"Yo." - Person Talking

"Yo." - Person Thinking

And here is a sudden new chapter. Let's a go.

Sitting on her bed, Komachi continued replaying the voicemails that were left for her by the many admirers her beloved and idiotic older brother had. An irritated sigh leaving her mouth, her eyes sharpened as she ran through a number of possible scenarios that would be playing out on Monday, when they returned to school. As she had promised, the youngest Hikigaya had started sprouting the tiniest of rumors about her brother possibly dating someone, the ravenette taking extra care in making them as ambiguous as possible. It had started with her friends, which they then spread to those in their own social circles, which then spread across the school's freshman and was now trickling upwards through the upperclassmen.

"Haa... Just need to play dumb and act suspicious of Onii-chan, as long as they don't see those photos everything should be fine..." Muttered the young lady as she fell backwards onto her pillow, playing on her phone only to stop and smile lovingly at a photo of Hachiman and herself from the year prior.

Falling onto memory lane, Komachi smiled and giggled as she swiped through the few but precious photos of her brother and herself. As for said brother, Hachiman was stepping out of the shower with a content sigh leaving him as he dried his hair. Pausing as he was about to settle down and begin Ruri's route, the young man decided to head downstairs and prep a special treat for his clubmates as it would officially be the start of their club activities the next day. Peace reigning over the Hikigaya household, that peace would soon be tested the following day, the start of the young man's senior year of romantic comedy which would prove to be as wrong as he would have expected, a climax of his final year of highschool.

(Time Skip - The Next Morning)

"Morning, Onii-chan~! What's for breakfast~?" A half-awake Komachi yawned as she sauntered into the kitchen, her nose twitching as a warm and comforting smell tickled her nose.

Salivating slightly, the youngest Hikigaya quickly woke from her sleepy state as she saw her brother finishing with wrapping up their bento. Her eyes scanning the room for the origin of the fluffy smell, they locked onto a cardboard pastry box and the small plate beside it. Hearing her question, Hachiman turned and shot her a tiny smirk when he took in her rather slovenly appearance.

"Decided to go with something different today, don't eat too much of it or you'll get a stomachache." Hachiman said in a warning tone as she skittered up to the counter, staring with quickly shining eyes at the delectable homemade melonpan.

"Waa~! It looks so good, Onii-chan! Thanks for the food!" Chirped Komachi as she pulled out her phone and snapped a photo of the pastry, taking a few snapshots before picking it up and taking a delicate bite.

A crisp outer shell soon gave way to a soft and savory interior, Komachi happily chewing on her breakfast. A few more bites soon exposed the treat that her beloved brother had hidden in the center of the pastry, a squeal of delight leaving the ravenette as she tasted the strawberry matcha cream inside. Watching her eating the breakfast he made with such happiness, Hachiman couldn't help but smile as he felt himself getting full just watching his sister eat. Spending a few extra minutes savoring her breakfast, the two were out of the house and heading towards their school, Hachiman carrying the pastry box while Komachi hummed while holding onto their bento.

"What's in the box, Onii-chan? It smells super good! Is it Komachi's after lunch dessert?" Asked the younger Hikigaya with unconcealed desire in her eyes, already imagining what delicious treat her brother had prepared for her.

"Heh, not quite, Komachi. I figured since it's the official start of club activities, I'd do something nice for the freshmen joining the Service Club. Even I need to look like a dependable senpai you know!" Hachiman answered in a sure and proud tone, though all that met him was a set of slightly dead eyes from his younger sister.

"I'm the only person who joined, Onii-chan." Deadpanned the young lady as her brother coughed somewhat awkwardly, Hachiman acting like he hadn't heard her as he focused his gaze straight ahead.

The two walking in an awkward silence, Komachi never having lost her somewhat dead looking eyes, they arrived at their school with the flow of other students. Shooting a quick glance at Komachi, Hachiman stopped her and secured his bento from the stack, the young man getting a slightly sullen look from his sister as he had stolen the chance of her seeing him as she had planned to deliver him his lunch. Bidding her a quick farewell, he made his way up the stairway as Komachi was soon joined by her peers, many of them offering her smiles and grins as they moved to caught up with the elusive ravenette.

"Hey-o, Machi! How was your weekend? You never came to hang out with us!"

"Ya-ha, Koma! I need all the details! I heard a certain someone got asked out by Ootori, so spill!"

"Yeah right! I heard that he has eyes for someone else! It was probably Sae just overreacting!"

"Nuh-uh! I've got proof in the form of a text, Yoshi!"

Falling into an early morning of banter and gossip, Komachi had a somewhat tired sigh leave her as her social life, love life rather, was brought up once again. Putting on her usual smile, though there was a twinge of tiredness to it, the group made their way to their class. Watching the raven haired beauty pass by, Ootori Itou was stunned as he was unable to pull his eyes away from the young lady. He only looked away once Komachi rounded the corner, a defeated and dejected sigh leaving him as his teammates patted him on the back in a laughing but comforting manner. With Hachiman, the raven haired youth entered his class with his baked goods in tow, mentally thanking his luck that he was once again in Shizuka's class as she was always pretty lenient when it came to bringing things from home so long as they weren't inappropriate.

"It'll also help that some of it's for her..." Muttered the man beneath his breath, knowing that the stomach of the titan-like woman was an unknown weakness of hers many didn't have the displeasure of finding out.

