AN: OK! I bet no one expected this story but here it goes! In case you did not know and you probably did not I run a discord RWBY Jaune blog on the side, I use it to take commissions to write things like God's Mistake Arc Reborn etc. I also! Happened to run a minor poll on the server and this fice was chosen by me to become a real thing! So without further adieu, I present a strong Jaune story of overcoming the odd and trying to find love in the wrong places... Enjoy.
Jaune did not like his life. He never liked his life, he lived it because it was better than the alternative but besides that, he had no real joy in it.
"Yo! Jaune! We need you out here!"
"Coming Mel!" Jaune yelled already fully dressed his black bartending outfit was fit tight on his chest. He had spent the last half hour getting dressed and was now ready to start his shift.
"Let's go," Jaune said to himself opening the door to his tiny room as the massive bass of techno slammed into him emerald eyes awaited him as Melanie Malachite stood hand on her hip the elder teen looked down on Jaune. She was taller than him without her heels, the silver extensions of her feet pushed her up allowing the already six one girl to be damn near seven feet.
Melanie towered over Jaune his coworker smiled at him as Jaune gave her a smile back, Jaune might have hated his life but he did not hate his coworkers. Melanie and her twin Miltiades were one of the few lights in Jaune's life and he was grateful that he knew them.
"What's up Mel? What's the score?" Jaune asked walking past his bouncer Melanie move like water taking up a defensive position walking right next to Jaune acting like a shield to him as they began to walk down the metallic catwalk of the club.
"We got a full house today Jaune, we need you at the bar, Beacon is about to start and a lot of huntresses and maybe the odd hunter in training will be coming to us tonight. Me and Mil will be swamped for protection duty so it's up to you and Junior to staff the bar." Melanie almost hollered the massive blaring techno music from the clubs many, many speakers built into the walls as the two walk they descended down the metal stairs leading down to the dance floor.
Melanie brushed up to Jaune, making the side of her wide hips grind into his side, Jaune blushed he was still not used to female contact even after serving with Mel and her twin for over a year, the slightest touch of her made his cheeks heat up as she held a hard defensive stance.
The harsh heavy techno beat of the club was blaring at full blast Jaune felt the heavy beat in his very bones. The massive speakers blasted so loudly Jaune thought it was a miracle that no one went deaf.
'Take the bar! I'll be in the middle of that!" Melanie almost hissed pointing to the sea of bodies on the club floor. There was a mass of people almost all of them women. That danced on the floor bodies ground into each other people in scantily dressed clothes ground and pushed against one another as Jaune turned his head.
Melanie walked him to the bar her hips that stole Jaunes eyes every time they gave their hypnotic sway kept drawing his eyes as she kept her free hand on her pistol. The other hand had a menacing looking powered claw that looked capable to rip open a bullhead on her left.
"Jaune! Back here!" Junior yelled as Jaune nodded ducking under the bar divider Junior the massive bear of a man with enough muscles to be compared to an average woman bellowed for him. Junior was a rarity in Vale not only was he an unmarried male he was one of the only men who owned a successful business and was the only male who owned a thriving operation.
"Boss!" Jaune shouted the boy caught a towel that Junior tossed his way. Jaune caught the towel already ready to start swabbing the counter.
"Jaune get to cleaning! I need you to mix drinks now!" The man said as Jaune nodded instantly he wiped the register the holographic display showed him a long list of drinks that needed to be made.
Ok. A few gin and tonics, nine? Atlas mules, some Vacuo car bombs and a few Mistral crushes! Jaune thought his hands flying to the myriad of ingredients and liquor holders that he knew like the back of his hand as he began the arduous process of mixing drinks.
"Jaune! Where are those drinks!?"
"Coming boss!" Jaune yelled as he went to work, time blurred Jaune spent well over two hours mixing drinks cleaning spills taking tips when he could thanking the customers as-
"Hey! Blondie! You are looking kinda cute!" A low tipsy voice said as Jaune paused, a woman was looking down at him she was beautiful. Tall with a mane of blonde hair that reminded him of the sun a pair of beautiful lilac eyes and a massive chest that seemed to bulge out of her top. She had muscles that went on for days, her biceps were larger than her head and she was clearly a huntress in training.
"Yes, ma'am? What can I get for you?"
"You can get me a strawberry sunrise! " She slurred clearly drunk.
"Yes, ma'am," Jaune said mixing her drink it took less than a half minute to make as he came back to her.
"Here you go, ma'am. Anything else?"
