A/N: In which, instead of Terra and Aqua, Xehanort is send as emissary to Konoha and Vanitas finds Naruto instead. Might be continued. Might not. This one's actually been sitting in my drafts for gods knows how long

Published: 4/10/2019

Warnings: None

Featured Character:





Random villagers

Chains of Fate: Alternate Path

Vanitas couldn't believe he was being forced to come here. More so, he couldn't believe that Xehanort had ordered him to 'be a good boy' and not break anything.


Vanitas couldn't wait for the moment he could strike down his so called 'Master'. Xehanort utterly disgusted him. That old fossil, believing he could order him about. Xehanort really had no idea who and what he was dealing with. Not at all.

Xehanort was just as pathetic as Ventus. Both of them, beasts cut from the same cloth. They made Vanitas' skin crawl. He couldn't wait to be rid of the pair of them, but all in good time.

Ventus and his ignorance would come to an end soon. Very, very soon. These memories churning within Vanitas, memories of a world long gone, memories that had been ripped away right along with the darkness in his heart.

That stupid boy, denying his own true nature. Vanitas didn't have that difficulty. He reveled in it, enjoying every second. Ventus could deny who he was a thousand times over. That was okay. Vanitas could he the monster of the story just fine.

Just then, Vanitas heard a scream. Vanitas blinked. That sounded like a kid. Why would a kid be screaming in the middle of the day?

Vanitas turned, curious.

There was a group of villagers clumped together like a mass of Shadow Heartless, yelling at… Something.

Something that was very much a child from what Vanitas could hear.

Vanitas saw red.

Rage was such a familiar emotion. It was who he was. What he had been born from. That wild hatred, boiling in the blood of an idiotic boy that denied who and what he was day in and day out.

Vanitas had no problem surrendering himself to his baser instincts, no matter what Ventus himself did. Ventus was a weak, pathetic whimpering worm. Vanitas knew who he was and what he wanted, and he took it in his hands.

And, right now, what he wanted was to make some a couple of child abusing bastards bleed.

It was one thing to beat someone who was too pathetic to fight back(cough cough Ventus cough cough), but it was an entirely different thing to beat a child. Vanitas would not stand for it. He would not abide it. Master could take his Keyblade and shove it where the sun didn't shine if he disagreed.

Stalking forth towards the group of villagers, Vanitas stamped his foot on the ground… And watched in glee as fire and ice licked at the feet of the assailants.

"The demon is summoning the elements!"

"It's more dangerous than we thought!"

"Kill it!"

Vanitas rolled his eyes. Moronic humans. In the blink of an eye, Vanitas had vanished. Phasing through the earth, Vanitas popped up, Void Gear appearing in a shimmer of gray light, starting the villagers.

Vanitas growled.

"The 'demon' didn't summon the elements. I did. Now, leave before I decide to do more than play." Vanitas snapped.

He wasn't going to kill these people… Yet. A few Unversed should do. Still, keeping up at least an illusion for Master Xehanort would be best.

For now.

The villagers trembled.

Turning his head, Vanitas looked towards the object of their ire. The urge to kill intensified. A small blond child sat there whimpering and crying, utterly terrified.


Vanitas almost wanted to turn and leave the boy to his fate. Weakness deserved destruction. However, quickly, the boy scrunched his face, tears stopping. Standing, he glared at the villagers.

Vanitas smirked. Hm. Not so much of a worm, then.

"You'll all see! I'll be Hokage one day, and you'll all have ya respect me, the Great Naruto Uzumaki-ttebeyo!"

Vanitas froze.


"Yeah right!"

"Idiot boy!"

"As if someone like it could ever become a Shinobi!"

Vanitas didn't bother to hide behind games. Without bothering to turn, he let dark flames consume his finger tips, blasting it at the feet of the villagers, no doubt burning a few. Screaming, they backed away.

Vanitas turned to look at them coldly.

"Uzumaki, you say? This boy-" Vanitas began.

With a casual lift of Void Gear, Vanitas erected a barrier, blasting back the Leaf Nin that came at him out of nowhere.

So, they had been watching the entire time. Disgraceful.

With a snarl, Vanitas blasted them away with a single swing o Void Gear. Screams rang in the marketplace as the blast ripped shacks to shreds.

Then, turning, Vanitas scooped up the child in his arms.

"Hey! What're ya doin? Help! He-"

Vanitas covered the boy's mouth. Glaring the boy, Vanitas let his rage and darkness speak for itself.

The boy froze. Froze, but only for a second. Beneath the fear… Yes. Yes, there it was. Those eyes gazed back at him, defiant. Scared shitless, but defiant.

Vanitas smiled.


"Hello, child. I'm Vanitas, little relative." Vanitas spoke.

The boy looked confused.

Vanitas continued to smile.

It seemed Vanitas had finally found an apprentice of his own. Still… It would be best to keep this from the old man.

The how, of course, was the question, but Vanitas was nothing if not resourceful. He'd find a way.

Then, they'd make the universe burn.