Settling at his desk, he was about to place the box beneath his chair only to pause as the very clear mental image of a certain ice queen chewing him out for 'serving them goods that have been tainted by the filth that would have no doubt filtered down from him, his chair and desk' struck his mind. Letting a sigh leave him, he pulled out his handkerchief as a place to rest those baked goods on, taking a moment to judge if it'd fit within his desk before throwing the idea out. Adjusting the position of the box, Hachiman was thankful that he was beside the window, the man pushing the box to the edge of the desk and having it rest securely against the windowsill. His most tedious task finished, until the actual explanation of what they were came, he opted to wait out the rest of the morning with reading.

"Hey, you guys smell that?"

"Yeah, smells really good! Like passing by the bakery!"

"Where's it coming from? Kenji, you bring donuts again?"

"No, not today. I think it's from that... Guy..."

"Geh! It's the class rep!"

"Shh! Don't you remember what he did to Sagami last year?!"

"Damn, I almost forgot about that... Him, huh?"

Murmurs and whispers beginning to float around the class as the scent of Hachiman's baked goods began to fill it, the eyes of those who were already in the room and just entering turned to look at the source of the enchanting smell. Confusion and bewilderment were the most prominent expressions on the faces of those who were staring at the young man, many unable to believe that it was the person behind a number of incidents the year prior who had brought such wonderful smelling treats. The name Hachiman Hikigaya was a well known one to the third and second year students, almost all of those in their final year knowing the name due to the infamous 'Culture Festival Fiasco' and his involvement at the center of it. Compared to how he looked like the year prior for those who had personally seen him, the current him was a completely different person in all fairness. Many would have, and some still do, likened him to a 'creeper' or 'freak' due to the way he looked; bad eyes, hunched back, unfriendly expression and revolting personality, so seeing the physical changes in him startled them. Could a person change so much during a single break? It was mind boggling to imagine it but the proof was set before their eyes, and said proof turned to shoot a rather intimidating glare at them for their stares. A few squeaks leaving the mouths of some, they snapped to look anywhere else but the person glaring at them, Hachiman feeling the twitch of a smirk cross his lips at their reaction.

"Jiro-san did say that I have the looks of a no good punk." Chuckled the man in his head, mentally shaking it as he returned to reading his book as the stares seemed to have stopped for the most part.

"Mmm? What's wrong?" Asked a certain fire queen as she entered and took her seat, Yumiko staring at her friends as they nervously darted their eyes at the young man beside the window.

"Hikio? Why? What happened?" Continued the blonde as a slight frown crossed her face, never having pictured the person that Yui chatted about and had helped her being a bully or delinquent.

"Oi, Hikio. What's going on? Why's everyone looking at you like you committed a crime or something?" Yumiko called out towards the young man in a slightly accusatory tone of voice, everyone snapping to stare at her with wide eyes at her absurd question.

"O-Oi, Yumi! I wouldn't pick a fight with that guy! Don't you remember last year, he's bad news!"

"Y-Yeah! Just forget about it, it was nothing important!"

"She's right! I-It's not something you need to get worked up about!"

Despite their pleas and requests, hearing her friends ask her not to get involved only fanned the protective flames that sparked in her heart. Straightening her back, she unleashed the full might of her aura as she marched up to the man who had frightened her friends. Calm and composed, though she was very clearly trying not to stomp her way up to him, Yumiko stood by his desk with her arms folded. Her small frown gradually grew deeper and larger as she was completely ignored by Hachiman, Yumiko feeling her brow twitch with anger when she saw him snort slightly as he seemed lost in his book. Finally having enough, she forcibly pushed his book down, though she was careful not to damage it in any way. Seeing her manicured and painted nails instantly raised red flags in Hachiman's mind, the man knowing that Saki wasn't one to paint her nails, Yui would either pull on his sleeve or complain loudly and Shizuka would just beat him over the head. Stiffly craning his neck, he put on his best annoyed look and had it deepen when Yumiko's own displeased look clashed with his.

"What do you want, Miura." Deadpanned the man in an equally annoyed tone, the corners of his lips twitching when her eyes seemed to light up even more at the statement.

"I've been waiting for you to turn your head the past two minutes, Hikio." The blonde shot back as Hachiman raised a brow in question, Yumiko gnashing her teeth slightly at his apathetic expression.

"I was asking you, why's everyone looking at you like you threatened them? I don't like it when people threaten my friends." Yumiko said as she crossed her arms, her frown having a tinge of disappointment color it as Hachiman furrowed his brows.

"Threaten? They were spouting nonsense and I just looked at them." Replied the man in an irate and slightly tired tone, Yumiko about to counter him only to pause when she recalled the rumors that were spread about the man behind his back last year.

"So that's what it was, huh. Well, I'll be sure to tell them what really happened, how's that sound Hikio?" Yumiko finally said as she let a satisfied sigh leave her, uncrossing her arms and placing them on her hips as she awaited his response.

"Sure, whatever you say, Miura." Answered the man in a lazy and uninterested tone, her temper flaring back up as she found his answer lacking in all regards.

Quickly, the two fell into a slight squabble with Yumiko snapping at Hachiman and his lack of tact while said Hachiman tried not to egg her on too much. While it seemed heated and frightening, there was a tiny hint of amusement in the eyes of the two, Yumiko's words and complaints growing less and less sharp while Hachiman eventually gave up on trying to correct the blonde and simply stuck to quick replies.

