#20. Dressed up

The last thing Marinette would expect upon waking up again was a whisper-quarrel.

'See what you've done?' A small voice raved. 'I hope you're proud of yourself.'

'I will admit this might have gone better,' the second, much deeper and calmer voice replied. 'But it wasn't my fault she kept suppressing it all until it was too much.'

'You could have warned us.'

'I didn't know about this.'

'I notice you used "know", not "remember",' the small voice dripped with acid.

'This didn't happen last time. Not like that, not so soon.'

'Last time there was no encouraging Ladybug around,' the first voice snapped.

'Why are you like this?' The deeper voice sounded hurt.

'Why do you act like Auntie Good Advice?' The small voice retorted.

'Oh, for the love of god, will you two just stop fighting for a minute!' Marinette lost her temper.

She sat up only to see Tikki and Ladybug on her bed, locked in a staring contest. They deflated as soon as they saw her, choosing to look to the ceiling in identically innocent poses. She couldn't help but to snort at the sight.

'How long was I asleep?' she asked.

'A whole day,' Tikki said. 'It's evening already.'

'Your mom left you some food,' Ladybug pointed to a covered tray resting on her desk.

'Good,' Marinette patted her belly. Now that the stress was gone, her stomach twisted in complain. 'I'm starving.'

There was enough food to feed three Marinettes so she shared with Tikki and Ladybug.

'What do you want to do?' she asked, as her two companions chewed in silence. 'I don't think I'm going to sleep anytime soon.'

'Nothing school related,' Ladybug stipulated.

'You need to relax,' Tikki chirped at the same time.

They looked to each other and pursed their lips. Ah, Marinette thought, what a fun evening she was going to have with these two squabbling all the time. Unless…

'Actually, there's one thing I've wanted to try for a very long time…,' she drawled.

Two raised brows and two uttered "oh?"s were her cue to go on. She reached to one of the desk drawers and took out a red sketchbook.

Tikki buzzed in alarm. 'Oh no, you don't!'

Marinette deployed the ultimate weapon, the kitten eyes. She'd learned from the best. Only Chat could rival that look.

Tikki pouted and looked away.

'Don't be so stiff, Tik!' Ladybug gave her a little prod and offered another macaron. 'Let's have some fun. There are some really cool designs in there,' she tempted.

The kwami cast a glance at the sketchbook. Marinette had it cleverly opened on the most promising gown, with sparkling crystals, a long train and satin ribbons. It screamed 'over the top', just like Tikki preferred. Her chosen shook the sketchbook encouragingly, as if she dangled bait right in front of her eyes.

'There's no point,' Tikki crossed her paws in front of her chest. 'It will take hours to make even one outfit. And that one would take much longer,' she countered.

'Hours?' Ladybug licked her fingers. Her smirk could rival a tiger rounding its prey. 'Why would it take hours? Show me what you got there, Marinette,' she reached for the sketchbook. 'My, my, I forgot about that,' she grinned.

Marinette and Tikki frowned, as the heroine kept browsing through the designs.

'I think I would start with this one,' she pointed to a hooded jacket and aladdin-style pants combo.

'What are you-' the sprite shifted her gaze from the sketch to Ladybug. Her eyes widened in comprehension just as the older girl uttered the spell.

'Lucky charm. Lucky charm.'

Plop. Plop.

A tiny red hoodie with cute little ladybug print and miniature burgundy harem pants came into existence in front of them.

'Wanna try them on, Tikki? Ladybug purred. 'I know you want to,' she sing-sang.

Marinette was having a difficult time holding in her laughter. Tikki's internal struggle was written all over her face. Little beads of sweat dripped down her head.

'I can charm the gown next,' Ladybug added with a sly grin.

An hour and about ten different outfits later Tikki decided she was never going to take the gown off.

'I will admit they would look better in a wider color range,' Ladybug mused, giving the kwami an appraising look. 'But you can't have everything.'

'True,' Tikki ducked her tiny head. The ruby tiara on top slid to her forehead.

'How about her?' Ladybug tilted her head in Marinette's direction.

The girl was smoothing the wrinkles of the cutest tiny clothes she had ever held. 'M-me? she stuttered. 'You want to make me an outfit?'

But the heroine didn't reply. Instead she kept staring intently at Tikki.

'What?' the little sprite grumbled. 'Now?!'

Ladybug only hummed in reply.

'Fine,' Tikki rolled her eyes. 'But don't think you can bribe me!'

'What are you guys talking about?' Marinette's brow furrowed.

'Marinette,' Ladybug smiled brightly. 'What would you say about an upgrade?

'An upgrade?'

'I think it's time,' the heroine drawled, 'Ladybug dresses up, too.'

Author's Note: I'm back from my prolonged stay at the hospital to give you the last update on this story in March. I promise I will finish it, though I won't be updating it daily. If you want to make sure you don't miss any chapter, fav or follow the story or me. Thank you for all your support so far. I haven't replied to reviews yet, because I've been well… busy… but I'm definitely going to do it this next week.

If you like this fic, let me know in your reviews. Check out my other stories too!

A huge thank you goes to Remasa for beta-reading this chapter.

Next on TGitM: #21. Tactician.