A warzone no hell would better describe what Magnolia looked like now, between the mixture of rubble between the Tartaros guild hall and the buildings of Magnolia and not to mention the two enormous ferocious dragons fighting in the sky above who were causing massive shockwaves from the collisions of their bodies which would disperse nearby cloud cover.
The two dragons in question were none other than Acnologia the self-proclaimed dragon king and Igneel the Fire Dragon King. The Black dragons sudden appearance had caused Igneel to reveal himself to Natsu and that he had been hiding inside him this whole time watching over him, this of course didn't sit well with the slayer who was outraged that all those years he spent searching for his father were indeed in vain when he was with him the entire time.
However the pressing matter of Tartaros took priority on finding out why his father did what he did, but to encourage his son further Igneel turned the request of stealing the book of E.N.D into an official guild request with the reward being anything he wanted to know. Of course this got the dragonslayer fired up and he immediately began his battle/struggle with Mard Geer the current strongest of Zeref's awakened demons.
However even with the addition of Sabretooth's twin dragons Natsu was barely able to damage Mard Geer who continued to mock and snigger at their futile attempts to stop his plan to bring back E.N.D the ultimate demon. It was only with addition and surprise revelation of Gray becoming a Devil Slayer that the tides turned slightly in the favour of the four slayers. That is until Jiemma the ex-Sabretooth guild master who now turned demon intervened and separated Gray and Natsu from Sting and Rogue to get his revenge on the twin dragons.
Even though Natsu and Gray now had to face off against Mard Geer in his etherious form on their own they didn't falter, they pushed on and fought harder with everything they had and that's where we are now Natsu and Gray had delivered a mesh of devastating attacks with their unmatched team work but the etherious demon who now stood at least 8ft tall looked completely unscathed.
"You've shown me a good time human wizards but now it's time to finish you and I shall do so using a power that exceeds that of magic…a spell no curse that I devised to kill Zeref!" Mard Geer said in a dangerous tone as he pulled one wing over the front of himself almost in a protective manner. "To kill Zeref but why?" Gray asked in a shocked voice unable to comprehend the words of the demon in front of him.
"In ages past all magic belonged to the one source, what you know as the one magic. It later become the many different types of magic there are today, however a long time ago Master E.N.D was able to create a power that exceeded that of magic, curse power. As to your other question even I am unaware of the reason why, just that I must and since my awakening it was my soul purpose to do so and bring back master E.N.D!" Mard shouted before placing his hands on top of each other, the top one had the middle and index fingers pointing upwards with the rest closed and the bottom hand had all the fingers except the middle and ring finger extended.
Suddenly a blackish purple miasma appeared around Natsu and Gray and began encircling them, "Crap I don't like the look of this shit, Natsu don't let it touch you" Gray called out to his comrade who nodded in response. "Very perceptive human but this is only the beginning of my ultimate curse, Memento Mori, The Memory of Death! Be honoured that you should perished by its doing, a curse so powerful that it was designed specifically for killing Zeref, so powerful that it destroys the very notion of life and death!" Mard shouted out in madness revealing the details behind his curses power seeing as there was no possible way they could escape.
'I'm sorry my nakama, I won't be able to return with you back to Fairy Tail.' thought Natsu sadly, stuck inside Mard Geer's Memento Mori.
"Perish" Mard Geer screamed in madness.
Suddenly there was a flash of white light then a nuclear bomb shaped cloud appeared from where the explosion took place.
Once the smoke had cleared the Fairy tale mage's gasped in shock and horror as there beloved dragon slayer was gone.
With Natsu:
'Where am I?" thought Natsu "I guess I'm dead then.
"Natsu Dragneel you are not dead just in the space between the living and the dead" a powerful yet caring voice spoke.
" Wait, who are you?" questioned Natsu cautiously.
"I am the being you humans call God and I am here to give you a new chance at life."
"Wait, so you can send me back right?" he questioned hopefully.
"I'm afraid not young one as your body was destroyed in your world,"
"I see" he replied solemnly.
"The other gods and I have decided to send you to the world known as Earth where girls fight each other in tanks for sport."
"Wait, what's a tank?"
"Oh right, watch this" shows a video of girls und panzer.
"Oh, OK"
"Oh by the way the antibodies your father created inside you were overwhelmed when we brought you here, but before you start panicking…" already seeing Natsu's look. "You won't end up evil like Acnologia and you will be able to change in and out of your dragon form at will so no need to worry about be stuck as a dragon forever, I also cured you of your motion sickness."
"Thank you so much, this is going to be totally awesome!" exclaimed an enthusiastic Natsu.
"well this is good bye kid, enjoy your childhood."
"Wait what do you..." Natsu began but was then cut off as he faded away.
In the Nishizumi estate:
"Mother where are we going?" asked a 6 year old Maho to her mother, Shiho Nishizumi, whilst she carried a 4 year old Miho in her arms.
"Patience Maho, we are nearly there." said Shiho in a caring tone.
Suddenly a large explosion rippled through the air.
The young Miho starts crying from the loud sound. Shiho immediately starts trying to calm her down. "Well we should probably go check that out shouldn't we mother?" asks Maho in a slightly scared voice.