"-nd you just had to glare at them like that? Come'on, Hikio, you know that you look like a total delinquent, right? You could have just corrected them nicely, would that have killed you?" Sighed Yumiko in a tired tone, shaking her head as the man still proved to be a headache even after all they had been through.

"Right. Let me, the social outcast and loner, stand up and say 'oi, all of you are wrong and I'm innocent of all those false charges,' mhmm. Good idea, Miura." Droned the man as Yumiko's eyes seemed to spark, the blonde lashing out slamming her hand onto his desk as he jumped slightly at the sudden action.

"Ha?! Social outcast and loner?! Are you sure that you're talking about yourself, Hikio? If you are, I will hit you!" Chided the blonde as she seemed a tad more fired up then usual, Hachiman gulping slightly as she seemed to leer even closer to him.

"Number one, you're friends with Yui, so don't say that or you'll make her sad and me mad. Number two, social outcast and loner? Have you seen the people who want hang out with you? Even when you don't want to, they still do. And number three, if you're friends with me, how could you be either of those two things, huh? Are you saying I'm a social outcast and loner?! If you are, I really will hit you!" Yumiko snapped at him as she was face to face with him, her eyes aflame with a passionate blaze as his words were akin to an insult to her and Yui.

As she was about to go on another tirade, she paused when she saw the confusion, disbelief, curiosity and hint of caution that colored the eyes behind his glasses. Why was he looking at her like that? Like she was a stranger to him or someone who he wasn't on good terms with? Her temper cooling almost instantly, Yumiko took the moment and studied his eyes, finding that they were rather pretty when they weren't creepy looking. Was a year all it took for him to forget all of the help that he had given her? Sure, while they weren't best friends like Yui and herself, Yumiko considered Hachiman a friend, even if he did grate her nerves on a daily basis. So seeing him look at her like she was a stranger, it did hurt the blonde a bit, Yumiko having never been one who dealt with angry friends very well.

"Friends? You and me?" Asked the man in a disbelieving tone, his voice just low enough for the two of them to hear.

"Huh? Of course we're friends. We're not best friends or anything like that, but with the number of times you've helped me and the others, why wouldn't we at least be friends. Sure you're still kind of gross, creepy and a Hikio, and I'm still mad at you for confessing to Hina last year, but that's a whole nother can of worms for later. Speaking of which, you and Hina have been weird after that and she won't tell me why..." Yumiko said in a matter of fact tone, Hachiman staring at her with wide eyes as she began to ramble on about his confession to Ebina from the year prior.

Friends? Yumiko and himself? Friends? There wasn't a more contrasting statement that one could find then, Yumiko Miura and Hachiman Hikigaya are friends, if one did indeed try. Were they really friends if they never talked other then when exchanging a few scathing comments every now and again? For the life of him, Hachiman couldn't think of a reality where that was what made people friends, and if it were somehow true then he'd be the protagonist of a trashy romantic comedy. But just as he was trying to crack the code behind friendship and Yumiko continued to prattle on about him and his connection with her and her clique, their attention was drawn to a frigid gust of wind that seemed to appear out of nowhere. Turning their heads, Yumiko merely narrowed her eyes while Hachiman stiffened out of reflex as he prepared for a gut punch, Shizuka sneezing while gathering the day's lesson plans.

"Huh, I don't know why but I've suddenly got a really strong urge to punch Hikigaya right now..." Shizuka said to herself as she rubbed her nose, the woman smirking rather evilly as she picked up the stack and made her way to her class.

"Morning, Hachiman. Miura." Greeted Saki in a cool tone, flicking her eyes at Yumiko for just a second before focusing them on Hachiman.

"Yo, Saki.


Almost instantly, Yumiko's mood dropped like a stone when faced with Saki's terse greeting, the blonde's opinion of her falling even lower then it already was. The silverette acting as if Yumiko had vanished, she started talking in a much more amiable and warm manner with Hachiman, Yumiko feeling her brow twitch at the sight. But, the blonde soon noticed that Saki seemed unusually nervous for some reason, her eyes flicking towards the man' and the other girls in the room, including herself. After spending a few seconds watching the two ignore her, Yumiko was about to snap at them only to pause when the reason for the whole confrontation finally struck her as she sniffed at the air. Saki soon followed when as her panic over seeing Hachiman being harassed by the fire queen passed, the taller woman also taking a whiff of the air.

"What's in the box, Hikio! It smells great!"

"Mmm, smells like coffee... It smells nice..."

The two women were instantly smitten by the scent of the baked goods resting on Hachiman's desk, Saki already knowing how delectable they were while Yumiko was staring at the box with shining and expectant eyes. At their gazes, the hairs on the back of the man's neck stood on end, Hachiman not liking the look in the eyes of the two at all. But before they could venture a guess or demand something from the man, the cheerful and boisterous voice of Shizuka cut through the class, everyone else heading to their desks as she settled at her own. Offering her students a wide smile, Shizuka was about to ask them how their weekends were only to pause when the eyes of nearly everyone were on the one person she had least expected them to be on. Unbeknownst to her, ever since her brave march towards the man was announced seven minutes prior, all eyes were locked onto the scene of Hachiman and Yumiko, the two followed by Saki having completely tuned out those prying eyes as they were talking.

