D Gray Man Fan fiction Story - Battle Of Terror and Darkness

Hello Again to fellow readers!

This is my second single fanfiction story. I hope you will no doubt that I will wrote my own story of one of my favorite anime series was dubbed by Funimation and the best action anime series ever, with full of comedy and warm hearted drama.

Of all the stories that I written, this story was most intense because lot of revelation and exciting twist that you had never read before.

Well, in this story some of the characters will appeared including the new animal protagonist, Jerryson " Jerry " the Mouse, a mouse exorcist who will partnered up with the main protagonist, Allen Walker. And also, new villains were introduced which is based from the mythology.

This story will bring intense action, full of comedy twist, warm hearted drama and non stopping friendship. More revelations will lead to losses and victories of each characters.

Here we go!

Chapter 1 - Prologue

" The Exorcists.. are the ones were chosen by the Supreme God itself to protect the humanity and end the evil reign once for all. However... times bound will to be remained itself reunited forever. "

Before the Earth itself created, the Supreme God reunited in an another world between humans and non humans to live in peace and prosperity. However, the peace torn down that the one of the powerful goddess named Hera, one of the leaders of the Evil Deity Realm. She wanted to go out war in order to created chaos.

Inside the castle, a creature was standing, looking at the window, feeled the presence of danger occurs. The creature was looked like a size of a mouse, wearing an armor clothes and it's has a sword on his back.

" It was finally coming... " he thought

That when, another deity has appeared before him, named Athena, the goddess of wisdom and justice.

" Morion, things are seems go badly enough. Hera and her army are going to attacked the castle soon. They are already attacked the Noah clan a while ago. You must warned your master immediately. " Athena told him

" But my master was an exorcist! He could stop on his own. I'm only the guarding here in the castle. " Morion protested

" You have to warned to, Morion. Your master will be in terrible danger in the battle. Or much worse, Hera might get him at all cost. " Athena told him again

" Find then! " Morion said

" Just go and warned him! " Athena told him

" Got it! " Morion said, running out in the room

And the goddess disappeared away from the scene. At the outside of the castle, the army of Hera was charging through the walls, breaking into pieces.

" Soon.. I will rule both human and the deity world. No one can underestimated my strongest power. " the goddess shouted and she laughed evilly

They break the walls and they changed in to the castle. Back when, Morion rushed to his master's room upstairs. When he reached inside the room, he noticed him, playing the piano, played a soft music on it. His master was looked like matured teenage young man, wearing a black cape on its back. His name was Horpus, Morion's master and the first exorcist of the century.

" Master Horpus! The army of evil deity will be arrived soon. We must get out of here immediately or else the castle will be fall into ashes. " Morion said

" Who told you that? " Horpus asked

" The kind goddess Athena warned me about that situation. Hera and her army destroyed the Noah clan a while ago and now she was searching for you. " Morion stated

Horpus nodded his head, silently.

" We have to get out of here before she could finds you! Let's make a plan. " Morion told him

" But.. I can't let leave this place. This is our home that we lived. We can't let it to collapsed. " Horpus said to him

" Are you out of your mind?! We are not safe here. Hera might get you forever. She is the one who makes your life miserable in pain. That the reason why she wanted an all out war and evil conquest. We can't able to make it. " Morion yelled

" You dare me to ordered me like that, Morion. "

" But Master! "

That when, the wall crashed into a large hole with dark smoke appeared in it.

" Oh no... "

The smoke gone away, Hera appears before them.

" It was you... " Horpus uttered

" I never thought you will run away from me, Horpus. " Hera said

" What do you want my master anyway, you wicked Goddess?! " Morion asked in anger

" You sneaky little protector... how dare you get in my way just like that! Horpus will belong to me soon, as I conquered your beloved kingdom. " Hera said in an evilly expression

Morion steps in, released his sword, defending him from behind.

" Morion! That's was too risky to fight her. Just let me have it! " Horpus told him

" Master, listen up. I won't let that goddess lay fingers on you. She wanted to hurt you so badly. So, I wanted to protect you and this kingdom with the cost of my own life. I will died until the end of the world. " Morion stated

" But.. you can't do that! " Horpus protested

" Told you, I'm your protector and I will protect you until the end of my life. " Morion said

" Morion.. no.. " Horpus said with a tearful expression

" Prepared to died! " Hera shouted, trying to attacked them with her weapon

Morion used his sword to blocked her attack and the battle fight was started. Meanwhile at the Noah palace, the Millennium Earl was watching from the skies were turned more darker.

" Just like I expected with... " he thought

Back when, Horpus was watching in a worried expression as Hera and Morion continued battled each other.

" No... Morion. Don't risk your life just for my sake, please... stop this. "

A hour later, Morion was heavily exhausted.

" Is that all you got, little protector? " Hera asked, mockingly

" I'm not giving up yet! " Morion shouted

" Are you willing to died? Well then, let's end this battle once for all! " Hera yelled, prepared her final attack

" Watch out! " Horpus shouted, trying to stopped him

" Died!!! " Hera shouted, firing her weapon to Horpus instead

" Master!! " Morion shouted, jumped to his defense, was hitted by the attack instead

Then he was heavily hurt badly by the attack. Horpus, shocked in horror of what he saw, rushed to his defense.

" Morion! Morion! Wake up! Don't died, please... I begged of you... " Horpus pleaded, with crying in tears

" Master.. I will died for you until the end.. even in the future... I will be remained loyal to you forever. " Morion said in a slowly breath and his eyes were closed and his hand fall on the floor

That when, Horpus began to cried in emotional, cradling the lifeless body of his dearest protector and guardian as well.

