Here it is! The last chapter of King of Games! I really enjoyed writing this crossover, which I believed ended up very good. So, without further ado, I present the final chapter of this three-way-crossover. Enjoy!
King of Games
Chapter 21

"Man, finally, we really got to enjoy Tokyo!" sighed Sakura. After TK, Yugi, and Sakura arrived back from the Digital World and dueled the Game Card, the three of them fell asleep before even hitting a bed. It was now the seventh and last day for Yugi and Sakura's group, and Mr. and Mrs. Kamiya made sure that they were going to enjoy it by making the last day on them. It was the least they could do after everything they did. Kari was back with them at last. Gatomon, who had been sulking in Kari's room refusing to come out, was especially happy to see her again. Now, the digimon were all hanging out in the Kamiya's apartment while their partners and their friends went out to see Tokyo.

"We must have been to everything here," laughed TK. "Man, I'm bushed."

"Hey, is that a ferris wheel?" asked Tristan, pointing. "Man, it's huge!"

Tai laughed. "You've been hanging out in Odaiba for this whole time and you never noticed that?"

"It's one of the largest in the world," said Ken. "And offers one of the most beautiful views of our district at night."

"It's almost nighttime. We should get a great view," said Yugi. "What do you say we make this our final memory of our trip?" Joey, Tristan, and Téa all agreed.

"What do you guys think?" Sakura asked Li and Madison. They both nodded.

"Sweet! We get to ride on the ferris wheel!" Davis said.

"What do you say we call it a date?" asked Meilin, making him blush. "You did want to go out while we could." This made TK laugh.

"Davis, you really asked her out?" asked Kari. Davis nodded.

"Yeah. Kari, it's easy for me to see that you and TS belong together. I mean, look what he did to save you! As a friend, I'm stepping back and letting you two get together." TK and Kari smiled.

"Thanks, man," said TK, and whispered, "Besides, she's pretty cute." Both guys shared a laugh.

The line in front of the ferris wheel was long, but worth the wait, especially since the group got to see the wheel light up as the sun fell into the west and night engulfed Japan. It was awe-inspiring watching the ferris wheel's changing patterns of flourescent lights illuminate the area.

"Wow," sighed Téa. "It's so beautiful."

"Hey Téa!" shouted Sakura. "Come on, hop in!" Téa looked over to see TK, Kari, Sakura, Li, and Yugi sitting in a six passenger seat. She quickly ran over to them and sat next to Yugi. The huge ferris wheel began to slowly lift them over the city.

"I'm glad we chose this," smiled Sakura, laying her head on Li's shoulder. "We've been through a lot, and this peaceful setting is just what we needed."

"I agree," Yugi told her. "It's everything we could have asked for to end our trip." As he said this, he looked at the girl sitting next to him, who was busy enjoying the spectacular view of the city, which was lit brightly.

"This past week has been really stressful," sighed TK.


"TK!" shouted Kari, pushing him aside from the Dark Magician's attack only to be hit herself. TK looked back in horror.

"Kari!" he cried. He began to run over to Kari's unconscious body, but stopped as the Dark Magician blocked him and glared at him with his evil yellow eyes. TK glared back. "YOU!"

"Duel..." he whispered, as he picked up her unconscious body, with Gatomon shouting at him.

"Let her go, you creep!" And with that, he disappeared.

End Flashback

The group of six neared the middle of the ferris wheel, and the view became even more beautiful. The view was of the bay, and the lights of the city were reflected on the waves, making it seem as if the stars had fallen into the waters of Tokyo and burned brightly for all to share.

Li spoke up. "But if you hadn't been so stressed, TK, we never would have met, remember?"

Sakura laughed. "Yeah, if you hadn't been watching where you were going, we never would have bumped into each other."


TK felt as guilty as ever as he trudged home staring at his feet. Suddenly, he bumped into Sakura, who fell over.

"Oh, sorry," he apologized quickly and helped her up.

"Sakura, are you okay?" asked Madison running over to her.

"Yeah, fine," Sakura smiled. "It was an..."


"Li, calm down, it was an accident," Sakura assured him. She turned to the blond. "Sorry about my boyfriend's behavior, but he's just a bit overprotective of me."

"Yeah, I know someone like that," TK cracked a smile. "Sorry about that, I've just had a lot on my mind."

"Hey, maybe you could give us directions!" Madison piped up. "Do you know where the Odaiba Hotel is?"

"The hotel? That's only a block away from my place, I can show you there."

"Great!" Sakura laughed. "It was a stroke of luck that we bumped into you, Mr..."

"Takaishi. My name is TK Takaishi."

"I'm Sakura Avalon and this is my best friend, Madison. Over there's my boyfriend, Li."

End Flashback

TK laughed at the memory. "You were pretty protective about Sakura, weren't you, Li?" Li laughed as well.

"I also had an interview with your mom at the time, remember?" asked Yugi. "And we met because of that."


TK walked through his door and kicked his shoes off. As he walked in, he shouted, "I'm home!"

"TK, you're here!" cried his mother.

"Yeah, sorry, I got a little side..." TK walked in and saw Yugi. "...tracked."