"Hell yeah! You can take off that shirt and show me what you are hiding!" Her breath stank of liquor and Jaune paused.
"I can't do that ma'am. I'm sorry." Jaune said backing off and-
"Oh come on! Don't be like that let me get a taste!"
"I am sorry-
"I said let me get a taste!" She hissed her hand shot out gripping Jaune up by his chest living him up off the ground-
"Get off him!" The burning voice of Miltiades yelled a gauntlet fell on the huntress breaking her grip off Jaune and-
"Bitch! I was talking to him!"
"You are getting the fuck out of our bar! Now!"
"Fuck off!" The drunk huntress yelled as she tossed a punch and all hell broke loose.
"Mil!" Jaune yelled as his good friend went flying, the huntress in training drunk as a mule laned one good punch and sent her flying!
"Jaune! Get the fuck down! I just called the cops! They will be here in a moment!" Junior yelled from under the bar shotgun in one hand scroll in the other, the man cocked his gun loading a solid slug as Jaune froze.
"AH!" Melanie screamed the blonde punched her dead to the floor her aura shuddered and popped! She was without protection!
"Melanie!" Jaune yelled jumping over the counter picking up a broom as he charged the huntress.
"Jaune!? Get back here!" The man yelled as Jaune ran, he sprinted at full speed. Moving as fast as possible his limbs moved without him telling them. His legs pumped him forward, his hands gripped the broom in a death grip he sprinted dead on at the huntress as he yelled.
"Get away from her!" Jaune yelled planting his feet into the ground and swinging his broom as hard as humanly possible. There was a loud crack! As the broom hit her dead on her head and shattered. The huntresses aura activated the wooden broom splintered and shattered into a hundred pieces. Jaune gasped the huntress turned to face him her eyes no longer a nice lilac but a flaming red, fire burned from her face as she slurred.
"You want some? Male!" She slurred Jaune felt the disdain in her voice he felt his legs shake and falter she was massive, she towered over him standing near seven feet tall bugling with muscles, literally! She looked liked when being made someone had decided to just slap on heap after heap of muscles and forgot to say when.
Jaune saw twin massive gauntlets on her wrists as he gulped he knew that those were huntress weapons he knew they were made to kill Grimm monsters that ate humans for breakfast and he was just a male, with no weapons zero combat training and nothing but a busted broomstick and-
"Leave my friends alone!" Jaune shouted his courage outshining his common sense. Run! Run you fool! You are going to get yourself killed! A small nagging voice in his head said as Jaune ignored it. He stood his ground gripping his broom and-
"You asked for it!" The woman slurred her breath stank, it reeked of liquor and-
Jaune didn't see the blow connect, he did not see her punch he did not see her fist connect to the gut. He did, however, hear the massive bang! Of a gun firing. He felt himself fly off the ground traveling over ten feet before hitting the wooden floor hard.
Jaune saw white his body froze in place. He felt the cool wood of the floor of Juniors, his ears rang like someone had just burst a firecracker in it. He felt his hands twitch once, twice he felt his limbs one by one. Neck, arms, fingers, waist-
I can't feel my legs. Jaune thought as he tried, and tried and again he tried but nothing. His legs didn't budge. He tried to lift his head but he found it difficult. His neck seems jammed like a stuck gear, it refused to budge it stuttered caught and refused to move an inch!
"Come on!" Jaune hissed forcing his neck up and almost passing out. His stomach was not... there was a massive hole in his gut, blood poured out of his stomach, his intestines fell out of his body in messy twisted ropes, they sprawled out onto his jeans showing his guts. Long lines of pink and red sprawled out of his stomach his innards were burning, there were pieces of burning metal in them the smell of cooking flesh entered his nostrils and his eyes watered his neck cranked up as he let out a scream.
"AHHH!" The sound that left Jaune's face was not human all of a sudden reality came falling back like a wrecking ball. His mind exploded a fiery pain filled his stomach as he let out a scream. All at once the world that seemed paralyzed jumped back to life. All of a sudden where once was silent ringing now was followed by screams, calls for help and-
"Jaune!?" He knew that voice he had known it for over a year.
"Melanie?" Jaune asked as almost the moment he spoke a pair of dazzling tear filled emerald eyes filled his vision. Melanie fell to his side sliding in placing his head on her lap. Jaune felt her smooth pearly skin resting on his pale face and smiled. She smells nice. He thought as he felt his limbs go slack.
Jaune felt his body fail, first, it was his legs than his fingers than his arms, it felt like someone had tied heavy metal weights to all of his limbs forcing them to the floor. He felt his limbs go stiff and fall...
