I really don't understand what the big deal is. Why do I have to stay here? It's a sprain! So what?
I know what's wrong with my ankle. I don't need some stuffy, overpaid doctor to tell me this. If Boo Ki hadn't made such a fuss, I wouldn't even be here. I would have gone straight home to some painkillers, an ice pack, and the twins.
This nurse is infuriating! She isn't listening to me and my patience has hit its limit. I'm ready to just walk out and leave her standing here.
But just as I am about to hop off the examining table, I hear someone clear their throat and the deep timbre sends a tingle down my spine.
What the hell was that?
I've never had a reaction to someone's voice like this before.
However, the look of relief on the nurse's face reminds me of my irritation and I turn towards the newcomer ready to give them a piece of my mind. As soon as my eyes lock with his though, I can't remember what I was going to say.
It's like drowning in someone's eyes as the cliché saying goes. They are so deep and gentle that it takes me aback.
Good god…Surely, it's against nature for a man to be this handsome.
Every bit of him, from his copper hair, to his gorgeous face, to his tall and well-built frame must be breaking a million laws.
And those eyes…
There is no way a man can be that good looking… Right?
I see a flicker of surprise cross his face when our eyes meet before he quickly hides it behind his calm composure. I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks as I realize that this guy is obviously a doctor and from the way he is dressed, a wealthy one too.
Tearing my eyes away from his gaze, my heart sinks in disappointment. If he is rich, then that means he is probably an asshole. I also feel humiliated because not only have I been briefly taken in by his good looks, but I am sure all he notices when he looks at me is how worn out my clothes are.
But honestly, why do I care anyways? I don't have time to waste my thoughts on rich, handsome, and surely stuck up doctors… let alone men in general.
Been there…done that… I do not want to go down that road again.
While I am sitting here lost in my thoughts, I vaguely hear the nurse saying something to the doctor but whatever it is, doesn't penetrated my confused brain. The doctor, however, has yet to say anything and I am shocked when he kneels in front of me to examine my ankle.
His gentle touch sends another shiver down my spine and I desperately pray he doesn't notice. But I sense him glance up at me and I refuse to look at him. The inactive heart monitor by the wall has become completely fascinating as I try very hard to ignore his hands on me. When he turns my ankle a little to the right, I can't stop the hiss of pain that escapes my lips and he quickly let's go.
"Nurse Kim is right. It's a bad sprain and it would be wise to let us take X-rays." His deep, smooth voice seems to wash over me as I continue to look around at everything in the room except him.
Even his voice is gorgeous…What kind of sick joke is this?
Steeling myself for the inevitable eye contact, I can feel my shyness of this man being quickly overrun by an irrational anger. Anger at him for being so gentle with my ankle, anger at his good looks, anger at his soft voice and kind eyes….
Damn him! I should be at home with my brother and sister! If father gets home before I do… No. I won't think about how bad that will turn out.
Finally locking my eyes with his, I see his own eyes widen in response.
"What? You think I have time for that? Or that I need a bunch of instruments and gadgets to tell me what is wrong with me?" I grit out. I keep my eyes glued to his and gesture wildly around the examining room. "I need to get home to my brother and sister. I can handle a lousy sprain without your help."
In order to prove my point, I hop down from the examining table and even though my ankle is screaming in protest, I manage to brush past him. A strong hand stops me before I get very far and even though I try to pull my arm free, his grip remains firm. His touch is doing crazy things to my nerves and my heart is pounding in my chest.
"At least let me give you something for the swelling and the pain."
The quiet tone of his voice drains the anger completely from me. Glancing quickly at him, I see the open concern on his face. Why do I suddenly feel so tired? I have the strangest urge to wrap my arms around him and bury my face in his chest, just so that I can feel someone comfort me for once... To let someone else be the strong one.
Seriously…What is wrong with me? Why do I feel this way about a total stranger?
"Thank you but I have something at home I can take."
Feeling his grip on my arm loosen, I pull away from the handsome doctor and limp out the door without looking back. I very rarely cry but I can feel my eyes start burning from the sudden feeling of loss I have as I walk away from him.