
Run. That's all that went through Akihito Sato's head as he ran through the alleyways. He had not been keeping track of how long or how far he has been running; he just knew he wouldn't stop until he was safe. "No way. This can't really be happeni-" he collapsed against a pile of boxes which had been abandoned in the alleyway. The heavy rainfall drowned out Akihito's heavy breathing as he collected himself; recalling the events which brought him here.. the world of Tokyo Ghoul.

Chapter 1: Just Average

If you ask Akihito Sato what he does with his life, he'd tell you he's just an average Japanese student in his senior year living an everyday life. As for what he defines as, "an everyday life," it would be a life of someone who avoids social interaction. It's not like he hates the idea; he just was never good at fitting in. Akihito's body type is pretty average; besides an above average height at 180 cm. Akihito's late mother is Japanese, while his father is a foreigner from Canada. While most of his features come from his mother, he has inherited his father's silver eyes. Nothing out of the ordinary; besides his social awkwardness.

Akihito's room is pretty simple; a desk for his laptop and school papers, a single bed against the wall, a TV at the foot of his bed, a gaming system, and a bookshelf for his books. His bookshelf was filled with series such as Re:Zero; Life In Another World, Monogatari Series, Elfen Lied, Tokyo Ghoul, Code Geass, Made In Abyss, Death Note, Violet Evergarden, and Dusk Maiden X Amnesia. Below those shelves he had two games; Kingdom Hearts: The Story So Far, and Nier Automata. There's only one thing that could be considered out of place; the absence of Akihito himself.

Akihito's eyes opened slowly to a room of darkness. "Why is it so dark..?" Akihito thought to himself, reaching out for his lamp. "Hm..? Where's that da- ack!" Akihito clutched his side, biting his lip as he struggled to sit up against the wall. The pain that was shooting up his side felt as if he'd been stabbed with a red hot piece of iron.

Akihito focused on breathing, steadily balancing himself against the wall behind him. "What the hell..?" He croaked out, realizing now how sore his throat was. Barely any of his voice could make it past his lips. Akihito focused on his heartbeat as the pain slowly shrunk down, "Okay, I can't call out for my dad.. I'll have to make it to my phone by my desk.." Akihito calculated the best course of action for his situation. The door to the room creaked as began pouring through, forcing Akihito to cover his eyes with his sleeve.

"Ah I see you're awake. I wouldn't recommend moving though." Akihito didn't recognize the voice that called out to him. He was much more fluent in Japanese than his father. "Ah, my apologies," The man said as a click from the light switch could be heard, "I hadn't realized how dark it would be." Akihito let his arm down and opened his eyes, adjusting to the fully lit room. Realization spread across Akihito's face as he took in his surroundings; this was not his room. The room appeared to be located in a hospital, noticeably lacking a window. There's the bed he was currently seated upon, and the only other pieces of furniture was a stool across from the bed, and a nightstand beside the bed. Akihito's eyes landed on the figure in the doorway, who was wearing a white lab coat. His hair was grey, and his face showing signs of his older age. An uneasy smile across his.. familiar face, yet Akihito couldn't place where he'd seen it before.

"Where..? Who..-" Akihito was interrupted by his own coughing. "Here, you've been asleep for a while. You'll need to drink some water," the man informed Akihito, offering him a glass of water. Akihito accepted the offered cup and inspected it. "Relax, it's not poisoned. It's just water," the stranger said. Akihito put the cup to his lips, his parched throat immediately relieved. Looking up from the rim of his glass, Akihito studied the unknown man's face; unsure of where he's seen this person. "Sorry.. I can't recall your name, or ever coming here. Could you tell me why I'm here?" Akihito asked. The stranger gave Akihito a warm smile, which only made Akihito feel more uncomfortable. Something about this felt.. wrong.

"So you have no memory then? How much can you remember?" the stranger answered him. Akihito's eyebrows furrowed, focusing on what he could remember from before waking up here. "I was.. sketching some characters from a game I had played the night before. Then I headed out to a convenience store nearby before.." Akihito answered wearily, realization hitting him that there was a gap in his memory, "I can't remember anything after leaving my apartment.." Akihito finished. "Ah, well you were a long way from any convenience stores when I found you," the stranger pulled the stool beside the bed and took a seat, pulling out a clipboard which had been tucked at the foot of the bed, "luckily, I was able to bring you here. You were very close to bleeding out when I found you. My name is Doctor Kanou, pleased to meet you.. Ah, my apologies. I didn't catch your name?" "Wait... Kanou? That can't be right.. Could it be a coincidence?" Akihito thought, subconsciously pressing himself against the wall, trying to stay as far from Kanou as possible.