Seeing that she wasn't going to get an answer, or at least one that she would be satisfied with, she simply beamed a chilling smile at the man at the center of things. At that smile, Hachiman let a defeated sigh leave his mouth, bitterly turning to stare at the box on his desk as his efforts at being a reliable upperclassman and clubmate seemed to have backfired catastrophically. Without missing a beat, though Shizuka did feel a pang of sympathy seeing her favorite student so dejected, she started the class off light with some reading. Watching her students begin working, though some did so with a light groan, the raven haired woman let a smile grace her features as she scanned them. Her gaze once again settling onto Hachiman, the eyes of the woman flicking to the box beside him as surprise colored her grey orbs.

"To think he brought something for the beginning of club activities... You really have started to change, Hikigaya... Or at least, Komachi-chan convinced you to."

Shizuka thought to herself with a light chuckle, though it did turn a bit wry when she realized the possibility of the latter part of the statement being true.

Before long, though some felt it was an eternity, the ever reassuring chime of the school's bell sounded throughout its halls. Many rushed to pack up their supplies and make a break for the cafeteria to secure one of its prized egg, yakisoba or tonkatsu sandwiches, gather with their friends or race to their dining spots. As for Hachiman, the young man let out a yawn as he leisurely packed up his belongings while debating on where to dine, finally opting to pull out his bento have eat in the classroom. In the midst of pulling out his bento, he was approached by Yumiko and Saki, the two bearing differing but vaguely similar looks in their eyes as they were locked onto the box on his desk. Seeing their looks, a few beads of sweat formed on the man's face, already having a pretty clear idea as to what it was that they wanted.

"Hikio! Are you gonna to show me what's in the box or not?"

"What'd you decide to bake for, Hachiman? Something special happening today?"

Confronted by the two women, the glasses wearing youth let a weary sigh leave him as he moved to open the box for the two. Once open, the full scent of the treats inside drew deep gulps from the two as they stared with delight at the adorable looking cupcakes, having the appearance of tiny cups of coffee. Without missing a beat, Yumiko pulled out her phone and started taking pictures without even consulting owner of said treats, Saki having a bit more restraint though she was holding her phone with slightly shaky hands. Seeing that, he shot her a wry smile and a nod as she beamed a brighter one at him, mirroring Yumiko as the two snapped pictures to their hearts content.

"Guess taking pics of food is just human nature..." Hachiman thought to himself as he admittedly did the same after finishing them in the morning, pulling away from his thoughts when he saw the two staring at the cupcakes with desire heavily coloring their eyes.

"...You two want one?" He finally said as they snapped to face him, eagerly nodding their heads as he mentally sighed at the quick reply.

"Really! Thanks a bunch, Hikio! See, if you were always this nice, no one would be afraid of you!"

"Thanks so much, Hachiman! I'll be sure to bake you something!"

Motioning for them to take a cupcake, he pulled out a packet of tissues and offered them to the two, the two ladies pulling a tissue and carefully using it to avoid touching any other cupcake besides the one they had picked out. Taking the treats out with an uncanny amount of dexterity and elegance, unable to control their smiles when they admired the treats in their full glory. They were tiny cupcakes an inch and a quarter tall, their wrapping resembling a tiny cup of coffee. A whipped cream frosting covering a rich brown cake base, caramel was drizzled across the top with a mini chocolate straw sticking out; it was something so artistic that it contrasted the man who had prepared them. Grabbing a chair, the two pulled it to his desk along with their lunches, Hachiman doing a double-take when he saw that they were sitting down to have lunch with him.

"You two don't have to feel obligated to eat with me. It's just a cupcake."

"Mmm, it's fine. I've been meaning to talk with you at some point, might as well do it now."

"We've been having lunch t-together for a while now, so it's fine."

With that, the man gave in as they settled in and brought out their lunches. Yumiko's lunch having been made by her mother, she shot a look at Hachiman and Saki's bento, her eyes widening when she saw all of the varied and tasty looking dishes that lined the bento. Unlike her own lunch, which was filled with things that she both loved and hated, the lunches of the two were sparkling with only things that look appetizing.

"Do your parents make your lunches too?"

"No, I've been trying to make lunch for my sister and I."

"I make my own."

While Yumiko was partially aware that Saki made her own lunches, the fact that Hachiman had been cooking for not just himself but his sister was a startling revelation to the blonde. As far as she could remember, from the year prior the young man had only eaten bread or something bought from the cafeteria. Hearing him say that he was making lunches for him and his sister brought the young man up a few notches in Yumiko's mind, the blonde nodding her head as she stared slightly scarily at the garlic miso chicken that was sitting proudly and boldly on the left side of Hachiman's bento. Noticing her staring, he heaved a mental sigh and slightly presented his lunch for the blonde to take a piece, Yumiko flushing slightly but offering him a grin as she eagerly took a piece of chicken for herself. Seeing that, Saki gained a complicated and slightly displeased expression as she turned towards Hachiman, her eyes gaining a bit of a demanding and jealous glint to them as he relented and mirrored the action to her as well.

"So, why did you want to eat with me again, Miura? I'm sure your clique is either down in the dumps or burning with jealousy if they know where you are."

"Hachiman is right. You don't need to eat with us."

"I already told you, Hikio, weren't you paying attention? It'll be fine, I told them already and they agreed. And is me being here bothering you, Kawasaki?"

