Uhh, hey guys. I don't know if any of you are still hanging around, and if you are you're probably very disappointed that this isn't a new chapter. Sorry. Life is a bit busy. I honestly thought that i'd have another chapter out by now, but then school happened and then before I knew it, midterms crawled up on me and then we had exams and it was just- ejawugrofwau. Gross. This semester my classes are horrible so i honestly doubt the next chapter will be out any time soon. Also, I got a job. o. And I joined the school robotics team. yeehaw. Basically i have made a bunch of commitments and, honestly, i kinda forgot about this story haha.

When I started writing Fight Another Day, I was in grade 7. I was too anxious to post the first chapter, so i just wrote more and waited until grade 8 to upload the first chapter. When I posted it, I didn't dare think it would get the amount of attention that it has. I mean, 127 reviews and over 5,000 views? I don't think 12-year-old me thought about any of that. I've matured quite a bit in the, what, 3 years i've been working on this? Sheesh, now that i actually think about it i've been doing this for a looong time. But, the point is, my life has been going wild for the past 2 years. Weeks of just drama and grades and homework and countless mental breakdowns- the teenage years are wild, y'all. I've only been considered a teenager for a year and I already want out. And I honestly hate that I'm typing this right now because I feel like nobody really cares what is going on with me, that they really only care about information about the next chapter. Well, I'll give you this; im probably never going to publish the last three chapters. I've barely touched the file that the story is on since i posted chapter 14. Actually, I hardly think i've started chapter 15.

Now, I know a few of you reading this are pissed at me and I get that. But this isn't my job; I started writing in grade 7 during computer-lab classes because I was passionate about this fandom and about writing. Don't get me wrong, I am still passionate about both of those things. But I'm not getting paid to do this. I chose to write this because I was hoping that maybe somebody out there would like my stories and it was a nice way to work out all my pent-up creativity.

All the dramatics aside, there is one thing this,,, update will contain for those still reading; I'm giving you what was going to happen in a point-form format instead of the next three chapters. I'm not updating the story, and i'm tired of making empty promises. I don't want to have to feel like i am being forced to write this story because it takes all the fun out of it.

Please note that the following points aren't exactly in order of execution and that i hadn't really worked out kinks yet.

Here you go;

- I really liked the Magnus Chase books by Rick Riordan and how they perceived Norse mythology; specifically the parts about the nine realms. Chapter 15 would have included Loki and Naomi physically walking along Yggdrasil just as Magnus and friends do in the books. They'd have to try and escape Ratatoskr the squirrel; Loki would learn that maybe he didn't know as much about the nine realms as he had thought.

- Naomi and Loki would crash-land to Midgard and into a river somewhere in America. Naomi leads Loki to her friends' campsite. Loki would be introduced to two Alfs known as Alex and Topaz who fought in the revolution on Alfheim. Alex and Loki have a conversation, since Alex is genderfluid. Loki realises a truth that he's kept hidden from himself for his entire life. He and Alex keep in touch. Alex and Topaz point them in the direction of the Avengers Compound using Alf magic.

- Gamora leads the group in the Soul Stone to the mirror of Vormir, where Red Skull explains that the stones are angry at Thanos for his use of them- the stones feel betrayed. Red Skull tells Gamora that, if she wishes, the Stone will revive her on the condition that she will be its vesicle in the mortal world. Gamora jumps off Vormir and lands in the compound next to Nebula ("'Where will it take me once im revived?' 'The Stone will place you with the one you have the closest bond with.'") The stone takes control of her body to deliver the message that the stones are angered, before telling Gamora have a reunion with Rocket and Nebula. Gamora has the power of the Soul Stone inside of her and can use it in battle.

-The group in the Soul Stone simply wait it out on top of Vormir because there really isn't much else they can do.

-Soul informs the living Avengers that Thanos no longer possesses it because it now resides in Gamora. Gamora uses Soul's energy to lead Thanos to them as he tries to relocate the stone. The Avengers execute a plan that I, the author, have yet to come up with myself to fight Thanos at the Compound. InSeRt EpiC BaTtLe heRe.

