Chapter 1 – POP. Hermione's Confession

He had it coming

He had it coming

He only had himself to blame

If you'd have been there

If you'd have seen it

I think that you would've done the same.

"Ms Granger, tell us what happened?" Kingsley Shacklebolt shouted, slamming his fist down on the desk of the interrogation room. "I am losing my patience. Your diplomatic immunity as a contributor to the fall of Voldermort has been revoked."

"What a surprise? How quickly they forget what this world would have become without my involvement." Hermione Granger-Weasley retorted bitterly.

Shacklebolt looked to his left, to his Head Auror, Harry Potter who was scowling at the suspect whom had once been his best friend.

"Veritisempra" the Auror cast wandlessly.

"What was that?" Hermione asked, a little nervously.

"The charm version of Veritiserum." Kingsley's voice had calmed as he looked the murdering witch directly in the eye. "Now, tell me what happened?" he added, punctuating each word in an impressive imitation of Severus Snape.

"Fine." Hermione agreed, disgruntled at being defeated.

"You know how people have these little habits that get you down; like Ronald. Ronald liked to chew gum.

No not chew – POP!

And it wasn't just any gum; it was those infernal thunder clap bangers from his brother's shop.

I came home this one day from Diagon Alley and I'm really irritated. All I was looking for was a little bit of sympathy and there's Ronald; lying on the sofa, drinking a butter beer and chewing.

No, not chewing – POPPING!

So I said to him... I said 'You pop that gum one more time…'"

She sighed.

"And he did.

So I grabbed my wand from the garter holder on my thigh and I fired two Avada's…

Into his head." She ground out with all the irritation and frustration of when it happened.

"Thank you Ms Granger." He turned back toward his Hear Auror. "Take her away, Mr Potter."