A/N: Hello readers. It's been… been a minute… Okay so it has been more than a minute. To be honest, I thought I was done with this fanfic writing shit. Mainly because, and my track record shows, I either start a story and NEVER finish it, or I finish what I original have had for a story, then try to add more on to it. I also apologize for Purple Reigns last update. That wasn't my best work at all. I can try to defend myself with some bullshit excuse, but I won't.

So, basically, I plan to make these a bunch of one-shots revolving around one of my favorite characters from the show, Jasper. If I could, I be spamming lots a party based emojis. While I'm sort of upset that she didn't get a redemption arc, but at least she wasn't completely forgotten in the end, just brushed aside. One thing I should also note that I'm still planning on writing more for the Chivalry series. I've have written multiple variants for Clubs; however, I don't want to post the damn thing and it's not even a good setup, which could cause trouble with exposition for latter books in the series. Back to the topic of these one-shots, while I don't plan to make continuations for any of them, it doesn't mean I won't, but a few ideas may get explored further. Last thing, It may be good to note that I'm only doing the following:

(Jasper\Steven) Bring on the shame.

Jasper's Inner Monologue/ Self-exploration of the planet as well

AU [just for more freedom] Note: some of the main universe logical may apply for some. Will make an effort for such stories to be addressed, as well as point what logic I am using.

Well that's the gist of it. Hope you like the trash I'm posting on this site.

-Ecrite Expert

{Broken Rule}

POV: Steven Universe

AU Steven: High School Senior, Renegade.

AU Jasper: Principal, An Authoritarian Figure {albite aggressive type}

The silent staring contest between Principal Smith and I have been going for what felt like twenty minutes. The bullshit reason for the situation of why I'm this prick's office is remedial. You see, there is this one kid I can't stand, Lars Barriga. Growing up, I tolerated this pompous attitude of his. But after he became a high school freshman, he went beyond what I considered acceptable. I cut all ties I had with him. I guess his head was so far up his own ass, because he became bitter towards me. He has been gunning for me since that little spat, the one we had about him picking on this blonde nerd. I will admit, I chuckle to myself whenever I think on it. It is sad to name your child after a puke green rock. But, that's beside the point. After trying to knock some sense into his thick skull (which must be pretty dense, since I hit him pretty hard in that dome and nothing got through it.), I told him I couldn't deal with his crap anymore, and that it be best if we cut our association with each other. Fast forward 3 years, he still hounding my ass. Whether it's calling me out in the school yard or making a complete ass of himself in front of my entourage, he always finds a way to get on my nerves. So, as ANY self-respecting person in society would do in my situation, I attempted to remove the problem from my life. Well, as it turns out, beating a punk to a whimpering mess isn't a fan favorite among Beach City High School (Well, among the officers who tackled me, and handcuffed me to the principal's office.) Now, usually, you are directly taken to the station for holding, but, for whatever reason, the Principal had me sent to her, personally. Unfortunately, I'm required to by law enforcement to be handcuffed to the chair, if they were to be out of the room. The moment they leave the room, she locks the door behind them.

She still hasn't spoken a single word since she sat down at her desk. The pride and confidence, and as well as rage, I had coming in here have long since dissipated from me. It's not like I'm going to let her know this shit. I know if I start cracking, she will have an emotional control of me.

'And I refuse to be played by this broad.' I silently grin to myself.

Right now, it's a game. A game of patience. Who was going to give into the opponent? Who would yield to the other's will? I refuse to let that be me. So, until she falls back, I guess I might as well take in the view. The wooden interior of the room was decent. It gives the room a relic aspect. The game trophies add on to the look. It reminds me of a study. To my left, was a small cabinet full of books. They seem worn. As if she has read them multiple times. I recognize many of authors' names. Greats such as Edgar Allen Poe, Chaucer, Mary Shelly, and…

'Who the hell is Creeply?'

Moving on to the man in charge (or, in this case, woman in charge). The well-built machine, that is attempting to stare into my soul, sitting behind that mahogany desk is probably one of the most active adults in my life, if not the only active adult in my life. I remember when she was a college student who used to babysit me, when I was still in elementary school, for extra cash. Immediately, I warmed up to her, it was nice having someone, constantly, around. She helped me get ahead of the game in school, with her college-based learning sets (because of her, I'm supposed to be graduating with 5 college credits), and she showed me that there are good people in the world. The years have been good to her. While close to a decade since those days, she still holds that very same charm that made her alluring. Don't let those white, long, locks of hair fool you. She still within her late 20s. Her bronze skin gave her hair a unique accent. My eyes trails pass her broad shoulders. They take a moment to pause on her ample chest. Genetics blessed her to not only be able to have muscle that rivals the Arnold Schwarzenegger, but to also have a body (rack) that is the equivalent to every freshmen's wet dream. I'm willing to admit that my eyes linger in areas that wasn't professional by any means (especially when she is walking down the hall.) Now that I'm more focus on what's in front of me, I notice that she took off her blazer. The, pink lemonade, plaid shirt made every curve more apparent. If you are looking at the right angle you could see that, pink rose, belly button piercing she has been wearing since I met her.

'It's kind of cute.'

