Bleeding Inside
By: Cole
Voices of the Night

Author's Note: Thanks for the reviews! 4 on my first chapter! That's a P.R. for myself (Personal Record). I'm sorry I haven't updated lately. I had a placement test, grade cards, 4 track meets, and my guardians are giving me till the end of the school year to move out. But still, this chapter will reflect off my feelings at the moment and believe me, this chapter will be DEEP. Please read and Review!

Disclaimer: I forgot to add this last time. Oops, well I don't own Harry Potter, duh. One, I'm not British, two, I don't have any J's or K's in my name, and three, I don't have a vaginal sexual reproduction system, so I obviously can't be the author of the HP books, J.K. Rowling. No autographs please...


What did I seriously do to deserve this? Harry said quietly to himself. A tear was rolling down Harry's unwashed, cold cheek. The tear made it's way down to the floor. Harry couldn't forget it. When the liquid tear dropped and hit the floor, a loud thud was the noise it made. The puddle formed the picture of Harry, Lily, and James together, and then disappeared. The tear from his other eye fell off his dirty skin and formed the picture of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named (Voldemort). This formation made Harry's inside cringe and rub together, causing a friction that has never left him for his life. All of the tears in Harry's life were from this one man. He's not even a man, he's just a petty child.

Voldemort will be destroyed.

All of a sudden, he could hear continuous footsteps pounding up the stairs. These footsteps sounded as if they were produced by one powerful being. This wasn't Vernon, Petunia, or Dudley (even though either Dudley or Vernon could produce such massive footsteps if they attempted to well enough). Harry looked over to his door and the outline of the door, where light from the hallway crept into Harry's room, and instead of a welcoming yellow light, a bright, painful green light shone through. He heard three screams, all of which belonged to the Dursley's. The screaming halted. The footsteps grew louder and louder and they were coming towards Harry's room.

Harry, now wetting his pants, ran to his door and chanted Petrificus Totalus. This curse would bind the body of whoever was outside of Harry's door. Harry locked the door with all of the locks that the Dursley's had provided for him and shut the door, not catching a glimpse of the person. Harry ran back in and he heard the creature get up again and chant . This unlocked Harry's door. The man was outlined in bright green, which was a painful color to stare into. Pointing his wand at Harry, he enchanted Avanda Kedavara, which is one of the Unforgivable Curses, the Killing Curse.


Waking up in sweat, Harry started looking around through sleepy eyes to see if it was real. Nothing was in his room. Opening his door, he tiptoed through the hall to check at all the Dursleys to see if they were there. All were, their fat bodies tucked deep beneath their four poster beds, as fancy as could be. Harry went back to his room and placed his elbows upon the windowsill, hands folded.

Mom, Dad, were you trying to tell me something? Harry said, talking to the star filled sky. There was a blue tint in the sky, for the moon was out in full effect tonight.

A deep voice, and a high voice, in unison replied, Harry was startled and twitched. Who was that? Was it the Dursleys? What should he do?

Harry, listen closely honey. We have something to tell you and you need to listen and follow our directions precisely. Said the higher voice of the two. Harry was shocked. He wondered if it could've possibly have been the voice of his mother. But she was deceased, wasn't she?

I'm listening. Harry replied.

Okay, Harry, began the deeper voice of the two, Go through your trunk and all of your school books, and find the book that's called Sacred Enchantments' by Bathilda Baginsson. Go find it quickly, Harry. We only have so much time! Harry began to panic. He had a little time to do something he didn't even know he was about to do. He ignored the strange fact of that, and went to find the book. It was one that he had never used before. He looked on the front cover and there was a sticker beneath dust that read James Potter, Year 3.

Harry shrugged and said, Hmm, it must've been in the older cirriculum. He walked quickly back over to the windowsill and said, Okay, now what? to the open sky.

Turn to page 328, bookmark that page. Come to the quarry called Lake Cascades. Go there and sit on the gazebo out in the water. Read the page then do what it says. That is, if you want to see us again, said the higher voice.

Harry was now utterly confused, but didn't forget page 328.

Well who are you? Harry asked politely but curiously.

We're your parents, Harry. the voices said in unison. Harry gasped, skimmed through page 328, and then grabbed his coat and tiptoed downstairs and left.


I hope you liked it! Please read and review!