Narration: "Many years ago the Hidden Fury Rangers fought against King Rezar and his army of Gollums as they sealed away King Rezar their powers has been lost for three thousands years now they have been found by their ancestors and taken on the mantle as Power Rangers Hidden Fury."

(The scene opens up to Elmdwell,California a beautiful city the camera cuts to a Prestin Moore almost ready for school in his room listening to music)

Mrs.Moore: "Prestin hurry up you're going to be late for school."

Prestin: "Coming Mom!" Prestin turns off his speaker then grabs his phone wearing the pendant of the Hidden Liger Ranger then puts in his shoes and grabs his backpack then slides down the railing then walks to the kitchen "Hey Mom."

Mrs.Moore: "Hey sweetie breakfast is on the table and your father is in his moods today." She continues to make pancakes

Prestin: "Morning Dad." Prestin sits at the table

Mr.Moore have a giant newspaper blocking his face

Prestin: "Okayy."Prestin makes his plate then starts to eat as he text Alyssa to wake up

(The camera zoom out of the Moore's household the into the bedroom of Alyssa Maxwell)

Alyssa groans as she hears her phone go off then gets up and gets out of bed as she looks herself in the mirror then walks to her bathroom and brushes her teeth "Why does Prestin always get me up this early?" She walks back into her room and puts on the outfit she always wear a blue crop top and shorts

(The camera zooms out of her bedroom as she takes selfies then into the kitchen of Allen James)

Allen makes breakfast for his younger silbings "Guys breakfast."

Conner and Sophia runs down the stairs then rushes into the kitchen "Yay breakfast."

Mrs.James walks downstairs then heads into the kitchen "Thanks for making breakfast Allen."

Allen: "No problem mom." Allen puts the last pancake on the plate then start to make Conners plate then Sophia's plate

(The camera cuts to a burial site)

A hand pops out of the ground then King Rezar comes out of the ground "Those Rangers are going to pay for sealing me away." His Gollum army rises out of the ground as their ship rises out of the ground they all get in then heads to space

(The camera cuts to the Elmdwell High)

Prestin,Allen,and Alyssa walk into school together

Prestin: "So this is going to be a hard test." He says looking at Allen and Alyssa "Don't you guys think?"

Alyssa: "No because I actually studied for the day it was first announced."

Allen: "Even taking care of my little siblings I still make to study."

Prestin: "Hello working boy here I'm the only one out of the three of us that work and also I study here and there at work."

Alyssa: "Prestin me and you work at Surf and Turf together."

Prestin: "Oh yea I forgot." Prestin says putting hand on the back of his head and laughing nervously as he stops

Alyssa and Allen continues to walk to class as Prestin is standing in the middle of the hallway

Prestin: "Hey guys wait up." Prestin catch them before they get to far "Next don't do that again ok?"

Alyssa: "If you remember my last ex boyfriend name."

Prestin: "Thats easy Angus."

Alyssa: "Angus is my current boyfriend that's Wade who is my ex get your facts straight." Alyssa walks into the classroom then Allen lastly Prestin as the bell ring

(The door shuts and the camera cuts to Elmdwell Park people are enjoying their day a couple are having a picnic children are playing some people are walking)

A Gollum and Golmas teleports down from the ship then scares away the civilians

???: "Hahahahaha Yes run away bring out your fear to power up my King." He blast the ground as the Golmas are scaring away civilians

(Meanwhile in the city)

The liger Zord, The twin shark Zords,and the Rhino Zord runs rampant in the city and the sky becomes dark

(In Elmdwell High)

The teens pendents start to glow and they hear a ringing noise in their eyes with gives them a headache the teens grabs their heads

Prestin: "What's going on why does my head hurt?"

Allen and Alyssa: "Same."

Their eyes glows the color of their pendant

The liger and the rhino zords blast a hole in the school

Principal Pierce walks in and see the holes "Ummm school cancelled until further notice."

The three teens heard a voice in their heads "Go to the shrine of Hidden Valley."

They run out of the school then to the shrine of Hidden Village and they stop at the shrine

Prestin looks at the plague "Hidden Village is a Village deep in what is Elmdwell today Hidden Village is a secluded Village that traveler and merchants can stay the for the night."

