It was about three weeks after the dragons left. About three weeks since the Berkian's world was completely destroyed yet made anew. Three weeks since Berk was on its own, forever without flight. Construction was difficult without the great, winged beasts that ruled sky, land and water. Without the help of the strongest animals known to man. But yet, everyone was happy, knowing that they did the right thing for both the dragons and humanity. Protecting both from each other by seperating the only peace found between the two species. The rest of the world chose to not find this peace, but rather to destroy any living form of it. To use the power of the dragons againt both species, instead of choosing to understand both species as equal and powerful together, the Evil of Man chose to control what they could, and get rid of what they couldn't. Choosing hate and control over love and equality between dragons and humans, to live in the past and not for the future. To rest on bad memories and past events that had caused a great rift between the two greatest species of flesh and blood.
But not Berk. Berk changed because of the power of a single boy. Berk decided to understand an enemy that could have been an ally many years ago, to listen to reason and intelligence that came from the son of a great chief. Even though this son was not a great viking warrior, like everyone including his father was. He was a meek and almost emaciated boy that didn't care much what others said about him, and used the bottom of the pool to jet up to the surface of the deep water, instead of letting others put him down under waves of insults and indifference.
That boy grew up to become the strongest chief of them all, but strength was never meant to be measured just by a set of weights. He kept a powerful mind and soul, with the help of his best friend, Toothless. Toothless though, was gone. Now, Hiccup had to find his rest and comfort in the woman he loved, Astrid. Astrid was the strongest woman Hiccup ever met. Driven and powerful, unfazed by fear, yet cunning and intelligent. An independent individual. But no one can keep a poker face forever. Astrid broke down the night when the dragons left. When Stormfly was lead to The Hidden World, where she belonged. In Hiccup's arms as Hiccup removed his unrevealing chieftan mask to let tears flow from his eyes, alone with the person that loved him most. After all, only the strongest know when to be weak.
The day was young and preparations were already being mademade for the big day tomorrow. The dresses and clothing ornaments had been fully fitted and made ready for one of the biggest turning points in Berkian history since the dragons came and left. Hiccup and Astrid were to be married the next day.
Everyone in the village was excited, knowing that tomorrow their great chief and chieftess would finally become fully united as a sacredly married couple.
Hiccup was wide awake and getting ready for the ceremony. The ceremony would start at 12:30 about. It was already 11 and Hiccup couldn't stop being nervous. "There's absolutely no reason to be nervous. I'm only getting married, Hiccup said to himself sarcasticly. How was he supposed to act or stand or do anything for that matter? He knew he had to stand infront of the whole village, but even though he had done it before, this was completely new and different. Exciting, yeah but scary, marriage was a pretty big thing after all. You're stuck together for life, even though some men and women didn't care much about their partner, and cheated, which was probably the biggest crime in Hiccup's mind other than betraying your entire tribe. But the part of being with the love of your life forever, that was the part Hiccup found peace in. Even though the whole ordeal of getting married in front of more than a thousand people was nerve wracking, what came after the ceremony was the best part, forever in love and wedded partnership till the end of days. That was the part that Hiccup found peace in.
Astrid and Ruffnut were in Astrid's small hut, fitting Astrid's wedding dress to her, which showed itself to be quite the unforeseen task. "Hold still, 'Strid", Ruffnut said, focusing with all her concentration power to put the parts of the dress together in perfect place. "Ok, now for the over-cloak." Ruffnut grabbed the polarbear skin from the closet and draped it on Astrid's shoulders. "Hold this while I get the brooches." Astrid looked in the mirror at herself, in a wedding dress, almost ready to be wedded to the love of her life, Hiccup. Such a big step in life, probably the biggest one in her life. She used to never want to marry, she thought it was a waste of time and even a sign of weakness. Until she and Hiccup's friendship began to blossom after she went on a ride with him for the first time, when noone knew that dragons and humans could live in peace together. It was their secret, and Astrid saw Hiccup as a strong-minded and independent young man that had managed to tame the meanest, most powerful beast known, and become its friend. She fell in love with an unlovable, or so everyone thought he was. And now they would be together, forever. Astrid smiled at the reminiscence.
It was almost time. The sun was just above the snow-covered village and there was excitement in the air. Every Berkian was waiting, waiting to see their cheif and cheiftess become one, to be wedded in front of the people they were assigned to protect and provide for, to see the ultimate ceremony of unity between a man and a woman. Their two powerful leaders becoming one pair forever. Everyone wore their best clothes and garments in respect and honor of Hiccup and Astrid.
Hiccup stepped up to the platform, legs shaking in a joyous excitement. Gothi greeted him with a smile and motioned him toward the side of her. Hiccup looked around, keeping his calm and saw Ruff and Tuff already crying in joy. They were always the emotional type that acted stupid but were really actually kind people. Hiccup smiled at the twins and they smiled back warmly. Snotlout was even tearing up just a bit and actually seemed happy that his cousin and his friend were about to get married, even though he usually kept a tough and emotionless character. Valka looked on happily with a uniform smile on her face. She was never one to cry for anything but she always knew how to show her feelings even without tears. Fishlegs was already almost bawling his eyes out in joy.
Hiccup smiled warmly at all of his friends and to his people who were very happy and somewhat relieved their leaders were finally getting married.
Hiccup continued glancing around until... Hiccup stopped his smiling and had an expression of awe and love as his eyes found their way to Astrid, with her white, silky dress flowing behind her. Her blonde hair looking like gold at the end of a rainbow. Her face was glowing and she was smiling with utter joy and happiness. Hiccup and Astrid locked eyes and they both smiled warmly and with a smile at each other, each of their hearts fluttering with joy and excitement. Astrid reached the platform where Hiccup waited. They stared at each other, beaming with happiness. Hiccup reached out and Astrid joined hands wit
h him. Then Gothi looked at them both, with her silent but meaningful expression saying she was proud of the two. She took the ceremonial wedding banner and wrapped it around the couple's entwined hands. Then Hiccup and Astrid locked lips. "To the Chief and Chieftess!", Gobber shouted instantly after the ceremony was completed. All of Berk raised a shout of joy and pride as Hiccup and Astrid were joined in marriage. The couple broke away to stare at each other's faces. "I love you, Hiccup", Astrid said, smiling. "I love you too Astrid, I love you too."
So there it is everyone, the last chapter that was definitely a little late which I apologize for but I wanted it to be perfect. Review if you want and thanks for reading.