The Gryffindor section of the stands went wild. Most of the team zipped on their brooms to the ground and were already celebrating with the rest of the house. Clementine stayed aloft, scanning around the Slytherin seats, she easily spotted the splash of maroon, gold and blue.

Faster than she had flown in the game she soared up to the stands where Violet stood wearing her Gryffindor t-shirt and 'D' marked hat. The brunette leapt off her broom and swept Violet into her arms, not even caring what a sweaty mess she was as she pecked Violet on the lips and then looked up to make sure the stands were clearing out. The last couple Slytherin's headed down the stairs with a pout on their faces, leaving the two girls alone.

"Clem, you did unbelievable. I've never seen you fly like that before." Violet's hands unconsciously clutched onto the front of the Gryffindor's quidditch uniform, "You've always flown well, but today... today you were magnificent."

"I wanted you to see that I was better. You keep tip toeing around me like I'm going to fall apart but nothing's happened in months and I'm feeling great." Clementine kissed her again, loving the way Violet's hands slipped underneath her quidditch robes, gripping onto the jersey underneath to pull her closer.

"Merlin, I love a girl in a uniform." Violet breathed out as their lips separated.

"I know." Clementine smirked as Violet's hands trailed along her body beneath her robes and out of sight.

"Shouldn't you be down there accepting the quidditch cup for you team? Seeing as how you're captain and all?" Violet raised a quizzical eyebrow.

"Louis can do it. I don't care about a trophy." Clementine smiled as Violet pulled her closer again, their lips barely brushing when-

"Did I tell you two about my dream last night?" the voice of Minerva reached them from where they stood, causing them to jump, both had thought they were alone. They turned toward the voice.

"Now's not the best time Minerva. We were in the middle of celebrating." Clementine said bluntly.

"But it was a really good one." Minerva walked from the top of the stadium stairs, where she stood, right next to Clementine and Violet, "You and I were in it Clem and... I'll just say that it got more than a little heated."

"What a coincidence, seeing your face in real life gets me pretty fired up too." Clementine accio'd her discarded broom to her hand.

"I didn't mean that kind of heated." Minerva raised her eyebrows suggestively.

"We knew what you meant Minnie." Violet huffed.

"Don't be so upset Vi, you were there too." Minerva laughed heartily as both Clementine and Violet's noses crinkled in disgust, "The three of us together... sorta got me thinking, we're all mature women here. Graduating in just a month. Maybe we could try a threes-"

"NO!" Clementine and Violet yelled at the same time. Clementine didn't waste another second throwing her leg over the broomstick, taking Violet's hand, helping to steady her as she climbed on behind.

"Only in your dreams Minerva." Clementine said as she kicked off and took flight, Violet's arms snaking around her waist.

"You two just let me know if you ever want to make my dreams a reality!" Minerva yelled after them as they flew off. Violet let out a disgruntled growl, looking back at Minerva, surprised that the red head still managed to rile her up after all this time. Clementine merely chuckled, shaking her head.

"Don't worry about her Vi, let's-" Clementine started, cut off by voices rising up to her from the pitch below.

"CLEM! CLEM!" the voices shouted, amplified by a spell. Clementine would have ignored the voices, brushed them off as fellow Gryffindor quidditch enthusiasts, but she would recognize those voices anywhere. She halted her broom immediately midair.

Violet opened her mouth to ask what was going on, but words were gone along with her breath as Clementine pushed down on the nose of the broom and plummeted toward the ground. They landed with ease. Violet, her face a mask of horror at the drop they had just made, was left holding the broom as Clementine quickly dismounted and ran into the arms of none other than Rebecca, Alvin and AJ.

"Clem!" The three yelled out in unison.

"You flew real great Clem! You were all whooooosh and the Slytherins were all, 'oh nooooo!'" AJ said excitedly, running around the brunette in the grass, flying around on his own imaginary broom.

"What are you all doing here?" Clementine looked at them, broad smile on her face, "Not that I'm upset, I'm so glad you came." She hugged them all again, catching AJ around the middle as he passed by.

"We got permission from McGonagall to come watch the game. You did fantastic sweetheart." Rebecca gushed.

"Star of the team for sure!" Alvin beamed, as proud as if she were his own daughter.

"Thank you." Clementine grinned at them, her cheeks already red from exertion, reddened even further at the compliments. Violet had regained her wits and joined Clementine by her side, hand slipping into the brunettes and giving it a squeeze, other hand still holding the broom.

"Let's celebrate with ice cream!" AJ stopped in front of his parents, dancing from foot to foot.

"AJ, I'm sure Clem wants to celebrate with her teammates." Rebecca said, watching as Clementine bent down and scooped the boy into her arms.

"I'd love to celebrate with ice cream, but... are we allowed to go to Hogsmeade?" Clementine asked, unconsciously touching her neck. Violet watched the movement, remembering the collar that had kept the brunette under magical restriction.

"Already got permission." Alvin smiled, coughing to cover his enthusiasm, "Ya know, just in case."

