Disclaimer - Fairy Tail belongs to Hiro Mashima & all things Pradesh belong to DESNA

Levy was humming softly while she pulled out her spare key to Lucy's apartment. She was excited to read the next chapter of her novel. Lucy had told her to head on over and check it out while she helped Mira out with some restocking inventory tasks at the Guild. She had been planning on coming over later anyhow, but this gave the little bluenette a chance for some uninterrupted reading time. Lucy's team was all back at the Guild so it was unlikely for any of them to randomly stop by. They would stick close to where Lucy was, they always did.

She loved Lucy's apartment, it was just so her. It was cozy and friendly, bright and cheerful, and just downright welcoming. She was sure that's why her crazy teammates were always breaking in. She had asked Natsu once and he smiled and simply said it smelled like home. Taking a deep breath in, she sort of wished she could experience the dragon slayer's ability to smell for just a little. I wonder what Gajeel thinks of my scent… She shook her head to break that train of thought before she started daydreaming about her Iron Slayer again. That was happening more and more often recently, although nothing really prompted it. Gajeel was the same as always. Quietly strong, a natural leader and a rock for everyone that depended on him. And so damn good looking. What I wouldn't give to know what that tongue piercing tasted like... Levy blushed and slapped her cheeks with her hands. "Bad Levy!" she proclaimed out loud to the empty room.

She headed straight for the desk to locate the latest chapter so she could get distracted and hopefully pull her mind out of the gutter. Lucy always kept her writing in the middle left drawer, everything neatly organized into labeled folders. The last chapter Levy had read was 12, so she started flipping through the folders looking for 13. It wasn't there. She flipped through them again slowly. No folder for 13, but she did find one unlabeled folder. Hmmm. That's odd. Maybe she just forgot to label it. She shrugged and pulled it out and got comfortable on the couch. Opening the folder there were four sets of paper clipped together. The first was marked as "Gratsu".

' It was a typical day for Fairy Tail wizards. The guild hall was packed with several teams having recently returning from various jobs. It was loud and full of happiness. Bickslow's cackle and an annoyed screech from Evergreen proved even the Raijinshuu were in attendance in the S class lounge on the second floor. Happy was attempting to lure Carla with fish and she was decidedly ignoring him. Wendy and Romeo were conversing quietly, Macao and Wakaba were playing cards, Cana belched loudly while hugging a keg, and Mira smiled while tending bar. '

Levy scrunched her face in confusion. Lucy had never written about Fairy Tail before. This certainly was not the latest chapter of her novel. She knew she should probably put it away and just let Lucy know she couldn't find it, but she was curious. Just a little more…

' Team Natsu was all present and accounted for. Erza was looking almost orgasmic over a piece of strawberry cake. Lucy was sitting with Natsu and Gray happily chatting away about something Loke had recently done. Everything was perfect in that moment, and then it happened. Carla finally had enough of Happy pushing his fish bribe into her face and she slapped it from his hand. The fish flew across the guild hall somehow missing everyone in its path until it smacked into the back of Gray's head. Gray turned to see Natsu grinning at him and solidly punched him in the face. Natsu yelled "You want some of this Ice Princess?" and lunged at Gray. Lucy barely managed to duck out of the way before she ended up caught in between them.

"What is your problem Fire Fart?" Gray yelled and they both started swinging. The temperature in the hall dropped at least 10 degrees and then promptly increased 20 as Natsu got "all fired up". Gray was determined not to let the fire slayer best him and had been reading up on pressure points. Well not so much reading as he found a book with pictures that he skimmed. He didn't pay attention to the details, he just needed to know where they were after all. So he was unaware this was a Boscan book on the male anatomy.

This seemed as good a time as any to try it out. He dodged to the left to avoid a fiery fist, grabbed Natsu around the waist and pressed firmly into his lower back holding him tight against his chest. Natsu definitely paused when that happened. Gray smirked, it was working! Sweeping a leg he dropped Natsu to the ground and pulled his right leg into his grasp. Putting pressure on the lower calf he moved his thumb downwards to put pressure into the dip under his ankle. Natsu's eyes widened at the sensation. Gray's smirk moved into a full grin as he dragged himself on top of Natsu to proclaim himself the winner. Little did he know the reaction he was causing as slowly slid his body up Natsu's. He had lost most of his clothes during the brawl and Natsu's vest had pulled open. They were skin on skin, and the Fire Slayer felt the juxtaposition of of cold metal of Grays cross sliding over his overly heated skin. The Ice Make mage leaned in whispering into Natsu's ear "I've got you. You are all mine now!" His hot breath ghosted over the slayer's skin causing a shiver travelled down his spine. '

Levy was fanning herself to bring down the heated flush to her skin as she read. She couldn't believe Lucy was writing this about her nakama, but she couldn't stop reading it either.