"Jaune!? Jaune!? JAUNE!?" Melanie sounded off... like she was speaking to him form a vast distance. She seemed to be speaking to him from far, far away. Jaune felt his vision blur, he felt Melanie's hands grip his face she shook him screaming that try as he might he could not quite make out at him as she yanked his face.
"Jaune!? Help! Someone call an ambulance!" Mel's words filled his ears as he shifted. His vision went blurry he felt like he was wrapped in cotton. He felt like he was being swabbed in cotton as he felt his mind start to drift.
"Oh FUCK! Oh no! NO! NO! Goddess no! Where is his aura!?" An unknown voice yelled. Jaune did not know the voice but he guessed it belonged to the huntress that attacked him.
"He doesn't fucking have one!" Another voice that burned with rage and fury. Miltiades? Jaune thought as his mind dimmed the world went black, he felt like he was going... going somewhere far away.
"What do you mean he doesn't have aura!?"
"He doesn't have any you fucking ass!"
"What do you mean?! He's a hunter in training right!?" The voice Jaune knew was the huntress shouted he heard the panic in her voice even past her drunken stupor Jaune could tell she was afraid. Good, serves her right. Jaune thought as he felt his body begin to seize as his vision went black.
"NO! He's our fucking bartender! What the fuck were you thinking!?"
"A bartender!? FUCK ME! No! NO! NO! NO! NO!" The huntress yelled out loud. Jaune didn't listen his mind was gone, his body was failing he knew he was going to die-
"MOM! Look I know I ran off! I'm sorry! I'm fucking sorry ok!? But I fucked up! Please! Open up a portal! I need you!" The huntress yelled as Jaune saw an event... that was the best way to describe it, an event happened reality swirled and pulled inward. A bright crimson vortex appeared in the middle of the air and a woman stepped out.
If Jaune was not already dying he would have thought himself hallucinating a woman stepped out of the portal a near carbon copy of the huntress who attacked him. Her eyes were blood red the color of the small crimson pool that surrounded Jaune as his life force fled, her hair the color of the night sky flowed down. She took one look at Jaune and he saw the terror on her face.
"What happened!?" The woman barked her voice cut like a knife and Mel froze tears fell from her eyes as she screamed.
"SHE! That fucking cunt attacked him and now he's going to die!" Melanie cried the woman balked her eyes went wide as dinner plates before she blurred forward.
"Out of my way child! MOVE!" She shouted Melanie yelped! She fell back as the woman fell to Jaune she looked him up and down panic clear in her eyes. The woman felt his body her eyes red as the flesh blood that now stained her odd red armor looked him up and down and he saw the fear in them.
"This is bad... I have no choice! Goddess forgive me for what I am about to do, male please hold on." She said taking her hand and placing it on Jaune's head.
"By my choice, I call you, I summon you from your depths. I call upon that which lurks in your soul and keeps you pure. I summon your power and demand your potential. It is my will alone that will rouse you unbidden and unburdened, to be at my call for the rest of your days. I free your soul and call upon thee as a servant to all my kind and until the end of days I set you free." The woman spoke as Jaune gasped. A bright blue glow filled the air he felt his body soothe a mass of golden blue light filled his eyes as he felt good? He felt the burning pain fade the brutal mind shattering pain blurred out of his body as the woman scooped him up.
She lifted Jaune up as if he weighed nothing staring a prince carry the woman began to sprint away.
"Where are you taking him!?" Melanie demanded the woman's eyes began to glow fire bled out of them as Jaune swore he smelled the odd antic smell of ozone in the air.
"To the hospital! Get in my way and you will find yourself in need of one as well!" She barked as she began to sprint, whatever she had done to Jaune was good, he felt his pain numb and his body felt like it had been wrapped in a nice warm blanket.
"Hold on male I will save you." The woman said as Jaune felt the last vestiges of consciousness fail him as he blacked out...
Jaune did not know what happened next, his memories broke and blurred. He remembered voices, female voices screaming something that he could not quite remember...
"He's bleeding! We need a transfer!"
Bleeding who's bleeding?
"What happened to him!?"
What happened to who? Where am I? Who are you?
"Huntress grade injuries!"
A huntress? Did... did I get hurt?
"How bad is he?!"
Bad? What's so bad?
"Bad! Doctor, he has multiple intestinal perforations! He needs surgery!"
I... that does not sound so good, who is that unlucky bastard?
"Fuck! Give me twenty Cc's now!"
"Doctor we are losing him!"
