Bulma's forty-fifth, or thirty-eight if you asked her, birthday was going great, after Gohan and Goku arrived the group of friends partook in games and snacks, while the setup for the main event took place.

"How's everything going?" Krillin asked as Goku and Gohan took a seat with their friends.

Goku smiled. "Everything is great, sparring with Gohan is so awesome, he's so strong now, I can really go all out."

Chuckling that his long time friend would answer with fighting, as expected. "And Gohan, it's been a while, how's you know, the G.o.D. Stuff?"

Sighing Gohan slumped. "It's getting easier. I don't like it. But I'm not a wreck afterwards anymore." It had been years since the last time he shut down from destroying a planet. His loved ones knew not to ask him about any of it, but they were always there in case he wanted to talk.

Goku reached over and patted his son on the back and noticed something out of the corner of his eye. "Hey, Gohan? Didn't you say Whis was busy with stuff today?"

Looking up at his father. "Yeah, I did, why?" Wondering what Goku could possibly mean by asking him something he told him maybe a few hours ago.

"Because he's here and he looks like he brought a guest." Goku pointed, garnering the attention of most of the party.

Gohan stood up to go and greet the angel when suddenly Vegeta shouted. "That's Lord Beerus, look out!" As he turned Super Saiyan and flew over, knowing a fight was going to begin.

"What?" Gohan swiveled his head back just in time to dodge the punch from the current God of Destruction. "Hey," Gohan cried out as he put some distance between Beerus and himself. "What's the big idea?"

"You think you can take my position from me while I sleep, you'll die for your insolence." Beerus roared as he launched himself at his target.

"Dammit," Goku hissed as he powered up to Super Saiyan 3 and joined the fight. "No one's killing my son!"

"Stay out of this mortals," Beerus demanded as he backhanded Goku into the ground. The violent dismissal of their friend alerting the party-goers to the fight. He spun around and slammed his tail into Vegeta's neck knocking him through a wall and into the street, shocking pedestrians.

Gohan attempted to blitz Beerus as it didn't take him very long to realize why the current God of Destruction was on Earth. But the difference in power between a god in training and the actual Destroyer God

"Whis," Eighteen turned to the angel. "Stop him." She shouted as she did not want to see her husband get into a fight right now, especially between someone who could do some real damage.

"I cannot, Lord Beerus wants to keep his position by eliminating the competition, it is within his rights to do so, I have no grounds to interfere." Whis answered as he found an untouched plate of food and began to nibble on the treat.

"Of fucking course," Eighteen sworn. "Pan, go with your uncle." Passing off her daughter to Goten. "Get them and everyone else away from here." she instructed as pointed to the people standing around, Goten nodded and ran off to corral those who could not fight. "Seventeen." she shouted as she rushed the god.

"Got it sis," the other android nodded falling in line behind her identically, knowing what she wanted him to do.

Beerus saw the blonde woman approaching him and he swung at where she would have ended up if she hadn't ducked low and revealed a person behind her. Beerus' cheek was scraped by Seventeen's fist. "What are you?" Beerus snarled. "I cannot sense you." Turning and deflecting a pair of thin ki discs that were tossed his way.

"Dammit," Krillin huffed as he formed more Destructo Discs.

"Solar Flare," Tien shouted as he attempted to blind the god, then follow it up with the multi-form technique. All of them realized that the difference in power between them all and the God of Destruction was vast, so their strategy was to disrupt and leave the damage up to the Saiyans.

"Foolish mortals," Beerus shouted as he closed his eyes to avoid the attack, before receiving a kick to the back from Eighteen who he could not sense like the other fighters. Exploding out his ki to knock everyone away from him. "I'm going to erase this planet from existence."

Videl had finished making sure her parents were away from the immediate area when she launched herself into the fray. She weaved between a thrown copy of Piccolo and Tien, before attempting to sweep Beerus' legs. "Stop it, dammit," Beerus howled as the woman in front of him kept switching up fighting style and while he could block and deflect each strike, that they were changing up angles, direction and speed was throwing him off. Beerus was far more used to opponents who only fought one way, not someone who was using multiple styles.