-Loki and Naomi show up in the middle of the battle to help out. Everyone is confused, but Thor and Valkyrie are just happy to see him.

-The Avengers are losing the battle again. Loki makes a decision. He uses the technique Naomi showed him for finding riffs in reality and cut right though, taking Yggdrasil to Jotunheim.

-Everyone is super confused as to why Loki left and where the hell he just went because, well, the guy just cut the air open and stepped through so who wouldnt be confused? Clint is salty because he thinks Loki is a coward. Darn Clint, amiright?

-Loki rallies the Jotuns and reveals that he is Laufey's son. He bands together the Frost Giants and leads them into battle in the form he's hated so much since before he fell from the Bifrost.

-Loki makes his epic entrance, similar to that of Endgame's portal entrance; several gaps in reality where Jotuns appear out of. Loki pushes through his new army wearing an ice-version of his horned helmet. Thanos's army is startled by the new arrivals and the fighting stops. Y'know, for dramatic effect. Steve utters his "Avengers, assemble!" line because there is no way in hell im taking that from him. Good job Steve! They do their fancy-pancy charge and screaming and stuff and the battle commences.

-Loki and Thor take on Thanos together, with a few cameos from the other characters. Loki is trying to get the gauntlet to Thor, as he was briefed on the plan earlier, but has a vision of Frigga in the middle of the battle after a bad blow from Thanos knocks him out cold. Frigga tells him that she loves him, and that he knows what he has to do. Loki comes-to with Thor being beaten to a pulp by Thanos and Tony and Steve trying to stop him. Loki charges Thanos and fights with him, ends up with the gauntlet, and snaps.

"I am inevitable." Thanos snapped his fingers, but when nothing happened he turned over his gauntlet. It was empty. The titan whipped around to where Loki was standing tall. The stones moved into place as Loki created a new gauntlet out of ice- a gauntlet that swirled with green and gold magic. The Soul stone ripped itself out of Gamora, who let out a pained cry across the battlefield. Soul rejoined its siblings.

"And I," Loki panted, "am," he readied his fingers in a snapping position, every movement sending blinding white pain through his body, "a God."

Loki snapped.

-Loki's snap kills Thanos and his army, while also bringing back those snapped all that time ago. Strange portals the Soul Stone group to the compound and they have their reunions with their friends. Thor, Bruce, and Valkyrie hover over a weak Loki.

- NOBODY WORRY I WOULD NEVER KILL LOKI! He's died too much already. He doesn't need another death to add to the list. No, Loki is just weakened severely by the stones. He passes out, and when he wakes up Bruce informs him that his arm wasn't salvageable and that they had to cut it off at his shoulder.

-Loki ends up with either an arm made out of ice from his Jotun form (dont ask me how that works because i can't answer you) or a metal one similar to that of Anakin Skywalker or Nebula. Or Luke Skywalker, i guess, because he had his arm chopped off too.

-Loki comes out as genderfluid. (YASSSSS YOU GO YOU FUCKING QUEEEENNN)


There you have it. That was basically all I had planned. I don't know if any of it sounded exciting to you but i really liked the idea of Loki accepting himself as Jotun and also i LIVE for genderfluid pansexual Loki so that's why that is there aha.

Oh, yeah, I probably would have initiated Carol x Valkyrie to make it more gay. Maybe they'd, like, kiss after all the Chitauri and Thanos fade away. That'd be cute.

Y'all can feel free to write these little ideas I had planned into a story of your own, I guess, as long as you PM me about it. I thought them all up myself so I'd like it if I knew. Unless these ideas have already been used several times in which please link me to the fic because I wanna read it lol

So,, that's it. I'm sorry I couldn't finish this story, but I hope the little plot points satisfied you.

Thank you all so much for sticking with me all this time. I love you all. I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day. The final votes i counted for the carol x valkyrie vs loki x valkyrie were 14-13 Loki x Valkyrie. Yes, they won, but I wanted big gay energy so I would have shoved in the lesbos because they are really cute. :,)