This may not be a new Idea and I took the first few chapters from ivythehobbit's 'The Girl Named Gohan' which hadn't been updated since 2014, and ZeldaElric's 'the great Saiyagirl' not updated since 2015 and fell in love with their build ups to the main stories (that never went further in story) and giving some background to the differences in Gohan's life growing up a girl. So, if you had read their versions which are just the build-up/history then you'll notice a lot of similarities as they are practically the same up till the start of the high school part. I just expanded on the scenes a bit. I tried PMing them both as I didn't want to seem like I was trying to steal their ideas, I just really wanted to see how the story would develop as it has been stuck in my head for weeks, so here I am.
This is a 'what if' Gohan was born a girl. No pairing yet, Though Chi-Chi still over protective is a bit OOC as she isn't as annoying (I hope) as canon.
I do not own DB, DBZ, DBGT or DBS all rights to the companies that own them and Akira Toriyama.
Year 757, May 18th
Goku paced outside the door to their bedroom, He was worried from hearing all the screams, but whenever he went to open the door the women inside with his wife would just yell at him to get out. He really didn't understand why. He just wanted to help, it was in his nature.
Goku was happy about one thing, at least he didn't have to be waiting in the hospital. His father in-law the Ox King had arranged to have midwifes and a doctor come out to their house to deliver the baby after it was shown in one of those scans thingies that the baby had a tail just like he did, Chi-Chi thought it best for a home birth.
Goku was nervous to meet his son, that's what the doctor said it was last time they checked, but Goku didn't trust doctors. How could someone smile while stabbing you with a needle and still be considered a good person.
After what felt like days but was really just hours the screaming stopped.
"Mr Son? You may come in and see your wife now." The midwife said peaking her head around the door and slowly opening it up for Goku to enter. Goku in a frazzled daze just nodded and entered.
Making his way to the bed his wife looked up and gave her husband a tired smile.
"Do you want to hold your Daughter?"
"Mm-my d-daughter…? But the doctors said it was a boy." Never thinking about having an offspring before or knowing anything about children and babies Goku was suddenly terrified at the prospect of this tiny little bundle of person was part him and entirely dependent on him.
Chi-Chi amused by Goku's expression of uncertainty while looking at the baby gently tried to hand her over. Goku on the other hand took a step back putting his hand behind his back with a scared look replacing his confused one.
"I don't know if that's a good idea Chi, what if I hurt her? She's so tiny." Goku meekly said. The idea that this little person getting hurt scared him more than anything he had ever known, considering all the adventures he had been on, yet he still couldn't understand why he was so nervous about this baby.
"It's okay I know you wouldn't hurt her, cause it our job to protect her. I trust you Goku." Slowly Goku came forward and softly as he could picked up the little bundle. "I know the doctors said She was going to be a boy, but I'm kind of excited about it being a little girl. She will be smart like her mother strong and independent like her father..." Chi-Chi continued rambling. Goku wasn't listening anymore as he was too busy staring at the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Slowly the baby opened her eyes and Goku was struck at seeing eyes that matched his staring straight back at him.
"She looks a lot like you" Goku all but whispered. At that moment the baby smiled and her tail which had been wiggling its way out of the confines of the blanket, wrapped its self around his wrist while her hand grabbed his finger that was wriggling in front of her. "And strong too." Goku observed.
Chi-Chi had noticed she wasn't being listened to, a few minutes earlier and was just watching the two together Goku had said it so quietly she almost missed it. Smiling at the statement though thinking she looked more like Goku than herself, she was more than glad at seeing Goku adjusting to the idea of being a father and adjusting to this new life they have built for themselves.
Two weeks Later
The small family were sitting around the crib along with Chi-Chi's father the Ox-king while the baby laid happily in the crib staring at the big green dragon and orange balls the floated above her.
"So… What's her name?" Ox-King asked nervously.
"We haven't decided yet," Chi-Chi sighed frustrated, "It's been 2 weeks and we can't keep calling her 'baby'! But she and Goku didn't like the name I picked out. Even if it would be perfect for a royal baby such as she, if she chooses to take the throne."
"Calling her 'Einsteinetta' is just too weird Chi-Chi and she cries every time she hears it." Goku exclaimed, proving his point the baby in the cradle started whimpering.