Hera laughed at the scene and said to him, mockingly " Oh, poor Horpus. You're precious protector was gone for good and now... you will belong to me.. to become the new ruler of all universes. "

Horpus stand up, with anger in rage on his face " How dare you... you gonna pay for what you have done to my dearest friend of mine. I make you to died! "

" If you wanted me to died well then.. go ahead if you want. " Hera told him

Horpus released his ultimate weapon called " the Blade of Light ".

" This is your end!! " he shouted

Hera tried to blocked his weapon but he quickly dodge away and then he killed her through a slash attack. Before she vanished away, she shouted in a louder voice


She vanished away into dusts.

" You will never return again... I swear. "

He turned back to the lifeless body of Morion, making him emotional.

" I can't lived without you, my friend.."

Then, he used his own weapon, to killed himself on the body. Before he could do that action, he shouted...

" I will died just for the future of all universes! "

He strike himself with his weapon, then felled dying on the floor. At the outside of the castle, the dark skies were disappeared away and the evil army were destroyed into dusts, leaving the weapons behind.

The news had reached to the Supreme God and the other deities, was saddened in expression and he used his power to divided both human and non human worlds and the planet Earth was created from the fragments of every dusts left behind. And also, he was saddened about the tragic deaths of Horpus, the first exorcist of the century and Morion, the protector and the defender of all humanities and then he sent them on Earth, to reincarnated again, to lived normal and peaceful lives. The history of Earth was repeated over and over again.

In 19th century, the world was in danger because of evil forces appeared. The Millennium Earl of the Noah Clan, wanted to destroyed the world by using powerful servant monsters, the Akumas (mean demons). But the Supreme God had chosen brand new exorcists, in order to stop the evil conquest once for all by having their ultimate weapons, the anti Akuma weapons, the Innocence.

Despite evil has spreading fastly across the world , the souls of the past pairs were reincarnated in the present century in order to regained their strong friendship as a master and protector and to stop the evil from spreading. However, the evil deity army were returned back from the dead and even also Hera, was seeking revenge on Morion, her greatest arch enemy and also on Horpus, the one that she had been obsessed with.

The pairs will take a path will acrossed again as exorcists in the present world, in order to fight evil, not only the Millennium Earl but also the deity realm. But their friendship can lead to ultimate victory or someone can provoked them?

(19th Century, 1826)


In the streets in London, A person throwed a little basket into the water, covered with a towel. The person left away and the basket was crossed away by the strongest waves through strong colder winds.

Meanwhile at the bridge in India, a young boy with white hair was standing, looking at the stars and the full moon at the night skies.

" Oh well, I have to go home now. My master was waiting for me. " he thought

But suddenly, he heard loud cries

" What was that crying came from? "

So, he went to searched for the crying sound and he saw under the tree, the basket with cover on it.

" What is this thing? "

He tried to opened the thing. When he opened it, he was surprised that in the basket, a baby mice was covered with towel on it. The boy pitted on him.

" Oh you poor thing, I guess you been thrown out. Don't worry, I will adopted you. "

He bring the baby mice to the boarding house where he and his master was staying at. As he went in, his master noticed him of what he carried on his hands.

" What's it that? " his master asked

" a baby mice. I had just found on under the bridge. " the boy replied

" Did I tell you that don't take other creatures?! " his master asked

" But.. he has no family. We can't thrown away just like that. " the boy replied

" It was just a baby mice. I can't allowed to take strange animals in here. " his master scolded him

" Come on, please... let me to take care of him. He has no other place to go with. I will make sure that I will take him as my pet. " the boy said

His master sighed and said to him " Well fine, it was just you wanted to. Take him as your pet. "

" Really? " the boy asked in delight

" Of course, but just be aware in some other creatures, Allen. Not all creatures are bring peace and prosperity but also they bring harm to others, including humans. Did you understand? " his master told him

" I will, Master Cross. " Allen said

" So.. what will be the name of your pet? " General Cross asked

" I named him Jerryson, in short " Jerry ", the Mouse. It was based from the character of my favorite story that I read. " Allen stated

From that day, Allen take the mouse Jerry as his pet despite that his Master Cross, was feel suspicious of the baby mice, thinking that someday in the future, will awakened the memories of the past. Allen was at the age of 12 at the time when he adopted him.

As years passed by, the mouse Jerry was grown up as a strong willed animal. He was alongside with Allen, his owner and now became his master in training. When he traveled to Black Order to joined as a exorcist at the age of 15, Jerry was able to activate his own Innocence weapon, a hand sword that can able to defeat an Akuma. Just like his master, he joined in the Black Order as exorcists, to fight against the evil conquest.

Jerry had the same personalities as his master but he has one difference: careless and sometimes little lazy when it's comes to missions and trainings. He befriended other exorcists, gaining new friends and he has his own team group.

As their partnership grown stronger, their bond was grown stronger too however the evil Deity clan had lay eyes on them including Hera.

In the aboard of the ship, the exorcists were traveling to an another place. Jerry, was watching the sunset goes down.

" What a beautiful sunset.. " Jerry thought

His master Allen approached him

" Yeah. I guess you are been so excited. " he said to him

" I can't wait for our new home. And besides that, Master. I will stay with you along with our friends... no... our new family.. forever always. " Jerry said

" You are such a brave mouse, Jerry. " Allen said

" No problem, Master. " Jerry said with a smile expression

The ship continued on the way to their new headquarters.

What adventures and challenges that await for Jerry, Allen and the other exorcists? The journey has just been begun.

To Be Continued

Chapter 2 - Return Of The Deity Realm

Don't Miss It!