Disclaimer: Avengers & S.H.I.E.L.D is owned by Disney & Marvel.

Chapter I

Friends or Foes?

The lights flicker and everything went black in the universe. It had happened. The Avengers lost to the Mad Titan, Thanos. He have brought balance to the universe with a single snap of his fingers, his goal; the annihilation of half the population in the universe. Thanos's plan succeeded. But the being with the power of a God decided to be no more than a simple farmer instead of ruling the universe. Finally he was able to rest. He have retired from universal war. But the Avengers didn't.

"...Not us."

The former Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Philp Coulson decided to retire with Agent May in Tahiti to peacefully live whatever few days he had left from his deal with the Ghost Rider, meanwhile, Director Mackenzie, Quake and the rest of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s team decided to go find the version of Fitz which is supposed to be frozen in some place in space.

Year 2017

The World was screaming for mercy...

People started to become dust all over the world and others died because of the catastrophe caused by this phenomenon. Following this annihilation, the Zephyr One crashed on the island of Mo'orea.

She gave a painful moan and lifted her face. Her hand was covered in blood, the agent beside her was bleeding. Daisy shook his shoulder a bit but he didn't respond.

"David!" There were no signs that Agent David had survive the impact. "Mack! Yo-Yo?" Nobody answered. "W-what the hell?" Looking up close she saw that David's left side had a pole piercing his ribs, but that wasn't what made her stomach sink, behind the pilot sit there was dust all over the Zephyr One floor. It looked like ash.

Daisy groaned.

"Put your hands up!", "Put your hands where we can see them!" multiple soldiers came inside the Zephyr One with assult riffles among them there were voices Daisy could recognize but she played along. "Okay." She knelt on the ground, and they cuff her hands behind her back.

A S.H.I.E.L.D. van pulled over on the road, a man got out removing his sunglases when a soldier approached him. "Sir, we have never seeing anything like this." One of the agents stated. "Do we clean up?"

"No." There he was. Agent Philp Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D. Daisy could only gasped, Coulson looked younger than last time she saw him. "Coulson!" She shouted. Philp turned around at the same time his S.H.I.E.L.D. team did to look at the woman on the grey suit knelt outside of the unidentify flying object. "Who is she?" he asked.

"We have no idea, sir. She doesn't appeared in any of the S.H.I.E.L.D. files."

"She one of ours?"

"She was carrying a S.H.I.E.L.D. ID, Sir."

"What's on the bag?"

"We found a male with the same S.H.I.E.L.D. ID but he didn't make it."

Coulson took her ID wrapped in a plastic bag, and walked toward the young woman. Daisy was wishing that she shouldn't had said his name right now. This had to be some weird alternative reality, maybe she was back in the framework again. She cleaned her troat and proceeded "Coulson. Can you cut me loose? They are kind of tight."

"Who are you?"


"I know you're pretending to be a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent with this fake ID, by the way ours don't look like yours." Coulson removed his S.H.I.E.L.D. ID revealing to Daisy that it was the old S.H.I.E.L.D. badge. "Great." She said.


"What year is it?"

"Funny, going by the aircraft I would say you're from outerspace but given that we found your dead friend also carrying a S.H.I.E.L.D badge, I'm not so sure."

"You're never gonna believe me."

"Try me."

Daisy looked sideways at the masked soldiers starring back, knowing that if this could somehow be the past, Hydra was close and she wasn't about to slip under their tentacles.

Her deduction had to be correct; Coulson didn't recognize his adoptive daughter, the old tech, the 2012 S.H.I.E.L.D vans and the old S.H.I.E.L.D. badges was proof enough that she somehow was between the years 2012-2014.

"I'll tell you anything you want to know, but not here."

Coulson had a mixed of confusion and anger in his face when he walked a few meters away from Daisy.

"Sir, we have a 0-8-4."

"Understood, sir."

Coulson walked to the team in front of him and nodded. They put a bag over Daisy's head and she taken to one of the S.H.I.E.L.D. vans for extraction.

Knowing that it was gonna be a long journey to the S.H.I.E.L.D. base she took the time to rest between the car exchanges and the flight.

Sooner than later Daisy was able to see light once again. She was inside an interogation room somewhere in the united states given the structure of the room.


A few hours went by before a man entered the room. Chills went down Daisy's core when she saw the man who caused S.H.I.E.L.D. to fall in the exact same day she was officially recognize as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.

"Rumors are that you fell from the sky." The old man with a dry voice took a sit in front of the table that seperated them from any physical contact, Daisy knew that the distance wouldn't save him if she decide to uses her powers on him, but she restrained from doing so. Having S.H.I.E.L.D. as an enemy after the aftermath wasn't something she was looking forward to.


Daisy remained silent.

"There was something very interesting about your report, Agent Coulson mentioned that you wanted to know what year you were in, well, this is the year 2012."

The news of been on the year 2012 hit her hard. It was the year the Avengers were gonna get together for the first time but it was also the same year that Philp Coulson died. She wanted to take a deep breathe and ask to speak to him, but she couldn't put him in danger with the higher-ups.

Daisy layed back on the chair trying to relax, her team should had been out already looking for Fitz in 2017 if it wasn't for that portal that opened in the sky in front of the Zephyr One, she missed Fitzsimmons already.

Alexander Pierce was the current head of Hydra, actually, Pierce was one of the many heads of Hydra, and she had him right in front of her without been able to do anything about it.

"Any reason in particular?" Pierce placed his hands together on the table staring at her directly, Daisy found it unconfortable, "I hit my head when we crashed." Daisy put on a fake smile.

"I believe there's more to your story that you're telling." Alexander nodded to the double-face cristal window and a guard came inside with a young girl with a bag over her head. Pierce rose from his chair and sat the scuffed in front of Daisy.

"Now. I want you to explain to her who are you exactly."

The S.H.I.E.L.D. soldier took out the bag from the young girl in front of Daisy, she had her mouth tight up, and she was crying after seeing the women in front of her.

"She is the real Daisy Johnson, a hacktivist that goes by the allias known as Skye, and her dna doesn't match your own."

Daisy's heart stopped. S.H.I.E.L.D. had taken her dna while she was a sleep. No, Hydra must had taken a blood example. She was looking at her younger-self and by her reaction, Daisy guessed that she wasn't told her real name.

Pierce order the soldier to release Skye from her bonds.

"W-What's happening here?"

"Don't worry everything is gonna be find."

Daisy told herself. By now she would had expected the universe to fall apart from their interaction but she was glad to be wrong, apperantly the universe is more stronger than she thought it would be. Reality wasn't a weak thing.

"Leave us." Pierce commanded the soldier, "Guard the door and don't let anyone come in." Daisy knew immediatly that the soldier had to be a Hydra sleeper agent.

He pulled a gun and placed on Skye's head.

"You will tell me everything you know or I will erase you from time."

"Please help me!" Skye was begin this older version of herself, she was trying to keep up with the kidnapping, her other self, and the fact that she was about to die.




"Fine! I'll tell you."