"She didn't like 'Bulma' either," Chi-Chi replied. "Dad, didn't you say you had a list of names made?" Chi-Chi was getting desperate and noticed the bag with a scroll hanging out of it.
The Ox-King noticed his daughter eyes on the scroll and swiftly pushed it back into the bag, laughing nervously, "uh, you guys said I was having a Grandson, so I only made up names for boys."
"They can't be that bad for girls let's hear 'em" Goku was still a little put off that his wife and baby didn't like the name 'Bulma' He thought it was a great name as it was his best/first friends name.
At Ox's refusal to say any of the ones he came up with Chi-Chi growled in frustration. "Well we aren't leaving the room today until we decide on a name."
*Gasp* "But it's almost lunch time!" Goku did not like the idea of missing lunch.
"Too bad Goku, we can't leave the heir to the Ox Kingdom as nameless. The officials have been hounding Daddy to address the crowds since the day she was born, we can't keep putting it off. They won't leave us alone until we do!" Chi-Chi all but yelled at him.
Hours when by with random names being shouted out and the baby crying at every one. Goku was staring at the little baby in the crib, one of his favourite things to do when he wasn't training or eating, when suddenly a loud rumble was heard, sheepishly Goku turned around to the exasperated faced of his wife and father in-law.
"Honestly Goku, it's barely been a few hours since breakfast, however, did Gohan manag…" Chi-Chi was cut off by the gasp from her father, who was pointing at the baby as Goku picked her up.
Testing a theory, he had Goku said "Gohan?" and smiled when the baby laughed once more. "Gohan!" Goku cheered as he swung the little baby around with her tail swishing excitedly from side to side.
The Ox-King sighed in relief. "Thank Kami, we finally found a name, now the court officials will get off my back."
Chi-Chi shook her head, a little upset at her daughter having quiet the masculine name but couldn't fault it, as Gohan seemed all to happy with the name and she is the one going to live with it for the rest of her life. As she was grabbing the forms for the birth certificate to make her name officially Son Gohan, she decided to add a could of extra 'middle names' including Einsteinetta for when she would eventually be Coronated if she decides she wants to change.
Four years later, Year 761, October
Goku Jumped from the Nimbus cloud landing in front of his friends that had gathered at Kame house for their usual couple year gathering, "Hi guys!" Goku greeted everyone, drawing all occupants to outside the house to greet their old friend.
"Hi Goku, and small child with Goku…." Krillin, a short bald martial artist along, stammered when he noticed the small child being held in Goku's arms.
Bulma, a very pretty blue hair scientific engineering genius, being first to regain composure after the shock of seeing Goku with a small child asked, "Who's the kid Goku? You into babysitting now or something?"
Goku couldn't help but laugh at their faces, truthfully Goku never thought about being a father himself, not surprising no one else ever did too. Placing Gohan on the ground he introduced her, "Guys meet my daughter, Gohan. Isn't she cute?"
Once again the group were shocked speechless, Bulma couldn't get over how cute she was her facial features were a nice blend of her mother and fathers, she appeared to have her father spiky hair in the front like a fringe though a little more tamed in the back with soft wisps of hair coming off of it down to her shoulders and a beanie with the 4 star ball on top, wearing a traditional Chinese outfit similar to her moms in the 23rd Boudoki only in greens and pale pinks that brought out her onyx eyes so like her fathers, with tights on underneath. With a little nudge from her father, Gohan bowed and softly greeted the adults in front of her just like her mother had taught her. "Hello, my names Gohan, nice to meet you all."
Still in a state of shock Bulma, Krillin and Master Roshi also bowed as it seemed the only thing to do.
Off to the side Gohan noticed Turtle and went to go pat him. She registered that her dad was answering questions about her tail but wasn't paying much attention as Turtle was more interesting.
Krillin coming up beside her asked "So, Gohan how old are you?"
"Uh I'm 4 and a half." She replied holding up 4 fingers to prove it.
"So… What are you into?" Krillin asked still unsure of how to talk to a child.
"I like reading, watching daddy train, sometimes he shows me things when mummy isn't watching," Gohan whispered to Krillin like it was a big secret making him giggle, "also mummy teaches me schooling, I really like maths, algebra is quiet fun lately."