If he was completely honest, Hachiman did indeed forget why she had decided to have lunch with him, her words going in one ear and out the other. While he was slightly worried about a misunderstanding and the possibility of rumors spreading, he choose to trust in Yumiko's words as she was the well known 'Fire Queen'. Saki on the other hand, she was locked with Miura in a glaring contest, the two women's already rocky relationship growing more turbulent as they faced each other. Why did they have to entertain the other person if Hachiman was the only one they wanted to speak to? Yumiko was never one to back down from a challenge, especially not from people who she felt were rude for no reason. The same could have been said for Saki as the silverette wasn't even phased by the heated glare sent her way, scoffing slightly as she returned to her lunch though a tiny twitch of her lips appeared when she tasted Hachiman's cooking.

"Oh, this chicken is really light, didn't you fry it?"

"Mmm? Ah no, I was broiling them on a wire rack since it helps keep the oil off of them, but it's a pain to clean so it might be better to just fry them. And if you add a bit of wasabi to it, it helps with making it taste more refreshing then oily. "

"Really? I need to try it sometime when I get home. What else did you add for the seasoning."

"They're really just talking about cooking?"

Listening to the two talk about cooking rather then school related events, Yumiko found herself slightly envious of their conversation. It wasn't that she didn't enjoy her conversations with her friends, but they always revolved around things relating to the school or rounded back a topic that they had discussed previously. Just like eating the same thing over and over, talking about the same TV shows, make up, videos or school related events eventually grew tiresome and boring. So hearing the two talking about something that no one in her cliques were well versed in, even if she wasn't a heavily involved participant, helped eased some of that staleness that plagued Yumiko's heart.

"Do you two cook often? I wish I knew how to cook, I'm better then Yui but still! My family always say that they'd rather just microwave something or get takeout when I try! It's really kind of irritating and shocking to hear them say it to my face, you know? I think I'd be better at it if it didn't take so long cutting everything up and then cleaning it all after, I still don't know how my mom manages to do all of that with her work schedule and cleaning the house!"

"R-Right, uhh pretty often nowadays. I've been trying to get better at it."

"It's either me or my mom who cook."

The getting slightly heavy and awkward, Saki and Hachiman found themselves at a loss for words that they hadn't had much experience talking with Yumiko. They had talked with chatty people, Yui and Ebina included, but with Yumiko it was different as she was almost quite literally on a different level then the two. She was someone who stood on top of the social pyramid, a place that the two prayed and dared not venture towards, content with their current circle of friends. And as the one at the top Yumiko detected their discomfort, or apathy in the case of Saki, and grew silent and slightly irked. An awkward and tense silence taking over, Saki ignored it and continued to chat happily with Hachiman, the man gulping as he answered with quick replies as Yumiko's fiery gaze never left his person.

Unlike it usually did, Hachiman felt that the lunch period seemed to drag on, feeling instant relief when the bell chimed and the other students began to pool back in. Leaving his desk in a satisfied manner, Saki offered him a tiny wave while Yumiko continued to sit with her arms crossed, her irate expression having never faded. Stiffening at being the sole focal point of her attention, her eyes flashed slightly but faded as she snatched the cupcake that she had failed to eat during their lunch break unlike Saki who thoroughly enjoyed it and offered her compliments to the man. Stomping back to her desk, her friends instantly swarmed her and began to interrogate her as to why she decided to have lunch with Hachiman, Yumiko feeling a headache beginning to cross her as she endured their questions. Ignoring them for a second, she finally took a bite of the cupcake and almost felt all of her worries fade, her eyes sparkling as she snapped to stare at the tiny treat.

"Wow... Hikio really does know how to cook! Maybe he'd help teach me how to make this..." Thought the blonde to herself in a increasingly excited tone, turning to stare at Hachiman and hold up the cupcake towards him with a grin on her face.

Seeing that, the man sighed as the moods of women seemed to sway back and forth like a swing, returning her grin with a wry smile of his own. Behind the two, Saki felt her own mood drop when she saw them, her petty anger drawing a twinge of pink to her cheeks as she did know that she was stepping slightly out of her established boundaries by acting like she was his girlfriend. But to the silver haired young lady, she felt that time was running out, especially since she heard from Taishi that Hachiman had a secret girlfriend that no one knew about. When? Just when did he find the time to get together with someone? Saki was almost one hundred percent sure that he wasn't dating anyone, that it was a rumor that was spread to ensure that he remained single.

"I want to ask him but it's just so embarrassing! Maybe I'll ask Taishi to ask Komachi-chan... Or maybe Keika can get it out of him... Ah! Yes! That's it! I'll have Kei-chan call him, there's no way that he'll say no to her!" Saki thought to herself with an increasing amount of self-confidence growing in her, clenching her fists as a determined light shone in her eyes.

While it seemed to drag on for one and pass quickly for others, the school day finally ended as Shizuka finished writing the assignments due the next day. Flashing a smile and a wave to the students who bid her farewell, the raven haired woman kept an eye on Hachiman as Saki bid him a quick farewell to enact her plan, Yumiko surprisingly offering him a smile and wave as she left with her clique. Wary eyes lingered on the man as the friends of the blonde were extremely dubious about their relationship, mentally making a mental note to ask about the exact nature of how the two were connected. A soft chuckle leaving her, Shizuka strutted up to the man, flashing him her usual grin as he returned it with a tired look of his own.

"Quite the day huh, Hikigaya?"

"Haa... I don't think I'm cut out for all of this social interacting..."