"So, you're Takeru Takaishi, I presume," Yugi smiled at him.

"Y-Yugi Moto!" TK gasped. "You're our guest?"

End Flashback

"You forgot about me?" pouted Kari, though she was still smiling.

"Of course not, Kar," laughed TK. "It's just that Yugi's famous and I was always hoping to meet him since I became interested in Duel Monsters."

"Yeah, I watched as you beat Joey," said Téa. "He'd better get better fast if he wants to make it in Battle City."

"Those duels we had were intense, though," Sakura said. "After my duel with Davis, we went to Domino City and played in that tournament."


TK was facing Weevil's Insect Queen, who attacked TK's Shining Fairy.

"Just as I thought," laughed TK. "By attacking, you've activated my trap card! I hope your Queen had a nice main course, because she's getting Just Desserts! This trap card deals 500 points of direct damage to you for every monster on your side of the field. Insect Queen, Flying Kamakiri, and Gokibore, that's 1500 damage, bringing your Life Points down to 0!"

End Flashback


Sakura was dueling Rebecca and had a Buster Blader against her Shadow Ghoul and La Jinn. "I activate my DNA Surgery! It can change all of the monsters on the field to a monster type of my choosing, and I'll choose Dragons!" As the trap activated, all of the monsters on the field began a transformation and grew wings and fangs."And since you have two monsters on your side of the field, my Buster Blader gains 1000 Attack points!"

Buster Blader -- ATK: 3600/DEF: 2300

End Flashback


"This treatment too complex for you, Dr. Virus?" laughed TK. "Let me put it simply. Hoshiningen powers up the Attack of all Light monsters by 500 points!"

"Wh-What!" gasped Jeremy. "Impossible!"

"That's right," laughed TK. "500 extra for each Hoshiningen"

Hoshiningen -- ATK: 1500/DEF: 700

Skull Guardian -- ATK: 3050/DEF: 2500

Hoshinengen -- ATK: 1500/DEF: 700

End Flashback


Sakura: 3500 Pyra: 1000

"And now, to finish the game! It ends when I play the magic card, Pot of Greed! I get to draw 2 cards, meaning Solemn Wishes activates twice, and Fire Princess uses her ability twice! Your Life points are gone, Pyra Vulcan!" Sakura said.

End Flashback


"I'm not backing down, TK," smiled Sakura. "You're not the only one who's determined to win. I have a reason too...and it was reason enough for my deck to throw the right card out for me. I'm playing Change of Heart!"

"Change of Heart!" gasped TK. "That means..."

"Skull Guardian belongs to me for this turn," Sakura finished for him. The twin bladed Warrior moved to Sakura's side of the field. Tears began to fill Sakura's eyes. "TK...this is the hardest move I ever had to make ever since I started Duel Monsters."

TK nodded, putting on a fake smile. "Sakura...go through with it. Win the tournament..."

The Card Captor smiled at the Chosen of Hope. "You've got what it takes to rescue Kari, TK. You're a great duelist. Skull Guardian, attack his Life Points Directly! TWIN BLADE STRIKE!" TK's monster leapt toward him, ready to win this duel for his opponent.

'I failed, Kari,' he thought to himself. 'But I'm still coming back to find you...I'll duel for you in the Digital World…'

Skull Guardian slashed at his Life Points directly, lowering them to 0.

TK: 0 Sakura: 50

End Flashback

The Ferris Wheel neared the top, and everyone looked out at the bay. It almost seemed as if they could see all of Tokyo, lit up as bright as day. "Hey, I think I see Highton View Terrace," said Kari.

"Oh yea, that place," sighed Téa. "The place where all those monsters came in through that rift."

"The place where I fought a Digimon," Li said.


Li had his sword out against a Musyamon. In the background, Stingmon was trying to free himself from Kuwagamon, Togemon was boxing with a Frigimon, Ikkakumon was clashing horns with Drimogemon, Greymon was wrestling with Tuskmon, Birdramon and Airdramon were battling in the air, Kabuterimon had his hands full against the fully recovered Snimon, Garurumon was fending off Mammothmon. Shurimon and Digmon had just digivolved but were barred from helping the chinese boy when Ninjamon and Meramon showed up. It was clear that Li was fighting the samurai digimon alone.

After blocking strike after strike from Musyamon, Li slipped on a puddle and fell on his butt. Musyamon stepped in the puddle in front of Li and raised his blade.

"Shogun Sword!"

"Lightning!" shouted Li, pulling out a piece of parchment and pressing it against his sword, firing several thousand volts of electricity into the puddle Musyamon was standing in. The mutant digimon was electrocuted and fell backward in a daze.

End Flashback

"Incredible! You fought a Musyamon all by yourself?" exclaimed TK.

Li nodded. "Hey, I didn't train all that time in China for nothing."

"And finally came the fated duel with the Game Card," Yugi said.

"Yeah, we were all watching," said Téa. "When Yugi was defeated, we didn't think that you two would make it.

"But we did make it," said Sakura.

"And in the end, the final move was from all of us," said TK.