Krillin not sure what to say to the second part floored that this adorably cute kid was probably smarter than him and is more than a quarter his age, making him think if it wasn't for the tail he would question if it was Goku's.
Krillin was about to ask more questions of Gohan when suddenly a huge power come roaring towards them yelling something about carrots.
Unsure what was happening Krillin tried to usher Gohan into the house while signalling Bulma to follow her in, with great difficulty, she picked up on the end of the conversation between her father and the stranger calling himself Goku's brother. "… Part of an ancient warrior race from the planet Vegeta, join me in eradicating the life forms on this weak planet and maybe you can redeem yourself Kakarot for not following your orders!" The man with spiky hair past his butt and Armour with a brown fur belt demanded.
"Who's Kakarot? I'm Goku, Son Goku, protector of Earth." Goku yelled back studying the stranger in front of him, noticing some similarities between them.
"You, really don't remember anything about who you really are? You were sent here the destroy all life on this miserable planet so that it could be sold for a high price. This should have been accomplished years ago with the use of the full moon."
"What has the moon got to do with me or the destroying all life on Earth? How could I be an Alien?"
"What? How could you not know?! Did you hit your head or something?"
"It's all true Goku." Master Roshi, the old man with glasses and a Hawaiian shirt, softly told the group, "When Gohan found you he told me about how he found you in a pod that had flashed through the sky and crashed the night before. He told me that he found a baby in the pod and decided to take you home with him, but you were wild and unnaturally strong for a baby, the only time you seemed to calm down was when Gohan would practice his kata, one day while out for a walk you fell from his basket into a deep ravine breaking your head. Gohan worried if you would survive, eventually you woke up and were the happy innocent little boy we all met." Master Roshi finished his story to the rest of the group.
While the old fool was explaining, Radditz was getting seriously impatient just wanting to finish his task and return to the other Saiyans. Out the corner of his eye he noticed a little girl hugging the leg of his brother, when she spoke up about her daddy leaving her, he noticed her tail. Suddenly an idea came to mind, she may be a half breed but is the only female with Saiyan blood that Radditz had ever seen, if he can't bring his brother back with him maybe a female for the prince after she ages up a bit, might be a nice consolation prize. Having both would be better. With that in mind Radditz spoke up, "enough of this! You obviously need some persuading as I can clearly see you've decided to reproduce with these weaklings." Swiping Gohan from Goku's leg quicker than any of them stop, "Bring me 100 bodies by tomorrow sunrise right here or you'll never see your daughter again and I will still blow up this planet."
Goku not wanting to let his Daughter go dashed at Radditz to retrieve Gohan however Radditz was a lot quicker and punched Goku so hard he keeled over "No! Gohan!" Goku wheezed.
Gohan herself could only think of how scared she was and couldn't help crying the whole way till her uncle dropped her on the ground by a giant crater.
"Shut up kid! Before I give you something to really cry about!" Radditz demanded.
The tone he used made Gohan immediately stop her loud crying though continued to whimper unable to stop herself. Eventually she found her voice "Why are you doing this mister?" She asked very shyly.
"It's who we are, our job, as Saiyans we were very good at it. You may be a disgrace to our race being a half breed, but it will be your job too, whether your father comes or not." He gruffly replied.
At the thought of leaving the planet and without her father Gohan couldn't stop herself from crying even more. After about 10 minutes of this Radditz snapped "Gah! I can't stand that crying! That's it!" Radditz picked up Gohan by her shirt and threw her into his space pod closing the door and finally having some peace. "Now that it's quiet and I don't have to worry about this thing from running away time to find something to eat." As Radditz went to leave the crater he sensor started going off.
"A high-power level close by… Within 50 meters? That can't be right." Radditz mused confused by the reading. Looking around scanning the area with his scouter landing on his pod the power he was picking up had stopped rising and was now sitting at 750. "This thing must be broken no way could a child have a power level of 750! Kakarots power was barely 330." Radditz went to turn off his scouter presuming it was broken when it beeped again alerting him to two power levels coming towards him one of them at 330 and the other at 310. "Hmm, 330 that's Kakarots level so if it isn't broken then that must mean that this little girl's power really is up at 750. That's higher than most elites when they are kids." Radditz mused to himself while waiting for his brother and quest to arrive.
