each other's arms near the bonfire.

"Bunnie…" Antoine started.


"Do you z'ink… did we get married too soon?"

Bunnie smirked. "And he asks this on what's s'pose to be our honeymoon."

"Oh, no no!" Antoine jerked up suddenly, sweating slightly, "I did not mean, er what I meant to zay ez zat."

"Oh shush you," Bunnie caressed her husband's chest, "Ah knew what y'all meant." She readjusted herself and laid her head on Antoine's chest. "If'n this were some years back, Ah'd reckon we were rushin' into things. But after all we've gone through… we all had to grow up pretty fast."

"Oui…" Antoine rubbed the rabbot's back softly, "I was just hoping zat you are content with our decision…"

Bunnie gazed up at Antoine ever-so-lovingly. "Honey, Ah couldn't be happier. Y'aint got nothin' to worry about."

But of course, just as she said that, a group of robotic animals suddenly surrounded them.


Tails bolted awake at the sound of a child's scream. He scrambled out of bed, only to trip over his comforter and land splat on the floor.

Fortunately, his newest robot he had just finished earlier that day, had raced into action, bolting out the door with ferocious sounding "yips".

"T-Pup!" Tails cried, "Wait up!"

The dog-like robot was already far ahead, and spotted a tall wolf nearby, harassing a young chipmunk child. The wolf had cornered the little boy against a tree. T-Pup dashed in and hopped on the back of the wolf, biting him on the back of his neck. The wolf gave a chilling, robotic howl, and twisted around trying to throw the smaller robot off.

The chipmunk jumped in and helped, biting the leg of the robot wolf, and managing to rip it off its hinge. The wolfbot hopped around helplessly…

Leaving Tails to rush in and kick the wolf in the side with both feet, knocking it to the ground.

He turned around to face the chipmunk, and just barely managed to grab hold of his shoulders to keep him from biting him. "Whoa, take it easy!" he cried, "I won't hurt you!"

The chipmunk immediately calmed down. "Hey… you can talk!"

"Yeah. And..?"

"Robots don't talk!" the chipmunk scratched his head, "Well, I don't think so anyway…"

"Well, I'm not a robot, so don't worry," Tails smiled, but then quickly frowned, "Wait, what do you mean 'robot'?"

"That thing!" the boy pointed to the wolfbot, writhing on the floor, as T-Pup suspiciously sniffed at it. "He used ta' be a regular wolf, but then suddenly he turned into a robot!"

Tails raised an eyebrow. "He did..?"

The chipmunk nodded. "In fact, a lotta people who lived on this island suddenly became robots! Even-" He looked over at T-Pup who was puttering over to his side, "THAT ONE!"

He went to attack, but was grabbed back by Tails once more. "No no!" he cried, "That's a GOOD robot! That's T-Pup, my robo-dog-fox."

The chipmunk stopped. "Oh…. Ohhhhhh!" he cried, "I remember that now! You WERE working on sumthin' similar ta' that!"

Tails blinked, "You were watching me?"

The boy nodded. "Hope you don't mind… I get lonely by myself sometimes, and I like to see what everyone else is doing…"

"So it was YOU that broke that crate!" said Tails, then quickly shook his head, "Not important. If people are turning into robots, then there's definitely trouble a foot. C'mon, we better check on Antoine and Bunnie!"

"And they the coyote and bunny on the beach?"

"I take it you visited them too… Come on!" Tails scooped up the little chipmunk, twirled his namesakes, and took off to the sky, with T-Pup activating a small helicopter and following.

"Whoa, this is so cool!" the chipmunk chimed, "So you not only have two tails, you can use 'em to fly! That's so neat!"

Tails grinned. "Sure is!"

"What's yer name, by the way?"

The fox smiled at him. "It's Tails. Go figure, huh? What's yours?"

"Your name is Tails..?" the chipmunk figured he had to give him a cool sounding name too (and not his lame real name…). If this guy had two tails and was called "Tails", then he wanted a name that related to his famous attribute too…

"You can call me Chopper!"

Meanwhile, Bunnie and Antoine had their hands full dealing with the sudden barrage of robot animals storming around them.

"What eez going on here?!" Antoine cried, ducking a robotic gorilla's grasp, "I z'ought zat zees natives were friendly!" He grabbed the gorilla's wrist and tried to pull it down, only to be swung in the air and tossed across the beach.

"Don't ya'll have better things ta' do than spy on a couple in the throes of passion?!" Bunnie shouted as she hook a robot cheetah.

The gorilla turned to the rabbit/robot hybrid and grabbed her from behind. "Hey!" she shouted and squirmed, "I ain't currently decent at the moment! That ain't no way to properly handle a lady!"

"Please to be getting your hands off of my wife!" Antoine charged at the gorilla, only to be tackled and knocked unconscious by the robot cheetah.

"Sugah-Twan!" Bunnie cried, but only had the grip on her tightened as the gorilla tramped away off the beach, and the cheetah followed while carrying Antoine.