We're doing it... I'm doing this on a whim.. It's really late at night but isn't this when I usually posted anyway wayyyyyyyy back then? Maybe it's fate.. Or maybe I'll regret doing this.. I don't think so.. or I hope not.. I'm honestly just glad I remembered how to do this.. But I'm just gonna stop rambling and let you actually read the chapter now... Enjoy...

Chapter 1

Every night ever since the battle, Reid had been having the same dream every night. He was in this all white room, sun blaring through the windows, bathing him in light, as he looked around and took in the room. It was empty; it was always empty and Reid never knew why. He walked over towards the door and turned the knob, only to find the door locked but Reid wasn't surprised; it was always locked. Out of frustration, he leaned his forehead against the door, sighing heavily because he wasn't sure of what to do now. He was never sure what he was supposed to do when he was here. "What the hell am I supposed to do?" He said, mostly under his breath, hoping that for a change, someone would hear him and help him figure things out. He waited for a few seconds before sighing again. "...And nothing. I don't know –." Reid started until he heard it. He heard her. "Reid." Reid turned around and felt his heart start to race against his chest. "Mia." He said almost breathlessly, a smile starting to form on his lips. She smiled at him and he started to rush towards her, to have her in his arms again, but once he got to her, she was gone. "No..." Reid said as he frantically began turning in circles, hoping that Mia would reappear just as fast as she had disappeared. "Come back." He said, falling to his knees in defeat. "Help me..." He heard faintly in the distance, turning quickly to see Mia standing by the window. But before he got to do or say anything, everything went black.

Reid jolted awake from the couch of the hospital room, the constant beeping of the heart machine actually calming him from the dream he had. He quickly moved from the couch to the chair that sat beside the bed and looked over at the person laying in the bed, Mia. The scars and bruises she had from the war had faded away but she still hadn't waken up. Three months and she was still in a coma and there was nothing he could do to wake her. Yet he would swear to anyone who would listen that these dreams were her way of trying to tell him something; to get him to help her somehow. "What am I supposed to do, Baby Girl?" Reid said, taking her hand in his, rubbing the top of it lightly. "How am I supposed to help you? You gotta tell me more." He said as he looked at her face, taking in her beauty up close like always. He always loved looking at her but now that she wasn't here, at least not physically, it was different. Kind of like Sleeping Beauty in a way but kissing her was the last way to wake her up. If he actually admitted it out loud, he already tried it but unlike most fairy tales, this didn't seem to have a happy ending; not after everything they had already lost.

"I don't know how, but I'm gonna figure this out." He said, his hand coming up to lightly brush against Mia's cheek. "I'm gonna bring you back to me. And then I'm gonna spend the rest of my life driving you insane." Reid leaned up and lightly kissed her forehead, lightly chuckling to himself at the gesture again. "God, do I really miss kissing you." He said before standing up. "Now, as much as I don't want to, I gotta go and do another thing without you that I'm not supposed to; Graduate. It's insane to me, the main reason I am graduating is because of you and you won't get to walk across that stage in those ugly black cap and gowns and see your sister make her speech… There are going to be a lot of empty chairs there today. I was kind of hoping that yours wouldn't be one of them but we'll make up for it later. I promise, Baby Girl." He said, leaning down for another kiss to her forehead before stretching, trying to fully wake up. "I gotta head out before Riley literally kills me but I'll be back later. I love you." Reid said as he left the hospital room, taking the short walk to the other room where the other person he missed was. The war had also put Pogue into a coma, to all of their dismay. And with all that had went on, it was just another blow to all they were dealing with. But right now, he couldn't bring himself to go inside, not by himself right then. Plus, there was another person who Reid knew needed to see Pogue more than he did and he was going to go see her right now.

Riley sat in her sister's room and stared at one of the pictures that she had sitting on her nightstand. It was from their trip to New York last December, before all of the drama and fighting began. It was one of the times where they weren't stressed out and worrying about powers and war; they were happy and times like that were rare. Riley lightly scratched her head and sighed before putting the picture back in it's place before she felt a hand on her shoulder. "You okay enough to do this, Riles?" Her father asked her, taking a seat on the bed next to her as she lightly shrugged. "I don't know." She said, reaching over to pick up her cap and gown. "Graduation is something Mia and I always planned on doing together. I mean, us graduating together was the entire reason I transferred to Spencer in the first place." She said and Michael nodded in agreement. "She'd be there if she could, Riles. You know that." He said and Riley chuckled. "She'd be there with bells on." Michael nodded his head in agreement with his daughter and pulled her into a hug.

"You know, I've always relied on you to look out for Mia. Even before you two knew that you were sisters or witches… You were always the stronger one out of the two of you." He said and Riley started to cry. "But that was unfair of me. You both relied on each other's strength to make one another better." He said and Riley nodded her head. "It was always easy to be the strong one when I knew that she was in my corner to back me up. Now, look at what I did to her." Riley said as tears ran down her eyes, Michael shaking his head at her words. "What happened to Mia, or anyone else, wasn't your fault. None of what happened was any of you guys' fault." He said, wiping away Riley's tears. "You all were given a task to do." Riley just shook her head, disagreeing with her father. "But I knew something bad was going to happen. I saw it in a vision and I still couldn't stop it." She said as more tears started to fall from her eyes, crying harder than before. "Sweetheart, you did what you could with the little bit of information you could get from that premonition. You didn't have specifics, Riley. Visions are like that; they never give you everything. You can't blame yourself." Michael said, making Riley let out a sorrowful chuckle.