It took Gohan over 10 minutes to get her crying under control again and tried to stop the whimpering. 'Why are there so many bad people in the world, Gohan thought trying to make sense of her day so far, This, isn't the fun adventure daddy promised me, turns out I'm an alien so my tail isn't normal like what mummy and daddy always told me. And this man wants to kill my mummy and our friends and take daddy and me away. I can't let that happen, I must think of a way out. I shouldn't touch these buttons as I can't read what they do. Man, I'm getting hungry…'
After a few minutes of trying to think of a way out Gohan heard voices outside, one was the gruff voice of her so-called uncle the other she didn't know though also was quite deep and gruff sounding, the third was her DAD! Her Daddy had come to save her, finding her voice "DADDY! Daddy help!"
She couldn't hear much of what was going on inside the pod but heard her dad reply, "I'll get you out as soon as I can my monkey princess, you just continue to be a good girl and let daddy fight!" Hoping the use of his nickname for her would ease some of the fear he could feel coming from the pod.
Having full faith in her father Gohan sat back down trying to listen to the sounds outside and piece together what was going on. At some point while focusing so hard on the battle out side she started to sense the individuals and could almost make out what they were doing and who each power belonged to, the highest one was her uncle he's had a dark aura to it not full evil but very little good. The other had a lighter feel to it only a little bit of malus in their power and was currently around the next strongest though it was getting steadily weaker. The third she hoped was her father's energy as that one had a bright aura to it that made her feel warm inside when she focused on it though that one was weakest at the moment. Suddenly the bright energy started to drop quickly it wasn't until she heard her father's cries of pain that she realised her father was being hurt a lot if that aura she felt from him was any indication. She had to do something. Pounding on the glass calling for her daddy not able to stand the sound of her fathers cries Gohan got desperate. Suddenly her world went white and Gohan last thought was of intense anger at the man who called himself her uncle.
Radditz was enjoying torturing his baby brother while the green person stood to the side and watched unable to help, he knew they were weak but after the first few attacks that had raised their power levels to over 1000's he was getting annoyed. Getting his frustration at the waste this trip turned out to be, on his brother, Radditz almost missed his scouter going off at a power level rising to 1370, looking first to the green man and seeing him stationary and staring at the crater Radditz turned his head to see his space pod exploding and a angry little girl with a white aura around her emerge from the crater. The one fact he focused on was her eyes, blinded by rage were pure white with no pupil. "GET AWAY FROM MY DADDY!" The child yelled. Charging up her power as much as she could charged at her 'uncle' headbutting him right in the chest smashing his armour completely even managing to have shards of armour cut into his skin and throwing him yards away from her floored father, creating a massive skid crater on his landing. Struggling to his feel after a few moments while trying to get his breath back Radditz felt a twinge of fear that a child has such power. "H-how she is barely 6 cycles old. She destroyed my armour!" he told himself.
He soon noticed her power had dropped to below 400 as she tried to get her father to get up. Furious a child could do such damage to him he stalked towards her, "You! You damaged me and destroyed my armour you will pay for this!" Radditz lifted his hand and hit her across the face so hard it knocked her out.
Goku watching all this happen the rage in him grew, no one knocks my daughter out! He thought to himself summoning all his energy he leaped up and grabbed Radditz in a bear hug from behind immobilizing him. "Piccolo! Do the beam again! Quick! My ribs are shattered I won't be able to hold him for long!" Goku yelled to his companion.
Piccolo up until this stage had just been watching waiting for the right time to strike, was utterly stunned by these events, this child had such potential imagine what he could do if he took her and trained her. Hearing Gokus shouts Piccolo charge up his strongest attack once more, "Goku! Are you sure you will die with him!" Not that he really cared it was practically two birds one stone but something in him compelled him to ask.
"Yes! It's the only way to have peace to protect my daughter! Hurry!" Goku yelled back with no fear in his voice.
"Special Beam Cannon… Fire!" Shooting the beam as close as he could it the centre of the chest piercing both men cleanly through.