"Don't give me that! What's his pulse!"
Yeah, what is his pulse? You need to know that to save his life.
"Weak! It's already weak and failing bu the second!"
"Goddess above! Who did this to him?!"
They sound like a dick.
"A huntress!"
"Dammit! Do we have a name!?"
Yeah, what is his name?
"Jaune Arc!"
Wait... that's me...
The voices came and went Jaune felt his eyes fall he saw white, grey, yellow, green, blue and black. Eventually, Jaune knocked out…
When he did eventually wake up he was alone... he was in a small white room, devoid of humans, a bright light shone in from the windows and tubes in all of his limbs. He saw a myriad of fluids being pumped in and out of him along with the harsh mechanical beeps of machinery in his ears. He was alone wrapped in a white hospital gown and-
The door opened to the room Jaune saw a woman walk in. She was tall at least six and a half feet with long flowing silver hair storm cloud grey eyes and was dressed in a green and black dress. She walked in on a pair of jet black high heels along with an intricate silver black cane and had a pair of glasses on her face.
"Ah, Mister Arc you are awake so good to see that." The woman said her voice calm and measured. She gave Jaune a small smile as he moaned. He moved his arm an almost instantly screamed, it felt like his limb was made of fiberglass and someone had slammed a cane down on it.
"Stay still please I can assure you that you are in no danger."
"What happened to me?" Jaune whimpered to speak made it feel like glass was being dragged up his throat as the woman took a seat next to him.
"You were attacked by a huntress in training, her name is Yang Xiao-long." The woman said as Jaune gasped memories of fire and blood filling his brain.
"Mel! Mil are they ok!?" Jaune asked before screaming he felt like his lungs had nee stabbed he felt his chest explode in pain and agony like glass was being pumped into his mouth.
"You are just waking up and are asking about others? Should you not be worried about yourself?"
"I don't care about that! The twins! Are they alive! Please tell me that they are ok!"
"Easy! Please, Mister Arc I assure you that your co-workers are fine, they are unharmed I wish I could say the same for you, however." The woman said her voice calm and measured.
"Thank the goddess," Jaune said before yelping in pain.
"Interesting... you put the lives of others before yourself? I like that." The mystery woman said a Chesire smile split her lips, Jaune did not know why but he felt more terrified of being alone with this woman that he felt when he was bleeding out on the dance floor.
"I... I'm going to be ok then?"
"Indeed but Mister Arc I must confess I am not here to simply wish you well."
"I am here to ask you for a favor." The woman said her glasses flashed a bright silver so sharp it hurt.
"What are you here for?"
"Mister Arc my name is Opal." Jaune froze he saw her eyes glare at him he felt his pulse freeze and-
"Get out." Jaune hissed his limbs shaking his fist balled up and he felt his teeth grind against one another.
"I said get out!" Jaune yelled rage filling his voice his eyes shook in rage and anger as Opal froze.
"Jaune. The Huntress that attack you, Yang-
"I don't care! Get-
"Jaune what happened to your father was not my fault. Nor was it yours. It was a tragedy, but not one we could have prevented." Opal finally said having enough of Jaune's madness. Tears fell from the male's eyes he shook in rage and anger as Jaune whimpered.
"Jaune do you know what it means to be an Arc?"
"It means to help those who you can."
"Good. The Huntress that attacked you, she is in jail."
"Good! She should be!" Jaune hissed as Opal winced.
"I... I can not disagree. What she did was unacceptable in every way shape and form, she acted in a way that was fully and totally against what it means to be a huntress and you have my personal apologies for that. She is facing criminal charges serious charges that may see her never be a huntress at all."
"Very. Jaune she is facing several legal actions that will all go through in court ranging from attempted murder, assault on a civilian, assault with a deadly weapon, manslaughter of the first degree, attack on a male, assault and battery, public endangerment, manslaughter of the second and third degree, destruction of public and private property. the attack on the public, terrorism, and abuse of huntress rights. She is facing life in prison with no chance of parole. And if she goes to a trail which she will there is no doubt in my mind that the jury will convict her before my coffee can get cold." Opal laid it out without hesitation, Opal held nothing back.
"I still don't see what's wrong with any of this, and what favor do you want from me?"
"Yang is one of the most promising huntresses that I have ever seen to lose her over such a simple... mistake would be a loss to the world."
'Minor!? She almost killed me!"
"I know that! Do you think me simple!?"
The woman shouted slamming her cane to the ground green energy sparked out of it making Jaune whimper.