"You sound like Pogue, you know that?" She asked with a small smile and Michael nodded his head. "He's a smart guy.. Speaking of, his parents called for you again, Sweetheart." He said and Riley just nodded her head in acknowledgment. "You should probably call them back. Or –." He started, but Riley cut him off, already knowing what he was about to tell her. "I will later. I promise. But right now, we have a graduation to get to. I just need to touch up my face." She said and left the room to go to her bathroom, passing her brother on the way out. Once she was in her room, Damien came inside and sat beside his father, a concerned look that almost mirrored his father's was plastered on his face. "Is she okay? He asked and Mathew shook his head. "No, but she's trying to be. She always tries so hard to be, even when she's broken like this." He said and Damien nodded his head in agreement with his father. "That's who Riley is though; how she's always been. She's a trooper." Michael nodded in agreement with his son. "But this isn't the time for her to be a trooper. Or a soldier. Now, she just needs to be a girl and let herself deal with everything." He was about to say more but Riley popped her head back inside the room, breaking their conversation and making them focus on her.

"Are we all ready?" Riley asked, as the men stood up and started heading towards the door to leave. "Yeah, let's go." Michael said as they started down the hallway. "Do you think that we can stop by the hospital?" She asked as they walked down the stairs. "Reid is probably there and I will be damned if he misses the ceremony. Mia would want him to be there, especially because of how hard he worked." She said, looking in front of them, only to find the very person she was talking about standing with her mother in the lobby. "That's exactly why I'm here, Riles." He said with a small smile as Riley walked over to him and gave him a big hug. "You smell good. You showered this time too." She joked, as Reid laughed and nodded his head. "Yeah… I put on a suit too. Figured I should." He said as he pulled away from her and greeted the rest of the family. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked, as Riley nodded and lead him into the living room.

"I had the dream again, Riles." Reid said as Riley sat on the couch. "Dream?" She asked lightly, seeing him nod his head. "The one where Mia is in the white room with me… She's trying to tell me something, Riley. I swear she is." He said and Riley ran a hand through her hair. "Maybe she is.. I mean, it's not like she's dead. She's just in a coma." She said and Reid shook his head. "She needs me to help her. And I'm going to. I don't know how yet, but I am… I can't let her go yet, Riles. I'm not ready to say goodbye to her yet. There's too much that we have to look forward to doing and going through together for things to end now. You of all people should understand that." Reid said and Riley looked down and started fidgeting with her heels.

"You still haven't gone to see him yet, have you?" He asked and Riley didn't answer. "Riles..." Reid started until Riley's head popped up and she cut him off, on the verge of crying once more. "I can't handle it, Reid. It's hard enough to see Mia laying in that bed like that; fragile and broken. I can't see Pogue like that too." She said and Reid shook his head. "He needs to know that you're there, Riley. The doctors say that he can tell…." He started but Riley laughed and rolled her eyes. "To hell with the doctors, Reid. If they knew what they were talking about, Caleb wouldn't have..." She started, but she stopped herself because she couldn't say the words out loud because it would make it real. "What I mean is that I don't trust them and their medical "theories" of recovery." Reid nodded and sat on the couch next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"I get what you mean Riles but you still need to go and see Pogue. If not for him, but for you. Holding in all the emotions that you've been feeling isn't good and he's usually the one you go to with those things, isn't he?" He asked and Riley nodded softly before laying her head on his shoulder. "Him and Mia. But yeah, I get what you're saying." She said before letting out a small chuckle. "What kind of spell does my sister have on you to make you so soft?" She asked and Reid just laughed. "No spell. She just loves me, Riles. And that's a powerful thing." He said and Riley just smiled. "I'm glad that someone loves her the way that she deserves to be loved. And it might have taken a while, but I think that you're finally worthy of her." She said before giving the blonde boy another hug. "Now, come on, Garwin. We have a graduation to get to." She said before the both of them stood up and walked out of the room to rejoin their family. "Are we all good and ready to go?" Katherine asked as they started walking out of the house. "We need to make a stop first." Reid said and Riley sighed. "Garwin..." She said under her breath, Damien nodding knowingly. "Hospital? Didn't you just come from there?" He asked only to get a nod from Reid. "Not for me. Riley needs to go and see Pogue. Regardless of whether she wants to or not." He said with a smile on his face. "Someone has to be your voice of reason and since the people who would normally be that for you can't be there, as one of their brothers and the others' fiance, I give myself permission to act as they would." Michael smiled at Reid and nodded in agreement before ushering them all towards the car. "Riley, it's finally time for you to go and see Pogue."