"Nonsense! You're almost a completely different person! If it weren't for those eyes of yours and that rotten personality, I'd have thought you were a different person!"

"Tch. Come'on, sensei, the longer we wait here the worse I'm going to get it by the others..."

A bit of light banter between the two following them as they left the classroom, Shizuka felt slightly mortified that her heart was seemingly fluttering about as they chatted about everyday things. Ever since his declaration that he didn't mind having a relationship with her as long as she was fine with him from the week prior, the raven haired woman was growing increasingly self-conscious around the young man. She had adamantly drawn a fine line between her personal and work life, but with Hachiman it seemed like that line was beginning to blur slightly, something that both terrified and excited her if she was completely honest. A situation ripped straight out of a manga, the forbidden relationship between a teacher and student that would test the love of the two against the throes of society.

"-hat reminds me, Hikigaya. You'll be excused from the Service Club once a week on Fridays since you and Yumiko will have to attend the meetings with the other class reps. If you need anything just let me know, as far as I know, those meetings will only last half an hour to an hour tops so if you still want to, you can return to the club or go home if it's something related to your duties."

"Hmm... Do you know when they're expecting to plan for the festivals this year? I think I'm going to be sick those days, sensei."

"Ha! Come'on, Hikigaya! You've got a grand opportunity to live out your final year in a youth filled fashion!"

"I'd rather live it out in a quiet and dull fashion though..."

Sighing at the man's statement, they continued with light chatter as they stopped in the special building, pausing from entering the room as a number of slightly panicked voices could be heard talking inside. Hearing a few of the complaints and worries being spoken about, Shizuka raised a brow and turned to look at the person beside her, Hachiman having an apathetic expression as the rumors seemed to have nothing to do with him.

"-eard that from the first year students! I don't know what to think!"

"-ossible. There's no merit in those rumors. As far as I'm concerned its just slander and false information."

"-machi heard them from the girls in my class, too! Honestly, it makes me so mad!"

"-eally is a pitiful senpai. Ha, just let them come and go, these things always happen. Remember last year with Hayama-senpai and Yumiko-senpai?"

A cough startled everyone in the room as they jumped and snapped to its source, growing embarrassed and slightly red when the blank face of Hachiman was staring straight at them. Shizuka had a slightly frown on her face as she instantly had a pretty good idea as to who they were talking about, her eyes darting to Hachiman before focusing on the four stirring slightly in their seats. But, Hachiman opted to ignore the atmosphere as he made his way to his seat, sitting down before putting the box of baked goods onto the table. Eyes were drawn to the box as Komachi's eyes sparkled immediately, happily scooting closer to her brother to the envy of the others as she leaned onto him in a needy and pitiful manner.

"Onii-chan, your Komachi is so hungry~! I think she almost fainted from lack of delicious sweets made by her Onii-chan~" Moaned the raven haired young lady as she stared up at him with wide and pleading eyes, Hachiman snorting as he moved to ruffle her hair as a content sigh left her as she basked in his warmth.

"It's not much, but I figured that since it's officially the first day of club activities, I'd do something to celebrate it. Help yourselves, it's actually pretty good." Hachiman said as he opened the box, the day having dulled the scent but the ladies growing excited nonetheless as a wondrous aroma wafted about.

Gasps and squeals leaving the ladies when they laid eyes on the baked goods, they pulled out their phones and began taking photos of the cupcakes in earnest. Even Shizuka wasn't spared as she had a wide grin on her face, taking a selfie with her cupcake and posting it to her social media page with a bit of a smug title stating that one of her beloved students had baked it for her. Spending a few minutes taking pictures, the five finally decided to indulge in the sweets, a content sigh leaving them as they took their first bites.

"Mmm! This is super good, Hikki! You could open a bakery with this as the star item!"

"I must agree with Yuigahama-san. Despite your dubious and suspicious looks, your skills in the culinary arts exceeds all expectations anyone could possibly have for you."

"Senpai~! Why haven't you made these for me before!? I bet you only make these for Komachi-chan, don't you!"

"Mhmm! Onii-chan bakes for Komachi anytime she asks for it! Cause Komachi is Onii-chan's number one!"

"Haha, I didn't expect you to be so gifted in baking, Hikigaya! You should vie for a bake stand for this year when you and Yumiko ask for suggestions for what the class is going to do for the festivals!"

Laughter and chatter filling the room, it was a warm and amiable atmosphere as even Yukino had a beautiful smile on her face, her face tinged pink as she secretly stared at the man who had once again managed to make her heart skip a beat or three. No matter how much she had wanted to praise him, she always had to add a jab to ensure that he didn't overinflate his ego. Yukino was sure that he understood the true intentions that laid in her words, because he was the only one who truly understood who she really was, he was the only one. Yui was beginning to chip away at her defenses, the two having grown considerably closer over the course of their meeting from last year, close enough to share a few secrets with each other. But it was different with Hachiman, Yukino, she felt safe with him, she felt like she didn't have to put on an act and be who she truly was when they were together.

"This flavor, is it MAX Coffee, Hikigaya-kun?"

"Heh, so you noticed huh? It wouldn't taste good if it was anything other then MAX."

"Hmm, while I do find the overly sugary and taste MAX to be deplorable, you've managed to draw out a more mild and lovely flavor. Thank you."