Once piccolo assessed the situation, he noticed both men still alive though barely.
"What a waste of a Saiyan sacrificing himself" Radditz coughed.
"I wouldn't say that, I bet he will be alive again within the week." Piccolo replied. At Radditz pained and confused face Piccolo went on to explain the Dragon balls to him.
At this Radditz couldn't help but weakly laugh. "The other 2 Saiyans will be here within the year. Now that they know about this power, my scouter is also a transmitter they know everything that has happened. Including the fact of the last Saiyan female. No one is safe yet" Radditz managed to cough out before dying.
Goku had heard all this along with his friends that had landed right before Radditz started talking. As his friends rushed to him Promising to collect all the balls Goku managed to tell them about the 2 other he had at home along with the 4-star ball that was on Gohan's hat. "Look after… my girl… for me till I come back." Goku weakly said before fading away completely.
"What happened, where did he go?!" Krillin exclaimed.
"Bet it was Kami's doing, as you all know about the other Saiyans coming for us, I suggest you don't slack off. Also, I'm taking the kid." Piccolo told the group with a flick of his finger Gohan's unconscious body rose into the air from Bulmas grasp and into his arms turned to fly away.
"Hey! Don't you dare touch that child! What would a man like you want with an innocent child! I'll kill you if you touch her!" Krillin yelled at him running forward.
Piccolo slightly disgusted at what these people were implying he was evil not a pedophile, replied "I'm going to train her she is currently the strongest in the world even with no training, not what you idiots were thinking!" Not wanting to explain his reasons anymore Piccolo zoomed off.
"Shit! Who's going to tell Chi-Chi her husband is now dead, and her daughter has been kidnapped to be turned into a fighter?" Krillin asked
"Not it" both Bulma and Roshi said at almost the same time.
"Shit" was all Krillin could think at those 2 words.
Gohan awoke to water hitting her face and body as she plunged into the river, flailing around and coughing, she was a little embarrassed it took her a few moments to realise that the water only went up to her waist. Taking in her surroundings she noticed a very tall green man in front of her scowling he had on a purple Gi with white waist band a while cape with shoulder pads and a white and purple turban on, he didn't look human but for some reason Gohan didn't feel scared as she thought she might be considering she didn't know this person. "Where am I? Where's my daddy?" she asked tentatively.
"Your Father is dead sacrificed himself for you. From today you are my pupil, I will teach you how to fight. We have one year before more of those Saiyans come and if I'm not mistaken, they may want you, along with the Dragon balls, as you are the last female or something, if what that sorry excuse for an uncle is to be believed."
Gohan didn't hear much after the word dead, as she heard the words spoken it felt like her heart was ripped out. "Dead?... He can't be dead, he can't!" Gohan mumbled while Piccolo was explaining what was happening.
"I will leave you here for 6 months if you survive then we will start the real training."
"Leave me here? Alone?" She asked fearfully, she had never been alone for so long before, her mum or dad, mostly her dad, would always come to help her when she was alone in the woods, here there would be no one as her dad wasn't even alive anymore. "You can't leave me here alone Mr. Piccolo, I don't know the first thing about fighting."
Over trying to explain his reasoning decided to just pick Gohan up by the back of her tunic and throw her as hard as he could at the tallest mountain he saw.
"AAAHHHHH!" 'oh no, I... I can't stop, I don't want to die, No!'
At that last thought Gohan face shifted from fear to determination something unlocked deep within her and the next thing she knew she had stopped mid air and the entire mountain and everything within 30km behind it had disappeared. 'I did that? WOW!' Was all she could think giggling to herself. Piccolo touched down beside her with a look of pure astonishment, he knew she had power but even he would struggle for a power blast that big and not be completely exhausted, looking down at the little girl next to him watching her giggle he was glad he made the decision to train her now. "You need to learn to control that energy better first, like I said I will leave you here for 6 months, your goal, don't die, I need to do some of my own training." With that last statement Piccolo flew up leaving Gohan staring, the happy feeling gone now replaced with a feeling of dread. 'All Alone… I hope mummy isn't too upset dad and I won't make it to dinner today, or by the sounds of it for a few months at least. But I need to do this to protect the Earth, just like daddy does, now that daddy isn't here, it's up to me. Where to begin?'