Growing tired of dealing with people who were impeding him from killing his target, he grabbed the young woman by her legs and lifted her skyward before bringing her back down. Videl was slammed into a table, destroying it and the food it held. Buu looked down at the young girl who was gasping for air as she felt like hell. Growling in anger, Majin Buu turned to Beerus. "You hurt Buu's friends. Buu really really HATE YOU!" as steam poured out of his head and he charged at the god.

Beerus was put on the backpedal as he was fending off Gohan and Goku easily enough but when the pink demon entered he was beginning to feel like he had too many dance partners. "One of you has to die." Beerus said as he fired a burst of destruction energy at the fighters. Gohan and Goku knowing what that was evaded but Buu took it straight to the face, destroying the top portion of his body. "Now then, I can easily-" he started to gloat before a gloved hand socked him in the jaw.

"Buu not die, Buu kill you." Buu declared as he quickly reformed his obliterated body.

"Tch, you impudent pink moron," Beerus said, firing ki blasts that tore chunks off the demon, not slowing it down in the slightest as it reformed from the damage. Bursting through the group of fighters he grabbed Majin Buu by the head and repeatedly slammed his own into it, knocking out the annoyance. This allowed him to turn his attention back onto the saiyans.

In all the carnage, it was clear that Beerus was not slowing down. Bulma knew that if Whis wasn't going to get involved and if three saiyans weren't enough, she'd need to do something drastic.

Bulma ran over to the table that held the dragon balls. "Shenron wake up, we need you." she shouted at the orbs before a flash of lightning struck and the sky darkened.

"What is your wish?" Shenron's booming voice declared.

"No you don't," Beerus shouted as he fired a blast of ki at the dragon to kill it before it could be used against him. Fortunately one of Piccolo's duplicates flew into the path, being vaporized but preventing the death of the Eternal Dragon. "Stop getting in my way," the God of Destruction bellowed as he couldn't stop and aim at the dragon without one of the remaining fighters disrupting his shots.

"We need a way to defeat Beerus," Bulma shouted.

"It may be possible with the Super Saiyan God," Shenron declared as he used his vast knowledge to come to an answer that fit within the parameters of the wish.

"Great, how do we do that?" Bulma requested, seeing the dragon's eyes flash red once more.

"We need a solution," Krillin huffed as he knelt on the ground, having drained himself of nearly all of his energy.

Chi-Chi hurried over shouting to get their attention. "Guys, guys, get Goten and Trunks," she instructed. "We need all the Saiyans."

"So what idea do you have," Vegeta huffed as he landed next to his wife, who had put the youngest saiyans on one side.

"There is a ritual to make a Super Saiyan God, but we need six saiyans to do so." Bulma explained the ritual. "It will make one person incredibly powerful."

"Well let's just get Gohan over here and." Goku wheezed as he held his ribs, before the sound of exploding air hit his ears. Gohan and Beerus were too locked in battle for him to pull away without opening them all up to his attacks.

"So it can't work without Gohan then." Vegeta realized that their last hope was gone.

"Maybe not," Bulma bit her lip. "I had a present I wanted to give you later today." she said nervously. "But I wasn't sure how to tell you."

"What is it woman, we don't have time for games." Vegeta shouted as he saw Beerus get Gohan into a chokehold.

"I'm pregnant," Bulma suddenly shouted. "I wanted it to be a surprise."

"Bulma, that's, incredible." Vegeta smiled at his wife, despite the perilous situation they were in.

"I think since I have a Saiyan," rubbing her stomach. "That maybe it will still work, but it's either got to be you or Goku, the kids might not be strong enough, even with the boost to fight."

"I'll do it," Vegeta stepped up. "Karakot, you're in no shape to fight." Seeing that Goku had been pretty roughed up by the irate god.

"Yeah," Goku nodded as he understood that might be for the best. "I'll try and think of something that can still help." Taking his place in the circle next to Goten.

"Is that all you are, it seems Whis picked someone pathetic if that's the level of the new Destroyer God. I'm clearly doing this universe a favor by eliminating you." Beerus said as he leered over a panting Gohan who had been knocked out of the sky. Raising his hand to erase Gohan he was suddenly knocked away by a white gloved fist. "Who dares?!"

"Beerus, you should leave now, while you still can," A red haired Vegeta confidently stated as he stood in front of Gohan. His aura was fierce and powerful as he readied himself to fight. "You're not dealing with the average Super Saiyan Warrior."