Allen: "Why did it say go to the shrine?"

Prestin and Alyssa: "I don't know."

Their pendants start to glow brighter as they get closer to the shrine

The teens look down at their pendants

Prestin: "Whoa what's going on?"

The shrine opens up revealing stairs

They all shrugs then heads down the stairs Prestin being first then Alyssa lastly Allen

Once they got to the room their pendant glows Activating all the tech including a robot named Bio and awakening a lizard person named Spector dressed in a red guardian robe with a hoodie and a Staff Weapon standing at about like 4'11" he walks into the command center as does Bio

Spector: "Greetings Rangers."

Prestin,Allen,Alyssa: "Rangers?!"

Spector: "Yes Rangers you three were chosen by the pendants to claim your ancestors as Power Rangers Hidden Fury."

Prestin: "So let me get this straight the pendant we got from our parents at born chosen us to be Power Rangers?"

Spector: "You are correct Prestin Moore."

Prestin: "How do you know my name?" Prestin looks at Spector confusingly

Spector confused as he tilts his head

Spector: "After the I gave your parents the pendant I have been with you three when in spirit I was sealed away when your ancestors' power were sealed away."

The teens look at Spector confused

Spector: "It's a long story but we have no time for that for that now." Spector holds up a wooden bow and opens it "There's are your Hidden Morphers to activate your powers just say Hidden Fury Reveal the Power."

Bio: "Yep Spector is right."

Allen: "Whoa who are you?"

Bio: "I'm Bio the robotic assistant to Spector and the resident tech person."

The teen looks at Bio weird "Ooookay." They each grab their Morphers then undoes the strap then puts it on the wrists then velcros it on

The alarm goes off after they put on their morphers

"Gollum in the park Gollum in the park."

Spector: "Prepare to teleport."

Rangers: "Why waaaaiiiiit." They teleports to the park

(In the park)

The Gollum and Golmas still scare away the civilians

The Rangers teleport in ungracefully then gets on to their feet

Prestin: "Do you guys know what you doing."

Alyssa: "No."

Allen: "Nope."

Prestin: "Me either."

The Golmas and the Gollum spots them

Mintaur: "Well well well if isn't the Rangers are back for their slumber."

Prestin: "Lets do it guys."

Alyssa and Allen: "Yea."

The teens looks at their morphers

Rangers: "Hidden Fury Reveal the Power!" They press a button on the bottom of their morphers

The Rangers have wrist up as their morpher shows a holographic photo of their suits then they put their arms out as their suits appears on their bodies then they make and x with their arms and bring them slow to their sides as their helmets materialize on

Spector looks from the computer monitors in the command center "They did it Bio."

Bio: "The Rangers completes the metamorphosis." Bio says raises his arms

The teens looks at their arms from their helmets

Prestin: "Whoa this is awesome."

Allen: "Awesome Green my Favorite color."

Alyssa: "Awe Sweet blue and Prestin is red."

Prestin: "Yep lets do it guys."

Allen and Alyssa nods

The Rangers and Golmas charged at each other

Prestin throws some punches and elbows to some of Golmas and some kicks to them as his ducks and dodges mores of their attack then flips a Golmas over his shoulder then hits it with a judo chop then yells destroying most of the Golmas

Allen throws Golma away then blocks and ducks all the punches and kicks for the Golmas then knees a Golmas in the gut then elbows it down "COME ON!" Allen jumps up then hits a Golmas with a double knees takedown then rolls and gets to a knee then hits the ground creating rock spikes destroying most of the Golmas

Alyssa: "Time to go for a swim." Alyssa summons an ocean then the Golmas sinks down then she uses her underwater speed to slash the Golmas then the Golmas lays on the ground "They're washes up." They explodes behind her

The Rangers charges at Mintaur all goes for a punch

Mintaur staggers back from the punches

Prestin: "Sonicwave."

Allen: "Rock slide."

Alyssa: "Water Wave."

Mintaur gets overwhelmed by their attacks and is stunned

Spector comes onto their helmets coms "Rangers summon the Hidden Cannon."

Prestin: "Alright Guys lets do it."

