Ten o'clock in the morning.

"I am Megumin, wielder of the strongest magic known to man- explosion magic, slayer of the dragon which once resided in the city of Axel! My magic, unrivalled in this town, can split mountains and crush foes!" cried the only Crimson Demon in the mansion, flinging back her cape while brandishing her staff at the same time.

Aqua and Darkness stared at her blankly, then returned to their previous postures with Aqua sprawling over the couch, listening to the crackling noises of the fireplace and Darkness trying, and inevitably failing, to knit.

Noticing that, Megumin flung her coat backwards and recited the same thing again, a bit louder than before.

This time, the two completely ignored her. Megumin stiffened, retaining her awkward posture of holding her staff mid-air. Nonetheless, it did not discourage her from trying again.

"I am Megumin, wielder of-"

"Shut up. Emperor Zell is asleep." Aqua said flatly, cutting off the younger girl.

"Oi! What's with that attitude? If you've got something to say about me, let's hear it!" roared Megumin, her eyes now glowing red.

Two o'clock in the evening.

Megumin stepped into Wiz's magic equipment shop and started looking around.

"Ah, are you looking for your friend? She has been waiting here since the morning," Wiz greeted her from the counter.

Megumin turned and saw Yunyun looking at her in front of a shelf.

"W...what do you mean? Of course I'm not waiting for anyone! I'm just looking at this... monster-luring potion!"

"..." Megumin, not believing any of that, stared at her.

Yunyun, her face a bit red, announced, "I am Yunyun, top student of the Crimson Demon Clan! And today will be the day we settle our long lasting feud!"

Two thirty in the evening

"So, all I have to do is to kill as many goblins as possible?"

"Yes, the one who kills more goblins before the potion's one hour usage expires wins." Yunyun pointed to the potion she bought at Wiz's shop, which was now placed in the middle of a small piece of open area found in the forest. Yunyun and Megumin hid in a bush far away enough to just be able to see the potion.

It didn't take long for the first goblin to appear. Soon enough, goblins, one after another, came out from hiding to inspect that particular object. Yunyun tensed up, preparing to unleash her magic, while Megumin...


The blast vaporised its targets- the goblins, the bottle of potion and even the ground beneath them. All that remained was a large, smouldering crater. The two girls were also knocked off their feet.

Yunyun stayed where she was, frozen. Then, she cried, "What were you thinking, Megumin! I spent a week's worth of salary on that potion, and now look what you have done!" Sure enough, the rest of the goblins have already scuttled away from the blast and were now no where to be seen.

"Let's see, I've taken out thirteen goblins." Megumin pulled out her adventurer's card slowly. "That's thirteen more than you did..."

Yunyun rushed over to the Megumin sprawling on the ground and started raining blows on her.

In the midst of that that, Megumin didn't forget to declare, "I, Megumin, the most powerful wizard to have ever lived, am the winner of today's match!"

Four o'clock in the evening

After the two rolled across the floor for a while (READ: A long while), they dragged themselves back to the adventurers' guild.

And, of course ...

"Oi! What do you mean by this? I, the Arch Wizard of the Crimson Demon clan, have to pay for damage caused by my precious magic?"

... this happened.

"We're very sorry about this, but the forest is a protected habitat of Axel... and some adventurers saw you removing the sign prohibiting destructive magic in the forest before entering it."

Yunyun asked flatly, "Hey, did you really do that?"

"Of course I didn't!" She actually had the ability to sound surprised. "

"You all trust me, don't you?" Megumin looked at the adventurers, one by one, her gaze sweeping across their faces. Unsurprisingly, they all turned away.

" "..." " Both Yunyun and the guild staff stared at her coldly.

Megumin shot up and banged her hand on the table. "Who would go so far to speak evil of an innocent young girl like myself?"

She pointed at one of the adventurers sitting at the back.

"You there! You're the one who argued with me last week!"

"Me? What did I do? All I did was say 'It's dangerous for a little girl to be in this guild alone. Where are your parents? I'll tell them to pick you up.' when I saw you wandering around, and then you started going nuts! Who would have thought that you were the crazy explosion-obsessed girl the other adventurers are talking about?"

"What do you people call me behind my back? Tell me how you could bring yourself to think of me as a crazy person!"

How does she expect people not to think she's crazy?

"Hey, I saw you looking at me with that perverted look on that face of yours last week!" She pointed at another young adventurer. "You must have done that to grab my attention!"

"What? My tastes aren't peculiar enough for me to be interested in someone like you. Even if I have a girlfriend, I wouldn't want someone as flat as a board! If you're looking for a lolicon, Kazuma'a the man."

"Flat as a board... lolicon..." when she heard these words, the red glow of her eyes grew brighter and brighter.

A while later, she was dragged out of the guild and sent to the police station when the guild staff heard her muttering the spell for explosion magic under her breath.

Eight o'clock in the evening

"- so that's how I got framed by the guild!" Megumin told her own story of how the heartless adventurers at the guild worked together to have her sent into jail.

"I used 'lurk' to follow you around today just to see how you managed to have half the town complain about how annoying you are, so I saw what you did today," I muttered. "I shouldn't have bailed you out, so you could spend a day or two to reflect on yourself. I'm sure the world would thank you if you could learn not to cause any trouble like Darkness."

"What do you mean by that? I'm sure I'm the most honest person in the party!"

I don't even know how she's so confident about that.

Well, that's the last oneshot I have in store. (These are uploaded from my account on Wattpad, written two years ago) What do you guys think? I am currently working a oneshot about the anime Kaguya-sama: Love is War. I don't plan on writing more konosuba oneshots soon, since I haven't read/watched anything related to the series for quite a long time, and I'm afraid that I'm not too familiar with it now. Nonetheless, if you guys liked these oneshots, I could probably and work on some new ones. Do please leave a review to tell me how you feel.