"What is this?" Beerus demanded to know what the species of this planet managed to concoct in a feeble, last ditch effort to survive.

"This is a Super Saiyan God," Vegeta shouted as he rocketed towards Beerus at a speed he was unprepared for, this barrage of attacks caught Beerus off guard once more, infuriating him at the frequency of these surprises in the fight.

"Gohan," Eighteen called out as she landed next to her husband. "Here, Krillin had some senzu beans, your dad got one and he has an idea." pointing to her father-in-law who was floating off the ground with his hands in the air.

Recognizing that for the spirit bomb, Gohan started to chuckle. "Hehe, yeah, that might do it." Gohan smirked as he stood up on uneasy legs. "I'll need to go help Vegeta keep Beerus here and from noticing dad."

"Good luck," Eighteen kissed her husband on the lips as he flared his purple energy and launched into the sky. "Please, someone higher up in the chain, keep my husband safe," having come to the conclusion that she couldn't pray to a god, they were already here, so instead she prayed to whomever might be above even them.

"Hmm," a little blue and purple man's head picked up as he sat on his throne. "I feel like something is happening."

"Then we should go see, it's not everyday something catches your attention Lord Zeno." The Grand Priest bowed as they vanished from his palace.

"Super Saiyan God or not," Beerus snarled as he blocked punches and kicks from the Saiyan Prince. "It's still not enough to defeat me."

"Maybe if we work together," Gohan said as he rejoined the fight, flinging a ball of destruction at the god who had to deflect that, leaving him open to Vegeta's attack.

"GOD FLASH!" unleashing the harsh red beam of energy.

Beerus' eyes widened as he saw the attack heading towards him. Gritting his teeth he managed to catch the attack and push back, but this was enough to keep him from noticing what Goku was doing at the time.

"People of Earth, please, I need whatever energy you can spare." Goku's thoughts echoed around the globe. "I know it's sudden, but I could really use your help, just raise your hands and send it out, please." Goku pleaded as he wasn't sure if this plan would work on Beerus.

"Anyone with their hands not in the air is fired," King Furry yelled at his staff who all put up their hands as blue motes of light floated off everyone across the planet. People from all walks of life, everything was put aside in that moment to come together, and everyone across the planet lifted their arms.

"You know I met the World Savior, it's crazy, that's how I got thrown in prison," A convict said to his cellmate as they lifted their hands.

"Oh ho," Whis chuckled as he saw the absolutely gargantuan ball of energy. "That may actually kill Lord Beerus if he's not careful with it.

"Thank you all so much," Goku sent out his appreciation to everyone on the planet for giving him energy, even if most people were much weaker than him the combined might was incredible. "Now, take this, from all the people of Earth, HAAAAA!" Goku roared as he hurled the spirit bomb at the God of Destruction.

"What is that," Beerus shouted as he was unsure why suddenly both Gohan and Vegeta vanished, but the rapidly approaching attack clued him in to the strategy. "No," he shouted as he caught the ball and began feeding his energy into it, in the hopes of destroying it, but the issue that arose was that this was not a mortal technique and wasn't as easily eliminated. "No, no, no," Beerus shouted as the ki started to push him down.

Erupting out his power he was able to destroy the ki before it detonated on him, however it left open wounds and he felt very drained to do so. Slamming into the ground and facing against the three saiyans. Panting from anger and exhaustion. "I am going to enjoy destroying your-" Beerus started to say when something interrupted him.

"Yay," a soft voice called out as the two sides glared at each other. "Amazing." the sound of clapping hands clued them in that someone else had arrived.

"No Gohan, the fight is over," Whis quickly appeared in front of the Saiyan faction. "Bow, you are in the presence of the ruler of all universes, Lord Zeno," Whis ordered as he lowered himself at the waist.

Author's Notes: So for those who felt that me having Gohan not fight Majin Buu was anti-climactic, or blueballing you. Well you were right, that was because I knew a Gohan at that level would have almost no trouble defeating Majin Buu, but someone else would be a far more dangerous fight. I think given a few years that stacking Beerus against the entire Dragon Team, make Vegeta a Super Saiyan God and a beefed up Spirit Bomb from the whole world, it might be close. Let me know what you think.