' Natsu's pupils dilated and his nostrils flared, taking in the cool icy scent of the man currently straddling his waist. Red scales started appearing on his arms and his temperature increased. His vision swam as sensation and scent overwhelmed him. Instinct caused him to reach up and grab Gray behind the head, pulling his head so they were face to face. "No, you are mine!" he growled out and slammed his lips on Gray's. The coolness of Gray's skin against his heat was just perfect. Gray moaned into the kiss, responding passionately before he even realized what was happening.

Juvia slumped in defeat as she watched her love interest find romance elsewhere. The guild was silent as the two men kissed and caressed each other on the floor. "About damn time!" Laxus yelled from above. Natsu released Gray's neck from his firm grasp and grinned, blushing furiously. "Let's get out of here Frosty." Gray, although in a state of semi-shock, couldn't deny the feelings coursing through him and smirked back. "Lead the way Inferno." When they were next seen at the guild three days later, they were both sporting huge grins and Gray had a red dragon marking curving around his left side. '

"Wow," Levy breathed out as she flipped to the next set of clipped papers. She couldn't even feel guilty about reading what she shouldn't at this point. She felt a compulsion to keep going. The next set was labeled 'Gajevy'.

Mira looked at Lucy as she sipped on a strawberry smoothie. "Are you sure it will work?"

"Oh, I'm sure. She has a fantastic imagination and is more curious than a cat." Behind her back the guild doors slammed open to a flushed bluenette. She stormed past the confused onlookers straight to the Iron Dragon slayer. Grabbing his shirt she pulled and literally dragged him from the guild and out the doors. Hearts appeared in Mira's eyes and Lucy grinned. "Told you it would work."

"You are amazing, your skills at bringing my ships to life are so beautiful! Free smoothies from now on. A deal is a deal. Oh the babies!" Mira clasped her hands together and squealed in delight. "So is Gratsu actually going to happen?"

"Mhmmm. I loaned Gray my research notes on pressure points for close combat advantages last week. I didn't explain its sensual pressure points though. It's only a matter of time until he tries it. Those two are a hair's breadth away from realizing how they feel already. I realized it's why they fight so much."

"Oi, Mira!" came a gruff shout from the second floor office as Laxus stuck his head out. "Bring me some beer, this paperwork is killing me!" The demonic bartender sighed and turned back to excuse herself from Lucy when she noticed the blonde celestial mage was waving a slip of paper in her face.

"I might have accidentally left some of my papers in his stack of work…" Mira's eyes widened as she saw what was written on the paper, 'Mirla'. Grinning Mira reached across the bar and kissed Lucy soundly, then pulled a fresh beer and sped up the stairs. Lucy smiled, she was happy for her friends and glad she could help nudge them in the right directions.

She frowned as she reached for her smoothie to find it missing and in the hands of the shadowquip mage now seated next to her. "When are you going to write me a story mia bella?"

"Never," she proclaimed trying to grab her drink back. "These stories need to be a challenge. Everyone knows you aren't a challenge to get into bed Vander." She frowned as he dodged her expertly, sucking down her smoothie noisily. Sighing she gave up on the idea of getting it back. "You know what, maybe I will write one about you. It will be about you behaving and having no sex." He laughed and put the smoothie just in reach only to pull it away and twirl to her other side when she reached for it again.

"Now now, there's still one lady out there that has denied me no matter how much I woo her."

"Oh really? I'd love to meet her and congratulate her on being so intelligent." Lucy snarked back, still pouting over her lost beverage. She couldn't even get another one because Mira certainly wouldn't be back soon.

"You already have. Thanks for the drink piccola stella." Vander blew her a kiss as the shadows swirled around him before he disappeared leaving an empty glass on the bar..

Lucy sighed, that man was fun but frustrating to no end. And it was impossible to get the best of him. Resigned to having to fend for herself until Mira returned, she decided to clean up the bar. She stood up and noticed the paper she was still holding in her hand. 'Mirla' was scratched out and under it was written 'Vanlu' with a smiley face and two hearts. She giggled as she shook her head. It got her brain starting to think about what it would actually take for her to succumb to his advances. Maybe, just maybe there was a story there after all.