The following is a bit of a take on Video Game Confessions which belongs to the comedic genius of Doug Walker of Channel Awesome. Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, and Dragon Ball Super belong to Akira Toriyama, Toei Animation, Funimation, and Fuji TV. Pokémon belongs to Nintendo. And to make this more fun to you the reader, I suggest putting on the theme from Video Game Confessions ( /watch?v=tCrrZ1NnCuM )

A/N: Season 3, Season 3! Unlike the last seasons, I will group characters from a similar series together. This one, you will get three episodes. And for readers of the last two seasons, I remind you that you should read Ryo vs the Xenoverse, before going on to this chapter.

Anime Confessions – Returners

You're introduced to a young Saya-jin/Endurion male of African/Asian (we apologize for not informing you that he was Blasian) descent about 6'0" with a fighter's frame. His hair spiked and black with eyes of light gray and electrical blue ends on his hair. He wears a typical outfit of a bartender for a fancy restaurant.

"This is Ryo Nazo Blackthorn, a Time Patroller and younger brother to Jōshō. Ryo works in the seven-star restaurant known as the Tori Dragon Palace (which is two blocks away from the Pixel Palace). There, some of anime's most popular celebrities pop in to have a drink. Sometimes, they share stories, and even secrets. Because—as we all know—what the bartender hears is confidential... isn't it?"

Episode 21 –The Return of Pika the Prick

So here I was tending the bar and in walks in…the pretentious prick, Pikachu. Hate the furry little bastard. Once again, he waltzes in like he owns the place and he's trailed by strangely enough, an older Giselle from the OG anime.

"Ryo, I thought you flew the coop." Pikachu said.

Of course, most would think I left due to me coming out of my semi-retirement. What most didn't know was Trunks and Mai caught space crabs, and not the kind of crabs you've probably thinking. Before I could speak, he snaps his fingers admitting he doesn't really care for me to answer why, but to just make him a Grasshopper.

What an asshole. He's seemingly gotten worse as the show goes on. I don't even bother to watch it anyway. Not like it's worth it. I made the prick his drink and he go on about his successes like he's Tajiri, which he's not. Giselle is on the phone and she looks very uncomfortable throughout this. Dawn makes her a cranberry juice to ease her nerves, but she's shaking as she drank it. She puts down the phone and whispers something into Pikachu's ear. He…doesn't take what he heard well.

"What the fuck do you mean they said no?!" Pikachu said breaking the glass with a tighten grip with his cheeks were sparking.

"Look, Mr. Pikachu, it's not my fault. You just didn't quali…"

He zapped her…with Thunder. Bloody Thunder! She falls out of her seat blackened and hurt, and he walks away yelling that she's fired. Once he's gone, Dawn and I immediately help up and get her in a room to patch her up.

"What the heck was his problem?" Dawn asked.

"He couldn't get into Jump Force. I was trying to negotiate a deal, but they went with Bakugo instead." Giselle said coughing up smoke.

"Wait, Jump Force?" I asked.

"Basically, Dragon Ball Xenoverse with more anime characters from Shonen Jump…basically your old show all considering. I think you pulled a Simpsons and predicted." Dawn explained.

Oh. I wonder if the game's decent. But I digress, we get her patched up and send her off to a hospital. I was kind enough to slap Pikachu with a ban. When he came to protest, I sic my Jynx on him. Heh!

You see a lot of strange things as a bartender, see a lot strange things at the Tori Dragon. So, I see a lot of strange things as a bartender at the Tori Dragon, and that isn't no lie. Swear to it!

(A/N: It's good to be back at it! Ironic, that a GCI flim centered around Pokémon is being made looking similar to Jump Force.)