"Sato.. Akihito Sato." Akihito answered.

"So I was in a coma for the past 14 days?" Akihito asked Kanou. He took a better look at his surroundings, noticing the IV in his arm. Absentmindedly he traced the stitches along his left side just above his hip. "Yes, that is correct." Kanou answered him, "However, I wasn't able to find any sort of ID on you when I was preparing you for surgery, so I haven't been able to contact any relatives of yours." Kanou tapped his pen against the clipboard on his lap, seemingly lost in thought. "Ah, I hadn't really thought I'd be in a situation like this, especially when the trip wouldn't have lasted longer than 20 minutes." Akihito said, his eyes wandering around the boring room. "You're a very interesting individual, Akihito. I've never heard of someone with a count of zero RC cells before."

Akihito's eyes darted towards Kanou, his grip tightening on the bed sheets. "Sorry.. I don't quite understand what you meant by 'RC' cells.." Akihito answered. "No.. This isn't possible.. Is this some sort of prank?" Akihito thought to himself. Kanou raised his eyes to Akihito's, a smile across his face. "Ah, most people don't. RC cells is short for 'Red Child' cells; getting their name from the resemblance of curled up fetuses," Kanou began informing Akihito, sounding almost as if rehearsed. "Everyone's RC cell count ranges in small numbers of two hundred to five hundred on average for a healthy person. I've run six tests while you were in your coma, and yet there was no trace whatsoever.." Kanou continued.

Akihito's grip relaxed on the sheets, realization dawned on him. "A dream. That's the only reasonable explanation.." His thoughts drowned out Kanou's words. "But this feels too real.. I'm too aware of-" Akihito's attention snapped back to the sound of Kanou's pen clicking. "I recommend a few more days for you to recover before you are released. Wouldn't want you ripping your stitches by accident." Kanou said as he stood up, placing the clipboard back on a hook at the end of the bed.

"Plenty of rest. I'll be back to check in on you soon. And I'll be sure to contact your father with the information you've given me." Kanou said, giving Akihito a reassuring smile. "Yeah, thank you.." Akihito answered, his thoughts running a marathon. Akihito heard the door click shut, followed by footsteps down the hallway outside his current room.

"I know I didn't mishear him.. This prank is cruel.. pulling on your own patient." Akihito thought to himself, reaching down for the clipboard on the end of his bed. Setting his eyes on the paper attached, he read through everything. "Patient #012.. Blood type O-, 180 cm tall, 66.7 kg.. RC cell count: none.. It's actually there.." Akihito sighed, placing the clipboard back and laying back, letting his eyes drift closed. "Just had to get a doctor assigned who torments his patients with jokes like this." Akihito thought as he fell into the depths of slumber.

"My appetite just keeps on decreasing."

"Ghouls are unable to digest any nutrients of non-human origin. It's said to be a result of a particular enzyme they have."

"You guys are the ones that are wrong with this world!"

"Don't... make me become a murderer..."

"I'm gonna try sticking this guy in your ear, alright?"

"Far away, I could hear someone's laughter.. It was me."

"What's 1000 minus 7?"

Akihito woke up to the sound of footsteps down a hallway. "Ah.. Dad must be awake." Akihito thought to himself; opening his eyes. Akihito's heart skipped a beat; he was still in the same room from what he thought had been a dream. The footsteps stopped at the door and a knock followed shortly after. "Akihito? Are you awake?" a soft feminine voice called out. "Ah yeah, it's alright to come in." Akihito answered, sitting up.

The door opened to reveal two girls, both nearly identical. Akihito looked them over carefully, eyes widening once he noticed their eyes. "Wait.. those are contacts, right?" Akihito asked, gripping his sheet as the two girls stepped in. The girl on the left was wearing a white outfit, matching her hair. The girl on the right was the opposite; black hair with matching clothes. But most noticeably.. was the glowing red iris in one of each of these girls; left eye for the girl in black, and right eye for the girl in white. "Of course not," said the girl in white. "But shouldn't you already know that?" The girl in black finished. "Eh?" Akihito tilted his head, his heartbeat quickening and making it's way up to his ears.

"What do they mean by that..?" The girls looked at each other and nodded, before the black haired girl raised a mirror up towards Akihito. Akihito's eyes landed on his reflection, and the same red eye stared back at him.