"Yes, we probably should, shouldn't we?" replies her mother calmly.
10 minutes later at the site of the explosion:
Fire was consuming all the things around it.
"Well" said Shiho. "We had better wait for the fire to die down."
Almost as though it had heard her, in an instant the flames vanished to reveal a medium sized scarlet coloured dragon.
"Ah what the hell is that?!" screamed Maho in shock and fear.
Instantly the dragon began shrinking until it shrunk to a size of a child and then transformed into a short pink- haired 6 year old child, who then collapsed unconscious to the ground.
'Hmmm' thought Shiho already thinking of ways to increase her own power, 'This child is powerful, he can be useful to me if he looks after Maho and Miho whilst I am teaching the other the feared Nishizumi style of tankery and if he shows talent in it I might train him as well.'
"Mother?" Maho asked hesitantly "What are we going to do with him?"
"We shall take him home so he can rest then we will ask him some questions before I make a decision." Replied Shiho confidently whilst passing Miho to her daughter so she could pick up the pink-haired child.
"Oh well, I hope he stays" Maho murmurs back quietly with a light blush on her face. 'He's kind of cute" she thinks to herself as her blush gets brighter.
Shiho seeing this smirks evilly to herself already thinking of ways to tease her eldest daughter.
"Oh, got a crush on the little dragon already have you Maho? She asks in a dangerous tone.
"Umm No!" squeaks Maho fearfully, blushing up a storm.
Shiho just watches her carefully for a few minutes while Maho starts getting uncomfortable at the silence. The Shiho starts laughing while making sure not to drop the child draped across her shoulder. "Of course your allowed to have a crush Maho after all it is only natural at your age and depending on our conversation,(whilst gesturing to the unconscious child), he might be the only one I approve of to be with you." She says calmly, enjoying the look on her daughter's face.
"I..um?!" Maho stutters uncontrollably with her face going an even darker shade of red than before.
Back at the Nishizumi mansion:
Natsu's POV:
'Where am I, that god person never said there was anything like this in this world.' After noticing his appearance, he almost screams in shock. 'Wait, how am I a child again, that's impossible, unless… that BASTARD, he changed me into a child, the prick'.
"I see you are awake." Said a voice in the room.
"Who are you?" asked Natsu as a tall beautiful long haired brunette walked into the light.
"Normally you tell your name before asking for someone's." said Shiho.
"Oh sorry." blushed Natsu in embarrassment. "Hello my name is Natsu Dragneel."
"It's Ok, and my name is Shiho Nishizumi." Said the brunette beauty.
"Hi, nice to meet you." Replied Natsu with a suspicious edge in his voice.
"If you don't mind I would like to ask you some questions about yourself?" said Shiho.
"Of course."
"Firstly how are you able to transform into a dragon when those creatures shouldn't exist?"
"That is because I am not from this world, I come from a place called Earthland and the country of Fiore." Then he begins to repeat everything the god told him.
Shiho was shocked that another world existed but quickly hid her shocked look. "Erm, so what are you thinking of doing?"
"Oh, I was thinking of going round to see this new world."
"Okay, how about I make an offer for you, you're to look after my youngest daughter Miho, and I will give you a means of seeing the world, whilst also hiding the fact that you are a dragon to the public. So what do you think?" Shiho questioned.
"Hmm, okay you have yourself a deal." Natsu said enthusiastically.
"Come on then, I do believe it is time I introduced you to my daughters." She said as she went to walk out the room while gesturing to Natsu to follow.
In the dining room of the Nishizumi mansion:
'I wonder when that boy is going to wake up, he seems special if mother has taken interest in a boy and he does look cute' Maho thought, while blushing madly at her thoughts. 'No bad Maho, you shouldn't be having those kind of thoughts especially about a boy you've just met.'
Then the person that her thoughts were focused on walked into the room with her mother. Maho just blushed lightly and said nervously "Hi my name's Maho, nice to meet you."
The boy seemed to be considering her outstretched hand for a minute before replying "Hi nice to meet you as well, my name's Natsu Dragneel" he said as he shook Maho's hand.
However Maho's thoughts had drifted somewhere else as she realised that she hadn't let go of his hand, 'his hand's so warm, this feels nice, I could get used to this.'
"So…" said Natsu "What do we do now?" he said awkwardly.
"First" Shiho said sternly, "We have to find you a room, now that you are going to live here."
"Maho, can you please show our guest around the house and then get him to choose an available room?"
"Of course, mother." Maho said politely. "Come along Natsu, follow me please." She said as she grabbed his hand in her's whilst her face did an accurate impression of a tomato as she blushed profusely at their close proximity.
"Are you all right?" asked Natsu in concern, "You have gone bright red, Your not feeling sick, are you?" He asked he leaned his head close to Maho's.
"I…err…ummm." Maho stuttered nervously as her face somehow got even redder.
Shiho started laughing again as she watched her normally composed daughter turn into a blushing wreck. Maho heard this so blushing even more, she dragged Natsu away even faster. Natsu just looked confused as to what was happening.