The first week was rough for Gohan, almost every animal she came across tried to eat her, after the first night she somehow ended up on the top of a mountain, it was too dark to climb down, so she curled into a ball hungry and cold. When a gust of wind brought 2 apples to her feet, she didn't question it, maybe it was the fact she hadn't eaten since breakfast or the fact she was scared to the bone of the next few months alone no matter how much she told herself to toughen up. But she was grateful to what ever gave her this fruit, she thought she heard a voice on the wind how ever faint saying they would look after and watch over her but passed it off as her imagination. Later that night as the full moon rise over the mountains Gohan felt a pull to look at it, she had never seen anything so pretty, they never stayed up late enough to see the moon back home, as she was finishing that thought a strange feeling came over her, it was suddenly hard to breath then nothing.
When Gohan awoke the next morning all she could think of was how nice a deep sleep she got. It wasn't till she tried to get up and wasn't able to keep her balance she realised her tail was gone, along with a lot of the land scape it now stood in ruins, 'Wha-at happened? Did I do that? I don't remember anything happening last night and how did I get onto the ground? Well as long as I'm not hurt', she thought checking over her body noticing for the first time she had on a Gi like her fathers and a sword beside her, decided to move on and find something for breakfast.
Before she knew it, the Months had gone by, she had explored most of the Island she was on, though fairly large enough to support dinosaur life was completely uninhabited of human life. She had made plenty of animal friends and could out run and fight them all even the T-Rex that kept trying to eat her, she was slowly eating it by cutting off a chunk of its tail each time it attacked. She never knew living in the wild would be so fun, she knew her dad did it before he met Bulma and would of never chosen to do this on her own but was kind of glad she had experienced it.
That morning as she was finishing up her T-rex steak for breakfast Piccolo landed in front of her in his intimidating manner, "Today marks the 6-month mark, we will start your training in fighting, how much martial arts do you have?"
"Oh, hello Mr. Piccolo, um none, mum doesn't want me to learn and daddy was only able to sneakily teach me a few stances before mummy yelled at him, I'm supposed to be a proper princess that sits in the castle and rules and studies all the time. Not train. Is what mummy always said."
"What?" Piccolo was taken aback by this statement. "Well that will change starting now." Giving Gohan no warning Piccolo attacked. Gohan barely dodged and continued to try and do so against Piccolo's attacks.
It took only a few hours for Gohan to feel confident enough to retaliate to Piccolo's assault. Once she got the hang of the dodging and counter strike after a few more hours she started taking the initiative and was putting Piccolo on the defence, albeit quiet sloppily as she had no form, but even that was slowly starting to form. After sparring for the whole day Piccolo finally let Gohan rest and find some food for dinner.
While they were sitting by the fire Gohan eating the fish she had managed to catch, she noticed Piccolo watching her. "Would you like some?" She asked him not wanting to be rude, though not really liking the idea of sharing food.
"No, I don't eat. I am honestly surprised you picked up so much from our spar, you weren't lying to me about never training before, were you?" Piccolo asked truly amazed by how quickly she had learned at this rate he could train her and have a solid sparring buddy long before the Saiyans arrived.
"Mo Merter Pwiccowo" (No Mr Piccolo) Gohan replied with a mouthful of food.
As the months went on Piccolo was continuously impressed by the small child, not that he would ever say it out loud. She just had an affinity towards fighting that within three months she was almost flawless in his Demon style fighting, with her strength being almost as strong as him he could go all out against her and know she would be able to attack back made him so much stronger just as quickly. Every day her power just leaped. Which brought him to his next musings, they were 1 week away from the Saiyans attacking, he could feel their power though weak was steadily heading towards Earth.
Piccolo decided to have them meditate all this week till the fight to preserve their energy, another technique she seemed to absorb and master, no one would guess she was barely 6 years old human, well half human apparently. So here they were by a waterfall, in similar poses, he had lost track of how long they had been in this state, for him he could go days and not realise it, but his thoughts kept coming back to the girl beside him. She was becoming a problem in his mind, he initially thought to use her power to help take over the world after the issue with the aliens came, then discard her, taking everything for himself. But as these months have progressed, he had found the child so… argh he couldn't describe it, but now the idea of getting rid of Gohan hurt him. This small child had become his first friend, he didn't want to admit it especially to her, but no matter what he did to put fear into the child or how rough he treated her in training she would always smile and never get upset at him. It was baffling. Though he could admit some pride in the fact she was is rival's daughter, taught by him and was a prodigy in his Demon style, he couldn't wait to see the face of Goku when he learns of this.