"I play Dimension Fusion! This card allows both of us to summon monsters that have been removed from play at a cost of 2000 of my Life Points! I choose to summon the Dark Magician and Chaos Command Magician I just removed from play!"

A portal appeared where TK's card was and the Dark Magician and Chaos Command Magician both leapt out of it, ready to battle. TK's Lifepoints then lowered when the portal disappeared.

TK: 50 Kari: 5450

Black Luster Seraph -- ATK: 6500/DEF: 2500

Dark Magician -- ATK: 3000/DEF: 1700

Chaos Command Magician -- ATK: 2400/DEF: 1900

"Three of our strongest monsters are on the field now, Kari!" said TK. "Even after they were taken out of the duel, Yugi and Sakura continue to help me throughout this whole duel!"

"I understand why Kari admires you so much," said the possessed Kari.

"Black Luster Seraph! Destroy Terrorking Archfiend! Blade of Destiny!" The angel flew over to the hulking demon and cut through its skull and continued straight through its whole body.

Kari: 4450

"Dark Magician! Chaos Command Magician! Combine your attacks into one! Finish off her Life Points!" The two spellcasters put the tips of their staffs together and began to charge their magic. After a few seconds, they fired. The dark and light magic spiralled oppositely and flew toward Kari and hit their target.

TK: 50 Kari: 0

End Flashback

The ferris wheel descended to the ground, and all six teenagers jumped out. "That view was beautiful," sighed Kari. "Do you think we'll come here again?"

"If you'd like, sure," TK smiled. Kari blushed a little but smiled as well. Sakura and Téa shared knowing looks, and Li and Yugi were shaking their heads.

After the rest of the group joined them, they walked back to where they were staying, finally relaxed from a gruesome week.

Early the next morning, before the sun was up, everyone was gathered at the train station to see off Sakura, Madison, and Li.

"I guess this is good-bye," sighed Sakura. "Yugi, TK, it was fun dueling with you guys."

"And I'm sure we'll see you at Battle City," said Yugi.

"There was one thing that I really liked about this trip, and that was meeting you guys," said Madison.

"We're really glad to have made good friends in Tokyo," said Li. "Well, I guess we'll see you later."

"Right," nodded TK. "Sakura, thanks for everything." She shook her head.

"No. Thank you for everything." With that, the three teenagers boarded the train. They waved goodbye from the window as the train left the station.

The rest of the group walked out of the station and called a taxi. "You know, Meilin, I could give you a ride to the airport," Nancy told the girl.

Meilin shook her head. "I really don't want to burden you with our group. I think Matt can tell you how much of a pain we were." This made Nancy chuckle.

"Anyway, I hope to see you guys again," Meilin said. Before she got in the cab, though, she walked over to Davis. "I especially hope to see you again, goggle-boy." She gave him a kiss on the lips and then ran off into the taxi. Davis was just standing there blushing, with everyone else snickering at the stupid look on his face.

Yugi's group called for another cab to take them to the bus station.

"TK, you'd better be at Battle City," said Joey as he got in the cab. "I'll be looking forward to a rematch."

"Will do," laughed TK. "I hope to see you there."

"It was great hanging out with you guys," said Tristan, getting in. "I hope we'll see each other again."

"I think we will," said Kari. "See ya!"

Téa got in next. "We're glad we came to Tokyo and became friends," she told them. "Don't forget about us!"

"As long as you don't forget about us," said Kari. Yugi was the last one to sit down.

"Yugi, it was an honor dueling alongside the King of Games," said TK. Yugi shook his head.

"No, TK. The honor was all mine." And with that, they said good-bye and left. "Hey mom, think you can take Davis back to his place?" TK asked. Nancy nodded. TK and Kari called a cab.

TK looked at his mother. "Hey mom, can you take Davis home? Kari and I are going to go to the park."

"Sure, TK. Have fun you two!" With that, TK and Kari hopped in the cab. Nancy turned to Davis who still had the stupid smile plastered on his face.

"Alright, Romeo. Snap out of it. I'm taking you home."

At the bus station, Yugi was coming back from the bathroom when he heard someone call his name. He looked over to see Ishizu standing against the railing. Yugi's Millenium Puzzle began to glow and he turned into Yami Yugi.

"I'm sorry, Ishizu, but I was beaten. I don't know if I am ready to face the Egyptian God Cards," he told her. Ishizu shook her head.

"You led TK and Sakura bravely, Pharaoh. The truth is that if you were not there, TK would not have gained control of his fear and won so valiantly. Sakura would not have had the confidence of a True Duelist to battle the ultimate winner. You are no doubt the Pharaoh of legend and I am sure you will prevail in Battle City."

Yami Yugi smiled at this. "Thank you, Ishizu. I'm also sure I'll do well, because I now have many more friends to support me." And with that, he turned back into Yugi and left.

As the bus left the station, Yugi, Joey, Téa, and Tristan looked out at the city of Tokyo, where so much had happened in the past week. Sakura, Li, and Madison were doing the same thing from their train.

And meanwhile, Light and Hope were sitting under a cherry tree, united in a kiss as the sun rose over the horizon.
