"I never went back to our meeting place and as you can guess he found out why,"
"You took your oath,"
"The very next day," Looking back, it was her way of showing him that she wasn't weak. Or perhaps it was the guilt of what happened with his bother, either way she took the oath.
Now she was twenty-three, old in marriage terms.
"Sango you must swear to the Gods never to speak of this for he surely would kill me,"
"Its so, tragic, but surely his father knows,"
"I am quite sure his father knew before we did," She went back to bed, "But it was a long time ago, I made peace with it,"
"But, this?"
"Is my test of will and I will not fail, I will not be weak and he will not break me," The heart could not break twice could it?
"You should rest,"
Kagome laid down and closed her eyes and prayed her dreams would stay at bay. Sango put away her things and quietly left the room, turning she held in a gasp and she came face to face with Sesshomaru,
"Lord Sesshomaru, Lady Kagome is sleeping,"
Sesshomaru looked at the door for a moment and then back down at Sango "Almost,"
She found that to be quiet, odd.
"Can I be of assistance to you?"
"Careful slayer for many know what you are and where you come from, you do not fool so easily,"
Her defensive went up "My Lord had I had a choice I would be wearing the color of my family proudly and unafraid,"
He sized her up,
"Again, is there something I can do for you?"
"More will come before the sun has had a chance to peek, she should be ready for it would not go as easy as today,"
"You have great faith,"
"I am not like my father; I chose from long-standing house who are primed from birth for breeding,"
"Why do you not just mate?"
He growled in warning over her "Careful for I give no pause in killing your kind,"
He turned and began to walk away, but answer her all the same "This Sesshomaru needs no one,"
Women were God's poison to men; all men and Sesshomaru was after power and a strong bloodline. He would not drink the poisoned wine; he would not become drunk with love nor lust; he would simply sow his seed and gain his power and laugh at the Gods.
Sango sighed heavily and looked back at Kagome's door with a sadness. This was cruel, indeed, and all at once, she wondered just how much Kikyo knew. Why of all people did they send Kagome? The Inutashio did not care about the jewel's power. Lord Touga had to send for Kagome. Sango bit her lip and went to her room and began to write a letter to a Monk for Kagome needed more allies in this bed of lies.
Meanwhile, Sesshomaru wondered just what all the demon slayer knew. Kagome had to confide in someone. Miko's had to confess their sins often to stay pure. Of course, when Miroku showed up a day later, Sesshomaru quickly realized just who it was who got to hear her sins and at was comic at best and unsettling since he came from the house of Naraku.
"He should not be here," Sesshomaru spoke, watching the monk gain entry into Kagome's room.
"He is her priest,"
"He is of Naraku's house,"
"Naraku has long since been dealt with Sesshomaru and is no longer a threat to anyone,"
He didn't care, and besides "I though Miko's didn't commit sin,"
Touga looked at him and touched his shoulder "Not by choice they dont,"
He walked away "Sometimes they to need guidance Sesshomaru just as you do,"
"I do not seek guidance,"
"And yet I still give it,"
Sesshomaru actually rolled his eyes on his own father's back.