Year 762, November
In no time at all, the day of the Saiyans were here, Piccolo and Gohan were waiting in a wasteland 500 miles south of east city as they could feel the Saiyans were going to land.
"Gohan raise your power just enough so it is higher then your average human to draw them here as well as your friends, but not all the way we want to give them a surprise." Piccolo instructed and proceeded to raise his own. Suddenly there was a giant explosion in the near distance. "Uh... that was a whole city."
As they were doing that Krillin, and the rest of the gang Yamcha, Tien and Chiasou all arrived, within minutes of each other, so did the Saiyans. One was as tall as Piccolo, bald and built like a rock, the other was a lot shorter and younger looking with spiky hair that seemed to defy gravity, both sporting weird armor with shoulder pads and their brown tails wrapped around their waist.
"Well we seem to have a welcoming party." The short Saiyan said, "Kind of pitiful if you ask me," Then loud enough for the group to hear, "I am the Prince of all Saiyans, Vegeta, and this is Nappa. Hand over the Dragon balls and let us have our wish and we will destroy you peacefully."
"Thanks for the offer, but you won't get the dragon balls from us." Piccolo sarcastically replied.
"Yeah!" Krillin jumped in, "besides we don't know where they are their scattered around the earth as stones for the next year at least."
"Hmm. That's a problem. That voice, you Namek, you're the one that killed Radditz." Vegeta mused.
"Who me? I'm not a Namek, what's a Namek?"
"It's an alien species, I remember the legends when I was a child that the Nameks had these powers to create powerful orbs able to grant every wish. It's not that surprising now when I see a Namek on this planet and that you have wish granting Dragon balls."
"Oh look Vegeta, we have more visitors." Nappa noticed the news crew helicopters hovering in the air around them. Building up his energy he blasted one out of the sky, causing the rest to scatter. "Hehe, weaklings."
"Those were innocent people!" Gohan appalled at the ease that he destroyed the helicopter. The big monster in front of her didn't seem to mind he just laughed some more.
"Well this was turning out to be a waste of trip. Looks like we won't get out wish for immortality here, guess we could go to the planet Namek, get theirs. I don't feel like destroying them anymore, use the Saibamen men Nappa."
Nappa pulled out a little vile and planted 6 seeds in the ground and poured some green solution over them. To the fighter's horror 6 monsters sprouted from the ground.
Noticing Gohan start to shake in fear, "Gohan be strong, don't let them intimidate you, you are stronger than them as long as you keep your head."
"Right Piccolo, I'll stay focused."
Their quiet conversation brought Tien a 3 eyed buff human to notice the little person with long shaggy hair tied up wearing a Gi similar in colour to Piccolo's. "Who's the kid, is that Goku's little girl? She's as bold as her father definitely gives me strength knowing she is willing to fight beside us."
"Gentlemen, how bout a little game, 6 on 6 one for each of you." Vegeta's voice rang through the field.
"Hey! I'm not a guy I'm a girl!" Gohan yells back pissed at being confused for a boy, though as soon as she says it realises it's irrelevant and backs down.
"Huh, she has spunk." Vegeta mused to himself. "So, who will be first up?" He asked the group in front of him.
Tien was the first to step up and fight, he was able to beat the Saibamen easily.
Next up is Yamcha, he's fight was short also and managed to beat his Saibamen to the ground, turning his back thinking it was all over the Saibamen jumps up and grabs him from behind, blowing them both up.
Gohan could barely contain her rage watching her first death, no matter how scared she was No one should die, just as she looked up, she noticed more news crews flying over them, sadly so did the big brute Nappa, this time he blew all of them up. Unable to stand the innocent people being slaughtered anymore Gohan snapped, attacking all Saibamen at once with just her fists and martial arts skills alone she took on all 4 knocking them to the ground finishing them off with an energy attack leaving only a crater in her wake.
