[Author notes are going to be contained in these brackets, typically at the start of the story, anyway i hope you enjoy this story. A few things before you start. Bold is for change of perspectives. Italics is for internal thoughts. ]

Arc 1: Post Overhual

Chapter 1: Unbearable

Third person

"Smash!" screams a green-haired hero as he smashes Overhual into the ground. As his fist impacts with Overhaul, the bird-like beak attached to his face is ripped off falling alongside the face of the man it used to hide. As the villain falls the mask and the man hit the ground at the same time with a unified, THUD.

As the green-haired hero lands on the ground next to the villain he turns his head to look at the little one horned girl clinging on for dear life.

"You did it Deku!" yells a Burnette in skin-tight pink and black hero outfit. Deku smiles, as the lighting erupting from his eyes and from any motion of his body dies down. He then turns to look at the little girl on his shoulder with red eyes.

"I am sorry, I was reckless and you," but before he could finish his sentence he is cut off and begins screaming. The little girl's horn is still glowing and it's getting brighter.

Uraraka POV:

"I am sorry, I was reckless and you," Deku says as I move to him ready to give him any assistance that is needed. But he screams blood-curdling screams, lighting erupts from the little girl on his back enveloping Deku like water at the beach. Never have I ever heard such painful screams, he collapses to his knees. I can't move my heart is beating so fast, I want to get to him. I want to hold him until the pain leaves him but I can't.

"Sorry!" screams a tiny voice on his shoulder, I only can just hear it over Deku's blood-curdling screams as the red lighting flows around him.

"Eri please stop. Eri please!" he screams, his arms are thrashing around as if a demon was possessing him in some way.

Deku please get control!

My mind screams that repeatedly, I am unable to speak or move towards him. I am frozen. I somehow move my foot just an inch forward. "Deku!" I somehow scream out, not caring that my accent escaped with it.

"Eri!" he screams. I then notice the tears rolling down my cheek, I don't know why they escape the prisons in my eyes. I put these emotions aside for both our benefits, so he could become a better hero. But no matter how hard I try to stop the tears, more escape.

"Please forgive me," Eraser says I can barely hear what he said, but suddenly the screaming stops, the crackling of lighting dies and I hear a thud instead.

I look up to see Deku asleep holding the little girl one arm acting as some sought of protection and the other just resting to his side. My insides feel like I am walking on air, he is alive. He is asleep. It is a peaceful sight and I think of what it would be like to have little green haired and brown eyed kids running around. Knowing Deku would be great with kids, as I can see right now.

Pull yourself together!

I scream to myself as I slap my cheeks to wake myself up from my daydreaming. Deku needs me. But as I go to Deku my heart breaks again. Screaming fills the silence. Screaming coming from Deku.

Aizawa POV:

"Please forgive me!" I yell, activating my Quirk as I stare at both Deku and the little girl we all came to save. I feel my hair stand on end and my eyes burn with pain.

I watch as Deku stops screaming and starts to collapse onto the ground with a thud. I continue to stare as Tsuyu holds me up to look at Deku. I watch as the troublesome hero student collapses in peace cuddling the girl on his shoulders who is also asleep after being hit with my quirk erasing whatever she was doing or whatever Deku was doing to her.

I must scold him, he put his life in risk and risked injury to the girl he tried to rescue.

I mentally note. I look at him cuddling the little girl, I then notice the girl in pink just standing there, I can hear her sobs from here. I close my eyes resting my quirk with a sigh to follow. I then feel my heart sink as I hear a blood-curdling scream all too familiar.

My eyes shoot open at the noise and I look at Deku, massive gashes have been taken out of his arms that are used to protect the little girl. Even asleep my student is being a hero. I somehow through the pain manage to turn my head to the villain.

I for a split-second I look to see wires running along the ground from the villain not made of metal but skin. At the ends, knife-like nails are taking gashes from Deku's arm. My eyes activate again, pain rushes through my eyes as I erase the man's quirk.

The screaming continues even after I have erased the man's quirk, while his skin life wires are retracting he is crawling forward towards my screaming student. As I go to yell for Uraraka to turn around. I see Tamaki move like the wind.

Gripping Overhaul's head he slams it into the ground with force. "That is for Mirio!" he yells as he drops the head back to the ground. I sigh with relief as the villain's head falls to the ground. But the screaming hasn't ceased. I glance at my troublemaking student and I lock eyes with him. All I see is the pain, not the confidence he usually has. Not the hope I admire. I see pain.