"I know what she did and I know that it was wrong! Do you think me mad!? She assaulted a civilian! Not only that but a male! But countless bystanders in danger almost killed an unarmed male and did this all while drunk! Believe me, Mister Arc if this was near anyone else I would toss them in jail and forget about her. But she has potential, potential that I refuse to see wasted! I know this sounds selfish and I will be blunt with you it is. But listen to me Jaune are you an Arc?"
"Yes. I've always been an Arc."
"Good, then do you know what an Arc does when offered the chance to help others?"
"They take the chance without hesitation," Jaune said as the woman nodded.
"Good. Jaune I know that this is hard I know it is not fair but you have your aura unlocked." Jaune froze the words hit him like the bullets from a gun.
"No... that can't be."
"Yes, it is your aura in unlocked as a male with his aura unlocked and no combat training you are now officially state property."
"But! That's not fair!"
"I know it is not but unless you want to spend the rest of your life in a research lab in the ass end of an Atlas bunker you will listen and listen well. I'm offering you a chance of freedom. To be free from experimentation and forced labor. Jaune I am offering you the chance to be a hunter." Opal said as Jaune elt his eyes turn as wide as saucers.
"You don't mean that..."
"Oh I mean it Mister Arc I am deathly serious, and as of right now? Congratulations Jaune you have just been admitted to Beacon academy for huntresses."
"A huntress school!? I'll die if I go there!"
"Oh, I have no doubt in my mind about that Jaune a male with no combat training a recently unlocked aura and no drive to be a huntsman? You will be dead within a week."
"Then why send me!?"
"Simple. I can send you to Beacon or I can call your mother and tell her where you are."
"I! Please don't do that!"
"Then join Beacon."
"Why do you want me in so bad!?"
"Ah... remember that favor I asked you?"
"I... yes, what about it?" Jaune asked a nagging feeling in his gut that he hoped was repaired aura did heal right?
"Well you are going to drop all charges against Miss Xiao-long right away, she will get four years community service and that is that."
"What!? Drop the charges!? She almost killed me!"
"Yes, I know that Jaune. I know what she did to you, that is why I am here. You will drop the charges and become Yang's squire."
"Her what?"
"Her trainee, her protege, she will teach you the in and outs of being a huntsman she is one our best students prodigy! You saw how she fought like a raging inferno!"
"Like a bull in a china shop."
"That... that is also true Yang will be responsible for your food, your health, and your training. Should you die in her care she is instantly revoked of her plea bargain and will be tired of all crimes committed at the bar and most likely be convicted.
It is in her best interest to keep you alive and healthy and it is in your best interest to find a trainer with the skills and power to see you through this." Jaune gagged his vision spun he saw dots in his eyes as his tongue went drier than the desert sand.
"Ma'am... why so much? Why so much effort to get me?"
"Jaune I will not lie to you that is beneath me, do you remember when I said that I will not waste potential?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Good. Your father was one of the best hunters ever, even as a male. He consistently outperformed every female colleague of his and was a beacon of hope for a generation! After his death male enrollment in all hunter academies dropped by over fifty percent, the pul was demoralized and Grimm attacks doubled."
"I know that ma'am he was my father. What does this have to do with me?"
"I taught your father Jaune when I looked in his eyes I saw a spark! A light a shining flicker that turned into a burning raging inferno of potential, he had the spark of greatness in him Jaune. I see that same spark in you even now you are like a seed that only needs the proper nourishment and care to sprout up and I will not let you waste your talents at a bar of all places."
"But I like working there."
"Jaune. That is a bar. You spend your days asleep in an apartment that is barely suitable for human living. Compare that to saving lives?"
"You said that I would probably die!"
"And I stand by that, and if you do meet your untimely end at the hands of Grimm you at least will have died doing something useful and as much as I do not want that to happen I can live with the fact that you tried."
"I... I like my job... I like my friends they are like a family to me."
"We do not always get to chose what he like Jaune. The world is not so kind you are going to Beacon weather you like it or not and it is in your best interest to come with your best foot forward less you became Grimm food." The woman said as Jaune took a large gulp as he felt his normal life end in a fire of chaos...
OK! The first part of Dragonslayer is done! This one is the idea from the discord of Jaune going through a female-dominated Remnant being forced into the one job he did not want to do and him living with the consequences of that! This story was pitched to me on the discord and I liked it so much I wrote it! It is to the commissioner's request and story with minor modifications here and there so yeah! Until next time Brave Sir Robinson is next! And if you want to join that Discord just ask warning it is mature and you might never look at me the same again...