"You sure you want to?" Rebecca asked again, "I'm sure there's going to be a big celebration in the common room."

"I'm more in the mood for a quiet celebration tonight." Clementine tightened her hand around Violet's, glancing over at the blonde, knowing she never really cared for big parties anyway, "That okay with you Vi?"

"Ice cream sounds amazing." Violet said, unable to stop herself from laughing at the excited look on AJ's face.

"Great. Let's go." Alvin clapped his hands together and led the group away and down the path.

"Thanks." Clementine looked at Violet as the door opened and closed behind them with a familiar jingle.

"For what?" Violet questioned.

"For coming to get ice cream with me, for spending time with me. For just... being here?" Clementine clutched the broom to her chest as they walked.

"You don't have to thank me for that." Violet smiled but held back a laugh at the brunette's obvious discomfort, "Besides, it kept you in that uniform for longer. I'm not going to complain about that."

Clementine looked down, seeming to have forgotten that she was still wearing it, "Oh." She cast her eyes down to her feet as she walked.

Violet looked at her curiously, waiting until they were on the path back to school, just the two of them, before speaking up, "What's going on Clem? You were in such high spirits after the game and at the ice cream parlor."

"I guess... I guess it just hit me. No more quidditch, no more weekends in Hogsmeade... In just a few weeks we'll be going to Auror training and nothing's going to be the same." Clementine hung her head as they walked, Violet hadn't seen her so down since she had been with Marli.

"Not nothing." Violet amended, staying cheerful to compensate for her girlfriend's sullenness, "We'll be together still. The whole time we train we'll be together. Then we'll work together every day and even if we get assigned different departments, we can, um, write each other letters and-"

Clementine threw her arms around Violet, taking her off guard, she hugged her tightly, "You're amazing, you know that?"

Violet reddened uncomfortably at the praise. As they pulled out of the hug she took the broom from Clementine's hand and mounted it, "Let's go for that ride we started after the game."

"You're going to fly?" Clementine questioned, but she got on behind without waiting for a response.

"I'm a lot more comfortable now, you're a good teacher," Violet then lowered her voice and said under her breath, "and it's less dangerous when I'm in control." Violet kicked off the ground, easing the broom into the air, laughing at Clementine's disgruntled denial when she overheard. They zoomed onto the Hogwarts grounds and around the quidditch pitch. Everyone had retreated within the school by now, making the flight quiet. The wind rustling around their heads was the only sound they could hear.

Clementine's arms were firmly around Violet's waist as she leaned forward to whisper into Violet's ear, "You're so confident." Clementine said, noting the speed at which Violet flew and how relaxed she felt in her arms as opposed to how tense she had been the first time they had flown.

"Very." Violet agreed, stopping high above the pitch. Before Clementine knew what she was doing, Violet spun around on the broom, facing the brunette with a cocky smile on her face as if to prove how confident she was, "And you're still in your quidditch uniform." Violet raised her eyebrows up and down suggestively, moving in for a kiss.

Clementine pecked her lips quickly, "And I still need a shower." she reminded as she dodged Violet coming in for a second kiss, "buuuut..." the brunette drug out, turning Violet's frown into a hopeful smile, "The Gryffindor's are all partying in the common room I'm sure and your mum's not here to stop you from joining me..."

Violet's eyes widened. She threw her leg back over the broom, Clementine laughing at how quickly she spun around. The blonde tore off across the sky, Clementine barely having time to grip onto the back of her shirt before she could be thrown off.

"That way!" Clementine reached over Violet's shoulder and pointed at a tower, at the top was an open window with a maroon curtain wafting in the breeze. It was the Gryffindor tower, where the 7th year girl's dorm was located.

Violet flew towards it and went inside, landing gracefully on the the wooden floors. The room was empty, loud music and chatter drifted up the stairwell before Clementine went and shut the door, blocking some but not all of the noise from reaching them. Violet propped the broom in the corner of the room and looked up. Her eyes immediately catching sight of the brunette disappearing behind the bathroom door.

Violet got to her before she had a chance to take her quidditch robes off and smiled, "I can help you get those off, if you need it."

Clementine rolled her eyes, "How kind of you." She bit her lip nervously, looking down.

"I can wait outside." Violet misinterpreted her nervousness.

"No!" Clementine grabbed her hand to keep her from leaving, "It's just... things really are going to be great after we graduate here, right? This has been my home for so long."

"Clementine." Violet smiled softly, "You've overcome so much this year, there's nothing you can't do."

"Yeah." Clementine looked up to meet Violet's earnest eyes. Confidence shining in her own eyes once more, "Yeah." She took her blue hat off Violet's head and hung it on a nearby hook.

"So... shower?" Violet asked hesitantly.

Clementine pulled out her wand and pointed it at the door, it closed and locked. She shot Violet her cocky smile, "Let's."

The End.

A/N: Thanks to everyone for reading. This book has always just been a lot of fun for me. Harry Potter was the first fanfic I ever wrote, so to combine it with twdg was a blast. Thanks for sticking with me through the long waits between chapters, hope y'all enjoyed the book. ~Pyre