"You missed a spot Stanley!" Ford shouted as he began rapidly dusting the coffee table in the living room.
"You should be thankful I'm cleaning at all sixer! Ya know I never make you clean the house for any of MY friends," Stan said as he maneuvered the vacuum cleaner under his beloved armchair.
"That's because all of your friends are hillbilly slobs who can't tell the difference between a trailer park and the Ritz," Ford explained.
At that moment Dipper and Mabel emerged from upstairs wearing their nicest outfits, dress clothes sent by Great-Aunt Janice, they really only kept them in the back of the closet for special occasions, so imagine their shock when Ford demanded they wear them for his friend's visit.
"Ah kids, finally, come help me move this furniture," Stan ordered.
"They will do no such thing Stanley! I don't want them getting their nice clothes messy! Speaking of which…get upstairs and brush your hair and comb your teeth! Wait….switch that…"
Stan took a deep breath, "Sixer…Number 1 I am not a child, Number 2 I don't even like the guy, and Number 3 I don't have real teeth to brush,"
"Gosh Grunkle Ford, I've never seen you so stressed…you must be excited to see this guy….what was it….Harrison…" Dipper started.
"Harrison Stuffybottom the Second…" Ford finished thickly.
"I can't wait to meet your friend!" Mabel said excitedly clapping her hands, "maybe he'll tell us embarrassing stories about you as a kid!" she giggled.
Stan couldn't hold back a chuckle, "Oh he's got an embarrassing story alright pumpkin! This dude was the only person who managed to-"
"Enough Stanley! It was over fifty years ago, surely to goodness he's moved on by now."
Before Dipper or Mabel had a chance to ask they heard the honk of what sounded like an extravagant car.
The four of them headed outside to find a stretch limo pulling into the dirt driveway.
"Oh God…." Ford braced himself.
Stan appeared to be getting just a little too much joy out of seeing his brother so uncomfortable.
A chaffer stepped out of the limo and opened the door to reveal a tall, thin, man. He looked much younger than Stan or Ford thanks to some black hair dye and what Mabel swore was botox, behind him stepped a child about Dipper and Mabel's age dressed identically to the other man.
"There's something weird about that kid, I can feel it…" Dipper whispered.
"Oh Dipper, there's something weird about every kid, it's normal to be weird," Mabel insisted.
"Yo H-Man! Looking good!" Stan said giving him a forceful pat on the back, causing him to wheeze.
"Stanley Pines…haven't changed a bit I see! And there's my academic inferior, Stanford!" he said looking at Ford.
"Academic Inferior?" Dipper asked confused.
"You must be really confused! My dad is the most inferior academic on this or any other planet!" Mabel demanded.
Ford gave her a proud smile as he ruffled her hair playfully.
"I'm sorry….dad…." the man started with a confused smile, "Well I'll be darned…Stanley, I'll admit that you were always the one I pictured knocking up some younger woman and ending up with kids…."
"Stan's our dad too!" Dipper proclaimed.
Mabel wished that she had her cell phone on her, because the man gave a look that would have no doubt launched a billion memes.
"They are our great-niece and nephew originally, but we've adopted them," Ford finally explained.
"Well they appear to be chips off the old blocks regardless," Harrison stated, though not as compliment, "and I'll have you know my grandson Harrison Stuffybottom the Fourth is a chip off mine as well," he gave a twisted smile, "especially in the field of spelling, Stanford."
"Fantastic," Ford mumbled.
"In fact, he just won his school spelling bee at the Uppity Academy for East Coast Gentlemen, and we look forward to similar results from the state contest, right Junior?" he said giving his grandson a glare.
"Yes Grandfather," the boy said robotically.
"His winning word was metastasize….remember that word Stanford?"
"I'll never forget," Ford lamented.
Mabel's eyes lit up upon hearing that word and rushed off leaving her family none the wiser.
"What's so special about that word Grunkle Ford?"
"Ohhh you haven't told your own son the story of your epic defeat!?" Harrison Sr. asked giddily.
"It's not among my favorite stories," Ford said sadly.
"Oh but it's mine! Your "father" here was up against me in our high school spelling bee….of course, most of the nitwits were out of the contest within three rounds."
"I misspelled cat k-a-t on purpose," Stan declared proudly, "even though everyone knows there are two t's."
Harrison Sr. rolled his eyes and continued, "But I couldn't get six-fingered Stanford out no matter what I tried. We went back and forth through nearly the entire dictionary until finally that glorious word metastasize came up and this egghead finally cracked. I went on to win the school bee, then the state bee, and finally became that year's Scripps National Spelling Bee Champion, and my son continued that tradition that my own grandson will follow. The Stuffybottom reign of spellers shall continue for generations and all because this so called know-it-all didn't know metastasize is spelled-"
"m-e-t-a-s-t-a-s-i-z-e" Mabel playfully chanted as she jumped her rope.
All eyes suddenly shot in her direction.
"Sorry…bad timing?" Mabel asked.
Before anyone else could say something Stuffybottom spoke up.
"Spell metonymy," he demanded.
Mabel smiled as she began skipping, "m-e-t-o-n-y-m-u-y,"
"weimaraner," he demanded, losing his temper fast.
"w-e-i-m-a-r-a-n-e-r" Mabel skipped.
Stan, Ford's jaws were on the floor while Dipper looked on full of pride.
Harrison Jr. looked almost impressed, but his grandfather was furious.
"Bunch of lucky guesses! Come along Junior…we must go! We've got work to do!"
"But you just got here?" Mabel said confused as the limo speed away.
When they were gone Ford finally gathered the strength to ask, "Mabel…where on earth did you learn to spell like that?"
Mabel smiled proudly, "my dad and I used to play this game where he would find big or weird words in the newspaper or dictionary and I would spell them while jumping rope….it was so fun," she said fondly.
Ford suddenly got the widest smile, "Mabel, how would you like to play that game with me?"