Hey so here is my second fanfiction and I hope you all like it please do leave revewis about what you think about it but please try not to be to harsh, again thank you for taking the time to read this

-side note I do not own vampire knight or any of its characters even if I wished I did so don't sue me. ?

The cool winter air gently blew as the snow fell gently from the starless sky. Two figures sat on a ledge of a building one holding the other on there lap. Yuki watched in somewhat of a daze as the snow went from white to blood red like everything else, she saw, and she shakily caught a flake while whispering "red snow". Kaname watched her with a calm face and gently stroked her head and contemplated how to do this with as little pain as possible. Yuki continued now talking to kaname "all I wanted to do was remember my passed, I tried my very best but-" kaname shushed the poor girl and pulled her into a more comfortable position and said "stop, that's enough yuki" as he moved the hair away from her neck "its time you woke up before you break." And with that yuki shut her eyes falling into a light trance. Kaname leaned down and liked her neck in preparation for what was to come. Relishing in that sweet taste or her skin. Then without a bit of hesitation bit into the soft skin that was her throat. Yuki having felt the familiar pain gasped and clutched at his hair, "kan-kaname, what are yo-"kaname promptly position his hand over her mouth and continued to suckle her blood from her neck. Yuki whimpered behind the hand and tried to struggle aimlessly and clutched his hair in her fist before falling unconscious. After a few more seconds kaname pulled back licking the remaining blood from his lips and looked at yukis unconscious face. He stroked her cheek while wiping a stray tear away. "please, only you" he whispered and bit into his own wrist filling his mouth with blood. After he had a good mouth full, he removed his fangs and leaned down to her face kissing her and using his tongue to pry open her lips. As he forced the blood into her lips, he finally felt her begin to respond and stir. He felt her light brush of her eyelashes against his cheek. Yuki was very confused and scared, she whimpered and tried to squirm away but kaname held her closer and forced the reaming the blood into her mouth and finally pulled away. As he wiped the blood that trickled down her chin. "have you woken yuki, do you remember who I am" she stared in awe and moved her hand to cup his cheek, he closed his eyes in content. The moment was interrupted with a click of a gun, yuki gasped looking up with a mixture of fear and surprise. Zero looked down in rage pointing his gun down at them, "I smelled yukis blood, which I know very well." He said in barely concealed rage. "now I since two vampires, kaname you turned yuki" said girl whimpered in fear no longer recognizing zero. Attempting to hide behind kaname she whispered "kaname-onisama who is that scary person". Zero froze in shock having heard her. At this point yuki began to feel a little light head and promptly fainted being caught by kaname. He looked up at zero somewhat smug with a small smirk. "onisama? Why did she call you that and why does she not remember who I am?!" he all but shouted. Kaname stood with yuki protectively in his arm and began to speak. "yuki is a pureblood daughter of the kuran family, any my little sister/fiancée" he said somewhat smugly shocking zero into silence. As he continued, he began to stroke her hair and face gently "and as to why she doesn't remember you, the spell our mother placed on her to turn her human not only blocked her vampire genes, but caused her mind to freeze itself in place, so. So when I woke her from her slumber her vampire mind took back over so now she only remembers me and our parents and what she knew and loved from before." He said looking up at zero again. Zero stood frozen and his gun limply fell to his side. Kaname taking this chance began to walk back to the moon dorms caring a slumbering yuki as the snow continued to fall gently.

Okay so that was the first chapter of this fanfiction tell me what you think, and I will love some advice. I will update as soon as I can, I do work and go to college now so I will try my hardest to make the next chapter thank you for reading.