Before I can say anything Uraraka races faster than I have ever seen her move towards him.

Uraraka POV:

I don't know what came over me, I don't know how or why my legs started to move then. But I had to move towards him I had to cradle him in my arms and tell him everything would be ok. That I was here, that I wasn't going to let anyone else harm him. Not again.

As I go to cradle him, he stares at me pleading, in pain. His emerald eyes telling me one thing.

"Please take the girl!"

Was what was written in his eyes. So I pick her up bridal styles and turn to see the first girl I trust. Not really my friend but I have worked with her before, I race to the girl with periwinkle hair. I run as fast as I can to her.

"Please take her!" I say desperately to the fair skinned girl. "Please Nejire!"

"Of course, Uraraka!" she replies with urgency as she scopes up the girl in her arms taking over the bridal style hold from me. I notice a hint of worry starting to form on the girls face as I turn to return to Deku. I run towards him again, I wonder why no one was trying to help him, many heroes are standing still watching as my best friend screams in pain.

As I reach him, his eyes are closed but I can tell he is still in pain. So, I wrap my arms around him and prop him up so he is breathing or screaming into my neck. He is shaking and blood drips onto my costume. He just continues to scream and scream.

"It's all right Deku I am right here," I say as tears start to escape my eyes and roll down onto Deku who I just hold tighter and tighter. I feel helpless as I hold my best friend, rubbing the back of his neck as he continues to scream in pain.

I look down in shock to see his face still pressed hard against my neck, I then notice the liquid coming from his eyes. He is crying. When happy and crying it is so cute, but these tears make my heart feel like it is being torn into many pieces. I nuzzle my head into his hair, which feels dirty, covered with dust, but I don't care.

"Deku, shhhhhh. No one is going to hurt you now." I say as I close my eyes before even more tears escape into his hair. "I know it hurts, stay strong for me," I say, feeling a bit selfish after asking him to stay strong for me, but I don't know what else to say. I just continue to hold him as tight as I can while he cries and screams out in agony.

"Someone get my student a medic now!" screams our Homeroom teacher, he sounds almost like he is growling at the heroes just standing there doing nothing.

Aizawa POV

The man walked up to me as soon as I stopped screaming at the top of my lungs, he is a short man. Curly black hair reminds me of my late older sister. Just manlier. I also notice he is wearing a medic uniform.

"I am sorry sir, but medical preceding says, civilians before heroes." He says. I feel angry and enraged, I know better but I don't care. I grab him by the collar much to the dismay of my student Tsuyu.

"You look here. My student is in agonizing pain!" I yell, spitting in the guys face. I feel my eyes burn and my hair stand on end. "Get him a bloody medic now!" I yell.

"Look, buddy. I don't care who you are. You could be the number one hero for all I care. But civilians before heroes!" he spits back. "Heroes are second to civilian injuries! No matter how dire, only cases of near-death experiences."

I grab his head rotates it forcefully to look at my two students huddled together, both crying. Both in so much pain, I can see it written on their faces. "Seems pretty near death," I say as with my other hand I point to the pools of blood bellow Midoryia.

But before the rude man can say anything the screaming stops. I can hear crying but as I return my gaze to my two students, I see Midoryia passed out in Uraraka's arms. She is still crying as now most heroes are watching the two.

"Get off me!" screams Mirio, "Go help Deku!" as I turn my head to see two doctors trying to restrain the blonde boy, trying to get him towards an ambulance. Mirio then points to Midoryia and Uraraka. I turn my gaze back to my students, to see Uraraka standing up holding Midoryia in her arms. Midoryia's arm has fallen to his side, visibly showing numerous new gashes to his already scarred arms. She slowly walks towards us, tears dripping down and onto her classmate as blood drips out of the large gashes on his arms and onto the ground like rain. She stumbles as she walks towards us and everyone just stands there.

I swear time stops as she slowly limps her way towards us holding Deku in her arms. I can barely make out what Uraraka says.

"Please help him. Somebody, please. Anybody!" she says as she collapses to her knees out of energy, just holding a passed out Midoryia in her arms. I realize that he only stopped screaming because he passed out from the pain.

I look up to Uraraka, I feel small tears in my eyes. This scene is all too familiar. I can only say one thing to her, "I'm sorry."

[hey guys hope you enjoyed the first chapter, i will have more for you this week. Please let me know what you thought]