"You know, a picture would help it last longer, Mr. Universe."

'Looks like she caught me.' I return my gaze back to her eyes.

"Oh, Jasper. I think our relationship goes beyond a professional level. Wouldn't you agree?" My retort does nothing to change her annoyed expression.

"Yes. However, it would incline that I show favoritism to certain students. So, I will continue to call you "Mr. Universe."

"Oh. I could remember a time when you did call me your child."

"Correct. Which is why I'm still trying to wrap my head around what you did to that poor student. No child of mine would act in such a manner."

"[laughing] "Poor Student?" Please, the only thing poor about him is his character. He got what he had coming, and don't make like you didn't expect him to either, Jasper."

"Yes. But I never wanted it to be you." She spoke as if she was pleading. "I've been able to pull strings in the past, but there's only so much I can do for you. Now look, do you what could happen to you now, Mr. Universe."

"Yes, possible imprisonment if Barriga press charges, which I don't since he is a little too prideful to go that far with this. Secondly, stop calling me "Mr. Universe." I'm not a dead beat like him."

"Well, if you continue to act out in such a manner, you won't be far from him."

I turn my head from her. I hate that I can never win with her.

"[underneath breath] Fuck you!"

"Excuse me, young man. I didn't quite hear you?"

"You fucking heard me. Fuck You! I will never be that motherfucker. You got that?"

Suddenly, she rises from her seat and marches over to me. She lords over me forced position.

"[sternly]How dare you talk to me like that after all I'm doing for you?"

"What you doing for me?! Thanks, I really appreciate being restrain in a chair, as you talk down to make me! Should I kiss your ass too while down here?"

"Shut up, you stupid bastard. I'm the only one trying to help you. And you have giving me nothing but shit. I swear, I'm losing my ability to stand your truancy."

"Then, if you can't stand it, then maybe, you should just let them take me."

Her head drops. I see her clenching her fists. Her body starts shaking (from rage or anxiety, I'll never know). Those white bangs cover her eyes, but I still can see tears drop from her face.

'Maybe I was a little too harsh.' "Jasper. Look, I'm sorry. I know you want things to be different, but I was prepared the moment I decided I had enough. It's not worth you stressing over me. Let me go face the music. If there was one thing to you taught me, it's taking responsibility."

I feel her shaky, yet firm, grip on my shoulders. It breaks my heart to her silent anguish.

"Please, don't go. I-I don't want to see you caged little a wild animal. More than that. Please, Steven, reconsider!"

"I'll be fine Jay, now let me go. It's time to say goodbye."

"[somberly] They're not taking you away from me."

"W-what was that?"

"I'm not letting any-fucking-body take you away from me. If they want you, they'll have to go through me, and handcuff me to! I won't stay by a let them take you."


"Why?! Why What?"

"Why do you go out of your way to help me? I'm not worth your time. How hard is that to understand. I'm not even worth my own father's time. That should tell you something. If my mother was still alive, she be the same way at this point. I do nothing but put you into situations where you possible lose your job just by helping me. So why, if I mean so little to them, why am I so special?"

"It's true, you do put my job in jeopardy. It's sad that I know the situation all too well with your father. But understand, if your mother was still her, she would love you as you are. In the past, I tried to give you the parental love that you desired, and desperately needed, but I realize something. I can't ever replace them Steven, no matter how hard I try, I just can't Steven."

She places a gentle palm my cheek. I stare in those pain, stricken, eyes.

"But I want to be something for you. I want give something else I have."

It's like lightning flow through my body when her lips captured mine. Her eyes close upon contact. It finally starts clicking why she wanted in her office. This is her last chance she could have to change my mind. To get me to understand that I won't be the only one hurting if they locked me away. If they did, she could never look at me like she wanted. She could never hold me in her arms. She could never tell me how much she loved me. Tears flow down my cheek as I melt into the kiss. She final release my lips and buries her face into my bloody chest.

[bitterly] "Why?! Why?! Why can't I just love and everything in the world wouldn't go wrong?! Is me loving you so wrong, Steven?!"

'Damn. How did one respond to that?' "Jasper stand up please. You're acting like a child. It's not the end of the world."

"Yes, it is. I'm going to lose you, and I didn't even get you an hour."

"*sigh* If I told you I got an idea that'll benefit you and not result in me going away, would you stop crying like a little girl?"

The air is full of a pregnant silence.


1 month later…

"When you said that you were going to make me work around your house for my summer vacation, I thought you we're just bullshiting."

Currently, I outside with a pair dull ass hedge clipper, thinning out the wild mess of vines and twigs that she refers to as a "backyard". She sneaks up behind me, and playful rubs my back.

"Oh, Mr. Universe, if I did that, how would you learn a lesson about the dangers of assault?"

"The same way you'd learn a lesson on being a pedo?"

"Well, since you feel that way, I guess you'll be sleep on my couch then Steven."

"On second thought, I think I'm starting to see the method to your madness."

"Great to hear. Now if you finish the bushes early enough, I'll be sure to… reward you for all your hard work this week."

"Really now? I can't wait to see you what your going to do top your last reward."

"Trust me, topping it isn't the only I wanting to do to you."

"Real Professional, Jay. Really professional."