A brighter smile blooming on her face at his praise, she continued to nibble on the treat to prolong her enjoyment of it. Watching the pair with sets of jealous eyes, Yui and Iroha bit back the disappointment they had as they were unfamiliar with the line of coffee used, opting more for frappuccinos if they were to get coffee instead of a fruity drink or tea. Komachi knew that it was MAX but let Yukino have her moment, the fact that she was practically glued to her brother adding to her content mood. As they were eating and chatting, Shizuka finally began the club's meeting, listing out the duties of the club, its restrictions, expectations and other relevant information for its newest member, Komachi, to understand. Having been exposed to a few minor cases from the last, Komachi already had a simple understanding of what they were doing, nodding her head as Shizuka warned them of not taking any requests that involved things that laid over their heads. While she was writing on the whiteboard, there was a knock on the door that drew the attention of everyone present.

"Oh, looks like there's your first request everyone! Come in!" Called out Shizuka as everyone straightened out their appearances, brushing away stray crumbs and wiping their mouths.

The door opening, a beautiful and slightly familiar figure stepped into the room as Hachiman instantly stiffened at the sight of the silver haired woman. Pink tinging her cheeks, Saika entered the club room with a nervous expression on her face, though she relaxed and offered a bright smile and cute wave towards Hachiman. Instantly the temperature of the room dropped, Hachiman feeling a chill run up his spine as he forced himself not to meet the eyes of his clubmates. Making her way over, Saika took a seat across from the man as the eyes of the others slowly drifted towards her. While she was panicking inside at their icy and sharp stares, just staring into the eyes of the person who held her heart helped calm her nerves, Saika having a much more eased smile grace her face as she focused entirely on Hachiman.

"Hello, welcome to the Service Club. I'm the club president, Yukino Yukinoshita, may we ask who you are and the content and nature of your request?" Yukino started as she maintained a professional and collected demeanor, contrasting the raging tide of emotions filling her.

"Ah! I-I'm not here for a request, Yukinoshita-san! I-I'm just here to say hello and talk with Hachiman! I-I've got something important that I need to tell him." Saika said with a slightly shy smile, turning to look at the raven haired beauty before returning to look at Hachiman.

"Wait a second... T-Totsuka-senpai!?"

"W-What?! S-Sai-chan!? Is that you, Sai-chan?!"


"H-Huh!? But isn't Totsuka-senpai a boy!?"

A squeak leaving her mouth as she was swarmed by Yui, Komachi and Iroha, Saika looked towards Hachiman for help as the man stiffened at her pleading and teary look. Standing, he helped break the trio from crowding the woman, gaining dubious looks from the others as they awaited Saika's explanation. Seeing that she had taken the first steps, Saika took a breath to calm herself and clutched the edge of Hachiman's sleeve, the others bristling slightly at the action. Seemingly gaining courage and strength from the man she held affections for, Saika explained her situation and ensured that there weren't any misunderstandings between her and the others. Slowly, she coaxed the others into believing her, Shizuka vouching for her as she was awake of her situation from the year prior. Spending fifteen minutes explaining and answering questions, the air wasn't as awkward as it was before, but there was definitely a tension that wasn't present before.

"U-Umm, Hachiman? D-Do you have time after this? I-I have something important that I want to talk with you about." Saika asked the man as he gulped at her tone, Komachi finally having enough as she interjected herself between the two.

"Sorry, Totsuka-senpai! My Gomi-chan promised to go shopping with his dear Komachi! Isn't that right, Gomi-chan!" Komachi apologized as she snaked both her arms around his free arm, pressing herself deeply into him as she held her hand out in an equally apologetic gesture.

"Club hours aren't over yet, Komachi-san. We still have an hour and a half left." Yukino added as she leered at Hachiman with an icy set of eyes, the man finding himself sighing as the situation he found himself in was the furthest thing he wanted to be a part of.

"W-Well why don't you sit and chat with us, Sai-chan! Umm, we haven't talked since last year, so let's catch up!" Suggested Yui as she tried to defuse the situation, mirroring Hachiman's sigh as the silver haired young lady meekly nodded her head and moved a chair to sit beside Hahciman.

Yukino offering her a cup of tea, Saika thanked her as silence reigned over the classroom. Only the sound of breathing, nibbling on snack and the sipping of drinks echoed through its walls, all eyes on the newcomer as she wriggled in her seat. Watching them all, Shizuka had an heavily amused expression on her face as took another bite of her cupcake, enjoying the soap opera-like scene unfolding in front of her. With no one taking a chance to break the ice, the club advisor was about to take over when there was a gentle knock on the door. The sound startling everyone, Yukino coughed as she regained her composure before calling out for the newcomer to enter. Instantly, the color drained from Hachiman's face while Komachi's eyes seemed to dilate as her hands clenched tightly into a set of fists.

"H-Hello! I think I've got the right place! Haha, I'm looking for someone named Hachiman Hikigaya? A teacher told me that he's a part of this club." A fluffy haired brunette asked as she stood in the doorway with a slightly embarrassed grin on her face, her eyes scanning the room before locking onto Hachiman's stiff form.

"Yo, Hikigaya! Geez, you really aren't someone who's easy to find you know! I spent the last twenty minutes just trying to find someone who knew you!" Kaori said with a laughing tone as she strode into the room after closing the door, waving at Hachiman as even Shizuka choked on the cupcake that she was finishing off.

