Disclaimer: DBZ/DBS Disclaimer: I do not own the series or any of its characters!
-Planet Vegeta 8 hours before Freeza's arrival-
On a faraway planet, known throughout the entire galaxy as Planet Vegeta, hosted one of the most ferocious races of warriors.
The Saiyans.
Lead by their honorable ruler, King Vegeta, the Saiyans conquered and sold hundreds of planets, but even their king was under the watch of a more powerful being, Freeza.
Known as a tyrant, Freeza controlled the majority of the planets in the galaxy and was gifted the mighty Saiyan race by his father, after he decided to retire abruptly. The Saiyans were obligated- no forced to pay tribute to this tyrant or else he could wipe out their entire race.
And the thought of being wiped out was what kept Leek from going to sleep tonight. Returning from the takeover of a planet with his partner Bardock, Leek was told of Freeza's command to have all the Saiyans return to Planet Vegeta. At first, he thought it was a ceremony or celebration to reward the Saiyans for their work, but Bardock began to arise suspicions and that only fueled Leek's paranoia.
It fueled his paranoia so much, here he was stealing a pod at the middle of the night. The cries of his eight-month-old daughter were suppressed inside of the pod.
"Shh shh. It's okay, this is for your safety." Leek placed the pod down and looked into his daughter's eyes. Her big muddy brown eyes were red and swollen from crying. "You look just like your mother, I wish she could see you before you leave, but I need to do this quickly."
He had set his daughter's pod on course for a planet inhabited by a group of isolated herbivores.
"Planet 634B2 will be your new home if Bardock is right...but if he's wrong I will come for you myself!"
Leek placed a hand on his daughter's pod.
Leek backed up and watched the pod rise up, and gave the okay for blast off. His daughter's cries becoming silent as she left the planet.
"Goodbye Rutega."
-Planet Namek-
It was a chilly summer's day in the year 737 on Namek, which was surprising since Namek was surrounded by three suns. An elderly Namek named Moori was tending to his crop. As he walks through his farm, the village children skipped, jumped and played around. Moori smiled as he remembered being young and naive like them.
"Elder Moori look! It's a shooting star! You know the thing Grand Elder Guru told us about?" One of the children yelled at him, averting his attention to the sky.
"A shooting star?" A star shouldn't have been visible on Namek, especially since they were surrounded by three suns.
Looking more closely, he soon realized it wasn't an ordinary shooting star. For one thing, it was too large and it seemed to be coming closer and closer. He then saw it crash down into the plateau behind the village. The sound of screeching birds escaping made him cover his ears. Moori looked towards the other villagers, the warriors in the group immediately understanding what he wanted and escorted the children into their homes. He decided he would take a look at the supposed 'shooting star' immediately. He went inside his home and grabbed his staff, and rushed towards the crash site.
Before even reaching the clearing and crater created by the star's impact, Moori could sense immense spiritual energy from the area. As he edged closer and closer, he noticed it was not a shooting star, but a spacecraft of some sort. The sound of a muffled cry got his attention and he jumped down into the crater.
"Good grief," The cries were becoming restless. "Let's see what's inside." He tapped the side of the spacecraft, looking for a way to open it and immediately it began to open up.
Laying before Moori in the space pod was a crying baby with a tail. As far as Moori could tell from his experience with the village children, the child looked to be about one year, maybe a little younger. The child had a lot of hair for a baby, it fell down into a purplish-black mane. "You look and sound healthy."
Moori picked the baby up, stopping its cries. He decided he would take the child to the planet's Grand Elder. The child's tail wrapped around his arm and it began to giggle. "Well, aren't you something?"
-Planet Vegeta during Freeza's arrival-
Leek rushed to join the other Saiyan soldiers. Freeza was due to appear before them any minute now and it made him very nervous.
"Leek!" He turned around and saw Bardock walking up to him. Bardock seemed to be smiling for some reason.
"Bardock! Are you ready for Freeza's arrival?" He noticed Bardock's smile disappear, as he put his arm on his shoulder and pulled him aside. Leek couldn't help but feel nervous. Bardock was never this social with him.
"Why were you outside last night?" Bardock's piercing eyes made him uneasy. "You weren't following me were you?"
Leek's heart rate began to beat a little faster. Why was Bardock outside? Did he see him last night? Did he see him help his daughter get off the planet last night?!
"I was just walking around." He was a terrible liar, but it seemed to work since Bardock backed off a bit.
"Oh...Leek can I trust you?"
"Huh? O-of cour-"
"I stole a pod and sent Kakarot off the planet." Leek staggered a bit, his eyes failing to meet Bardock's. Bardock seemed to have the same plan as him. "If I'm wrong about Freeza betraying us, I will personally go get him."
'He had the same plan as me...' Sighing deeply, Leek placed a hand on Bardock's shoulder. "Can I trust you, Bardock?"
The spiky-haired Saiyan nodded making Leek comfortable to share his secret.
"The truth is...I stole a pod yesterday as well and sent my daughter off to a planet in the Far North." Leek closed his eyes waiting for Bardock to hit him for lying but instead received a pat on the head from him. "You're a good man Leek."
