A/N: I don't own anything you recognize.

This is for the Harry Potter Fanfiction Challenges forum

Are you crazy enough to do it Challenge

707. (object) Black leather belt

If You Dare Challenge

707. Blue Eyes

Draco winced, his back ached. He wondered if the pain would last much longer. Only two more days remained until he returned to school. He could hardly wait.

"Dinner," a house elf announced. Draco rose and walked to the main dining room. Father was seated at the head of the table, a smile on his face.

"Draco, glad you could join us," he nodded at the guest of his right, a man Draco had come to fear and hate at the same time. Across the table, his Aunt Bellatrix giggled like the mad woman she had become. Draco slid into his seat, not showing the pain he felt. The adults around him talked, but he could only focus on breathing. He knew the skin on his back was bruising. He knew later that night, his mother would come and put some salve on it. He just had to last until then.

"Draco, please, you need to more careful, especially now. The Dark Lord does not take well to people disrespecting him." Draco nodded feeling the cold healing of the salve.

"Yes Mother," he whispered.

"Your father says there's going to be some changes at school this year, the ministry is going to appoint someone to take over the Defense position. I expect you to be on your best behavior. From what I understand she is favorable to our side, but follows the ministry line."

"She doesn't know he's back."

"Correct, and it would be in your best interest, along with those of this family, to keep that story. The Prophet is making the Potter boy out to be a madman, feel free to spread that. Most of your housemates already know the truth. They will be having a similar talk with their parents." Draco nodded. Just another place where he had to keep his mouth shut. It was bad enough home was like this, but now the one place he'd felt he belonged.

"Good night, my little dragon," his mother said leaving the room.

Draco pulled his trolley behind him, he didn't see any of his friends yet, but it was still early. His mother and father followed him talking to each other. His owl hooted quietly. He couldn't hear him over the chaos of the station. He stepped between the barriers not even pausing.

"Remember what we talked about, Draco," his mother whispered in his ear. His father stood looking around. Draco nodded.

"And remember what we discussed, son," his father hissed. Draco bowed his head remembering the feel of the thick leather belt across his back.

"Yes father," he whispered before joining the crowd boarding the train. Draco slid into an empty seat, his father's words echoing in his mind. He hadn't been able to find Crabbe or Goyle yet, but he knew they would find him. The door slid open and Hermione stumbled in, her hair a mess and her eyes red. He blinked. Of all the people he'd expected to wander into his car, she was the last.

"Granger." She looked over at him, her eyes blinking rapidly, trying to hide the tears.

"Sorry, I didn't realize this one was taken."

"Sit, you need a moment to compose yourself," he offered. He caught sight of the Prefect's badge on her robes. He'd almost been chosen, he knew that, but at the last minute, something had changed and that particular honor had gone to another. Hermione stared at him before sitting as far from him as possible.

"I don't bite, Granger," he muttered. She looked over at him. He noticed her robes were slightly mused and one of her stockings was torn. He blinked his grey-blue eyes. How had she come to such a state.

"I know," she whispered pulling her hair back into a clip. Draco noticed a small bruise forming on her neck. He reached down into his pocket and pulled a small tube out.

"Here," he said handing it to her. She took it, looked at the label and looked back at him.

"Your neck," he stated touching his in the same spot. She brought her fingers to her neck, touching the spot. He frowned as he winced.

"Could you help me?" she asked softly. He nodded, rising and walking over to her. She remained sitting as he gently applied the salve to her neck.

"I know it's not my place to ask, but are you alright?" She looked at the floor, he recognized the expression on her face, the embarrassment, the fear of what could happen if she said something.

"I'm fine," she mumbled. Draco could tell she was lying, the way she couldn't meet his eyes.

"I've got to go, we're supposed to be doing rounds," she said standing, she adjusted her robe and noticed her stocking. She pulled out her wand and quickly fixed it. Draco watched her leave wondering what had happened to Granger. His hands curled into fists, he blinked at his own anger over someone like her being hurt. He lifted the edge of his shirt looking at the scars. He knew he had to do something, but first, he needed to figure out who he could trust.