Riley walked into Pogue's hospital room and nearly broke down at the sight of her usually strong, overprotective, and dependable boyfriend laying battered and broken in the hospital bed. She let out a silent sob before taking a deep breath to regain her composure and walked over to the bed, stopping once she was by his side. "Hey baby." She said with a small smile, trying to make her voice sounds at least the slightest bit happy despite the pain and sadness that she was feeling. "I'm sorry that it took me so long to show up." Tears were starting to fall from her eyes as she spoke, the scope of all they were dealing with beginning to hit her in a way that she had been trying to prevent for so long. "Everything's just been so hectic lately and..." She said but once the words left her lips, Riley instantly let out a small chuckle and shook her head "That's not a good excuse. There is no excuse. I should have been here with you. Especially now." She said softly, letting her hand gently comb through her boyfriend's hair. "I'm sure that Reid and Tyler have been keeping you up with what's been happening; who we lost… And we're trying to pick up the pieces, but it's hard, baby. It's been really hard." She said, feeling the tears begin to well up again. "And with Chase and Caleb both… gone… You're the next in line to take the leads with the boys. Reid and Tyler need you.. I mean, who knows what kind of shit they'll get into without someone to keep them in line." Riley said with a small chuckle. She looked over at Pogue and really took him in for the first time since she last saw him during the battle. Several scars were now visible on his body, most noticeably one on his face that went from his right eyebrow, down to his cheek. She saw a few more on his arms and the top of the bandage on his chest from where the surgeon opened him up and Riley began to feel very guilty for not being here sooner.

For as long as they've been together, no matter what Riley needed, Pogue was there for her, even during the times when she may not have wanted him there. But regardless, he was by her side, whether it was just for her to vent or yell at him, or just to be with her and hold her while she went through whatever she needed to. And for the most part, she thought that she did the same but now, when he needed her the most, when he was broken and lost, she shuffled her feet and hesitated.

"I'm a horrible person." She said to herself, answering her thoughts aloud. "And I know that this is going to sound soo selfish of me, especially since you're the one in a coma, but I need you." Riley said as she took his hand in hers, lacing her fingers through his like she would normally do before lifting it and kissing the back of his hand. "I need you soo much that it hurts, Pogue. I don't know what you've done to me over this past year but you're a part of me now." She spoke softly as new tears started to freely fall again, but this time, Riley did nothing to try to stop them. "I've been in this daze ever since the battle. I've been so lost but I've been trying to keep it together for everyone else. But Caleb is gone now, so is Chase… Chelsea is gone… And the two people who would be the ones keeping me together; who matter the most to me, are trapped somewhere far away from me in their minds and there's nothing that can be done to fix it. So, I'm gonna need you to do it, okay?" She said as she wiped away the tears from her cheeks. "You're the one who kept telling me that you and me are a team. So, I'm tagging you in now. So, what I need you to do is open those beautiful brown eyes of yours and tell me that everything's gonna be alright." Riley stared at Pogue' face for a few moments, expecting something to happen, but to her dismay, nothing changed. "Pogue… We still have so much that we have to do together; so much to say to each other… We haven't even said -" Riley was cut off by a soft knock at the door, looking over to see her cousin poking her head in the door.

"Riles… Your mom and dad sent me in to get you. We gotta go kiddo." Vicki said softly, gaining a nod from Riley. "Yeah, I know." She said, fixing herself briefly before standing up from the chair and leaning up to kiss Pogue's forehead. "I'll be back later I promise, Baby." She said, caressing his cheek before walking over towards Vicki to leave the room.

"I'm glad that you finally came to see him, Riles. It's been long overdue." Vicki said to her cousin as they walked down the hospital corridor. "I know.. I needed that." Riley said as she nodded her head in agreement with her cousin. "And did it make you feel any better?" Vicki asked, gaining a quick shake of the head from Riley in response. "No… I actually feel worse now." She admitted, a confused look coming onto Vicki's face. "I love him, Tori… And I've never told him that. And seeing him in there like that... I'm scared that I won't get the chance to." She said, her voice on the verge of cracking because of the emotions she was feeling. "I need him to hear it, Tori. I need to look into his eyes and tell him how much he means to me and see his eyes light up and the blush that he usually gets when he's flustered and hear him say it back to me… I can't lose him. That can't be all that's left of my Pogue." She said before Vicki pulled her cousin into a hug, the intensity of the emotions that Riley was feeling washing over the both of them. "You're not going to lose him, Riley. Pogue is going to come back to you. And the two of you are going to be so happy together. You're gonna get to do all of what the two of you wanted to do together and then some. I just know it." She said as she stroked Riley's hair. "Let's go graduate, okay? This way, we can come back and you can spend some more time with him." She suggested, gaining a nod from Riley, so the two of them went to find their family to finally head to the ceremony.


This is really nerve-wrecking... I forgot the anxiety I used to feel after posting...

But yeah, that's the beginning.. Next is their graduation where we find out something shocking...

I have it done already so It'll get posted quickly (like a day or so)

But yeah..

I hope you enjoyed this.. And thank you for reading...

I don't know what else to say now so I will stop.