-Planet Namek; Grand Elder Guru's Home-
The elderly Namekian could feel it. Despite being hundreds of miles away, Guru could feel the immense spiritual energy coming from one of the villages. Perhaps it was coming from Elder Tsuno, wait for no his village was too close. It was definitely Elder Moori then. Yes, it had to be.
"Nail, get ready to greet Elder Moori. He should be here with a guest soon." Guru told his guard, Nail. Nail was his most prized son and the greatest Namekian produced, well at least since the son of Katas.
And just as he said Elder Moori arrived with his guest. Nail returned to Guru's side, his attention on the baby in Moori's arms.
"Grand Elder, my apologies for entering so abruptly, but this child is an important matter."
Guru focused his attention onto the sleeping child in Moori's arms. The child was a beautifully unique creature. A tail, a headful of purplish-black hair and immense energy. If his memory was correct, only one race in the universe shared that.
"Saiyan." Guru lifted his hand and pointed at the baby. "She is a Saiyan from Planet Vegeta."
-Planet Vegeta during Freeza's arrival-
Leek and Bardock rushed to join the other soldiers, they were late for King Vegeta's speech of obedience.
A feeling of relief showered over Leek. Bardock was not only understanding but guilty of being just as soft towards his youngest son as Leek was to his daughter. Should Bardock be wrong about Freeza's treachery, King Vegeta would surely demote and punish both of them.
"And finally, I expect you all to show Lord Freeza the utmost respect." Bardock stopped and slipped into the crowd, Leek following behind him. King Vegeta seemed to be finishing up his speech. The sound of clapping filled the air as Bardock and Leek made their way through the crowd.
"Where are we going, Bardock?" Leek asked the frantic Saiyan.
"I'm looking for Gine." Bardock stopped, turning his head and looking around. "She left early and hasn't spoken to me once since that thing."
"Bardock!" A feminine voice called out to the scarred warrior. "Hurry up, Lord Freeza will arrive any minute now."
"Gine!" Bardock took off to his mate, leaving Leek. Leek didn't mind being left alone, Bardock and Gine were a strange Saiyan couple. The first Saiyan couple he saw show affection towards each other, not even he was that close to his mate. In fact, he hadn't seen his mate since she gave birth to Rutega.
A sudden wave of heat flashed over the planet. Shielding his eyes somewhat, Leek looked towards the sky and gasped. A sphere-like ball of energy was making its way towards the planet.
"What is that?!"
"Is it a meteor?!"
The Saiyan soldiers were in a panic, many rushing towards the ships, some even deserting their own children to escape.
"COWARDS!" Bardock yelled as he flew towards the ball of energy. "Bardock! Stop its suicide!" Leek yelled at him.
"I won't stand around and be killed by a coward, damnit!" Bardock charged his energy and engaged in a beam clash with the much larger sphere of energy.
Leek watched on as Bardock engaged in a blast struggle. His partner had been right, Freeza planned to eradicate the Saiyan race.
He clenched his fists. Maybe he should have taken a pod with his daughter and escaped together. No, they would've surely been captured by Freeza's men, and he had already made up his mind that he was willing to die, if it meant his daughter would live.
Leek closed his eyes and awaited the impending doom that awaited him, his people and the planet.
"Rutaga...as long as you live..." He kept repeating. "As long as you live..."
-Planet Namek; Grand Elder Guru's Home-
Moori stared at the sleeping child in his arms. His father-erm- Grand Elder Guru had just told him this adorable, harmless child was apart of a ruthless warrior race.
"Are you sure, sir?" Nail asked Guru. "Forgive me, but this child does not look like the Saiyans you've told me about in my studies. If I remember correctly even the babies are dangerous."
The baby began to yawn.
"You are correct Nail, but the babies are dangerous because they are able to transform into giant beasts." Guru groaned slightly, all this talking made him tired. "I'm not aware of the specifics of the transformation, but I do know that tail is related to it." He said pointing at her wagging tail.
Moori flinched as a sudden blast from Guru's fingers blasted off the tail and on cue, the cries of the baby Saiyan began. All three Namekians grimaced, her cries were deafening.
"Calm one young, it's alright." Moori desperately tried to calm her down. "Grand Elder, why did you remove her tail?"
"We are not educated on the matter of how they transform, but by removing her tail we ensure she doesn't transform." Moori nodded. "But what do we do with the child, Grand Elder?" Nail asked the obese Namekian.
"I'll take care of the child since I found her," Moori said, much to the delight of Guru. "At least until her parents come for her."
The giggles of the baby Saiyan warmed his heart, she was a cute little thing.
"Yes, for now, I'll take care of you, little one." Moori smiled at her. "That reminds me...I can't call you little one or child forever...how about... Nonoi?" He playfully tapped her nose with her finger and immediately she gripped it, laughing while doing so.
Moori ignored Nail and continued playing with the rechristened Nonoi. "Yeah, I think Nonoi is perfect for you."