Everyone, even Vegeta and Piccolo, were staring at her in shock, 'how was this child so strong'. "Not bad," was all Vegeta could say. No mocking in his voice only mild respect considering the child's age, not that he would show it to anyone. "You must be the half-breed we heard about the last female with Saiyan blood, tell me, how old are you?" Vegeta addressed them noticing that the girl though breathing a little heavy wasn't even tired.
"I'm 6 years old." Confused as to why they would care.
'That must be 6 earth years, she is very advanced. Seems a bit of a waste.' Vegeta mused to himself
Nappa only thinking about how much fun this child would be to break responded with, "time to have some fun."
"Alright Nappa, though keep the Namek and the half-breed alive, they are of use."
Nappa preceded to attack the group starting with Tien, who was loath to be out shined by a child, though quickly found himself on the loosing end of the battle, loosing his arm. Quickly Chioutsu attacked Nappa from behind with the intent of blowing them both up kamikaze style. Sadly, this only singed Nappa's back a little and destroyed some of his armor. In a fit of rage at loosing his best friend Tien charged Nappa but shortly lost his life. Piccolo, not sure what to do they knew they could fight him but weren't strong enough to stop him completely and the other one off to the side, whom they learnt is a lot stronger than the big guy, they needed more time for Goku to arrive and give back-up, finally he managed to convince the Saiyans to wait 3 hours.
Sadly the 3 hours were up and Goku still hadn't arrived, though Piccolo did have confirmation from Kami that he was on his way, with that in mind Piccolo was trying to come up with another plan to stall them a bit longer, all he could think of was Krillin attack while Gohan and himself attacked from behind. Though this did not work, it resulted in Krillin be beaten and his spine practically crushed, all he could do was lay there.
Gohan tried to attack him away from Krillin, but the big guy was just that bit more powerful, knocking Gohan down started to charge an attack putting a lot of his energy in it, forgetting what Vegeta told him about keeping her alive, lost in the his battle lust, shot the energy directly at her, too scared to move and not strong enough to dodge or deflect she had no where to go.
Piccolo saw what was happening and couldn't think of anything else to do but protect the little girl that became his first friend. Jumping in front of the blast taking the full attack, all he could feel was searing pain his energy only enough to stop his flesh from being burnt off, but it didn't stop the power from ripping him apart inside. Eventually the blast stops and Piccolo amazed to still be alive, barely, fell to the ground.
"No! Piccolo, why did you do that? You have to get up! Get up, please, please get up." Gohan cried.
Piccolo managed to look up into the face of his first friend and pupil. "Gohan… you've grown up so much… I'm proud of you... The harder things got the more determined you became… Sorry I was so rough on you, you… You were my first friend…" Gohan couldn't contain the tears and pain anymore, screaming at the top of her lungs her power began to skyrocket. Vegeta sensing this picked up his discarded scouter to see the power that she may be unleashing. As he was doing that Gohan attacked Nappa, with such power and speed the brute had not time to defend.
"Her power, it's over 4000, not even I was that powerful at her age, nor any elite I know of… Impressive" Vegeta said out loud to no one in particular. Before this girl had been no match for the fully blooded Saiyan, but now she was vicious and strong beating him to within an inch of his life. Left as a crumpled mess on the floor, the child only calmed down once her 'daddy' arrived.
(Rest of fight is same to canon, watch the tv show to see the awesome fight that is the start of the rivalry of Goku and Vegeta)
A/N: These few chapters coming mostly go from person to person view, I hope I made it easy enough for you to know whose thoughts they were at what time and not too confusing. The later chapters will be mostly Gohan's POV from now on, though if it is someone else's I'll start putting their names at the top or something. Also, there may be big time jumps as I don't want to spend too long on each section and focus mostly on her as a teenager, I just hate not having some reasoning or back story. Gohan isn't as scared and wimpy and both her and Piccolo are stronger than in the show. All the scenes that are glossed over you can assume they happen like in the show, I'm just not good at writing fight scenes and don't want to spend too long explaining things it's mostly just to have an idea of what brought Gohan to the type of girl she is in the build-up.