The brunette taking a seat, she beamed a grin at the man as Hachiman did his best to avoid looking any more distraught then he already did, Kaori growing a bit concerned when she saw how pale his face was. Leaning over the desk, she placed her hand on his forehead to test his temperature as he flinched and leaned back from her hand. Blinking at him, Kaori was a bit surprised by his retreat before scoffing a bit as a light fit of laughter left her.

"Pfft! What was that, Hikigaya! Hilarious!" Giggled the fluffy haired young lady as she sat back down, Kaori having decided to spare the man from any further torment if the glares being sent her way was anything to go off on.

"...Did you have any business with Hikigaya-kun?" Yukino finally said after watching the brunette interact with Hachiman, her face calm while her grip on her cup of tea was crushing.

"Ah, it's nothing important! I was going to text him but a friend of mine wanted to come to your school to try her luck at confessing to someone who goes here, so I decided to drop by and surprise him! So, surprised Hikigaya?" Answered Kaori with the same grin on her face, doing her best a tignoring the burning looks that were starting to prick her skin.

"Just what is going on!? Why is Hikigaya surrounded by so many pretty girls?! I know a few of them because I saw them last year, but it's that silver hair and the one clinging to him that's driving me nuts! Who is she to hang onto him like that?!" Screamed the brunette in her mind, Kaori carrying on the one-sided conversation as if nothing was bothering her in the slightest.

Confusion, envy, frustration, fear, horror; there wasn't a proper expression of emotion that could describe the chaos that gripped the Service Club and those inside it.

"H-Haha... N-Nice to meet you, Kaori-san! I'm Yui Yuigahama, one of Hikki's friends! I hope he hasn't been too much of a big dummy like he usually is." Yui was trying to smile though her eyes were anything but friendly, a dull and rather frightening look to them as she tried to get to know Kaori.

"Yukino Yukinoshita, Orimoto-san. I apologize if Hikigaya-kun has caused you any problems." Yukino smiled in her usual manner, though the frigid aura that was billowing from her caused even Shizuka to shiver slightly.

"Yahallo, Orimoto-san! I'm Iroha Isshiki! Thanks for taking care of Senpai for me! Ha, I swear, my senpai always gets himself into trouble, so I can't ever keep my eyes off of him!" Iroha lamented after brightly greeting the brunette, her smile and eyes having a challenging glint to them as she scanned the brunette from head to toe.

Komachi and Saika chose to remain silent, though they were both glaring at Kaori for differing reasons. The brunette knew why the silver haired girl was glaring at her, and she shot a glare back as she had interrupted the date between Hachiman and herself. What she didn't understand was why the girl clinging onto Hachiman was staring at her like she was looking at something lower then dirt in her eyes and it really unnerved the brunette. There was something wrong with how cold and angry her eyes were, as if Kaori had committed a heinous crime like kicking a puppy or slapping a kitten. How could she look at her like that when they've never met before? Then came a thought that nearly cause Kaori to faint when she started to piece it together, growing slightly pale when she alternated to look between the two.

"Wait... Wait, wait, wait! T-There's only one reason she's looking at me like that! S-She's Hikigaya's girlfriend, right!? There's no other reason why she's acting like I'm some thieving cat and looking at me like I'm going to be stealing away something that belongs to her!" Shouted Kaori in her mind as her knees grew a bit wobbly, Hachiman's eyes flashing with a hint of concern as he stiffly rose and moved to offer her a chair.

As he pulled out a chair for her to sit on, offering her a cup of tea as well, the door to the room was slammed open as a pair of men stomped inside in a panicked state. Standing there panting as they had their hands on their knees, though the taller man seemed a bit better then the shorter man beside him, they took a moment to collect themselves before raising their heads to stare at Hachiman.

"Hikitani! I heard you got a girlfriend! We need to go celebrate, man! I knew you had someone, haha!"

"Hachiman, my friend! Have you truly betrayed me and ascended the stairway towards the path of the raiju!?"

Kakeru and Yoshiteru were bearing contrasting expressions while staring at the man in the center of the room, Kakeru having his usual wide and bright grin while Yoshiteru looked like he had just been left to die by the wayside. With their words having been shouted in the midst of a silent room, the echoes of their words bounced about the building's halls. When they failed to hear a reply, they froze when they finally took notice of the others in the room, a cold sweat breaking out on their bodies as the disconcerting and frightening looks on the faces of the girls in the room were far too much for them to bear. Even Kakeru who had more experience when it came to dealing girls and their anger found himself praying for Hayama or anyone to save him, Yoshiteru having practically short circuited having taken in the presence of the girls.

"H-Haha... W-Well looks like you're busy, Hikitani! W-We can celebrate and talk some other time! S-See ya!"

"E-Excuse me!"

Swiftly turning around, the two were about to make a break for freedom only to have a set of hands grab onto their wrists. A shiver running down the spines of the two, Kakeru and Yoshiteru were dragged into the room as the door was shut once more. Pulling out a set of chairs for the two, they were sit down and presented with a set of smiles that bore no warmth or light, Kakeru and Yoshiteru turning and shedding tears as they realized that racing the other to the clubroom was the worst possible start of their final year of highschool. Yui and Komachi putting together a temporary 'closed' sign, the others sat the three men on the opposite side of the table while the ladies took the other, frigid smiles on their faces as Shizuka let out a tired sigh at the scene playing out before her.

"I swear... It's like I'm watching something written by Hasemi or Akamatsu..."

And that's a wrap. Thanks for reading, stay awesome.