The emblem on their helmets glows

Rangers: "Hidden Cannon."

Allen and Alyssa holds the front of the cannon steady as Prestin is in the back with his finger on the trigger

Alyssa: "Ready."

Allen: "Aim."

Prestin: "FIRE." Prestin pulls the trigger

The blast turns into a ball of energy that encases Mintaur then destroys him

(In the Dark Spectrum)

King Rezar: "Dr.Zora give Mintaur the special growing serum."

Dr.Zora: "At once your highness." Dr.Zora grabs the syringe then teleports to the park "This is going to pinch not." She sticks him hardly then ejects him with the serum then teleports back to the Dark Spectrum

Mintaur grows "Thank Dr.Zora." Mintaur tried to stomp on the rangers

The Rangers roll out of the away at the minute

Prestin: "Whoa how did he get that size."

Spector: "Dr.Zora."

Rangers: "Dr.Zora?"

Spector: "Shes the mad doctor of King Rezar an evil space tyrant."

Prestin: "And how are we going to fight him."

Spector: "Go to the city and tame your Hidden Fury Zords."

Rangers: "Got it."

Prestin: "Lets go guys."

Allen and Alyssa nods

The Rangers teleports to the city then Mintaur teleports after them

The Rangers teleports onto a building seeing their Zord running rampant in the city

Alyssa: "Oh no."

Their pendants appears in their hands

Spector: "Raise your pendants to the sky and say reveal the beast."

Prestin: "Lets give it a shot guys."

The Rangers raise their pendants "Reveal the Beast!"

Their zords changes their colors of their respective Ranger

Prestin: "Whooooooa."

Allen: "This is awesome."

Alyssa: "Guys we have a monster to destroy."

Prestin: "Lets do it."

The Rangers jumps into their Zords

Prestin: "Hidden Liger zord online."

Allen: "Hidden Rhino zord online."

Alyssa: "Hidden twin shark zord online."

Mintaur: "Huh?"

Alyssa: "Hydro Jets Fire." Alyssa presses the attack button

The jets hits Mintaur and staggers back

"Rhino Big horn strike." Allen moves his controls forward

The rhino zord tosses Mintaur up

The liger zord leaps into the air then pounces on him

Mintaur pushes the liger zord off of him

Spector: "Prestin activate the Liger Warrior."

Prestin: "Liger Zord Hidden Warrior Mode." Prestin presses the red button

The liger transforms

Mintaur: "This again?"

Prestin: "This time better Hidden Liger Saber."

The saber appears in the hand of the Liger Warrior

Mintaur points his axe at the Liger Warrior Zord "MMMMMM your Zord is mines." Mintaur charges at the Liger Warrior zord with his Axe ready to strike

The Liger Warrior Zord stands out of the way then slashes Mintaur in the back

Mintaur staggers front as sparks flies off of him

The Liger Warrior Zord slashes Mintaur then does lunge attack to Mintaur

Mintaur starts to spark as he staggers back

Prestin: "Full Liger Warrior Strike." The Liger Warrior Zord does a X slashes then does a running slash

Mintaur countinues to sparks "YOU WILL ALL BOW TO MY KKKKKKIIIIIINNNNNG!" Mintaur falls back and explodes as the Liger Warrior Zord stands in front of it giving a thumbs up

(In the Dark Spectrum)

King Rezar hits the arms of his throne "Mintaur Fail me I pay him top dollar."

Dr.Zora: "Don't yell at me I make them ground yell at Okamitor he's paying them."

Okamitor: "I'll find another one." Okamitor walks to the monster finder

King Rezar: "Those Rangers are going to pay."

(The Surf and Turf)

Prestin, Allen,and Alyssa sits at their normal table when Prestin and Alyssa are not on the clock

Prestin: "That was awesome."

Spector comes on their moprhers "Yes Rangers a job welll done but from this day forward the monsters will get harder and King Rezar will get powerful this just the beginning good luck Rangers Spector out."

Prestin: "From this day forward our lives change for the better."

Allen and Alyssa: "Yea."

They put their hands on top of each other


(The camera pauses as the teens has their hands with morphers on their arms up and the credit rolls)